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[Official] My journey to the dark side is nearly complete courtesy of Bioware thread


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*All discourse, comments, and criticism are meant to be constructive. This thread complies with all SW:ToR Terms of Service Agreements and Forum Rules*


-- BioWare should have invested the plus or minus three hundred million dollars into developing a time machine to take me and Stephen Hawking back in time to 1999. ( I know going forward in time is possible, but going back in time isn't. Please humor me.) I would have enjoyed the beta testing I was doing on EverQuest 1, and Stephen would have enjoyed the invaluable knowledge acquired about the nature of our universe, time travel, and singularities. Both events are infinitely more valuable and exciting than the product I am, for better or worse, enjoying at the moment. Plus, his computer voice is charming.


One begins at Beta. I enjoyed the experience. I enjoyed the experience because it was new. I had high resolution textures. Sure, some were pink, some didn't render well, the helmets didn't exist, and I occasionally could see through mountains, but I had them. It was better. To the thousands of members posting in the high resolution textures thread, I give you a very smug middle finger. I had them, if only for a weekend.


I could articulate on why I should have them now, but that has been very adequately covered in a, surprisingly poorly responded to, forum post one can find with little effort in General Discussion. (Seriously? I have a top of the line Falcon Northwest. I'm sure I can run your high end textures without difficulty...and if I can't, for some insane reason, it's because your programmers should be doing ribbon gymnastics in a Special Olympics paraplegic diving competition.) I mean, wait a second? There are only three options? One isn't supposed to be there? So there are two option? Wait, no there are two rendering engines? I'm getting confused.


Next it's on to launch. I simply wish that the concerns raised in beta testing were addressed at launch. Most were not. In my opinion Beta invites were actually more of a marketing tactic to sell the game versus a process to mine feedback from. Yep, I said it.


Those mini characters are so adorable though. Yes, thank you kindly for removing instancing. Thank you, but, I wish more ecumenical issues were addressed. You know, like: textures, pvp warzones, ability delay, mini characters during cinematic scenes, crew skill fairness, cover mechanic issues, anti aliasing (I've gone back to forcing my anti-aliasing, they provided me only one option and it looks like it's only -150x), ability delay, spelling and grammar issues (I love charging BODILY into gang dens), heroic quest exploits, ability delay, space combat, node exploitation, ability delay, commendation vendor issues, class balance, galactic trade network pointlessness, effects on trade-skill economy, galactic trade network search functions (who programmed this pap smear?), ability delay, and of course, ability delay.


I know it's only a month in, I've been through worse launches and patches in many other games and mmos. But, it's 2012 and there is no excuse for the truly insane amount of money it took to make this game, for issues like the ones addressed to be occurring.


I am glad you moved Grandfather on Balmoraa from the roadway and into a lake, where I died from drowning from fatigue in knee high water, though. Immersion + 1. In the most literal sense.


Aside from these points, things are going pretty well. I'll describe my experience like that of a really cool theme park. I pay about fifty or sixty bucks to get in (I don't have coupons, groupons, or soda cans), I spend about 15-20 bucks on drinks, food, and games of chance every now and then, and I get to ride on a multi-million dollar roller coaster (on rails of course) over and over until I get sick! Nah, so I don't get see the wet, white t-shirts, of perky tats on the waterfall rides...but I do get to see my face ALMOST rub against one of my companions face!! Should I go to my storage locker in the middle of nowhere on my ship to get a rubber or should I just have my companion go on a one hour rubber mission (only to fail)? I know! Maybe I should just recruit Kaliyo...she's so edgy she won't care!!! Wait a minute?! She hates my purple sheets on my bed that I can't customize? Ahh, the vagaries of life in the galaxy.


Now, having spent some serious time in this world, I'm kind of beyond the machinations of the average gamer. What I want now are raids! You heard me! I mean serious business! I've slaved away at the demanding indices to learn Armstech, I've sullied the most lecherous and brutal factions in the galaxy to learn the .....what???! Oh, sorry sir. No, I can't make that knife sir. Despite the 50 times I've reverse engineered it. No. I can't do that. Sigh...let's just move on. An Agent's duty is never compromised.


