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My Sith Assassin


Name: Acusor

Age: 35

Race: Zabrak

Place of Orgin: Iridonia

Hair color: Dark Brown

Hair length: Short shoulder length

Eye color: Brown

Body type: Tall and thin

Height: 5'8

Weight: 100Lbs






The Republic





The Darkside


Fine Arts


Acusor is the grand father of the Hellion legacy. He was born to abusive parents on the planet of Iridonia where as a child he discovered that he found solace in his anger and would rely on his hatred to endure the savage beatings he received from his parents. On one particular day, his father Zethor beat his young son so badly that the rage that was brewing inside Acusor was unleashed in the form of Sith lightening to which he used to kill his parents. Shortly thereafter a envoy of Imperial forces landed on the planet looking for youngsters to be made slaves and sent to die at the Sith Academy on the planet Korriban Acusor tried to flee but was ultimately captured and sent to the academy. Upon arriving as a slave Acusor continued to use his anger to thwart other students and to complete his trials which caught the eyes of many Sith lords. Eventually through perseverance and a strong divinity to the dark side Acusor became one of the Empire's most powerful Sith lords and he used his mastery of the force to crush his enemies and at the same time have a extensive art collection.



Acusor chose the profession of the Assassin using stealth and immense power to take on the most powerful of foes. During his time at the Academy Acusor came under the teaching of Darth Zash, a lord of guile and deception. She taught Acusor the art of manipulation and how to remove those in your way. Also Zash sent Acusor to discover artifacts which lead Acusor to many worlds and picking up companions along the way. After securing this artifacts Zash tried to attack Acusor, a battle ensued and Zash was forever imprisoned in one of Acusor's companions. As time went on and Acusor gained power he discovered that a Sith known as Thanaton was trying to block his progress but at the time Acusor did not have the abilities and strength to battle him. Thus, he was sent across the galaxy to find force ghosts and use their power. Now these ghosts had a side affect, they would constantly battle Acusor for control of his mind but the power they gave him was immense. Finally after a successfuly obtaining all the ghosts Acusor was asked whether to release them or bind them to him forever. The choice was simple. He chose to bind them forever. After a successful battle on the planet of Corellia Acusor finally dueled and defeated Thanaton in the throne room of the Dark Council. This marked Acusor's rise from a lord to a full Darth and spent the rest of his days consolating his power and looking for fine art to add to his collection.


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The Kasteen Legacy.





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Name:Belindi Kasteen

Profile Photo:

Date of birth:[3667 BBY]


Planet of origin: Toprawa

Profession: Republic Special Forces

Specialization: Vanguard

Rank: Major

Commanding Officer: General Garza


Short Bio: Major Kasteen was born on the planet Toprawa in the Outer Rim in [3667], during the height of the Great Galactic War. At that time, Toprawa was already under Imperial control. What few records the SIS did manage to find indicate that Major Kasteen and her younger brother, Sejanus, were part of a gang in the planet capital. The Major still sports the bulls-eye tattoo around the eye that was the gang mark, despite the Army's offer to surgically remove it [sIS has a theory that the tattoo is kept as a reminder of her little brother]. SIS has failed to uncover too many details of the Major's early years and we are under orders not to interfere with her current missions. It is however clear that at some point the Empire cracked down on the gang activities [see SIS file on Imperial Public Safety Protocols for more details] and the Major was the only survivor.


We have a signed confession from Captain Tarron [apprehended smuggling spice onto Coruscant] that the Major stowed away on his ship to escape Toprawa. Upon finding the stowaway, the Captain agreed to take her to Coruscant in exchange for three years of working for him. He claims she was a dedicated and loyal member of his crew and regrets that she left [apparently she was the best shot with a blaster on his ship]. Once he dropped her off on Coruscant we again lose all knowledge of her whereabouts.


