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The Marauder knew what he was doing, the other team failed to properly focus him and in fact, I saw him escape quite often when he should have died because the other team just let him run off instead of focusing on him when he was down.


+1 for a run-on sentence!

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I think he was cc'd maybe a half dozen times in that video.


not OP, voidstar Vs baddies





The Marauder knew what he was doing, the other team failed to properly focus him and in fact, I saw him escape quite often when he should have died because the other team just let him run off instead of focusing on him when he was down.


+1 for a run-on sentence!


And this.


Sure he was attacked, but he was never really focused. And he attacked healers without being punished by the other team. That's basically free kills as a Marauder. Plus, the guy clearly knows his class. Heck, he used Deadly Throw to try and stop a disarm from going off when he couldn't leap. Most guys wouldn't even remember they have a semi-ranged ability outside of Vicious Throw.

Edited by Rheeling
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Ranked and rated WZ's will shed a light on alot of things. Most of you are delusional and have no clue. that is all.


Actually Marauders ARE overpowered atm.


Anyone saying the contrary is:


A. A marauder.

B. A bad player completely clueless about what class balance is.


I saw it coming from the beginning, when everyone was still saying "I feel sorry for marauders, they are so gimp". Now you don't see anyone saying this and in a few weeks it will be a "nerf marauders now" fest on this forum.


There are two problems with marauders, i am not talking about 1v1 where some of their defensive CD can be managed but in WZ / group setting:


A. Their survivabilty:


They simply have too many defensive and very efficient cooldowns.


  • Cloak of Pain

Cloak of pain is an almost guaranteed flat 20% reduction up in very fight since, let's face it, no one will ever stop refreshing it by stopping doing AoE dmg for > 6 seconds or simply switching target for it to fade so, here we have a flat 20% reduction which is, combined with medium armor mitigation, is better mitigation than what a dps juggernaut can have.

=> This simple last fact is a problem, cloak of pain needs either a duration reduction or an increased cooldown, maybe both.



  • Force Camouflage

Force Camo is a guaranteed "i'll get the jump on you even if you get the jump on me", or a 45s CD 4svanish on demand which is far more than enough to force your opponent to unselect you, break a cast at range, get charge range if needed, escape if the person using it has half a brain.

=> This is not especially overpowered itself, just very useful. The only problem is when it is used with other combined CD. For example combined only before undying range, it is already 9s of complete damage immunity if talented.



  • Saber Ward

Saber Ward is basically the defensive cooldowns from Bounty Hunter and Inquisitor all in one.

+50% melee damage reduction AND +25% force and tech damage reduction. Please note you can stack it with cloak of pain for a retarded amount of damage reduction.

Last 12s.

=> While i can understand juggs mechanics justify this strong defensive skill, i simply cannot understand why marauders have access to this skill on top on the others. Either remove the 25% damage reduction from force/tech so it will be on par with Inquisitor's version (decrease the cooldown if needed) or simply remove this spell for marauders.

At the very least, make it NOT usable while cloak of pain is active...




And finally, my favorite one...


  • Undying Rage

Whoever decided to give 5s of invulnerability to one of the most bursty dps class of the game should be fired immediatly.

5s for any competent marauders is more than enough to rip through any healer sorc / sage while no one can stop them.

Please don't tell me to CC them while they are using it as in a group battle at this moment the marauder has often a full resolve bar and is just unstoppable if you have no root available.

Don't argue either "simply ignore him" because, after ignoring him for 6s for undying rage, 4s of vanish and 12s of saber ward, well, you just can't ALWAYS ignore him you know? Especially when they are downing your healers in a matter of seconds...

=> This spell should be either removed or unusable if any ot the preceding skills has been used for the previous 30s. This is, simply, the most powerful defensive cooldown in the game and no other class survive a full burst group like the marauder can when he uses this skill.




B. Never ending damage


Those 4 defensive cooldowns simply don't suit to a class wich such damage capability. Marauders are unstoppable damaging machines, they never overheat, are never out of force like vanguard or shadow/sin can be, they always deal (or nearly as we all know how rage mechanics work) outstanding damage AND have a lot more survivability than other damaging classes.


So, either reduce their damage or reduce their survivability. Class balance is always about ratio between survivability and damage, a simple class just can't have both.



Marauders have too much survivability for their damage output, reduce one of the two.

Edited by zqsd
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Everytime I see a marauder video I'm like "Dude, take a breath and relax!" They are just non-stop all the time. I bet they have developed muscles on their fingers.


