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Relax Line of Sight Slightly


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Not trying to QQ, but I think line of sight should be relaxed a little bit. And by this I mean the second someone turns a corner or gets behind on object that's only 3 feet tall, my cast will fail. Most of the time this isn't a huge issue, but things like the Alderaan WZ nodes cause some really frustrating LoS issues where my enemy will just hump the capture node and I'll be completely unable to hit him with anything other than instant casts. Hopefully I'm not the only one who thinks this is a bit annoying.


So my suggestion is to either make some objects not break LoS or to have a slight delay before abilities get canceled by LoS.

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Line of sight should certainly *not* break a cast/block casting on an enemy that it's geometrically obvious that your character *can* still see. I can't speak for Warzone mechanics, but I've certainly had 'not in line of sight' bleatings from the UI when targetting a *massive* droid standing behind a thin metal pylon, which tends to make me think "I know I wanted orange gear spectacles for my character's look, but her eyesight's not *that* bad!"


So... yes, I think they are overdoing the interrupt a *bit* there.

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  • 2 months later...
I'm bumping and adding to this discussion that LoS needs to be tweaked. Now I'm sure because I play a range class I may be a little bias. But I think it's plain ridiculous that my enemy can just strafe back and forth behind the tiny pillars preventing me from casting my most powerful abilities... The objective node in the WZ should not be included in LoS programming, small trees.. tiny barriers.. pretty much anything that doesn't make sense. This is an incredible disadvantage.. The worse is huttball with all the tiny pillars by the fire pits.. how do THOSE block LoS?!
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