Let's upgrade. I'm sure someone has developed or looted some nice swag on the Galactic TradeNet. Maybe I'll even put a couple things up for sale. Hah, wait a second, your orange gear you've kept since level twenty looks better? It's quite charming! Can I make a mod for it? No? You already got one better from a daily or from pvp? I see. I thought you hated pvp? Well, Nevermind. Did I mention it looks quite charming? Like stretchy yoga pants? Or a goodwill Archer tactilneck?


Honestly. Every class crafting system is like listening to Ted Nugent's solo in "The Journey to the Center of the Mind". Sweet at first, and then you realize the song is the worst thing ever....and it develops into a near infantile system of minutiae and endless droning.


Sigh, let's just move on to the pvp warzones. Finally credit where credit is due. What? You won 50 battles and only got credit for 7? You still got better gear than anything I could make? Very well...what's your guild name again? Can I get an invte pls????? All you're doing is camping spawn camping Ilum now? Okay, I'm in.


Anyway, I've posted throughout this universe as a true supporter of this franchise...but ffs...there are just so many issues that need to be addressed, and my rage is slowly building.


I loved Everquest. I lauded DragonAge: Origins, I golf clapped with sincere appreciation at Skyrim..but I can't honestly just stoically observe and casually comment on a game I wish was a product of passion more than a product of value.


I feel like the developers of our great games of the past actually loved and lived the universe they helped create. Most of the folks at BioWare look as if they're just punching the clock, taking the paycheck, developing this many dungeons, or that many art assets. So how many hours do you think it's going to take Johnny and his team to code and develop this room? Really, you think 100? Nah, it's only 80. They can do it in one week. What's that? You've never seen Star Wars? Who cares...just put lightsabers and neon lights in it...it'll be Star Wars then.


Seriously? I just wish this game was called Mass Effect: Online. At least then I could still enjoy the gritty charm of a Star Wars legacy that I remember so fondly.


I'm doing my best to turn my anger into hate, and use that rage to defeat my enemies. My journey to the dark side is nearly complete. That, I thank you for BioWare. I'll continue to support you and this game, as I still have some hope. I can still toss the emperor over the railing if I need to. Let's just hope things improve and issues get addressed in a professional and timely fashion. To be quite frank, they really haven't been either so far. I find your lack of professionalism disturbing. Especially in the moderation of these forums and the bemusing replies by your leadership and your customer service "droids".


Again, this is all meant to be constructive and I continue to wish BioWare the best in their endeavors to make this game an enjoyable experience for all players.


But come on folks. At what time in the boardroom does one stand up and say, "I know what for a good mmo will make! A single player game....that....is with multiple people. Like mass effect but with a bolt on chat box." The crowd is silent "and it's Star Wars". A brief moment passes before a lone cry is heard from the table's head: "BEST.THING.EVER!"


Inb4 the "This is not the thread you were looking for"


TL:DR : Rage rant

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I'm cruising back to 99' with this guy and Hawking - gonna get me an FBSS and go back to loving MMOs!


Today may have been the final straw for this game, unfortunately. Not because the patch broke things that badly, but because BW show'd a very amateur side by allowing this go live. And if it speaks for what's to come, then that's not worth my money every month.


Everyone complains about the rage posts and the complaining, but ask yourself why. There are so many of us that are MMO, BioWare, AND StarWars fans all in one, that we are dying for this game to be great. We really really want this to be the next best thing. We want it to work out so bad that we get furious when we see our suggestions ignored, our concerns mocked by community managers in public, and game patches that destroy pvp function with one fell swoop.


Get real... we all know how much money was brought in with the release of this game. Bring in the resources necessary and start listening to your player base.

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I'm cruising back to 99' with this guy and Hawking - gonna get me an FBSS and go back to loving MMOs!


Today may have been the final straw for this game, unfortunately. Not because the patch broke things that badly, but because BW show'd a very amateur side by allowing this go live. And if it speaks for what's to come, then that's not worth my money every month.