Edit: To the above poster, I was one of those that thought they needed love. I still think they need a stun but they are far from OP. They are right where they should be. Good ones destroy, bad ones and normal ones do okay.

Edited by Bizwolf
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Everytime I see a marauder video I'm like "Dude, take a breath and relax!" They are just non-stop all the time. I bet they have developed muscles on their fingers.


Edit: To the above poster, I was one of those that thought they needed love. I still think they need a stun but they are far from OP. They are right where they should be. Good ones destroy, bad ones and normal ones do okay.


You know, it's not enough to just say "no" if you have no arguments :)

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Poorly played marauders are laughable.


Marauders well played are a beast 1 on 1, probably the strongest, however as a melee class that has to fght out in the open in medium armor they get killed a lot.


If I'm in Huttball on my sorc I'm not worried, knock them off, dot, root, dot, dot, purge as needed.


Out in the open I just run away and hope a team mate will take care of them.

Edited by caultonpos
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Everytime I see a marauder video I'm like "Dude, take a breath and relax!" They are just non-stop all the time. I bet they have developed muscles on their fingers.


Probably my favorite thing about them. So action oriented :) even if you kill your target and you're isolated from any other group, you're on the hunt again in less than 5 seconds. The class almost creates a real blood thirst.

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I would add, not to take away from the guy in the video. He really played his rotation well and timed his defensive cooldowns.


Marauder/Sentinel are not OP classes, they are classes that take a lot of patience and there's a steep learning curve. A well played one can be absolutely devestating, that guy messed people up hardcore, every class in this game as far as I can tell can be just as deadly if played well.


He was able to do what he was doing because as I stated, and others agreed, he was left alone. It is akin to letting a BH or Sorc free-cast... they're going to piss in your cornflakes. If he was even remotely harrassed he wouldn't have been able to escape most of thsoe situations because his cooldowns would all be used in half those remotely sticky situations.


I know for me that as a sentinel if I'm left alone in a WZ to do my job (dps and kill) I get really high scoreboard numbers also. if I get CC'd or focused you'd be surprised how little that 5s immunity means when you pop it and are instantly stunned for 4s out of the 5 it's up.

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Actually Marauders ARE overpowered atm.


Anyone saying the contrary is:


A. A marauder.

B. A bad player completely clueless about what class balance is.


I saw it coming from the beginning, when everyone was still saying "I feel sorry for marauders, they are so gimp". Now you don't see anyone saying this and in a few weeks it will be a "nerf marauders now" fest on this forum.


There are two problems with marauders, i am not talking about 1v1 where some of their defensive CD can be managed but in WZ / group setting:


A. Their survivabilty:


They simply have too many defensive and very efficient cooldowns.


  • Cloak of Pain

Cloak of pain is an almost guaranteed flat 20% reduction up in very fight since, let's face it, no one will ever stop refreshing it by stopping doing AoE dmg for > 6 seconds or simply switching target for it to fade so, here we have a flat 20% reduction which is, combined with medium armor mitigation, is better mitigation than what a dps juggernaut can have.

=> This simple last fact is a problem, cloak of pain needs either a duration reduction or an increased cooldown, maybe both.



  • Force Camouflage

Force Camo is a guaranteed "i'll get the jump on you even if you get the jump on me", or a 45s CD 4svanish on demand which is far more than enough to force your opponent to unselect you, break a cast at range, get charge range if needed, escape if the person using it has half a brain.

=> This is not especially overpowered itself, just very useful. The only problem is when it is used with other combined CD. For example combined only before undying range, it is already 9s of complete damage immunity if talented.



  • Saber Ward

Saber Ward is basically the defensive cooldowns from Bounty Hunter and Inquisitor all in one.

+50% melee damage reduction AND +25% force and tech damage reduction; yup, you got it, the best defensive cooldown in the game. Please note you can stack with cloak of pain for a retarded amount of damage reduction.

Last 12s.

=> While i can understand juggs mechanics justify this strong defensive skill, i simply cannot understand why marauders have access to this skill on top on the others. Either remove the 25% damage reduction from force/tech so it will be on par with Inquisitor's version (decrease the cooldown if needed) or simply remove this spell for marauders.

At the very least, make it NOT usable while cloak of pain is active...




And finally, my favorite one...


  • Undying Rage

Whoever decided to give 5s of invulnerability to one of the most bursty dps class of the game should be fired immediatly.

5s for any competent marauders is more than enough to rip through any healer sorc / sage while no one can stop them.

Please don't tell me to CC them while they are using it as in a group battle at this moment the marauder has often a full resolve bar and is just unstoppable if you have no root available.

