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This game is just too silent...


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And by silent I mean seriously lacking in ambient music. There is a lot of running between points in this game, and it can take anywhere from 1-5 mins to travel between these said points. This is a lot of long, boring(silent) treks if you play for more than an hour, and really kills the star wars vibe for me.


Now I think we can all agree this game has visually achieved a much greater level of star wars artistry than star wars galaxies, hands down. Yet, swg gave off a greater "star wars" vibe than this game. Somewhat dissapointing. I feel like that is due to swg having music played for practically every action and every couple of minutes to remind you that you are playing a star wars game (since swg couldn't visually make that happen back in 2003 for an mmo as well as TOR has). Star wars isn't star wars without it's soundtrack, and here In TOR, I havnt heard much from it. I really hope in coming patches that this is addressed, because this is my one pet peev I have with this game that I don't think is brought up enough

Edited by Mustacio
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