Everyone complains about the rage posts and the complaining, but ask yourself why. There are so many of us that are MMO, BioWare, AND StarWars fans all in one, that we are dying for this game to be great. We really really want this to be the next best thing. We want it to work out so bad that we get furious when we see our suggestions ignored, our concerns mocked by community managers in public, and game patches that destroy pvp function with one fell swoop.


Get real... we all know how much money was brought in with the release of this game. Bring in the resources necessary and start listening to your player base.


I couldn't agree more. I'm a huge fan of BioWare, MMOs, and the Star Wars franchise. Nothing would make me happier, then to see this game grow as a massive success. One can only hope. SWToR: A New Hope. Maybe?

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...I wish more ecumenical issues were addressed. You know, like: textures, pvp warzones, ability delay, mini characters during cinematic scenes, crew skill fairness, cover mechanic issues, anti aliasing (I've gone back to forcing my anti-aliasing, they provided me only one option and it looks like it's only -150x), ability delay, spelling and grammar issues (I love charging BODILY into gang dens), heroic quest exploits, ability delay, space combat, node exploitation, ability delay, commendation vendor issues, class balance, galactic trade network pointlessness, effects on trade-skill economy, galactic trade network search functions (who programmed this pap smear?), ability delay, and of course, ability delay.


Well said. Now get back on the front page where you belong.

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I haven't quite lost faith yet but I understand your anger, your rage, your..dissappointment


But hey things can only get better right?.............right?


These frowning faces dont look to friendly :p


seriously he has a point in all he said...no one likes being lied to....300 mil.......I'd rather kiss a wookie

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Well said, & a very entertaining read that was close to the heart. There are a lot of things to like about this game, & a lot of things to dislike. I have very nearly reached the breaking point myself, unfortunately.


The first few moments of today's experience:

  • Log in to game.
  • Close "legacy" window, again.
  • Reset console font size back to 10, again.
  • Set companion bar back to left slot bar, again.
  • Open inventory & reverse-engineer latest batch of blue offhands. Nope, still no purple schematic :( After ~100 attempts, decide I'm not getting anywhere & may as well give up.
  • Walk across to cargo hold & note that the icons are dulled, due to previous RE. Ctrl-U ctrl-U to fix. Close "legacy" window, again.
  • Test anti-aliasing. Doesn't seem to do anything on my Radeon 4890. Oh well, no surprise, again.

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I'm not going to take a stance one way or another in this thread, the OP was too well written and funny.


Also, copied for posterity for when this thread is inevitably censored. Because regardless of how you feel about the game, you can't deny the blatant censorship on these forums.

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Sure it's 2012, but aren't you forgetting something? (I'm speaking bugs wise) just because this is the 2012 doesn't mean it was programed or coded by machines or artificial intelligence, it was programmed by humans, if we go by your logic, then current games and I speak the majority of games wouldn't have constant patches over and over, and one of the most buggiest games ever, Skyrim, because of the complexity of the programming it's harder to iron out the bugs.


When people says that "You are comparing to current World of Warcraft to SWTOR in 2012" then people seems to be oblivious with the game breaking bug that plagues WoW with every expansion they release and major patch, or are they pretending to be brainwashed? damn I should of taken screenshots of the WoW forums and channel chat of all the people complaining about the bugs and issues.

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I actually had a slim glimmer of hope that this game would still possibly be good. That they actually might fix the major problems and level the ship off.


But every patch is bringing out either new exploits and/or nerfing/making things worse than they were.


The way they are deleting posts on this forum has basically validated my belief that this game is Age of Conan 2.0 and Bioware is the new Funcom.


Funny how the moderators can delete posts critical of the game but all you get is one sentence answer 'we're looking into it' in the 80,000 replies threads about ability delay.


They even went in and changed my sig.


Little do they know I'm keeping my sub active, so bury your heads in the sand all you want BW. If you spent as much energy fixing your game as you do moderating this forum ppl wouldnt even be here complaining.

Edited by oflow
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