Don't argue either "simply ignore him" because, after ignoring him for 6s for undying rage, 4s of vanish and 12s of saber ward, well, you just can't ALWAYS ignore him you know? Especially when they are downing your healers in a matter of seconds...

=> This spell should be either removed or unusable if any ot the preceding skills has been used for the previous 30s. This is, simply, the most powerful defensive cooldown in the game and no other class survive a full burst group like the marauder can when he uses this skill.




B. Never ending damage


Those 4 defensive cooldowns simply don't suit to a class wich such damage capability. Marauders are unstoppable damaging machines, they never overheat, are never out of force like vanguard or shadow/sin can be, they always deal (or nearly as we all know how rage mechanics work) outstanding damage AND have a lot more survivability than other damaging classes.


So, either reduce their damage or reduce their survivability. Class balance is always about ratio between survivability and damage, a simple class just can't have both.



Marauders have too much survivability for their damage output, reduce one of the two.


the responce to negate your objections, medium armor, and the biggest ramp up time for our dmg to build up, its not our fault your LETTING us reach such numbers. And they already saw fit to take pull and reduce our thrown range since beta, we're already nerfed from what was expected. numbers put down so jedi wouldnt, faceroll ranged classes, theres alot of crap in line for nerfs before sents/maras

Edited by HollowVamp
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You know, it's not enough to just say "no" if you have no arguments :)


You are assuming they will have all their cd's during every battle. Also ignorant of the cd's that come with some abilities and wrong on their max duration. You assume all of them are specced a specific way. You also assume that they are at full resolve and still have all their cd's. Lastly you also assume both that they have no one still after them after burning the healer using all of their cd's.


Enough or u need more?

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Ranked and rated WZ's will shed a light on alot of things. Most of you are delusional and have no clue. that is all.


So? That should be avarage damage for any DPS class... And when ever there is Voidstar and we dont own the imps to quickly, I can easly get 500-800k damage and 100-200k healing on my sentinel...


Thats like showing a vid of a healer doing 600-900k healing in one Voidstar match...

Dont see whats so special?

Edited by OldxLady
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I video of a well played <insert class> does not prove it's OP.




tell that to the


sage/sorc is op crowd..


or the merc/commando is op crowd..


or the uprising assassin/shadows are op crowd


too many people are too afraid to admit they suck.


It doesnt matter what high ranked pvp game you played where you topped the charts in everything and were champions for the month or what ever.


this is a new game, new mechanics, new people, new rotations, new environment (kinda).


Your not automatically the greatest, your not the shizznizzle.


You need to be like the silent majority


Learning and perfecting.


whining doesnt make you better.

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Actually Marauders ARE overpowered atm.


Anyone saying the contrary is:


A. A marauder.

B. A bad player completely clueless about what class balance is.


I saw it coming from the beginning, when everyone was still saying "I feel sorry for marauders, they are so gimp". Now you don't see anyone saying this and in a few weeks it will be a "nerf marauders now" fest on this forum.


There are two problems with marauders, i am not talking about 1v1 where some of their defensive CD can be managed but in WZ / group setting:


A. Their survivabilty:


They simply have too many defensive and very efficient cooldowns.


  • Cloak of Pain

Cloak of pain is an almost guaranteed flat 20% reduction up in very fight since, let's face it, no one will ever stop refreshing it by stopping doing AoE dmg for > 6 seconds or simply switching target for it to fade so, here we have a flat 20% reduction which is, combined with medium armor mitigation, is better mitigation than what a dps juggernaut can have.

=> This simple last fact is a problem, cloak of pain needs either a duration reduction or an increased cooldown, maybe both.



  • Force Camouflage

Force Camo is a guaranteed "i'll get the jump on you even if you get the jump on me", or a 45s CD 4svanish on demand which is far more than enough to force your opponent to unselect you, break a cast at range, get charge range if needed, escape if the person using it has half a brain.

=> This is not especially overpowered itself, just very useful. The only problem is when it is used with other combined CD. For example combined only before undying range, it is already 9s of complete damage immunity if talented.



  • Saber Ward

Saber Ward is basically the defensive cooldowns from Bounty Hunter and Inquisitor all in one.

+50% melee damage reduction AND +25% force and tech damage reduction; yup, you got it, the best defensive cooldown in the game. Please note you can stack with cloak of pain for a retarded amount of damage reduction.

Last 12s.