We found out later [from questioning a member of Black Sun] that she had formed her own small gang and for three years was engaged in a brutal turf war/guerrilla war with Black Sun. The larger criminal organization eventually prevailed and Major Kasteen was forced to run. CSF arrested her on charges of property damage, multiple murders, bombing and a host of other crimes [about what you'd expect to be the result of a turf war waged guerrilla war style]. She was sentenced to 50 years in prison.


She spent two years in prison when SIS interrogated the Black Sun Vigo and found out about her actual activities. Having been a model inmate, and considering her obvious skills, we wanted to recruit her. However, we also knew she had no personal loyalty to the Republic [and being born on an Imperial occupied world, technically made her an Imperial citizen]. She was offered a choice: serve out the remainder of her sentence or join the Republic Army. We planned to recruit her into SIS after her one year of training, knowing that the Army would direct her loyalty to the Republic. However, her file somehow made it's way to General Garza's desk and she also saw potential in young Kasteen. She quickly sent her to SpecOps training. Since that point Major Kasteen has served the Republic faithfully both on the battlefield and off. To our delight she has cooperated with the SIS very well and we realized she would not have made such a good agent - she does not tolerate operations that "risk the lives of countless soldiers on the vapor thin chance that we might gain some advantage over the enemy".


This honor that Major Kasteen holds so tightly to may be problematic in the future. We know she agreed to a truce with Imperial forces on Hoth and collaborated with them against the White Maw pirates plaguing both sides. The reason we are concerned has to do with her brother who [CLASSIFIED]




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File Number: 762J/58AW


Birth Name: Sejanus Kasteen

Assumed Name: Lucoryphus

Profile Photo:

Date of birth:[3662 BBY]


Planet of origin: Toprawa

Profession: Sith warrior

Specialization: Juggernaut

Rank: Lord

Sith Master: Darth Baras


Short Bio: The amount of information SIS has managed to retrieve on Sejanus Kasteen, now know as Lord Lucoryphus, is very sparse. The little brother of Major Belindi Kasteeen, he was caught by the Empire when their gang was destroyed by the Imperial Army. We suspect a Sith may have been present, otherwise we don't know how the boy's sensitivity to the Force could have been discovered. The 10 year old Sejanus was sent to a training center but we do not know if it was off planet or not.


When he surfaced on Korriban, Sejanus Kasteen was dead. Instead Lucoryphus walked upon the Sith homeworld. He had extensive cybernetic upgrades and facial scarring. We expect the scarring to have occurred from a combination of these factors: the brutal training that Sith acolytes undergo, the removal of his gang tattoo with little to no consideration of aesthetics and the cybernetic upgrades, again with no care to aesthetics.


As far as we can determine from remote observation and from reports from the field, Lucoryphus is loyal to the Empire but not necessarily it's masters. His loyalty is to the ideal, the organization and the people it governs but not to the people who do the governing. Unreliable reports suggest that he may have joined a cult of Darth Revan, seeking to reform the Empire. He has in several instances accepted the surrender of his enemies without torturing or killing them afterward, even spared the lives of a squad of SpecOps and let them retreat. He has no patience for the plotting and backstabbing of his fellow Sith and considers it damaging for the Empire. That does not mean he will not back-stab a fellow Sith if by doing so removes a threat to the Empire.


We do not know at this time if Lucoryphus can be approached and turned against the Empire, his loyalty to it's people seems iron clad. In truth our greatest fear is what would happen were he and his sister to meet.

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My Jedi Knight is my main character, but everyone in the legacy is involved. Apologies for the long read :D


Cardeas hails from the planet Corellia as most of his family does, except for his father who is a native to Coruscant. He has two sisters, Haylee and Lanara.

His parents met during the line of duty: his mother, Cartha, was Havoc Squad, the Republic's elite; and his father, Thrask, was just an ordinary trooper. On more than one occasion they worked together, and it wasn't long before something else came out of the partnership. With a family of five, the couple debated retiring from the Republic Army and just settling down for a peaceful life, but resurgent Sith hostilities led to Cartha being recalled back into duty.

At the Battle of Alderaan, Cartha was killed.


Thrask took the news harshly and became distant from everyone around him, including his own children.

