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The truth: There is no mass exodus of players.


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Face it. The forums are a minority. People are posting youtube links to Ilum imp death balls with 300 views, posts 500 pages long with the same 10 people saying they'll unsub, and just ridiculous pointless rage about things that don't affect most people anyway. I have been playing since the 25th. I have one character at 24, and I haven't beat any storylines yet. I get maybe 7-8 hours a day total to play, spend time with my wife, eat, and do other things. I am not that much of an outlier; I bet that a majority of people aren't max level, either. At the time of this writing, there is one NA server listed as light. The rest are either heavy or standard. Does this mean the game is dying? Nope.


Things actually seem to be stabilizing. Will people leave tomorrow? Probably. Will it kill the game? Probably not.


I'm a republic player on Jung Ma, and I will be sticking with the game until they shut the servers down. I don't care what a forum full of complainers or whiners are saying. I do have my issues with the game, but I like the game enough to stick around and hope they will be fixed in time.


To all of you complaining, complaining about the game and how much of a fail it is, then talk about how games like TERA or GW2 will "TOTALLY KILL WOW ZOMG", realize that you're setting yourselves up. There will be TERA complainers. There will be GW2 complainers that threaten to leave until things get fixed. CONCEPTS ARE NOT INDICATIVE OF FINAL PRODUCTS. So stop believing the hype.


And if the game is not for you, produce something other that "LOL FAILWARE I'M OUT"


And take time before you post to read the dev tracker and understand what they're saying. Stop acting so entitled, and maybe we'd take you all more seriously.

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Face it. The forums are a minority. People are posting youtube links to Ilum imp death balls with 300 views, posts 500 pages long with the same 10 people saying they'll unsub, and just ridiculous pointless rage about things that don't affect most people anyway. I have been playing since the 25th. I have one character at 24, and I haven't beat any storylines yet. I get maybe 7-8 hours a day total to play, spend time with my wife, eat, and do other things. I am not that much of an outlier; I bet that a majority of people aren't max level, either. At the time of this writing, there is one NA server listed as light. The rest are either heavy or standard. Does this mean the game is dying? Nope.


Things actually seem to be stabilizing. Will people leave tomorrow? Probably. Will it kill the game? Probably not.


I'm a republic player on Jung Ma, and I will be sticking with the game until they shut the servers down. I don't care what a forum full of complainers or whiners are saying. I do have my issues with the game, but I like the game enough to stick around and hope they will be fixed in time.


To all of you complaining, complaining about the game and how much of a fail it is, then talk about how games like TERA or GW2 will "TOTALLY KILL WOW ZOMG", realize that you're setting yourselves up. There will be TERA complainers. There will be GW2 complainers that threaten to leave until things get fixed. CONCEPTS ARE NOT INDICATIVE OF FINAL PRODUCTS. So stop believing the hype.


And if the game is not for you, produce something other that "LOL FAILWARE I'M OUT"


And take time before you post to read the dev tracker and understand what they're saying. Stop acting so entitled, and maybe we'd take you all more seriously.


Very well said man, well said.

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But Google is free and it works good.


Facebook is free and it works good.


My mom made me a sandwich....free and good.


I spent $2K on my Alienware rig, $60 on the game and it's not exactly like WoW. /RAGEQUITE

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mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh aboot gw2 mate.


since its free, there isn't a rational concept about getting what you pay for. Even though there's a box cost. And since most content can allow for a small player base with any kind of level range.. I'll stop here.

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1/4 of my guild left the game today. You are saying that they are the minority?


80% of people I know have fps issues, other 20% have FPS spikes only.

I am a patient person, but I do not blame people around me for leaving, not one bit.

Bioware failed badly here. They deserve a slap. I will keep playing, I subbed for 3 months and I don't regret it, but if stuff aren't fixed by the time my sub finishes, I will never play this game again. Even if it's Star Wars... which I love, even if it's Bioware, which I also respect.


This will not only be the end of ToR, it will be the end of MMOs for me...

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But Google is free and it works good.


Facebook is free and it works good.


My mom made me a sandwich....free and good.


I spent $2K on my Alienware rig, $60 on the game and it's not exactly like WoW. /RAGEQUITE


You spent 2k on a game before you played it? Your problems extend beyond SWTOR.

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If feeling the Forums are the minority viewpoint of the game overall makes you feel better...


More power to you.


If feeling the Forums are the majority viewpoint of the game overall makes you feel better...


More power to you.

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A full work day each day? I rather you think you are that much of an outlier.


See where I said hours available to play and total hours?


That means that I have 6 hours in the morning and 2 at night. I use the 6 hours to wake up, play something other than SWTOR, wake my wife up and chat with her a bit, eat, then play from maybe 1-3. I get home at 12:30 AM, eat, watch some netflix, then play until 2:30 or 3 AM.


So while I have 8 hours I might use 3-4 of them.

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A full work day each day? I rather you think you are that much of an outlier.


Get it right. He said:


I get maybe 7-8 hours a day total to play, spend time with my wife, eat, and do other things.


That means, 7-8 hours a day to do ALL of that, not JUST to play the game. :rolleyes:

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this game is not for me because it is a single player game.. I don't pay monthly to play a single player game /thread.


^^^ ya pretty much, If I could just playthrough some characters storylines for a flat out $40-$50 I'd be ok with that but a subscription....ya no. Even at $40-$50 something would have to be done about the grahics though.

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