=> While i can understand juggs mechanics justify this strong defensive skill, i simply cannot understand why marauders have access to this skill on top on the others. Either remove the 25% damage reduction from force/tech so it will be on par with Inquisitor's version (decrease the cooldown if needed) or simply remove this spell for marauders.

At the very least, make it NOT usable while cloak of pain is active...




And finally, my favorite one...


  • Undying Rage

Whoever decided to give 5s of invulnerability to one of the most bursty dps class of the game should be fired immediatly.

5s for any competent marauders is more than enough to rip through any healer sorc / sage while no one can stop them.

Please don't tell me to CC them while they are using it as in a group battle at this moment the marauder has often a full resolve bar and is just unstoppable if you have no root available.

Don't argue either "simply ignore him" because, after ignoring him for 6s for undying rage, 4s of vanish and 12s of saber ward, well, you just can't ALWAYS ignore him you know? Especially when they are downing your healers in a matter of seconds...

=> This spell should be either removed or unusable if any ot the preceding skills has been used for the previous 30s. This is, simply, the most powerful defensive cooldown in the game and no other class survive a full burst group like the marauder can when he uses this skill.




B. Never ending damage


Those 4 defensive cooldowns simply don't suit to a class wich such damage capability. Marauders are unstoppable damaging machines, they never overheat, are never out of force like vanguard or shadow/sin can be, they always deal (or nearly as we all know how rage mechanics work) outstanding damage AND have a lot more survivability than other damaging classes.


So, either reduce their damage or reduce their survivability. Class balance is always about ratio between survivability and damage, a simple class just can't have both.



Marauders have too much survivability for their damage output, reduce one of the two.



Yep, only idiots think maras aren't overpowered. Can't wait till ranked WZs where people will see maras dominate

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I'm really loving my Sentinel.


OP? Maybe... Although I feel like I have been able to be effective to a similar degree with every class I have made so far....


On my main, who is a Tactics Vanguard, I found marauders to be my most formidable foe. I really don't know if I can call them OP though just because we don't have all the information we need to make those claims.



Sentinels/marauders are extremely effective like every other class if played properly.

OP? Maybe, maybe not.

Edited by KurleyKilla
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I play a sorcerer, so well played marauders are difficult for me, however; badly played marauders are a joke.


Good plares are good and bad players are bad. Good players beat bad players most of the time despite class. Are there classes that have an advantage over other classes? Of course, but part of being a good player is knowing what advantages/disadvantages you have against other classes and the ability to adapt and overcome.


Nothing is really needing a nerf in this game imo. Maybe a couple select classes/specs could use a little love (see snipers).

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People suck.


Plain and simple.


They honestly think they are on even ground until they run into people who are just that good. Who take the time time to learn their class and other classes and take time to duel in real situations with ramps and pillars to simulate warzones.


Most people look at their abilities and see almost no synergy. They don't watch the resolve bar.


I didn't even get through this video, unlike JT1s, and all I see is this Marauder chopping people down, who have zero ability to PvP in this game, and should probably stay out of warzones all together. Keyboard turning, no idea what to do. No fake casting. Zero kiting. Incorrect specs. Improper debuff and cd timings. Half these guys just ignore him and die...Like ***...if someones beating on you, do something about it. He has a healer and noone attacks his healer. Wow.../facepalm, I can't even call him skilled-because he is basically pub-stomping, and that's really hard to tell skill.


The best part about watching videos like these is that you can tell there are some fail players out there. They simply let the marauder beat on them, because all he does is little damage, and once all the DoTs are on, they start panicking.


Without a doubt, 99% of the playerbase in TOR could not compete as a hunter in S1 and S2, even if you gave them full S1 gear.


And certain specs are hard counters, and are designed specifically to counter other classes. Annihilation >> Turret-playstyle. 31 Madness >> Melee. Assault Vanguard >> Scrapper/Healers. It's just how it is. Whatever spec you choose-assuming you didn't go tri-spec- is tailored to do a certain thing, and hopefully well. Another class may be made to counter yours...that's why you have teammates.


To be fair, this guy is pretty good...but it's like showing videos of League CS players pugging. It never ceases to amaze me when you own a guy with a PP7 and he has an AWP and has no idea what to do with it.


In true honesty, after finally playing against some really good Imperial players, I don't feel any class is really OP. There are some minor tweaks that are needed to flesh out the animations and server-client syncing. There may be some percentages that need to be toned down, but there's nothing that really comes to mind.


Sorry, TL:DR; Most people suck and that is fine. Like in real-life, there are bottom-feeders and there are top-feeders. Or you can go play COD, which further rewards top-feeders.

Edited by Chaosmagistrate
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