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A very simple question. Seeing as every other class has some for of knockback or stunlock, electrocute, electro-dart, debilitate etc, should the SW marauder have one as well for the sake of PvP b/c force choke doesnt always cut it considering you have to channel and a SI who electrocutes you could do much more dmg than you would while stunning them w/ choke. Any though. Pls keep the thread productive, it's just a thought not a cry for nerfs or immediate action.
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Well with some of the stuns others get, if you are hit it is interrupted, so some people end up wasting them if more than 1 person hitting you, where as Force Choke does not get interrupted, like some of the Flash ones too.


I would like to see something sorted though because, even though we could get knocked back and get lucky to be able to force leap back, a lot of times you cannot, such as if they're at the last fire block and you're knocked into the pit, it is very difficult to get back up without running around.


You also have no knock backs so where as you could go to Score and a Inquis can just run infront of you and knock u down into the pit, MRD cannot do this and you are practically useless when their running to the goal. (Unless you have some nice rage built up to spam some crits and they're like half HP.)

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I've said this before, but I'm saying it again. The easiest fix for this, for both users and devs, is to either:

a) make Smash knockback either full AoE or all but the targeted enemy.

b) add / modify a talent to do the above.


I personally like the talent route as it wouldn't apply to Juggs (assuming it's not in Rage). Not to dump on them, but they already have Force Push. This fix would immediately silence all the /cries for CC balance and in no way make us overpowered.

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Force Choke is a stun... just for THE OTHER TEAM. THis is a SELF CC. Only good for

1 v 1 situations.


But I don't think we need any other stuns. Just fix the ones we have.


There are already ENOUGH QQ posts about Nerf Marauders. If we got ONE good stun the QQ outcry would echo on FOREVER from the noobs.




Marauders should get a CC immunity skill. Makes the player immune to CC for a short period on a 2 min. CD. Since we don't have cc... heck make us able to counter it. Add this to the Berserk ability.

Edited by Blaaine
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