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Jedi, what's your justification for being a ruler?


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Okay, so being the new head of an empire doesn't sound very Jedi-ish at first, second, and 56th glance... But give it that 57th view and be creative.


For example, my Jedi is this whole boyscout of a Jedi. You know the type... "I'm doing this 'cause it's good and that all."

"Helping people is both a duty and an honor" blah blah blah. I've decided that I'll make him take the Eternal Throne with the justification of "Reforming the Sixth Line" (There is no contemplation, there is only duty.)


He'll cheese it and say **** like "I'm running the galaxy for it's own good!" and "It's my duty to be in charge."


What about you guys? Or am I just putting too much thought into this? Not enough? *shrug*


Clarification: This is assuming we get railroad'd into taking the throne. My jedi would rather not take power.

Edited by Brinator
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Hum...hopefully we don't get to rule Zaakul .


The only toon I have that want that chair is my DS Inquisitor and even then..it will be short lived...


All my toons want to serve and live life their own way . My Sith Warrior for exemple , is very much like Marr . She seek her honor and challenge on the battelfield and her wish is to die fighting .


If it were up to me , I put Senya on the chair and say Bye . Well..maybe put Kothe as an Advisor for the ''peoples'' if he is still alive (yes I know..lot of peoples hate Kothe but he balance Senya fanatiscme pretty well) .


I doubt we will get to rule , hell we didn't even get to enjoy being a member of the dark council/Jedi council/Republ/Empire .


Zaakul , chances are will be blown during the final battle.........

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Yeah. That and it's kinda hard to have a new expansion when you have the entire galaxy under control already...


(And I hate Koth because he's an annoying-little-useless twit. Being fine with genocide just because it's being done by your hero doesn't make it acceptable. Gotta hand it to Bioware, I can go on for hours about how much I hate this character.)

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my jedi connie, she will sit on the throne to lead the empire away from violence, eventually she will dismantle the eternal fleet and then leave the zakuulans to their own fate when the force calls on her.


my sith inquisitor, he will rule the eternal empire with an iron fist, difference being is that he wont be as closed minded to threats around him unlike arcann. he will rebuild the eternal fleet, and then take out acina and her traitorous leadership, bring the empire into the fold and then the republic after a short war where saresh is purposely targeted and killed and tehn he will order the destruction of everything republic military and purge officers from the republic and have their military replaced by an imperial one, then setup a puppet leader in the senate and if things get out of hand they will all be executed including the puppet, after that they will swear themselves to a sith overlord who will put down any further resistance. the inquistor then either find a way of binding valkorion to him or a way to destroy him.


my sith warrior is a heretic, he is a light sider and he does not care to lead on the throne, he would sooner settle down with Vette somewhere quiet and out the way rather than putting up with the petty demands of an empire. he has already got a dose of leadership with his alliance and that is enough for him.


my imperial agent, he will kill any and all force users in the empire when he takes charge, he will betray senya and lana and have them killed like any other followers and alliance specialists, including those sith and jedi who were his allies (any chance and he will take it, he almost murdered satele as well). he will create a secretive police state where zakuul is on fire most days, total anarchy as officers go out and execute those who fail to adhere, all on purpose. kaliyo obviously wont mind the excessive violence either. after a few years when zakuul is an inferno he will leave the zakuulans to their fate and laugh on his way out for revenge that none of them had a brain between the whole lot of them to stand up to arcann when no one questioned how valkorion died and how arcann took the throne, by treachery.


my smuggler, he will be as cheeky as ever, leading an empire is not his thing though, so he takes the largest cut from the whole thing and has his freighter on stand by and then he gives the people the chance to vote for a new leader, after that is done he is gone where he will return to his duties on his ship. something he sorely misses along with his wife risha, where ever she is.


got others, but i will leave it at that.

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My main Jedi Knight won't take the throne if the game doesn't railroad her into doing so. She just wants to knock Arcann down a peg, all the way off the Spire if it comes down to it. She's never been interested in ruling; she just wants to bring peace to the galaxy, destroy the man who possessed her(because he can totally be redeemed, right, Tol Braga?), and go back home to Coruscant.

If she is railroaded into taking the throne, she will be a benevolent ruler, for the good of the galaxy.

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My PT will only take control of Zakuul if he gets forced to do so, and if that happens he'll be able to fund the galaxy with the swear jar he's going to need :p. As for controlling the eternal fleet, the individuals currently known as Saresh and Acina don't stand a chance :D.


My Merc on the other hand is going to take over both because somebody has to defend Zakuul from all the angry villagers looking for revenge.

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I don't think there really is a justification. My Jedi Knight might temporarily take the mantle of leader while trying to get back some semblance, but I can't imagine her wanting to stay in command for that long. Her duty and heart lies with her oaths as a Jedi (even though she married Doc), and she'd probably sneak out and go back to wandering the galaxy trying to help the defenseless and train new Jedi.


And my Barsen'thor also has no interest in ruling. She'd be happy as an adviser, but she wants to help train new Jedi and facilitate peace amongst other groups. She can't do that in an unbiased capacity as the Immortal Empress. Plus, she's not immortal, so that title doesn't really work for her.

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for me, none of my characters except maybe my SW and SI would have even the slightest interest in ruling, nor for that matter would they have any of the qualifications for it, I mean it is stupid enough that my smugler is now for some reason the leader of a military force, but becoming the ruler of an entier empire? thats just plain dumb. As I see it, this story was very much written for the force user classes, and the others were just mashed in there, with no regards to if it fits what gets established about them in the rest of the story.
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Note that during the Republic Dark Age, Jedi actually were rulers in many systems also most Supreme Chancellors and military leaders were Jedi. It's not that controversial, a Jedi MUST know how to lead anyway.
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Yeah. That and it's kinda hard to have a new expansion when you have the entire galaxy under control already...


(And I hate Koth because he's an annoying-little-useless twit. Being fine with genocide just because it's being done by your hero doesn't make it acceptable. Gotta hand it to Bioware, I can go on for hours about how much I hate this character.)


There won't be another expansion. Way SWTOR is going now we'll be lucky if we even finish this one.

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Note that during the Republic Dark Age, Jedi actually were rulers in many systems also most Supreme Chancellors and military leaders were Jedi. It's not that controversial, a Jedi MUST know how to lead anyway.


Are you talking about the Jedi Lords from the Light and Darkness War? The war that ended with the beginning of the Bane Legacy?

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Let's assume for the moment that SWTOR will continue for years to come. The question then is "How will the story proceed?" You could possibly end up on that throne out of necessity, for example because SCORPIO agreed with the Gravestone AI to take the entire Eternal Fleet to a distant place and to create a civilisation of her own there, having learned a lot from all you made "wrong" (in her view).


So there you are, suddenly in charge of the galaxy without the means to do so and with a possible distant threat looming. And that is just one scenario. Or, with your newly found insight into the way the force works you foresee an upcoming new threat to all life and (out of self-preservation or duty) you know you have to learn more of that and to find an answer to that new threat...

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