In turn, Cardeas, Haylee and Lanara were coming of age, and their resentment towards their father's attitude, the loss of their mother, and the natural rebelliousness of teenagehood all contributed to them running away from home to form a Smuggler brotherhood. Being raised on Corellia had made them very interested in ships and space travel; it was no trouble at all to pool their savings to buy their own spaceship, a XS Stock Light Freighter, and put it to good use, alongside their own personal skills. Cardeas was good with machines, and the ship always operated at peak efficiency due to it; Lanara excelled at planning and establishing routes, which ensured the (relative) safety of their activities; and Haylee, in her own words, "could charm the horns off a Krayt Dragon", which made her the natural leader and business dealer of the three.


Over the next few years, the trio of brother and sisters became rather known in certain circles, which brought more work for them. At some point after the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant, they received a job to smuggle a package into Imperial territory. But this was a trap. Before they could deliver it, an Imperial Dreadnaught intercepted and captured them.

It came to their attention by an overly bragging officer that they had been fooled into bringing a bomb directly taken from a Republic ordnance warehouse into Imperial territory by a supposed Republic General, and that this act would result in the reigniting of the war.

In their cell, the brothers realized they had no time to waste if they wanted to escape with their lives and put a stop to the plan. And the only way to do so was to repossess the bomb and take it back to its rightful place.

Using the smuggler tricks they had picked up over the years, they managed to escape their cells, recover their equipment, and mostly sneak to where the bomb was stashed. Lanara split from the group, intending to shut down the ship's tractor beam.

Meanwhile, Cardeas and Haylee hurried to shove the bomb back in their spaceship under heavy Imperial fire. It was a hard battle, and the reinforcements seemed endless. But they managed to finally load it in, and attempted to recall Lanara. Much to their surprise however, Lanara said she had no way to make it back to the ship and urged them to leave.

Haylee tried to argue and go after her, but Cardeas stopped her with the rationale that they couldn't make it past all the troops. Hayle refused to listen to reason however, and it prompted Cardeas to forcibly push her into the ship.

He did this without even touching her, the first manifestation of his Force abilities. But there was no time to think about it; he raced to the cockpit and started up the engine, blasting his way out of the Dreadnaught and into hyperspace.


Haylee barely said two words to Cardeas for the remainder of their time together, which wasn't long. Soon he was approached by a Jedi Master, who invited him to train on a Jedi enclave. Haylee took his acceptance as an insult; by refusing to stay and assist on somehow bringing Lanara back, he was, in her mind, abandoning them just like their father had. After a heated argument they parted ways, and Haylee returned to her smuggler ways, now a lone flyer.


But Cardeas never forgot her, nor Lanara. His whole reason that made him accept Jedi training was so that he could be strong enough to protect them next time. So eager he was to gain this strength, he often overstepped his boundaries and got into trouble. The first real trouble was during training on Dantooine: faced with a pack of kath hounds, Cardeas attempted to take them on rather than wait until his fellow students arrived. His recklessness awarded him a vicious claw slash, permanently scarring his left face and depriving him of his left eye.


In the aftermath, his Master cautioned him that if he did not learn to control himself, there would be no place for him in the Jedi Order. Cardeas grew angry, but his Master, rather than lashing out at him for feeling that emotion, attempted to understand why was it so urgent to gain strength. Cardeas explained everything, and his Master understood. He said Cardeas would be a great Jedi one day, but urged him to be patient lest he fell to the Dark Side and endangered everything he ever held dear. More determined than ever, and wiser for the matter, training resumed.


Before his trip to Tython to complete his training, Cardeas received an anonymous gift: Republic Army-certified cybernetic augmentations to replace his lost eye. In truth, they had been sent by his father, who was aware of what had happened and wanted to assist his children in any way he could, albeit without showing himself; it was his belief that, were they to meet, they'd only argue with each other.


It was during Tython that Cardeas began to question some of the Jedi teachings, and afterwards the doubts expanded. Most things he could understand, such as anger and hatred being bad, but he couldn't comprehend how love was a bad thing, how was it a bad thing to take resources from crime rings and use it for good(perhaps attesting to his ability to improvise with what was available from his smuggler days), or even how sparing a race of flesh-eating monsters could ever be a good thing.



At any rate, soon after Tython events quickly began to spiral out of control as the galaxy approached a new war at an accelerated pace. Fortunately, he would not face opposition alone. Gaining allies in the form of an astromech droid, a doctor who loves parties, a reckless Republic soldier and even a Sith Lord, he continued his work to strengthen the Republic.

He also found understanding for his various frustrations with the Jedi Code, and later love in the arms of Kira, the unorthodox Padawan. They developed a connection that, in time, transcended a mere emotional connection; they were bound by the Force, and that bond enhanced their ability to resist the Emperor's powers.


With Scourge's guidance, they were able to foil the Emperor's plans to start the Dark Side Ritual, and eventually face him once more. And this time, the Emperor was defeated.

But even with the threat of all life being extinguished removed, Cardeas and the crew remain on their guard, for there are signs that the Emperor is not truly dead, and might be gathering power to strike once more.



Regardless, having earned a break from the fighting, Cardeas takes the opportunity to marry Kira (in secret of course), who was now a Jedi Knight in her own right.


During a mission to assist the Republic against a new threat on the planet Belsavis, Cardeas managed to acquire himself a new ally: an assassin droid known as HK-51, with a disposition that matches its function. It remains to be seen how this seemingly explosive new element will behave while aboard his ship.


With the galaxy in a state of relative peace, he attempts to get back in contact with his sister Haylee, to resume the search for Lanara once more. But little did they know that Lanara, after her capture and subsequent repurposing as a slave, had also been found to be Force-Sensitive, and that Korriban had destroyed her from within. That now, as Darth Lithi, she was nothing like the kind and selfless Lanara they once knew.

Now that the Emperor was assumed dead, Darth Lithi saw the chance for her ultimate ascendance.



For those of you who want a chart:

Name: Cardeas Harrigan

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Planet of Origin: Corellia

Occupation before Jedi Knight: Ship mechanic / smuggler

Ship Name and Reason: Starlight Home, named so by Kira after his proposal words.

Reason of naming: no particular reason.

Romance: Kira

Relationships: Friends with T7, who serves the role of a surrogate Master due to his time spent with various Jedi Masters; Friends with Doc, whom he likes to drink with; enjoys debating issues not usually brought up by the Jedi with Scourge, whom he thinks of as a friend, although he doubts the feeling is mutual; doesn't really know much about Rusk; Not yet sure what to think about HK-51.

Physical Attributes

Hair color- Blond

Hair length- Short

Eye color- Light green

Body type- Average

Height- 1,83m

Weight- 75kg

Blemishes- three scars on left face courtesy of a kath hound slash; missing eye replaced with cybernetic eye and ocular support.

Tone of voice- Calm and collected, but hotblooded and determined when the situation calls for it



1. Kira and family

2. Helping others

3. Talking with Scourge / asking questions / Learning more about the Force

4. Tinkering with machines

5. Making fun of Sith Lords psycopaths (a trait he shares with Kira)



1. Sith and their treacherous nature

2. Being bound by restrictions

3. Rakghouls, Sand People, and pretty much every species who only seeks to indulge in bloodbaths

4. When laws try to prevent him from helping people in need / Holocrons who act holier-than-thou and insist that flesh-eating monsters can learn to behave

5. Self-sacrifice (in his mind, everyone must always return home, or it's a defeat)



1. His talks with Scourge, knowledge of Revan's tale and his own disregard for restrictions contributed to learning a few of the darker arts. As such, he can use Force Choke and Lightning Storm, but using these powers while maintaining a serene mind taxes him greatly.

2. Kira does not approve of him learning such things. Yet she says that she has the Force Bond on her side, and that, should she ever feel him falling to the Dark Side, she'll be there to catch him.

3. He once masqueraded as a thief and attempted to steal his own ship's hyperdrive while Kira was the only one on board. A brief tussle ensued, during which he stated that Kira had found her Padawan. They laughed about it afterwards.

4. He doesn't have the courage to tell Doc that they don't actually have any fan club.

5. Despite being a Jedi, he still uses his old Smuggler getup. In his words "Hoods are so out of fashion."

6. He is friends with a Sith Lord who follows the Light Side. They often coordinate events to assist likeminded Acolytes (screened by Jaesa) escape Korriban and reach the Jedi Academy.

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My favorite toon: Blasilver( if it is ok I will also be mentioning the names of some of my other alts)

He is a young but wise jedi sentinal he was born believe it or not on mandalore, but he grew up on dantooine his mother a zabrak nurse died in childbirth and his stepmother a twilek was murdered when he was only two years old his father is a member of the republic military and more specifically a human vanguard named Canderordo, Blasilver younger half brother is a twilek bounty hunter named Jag-daguar, at age 7 Blasilver found by a powerful jedi knight(name and race unknown) to be strong in the force a with his fathers permission was taken to become a jedi knight he was a fast learner with a craving for knowledge Blasilver had only one fear: turning to the dark side and was cautious enough to avoid it at all cost often spending hours alone meditating keeping his mind at peace in the order he was very good friends with two other fellow jedi a fellow knight named Mousha'saburai a miraluka and a chiss consular named Zen'tai'chi. Blasilver despite being a knight was a very studious student and also adventurous having once defeated a deformed rancor (granted the rancor's deformities were so severe that it wasnt going to live much longer anyway, but still an impressive feat) by the time Blasilver was 14 he had already gone through 4 teachers for various reasons ranging from their tragic deaths to surpassing what they could teach him.


By the time the story starts Blasilver is all to ready and eager to defend the galaxy, it is also where he meets his future wife Kira Carson, and through the adventures that followed Blasilver matured into a fine jedi sentinal, and with Kira had twin children (who took after the parts of their genes that were human in other words they lacked horns) their childrens name's Zeninja(who would grow up to become a jedi shadow) and Bladengo( who would fallow in his grandfather's footsteps and join the republic military although he became a commando).

Here is a chart to simplify things:

Name: Blasilver Johtoore

Age: 23

Race:human/zabrak hybrid

Planet of origin:Mandalore(birth), dantooine(officially)

Occupation: jedi sentinal

Height: 6 foot 7

Weight: 358 lbs (mostly muscle)

Eye color: green(just like his father and brother)

Hair color:black

Living relatives: Canderordo(human)(father), Jag-daguar(twilek/human hybrid)(brother), Zeninja(human 75% zabrak 25% hybrid)(elderst son), Bladengo(human 75% zabrak25%)(youngest son), Shaddowed(twilek 25% human 75% hybrid)(ONLY nephew), kira carson(human wife).

Other known living associates: Mousha'saburai(miraluka)(friend and ally), Zen'tai'chi(chiss)(friend and ally).

Likes: Speeders, family and friends, pazaak, chess, kids, rancor meat, and droids( except for c2 n2).

dislikes: criminals, slavery, hutts, c2 n2, racism, and the color pink(weird I know).

Fun facts: he has BOTH mandalorian and echani training to go with his jedi training, he also keeps in contact with his brother and father behind the orders back(they actually prevent each other from going to the dark side), and he is actually color blind in one eye.

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My lvl 50 Jedi Consular, I decided to only tell his story on how he got to the Tython, the rest basically is just the choices and stuff I did on my way to 50 but too many spoilers. lol


Kasei Wahi was born on 3,664 BBY on a space station orbiting Cademimu V in the Outer Rim. His parents both worked in the commercial district of the medium sized station. When Kasei was 6 he started to sneak out while his parents were busy working and Kasei would travel down to the lower levels of the station to the droid repair labs. It is here he found his love for droids and made many friends that he either made or helped fix in the repair lab.


It was when he was 7 that a male Togruta Jedi Master was at Kasei’s space station chasing down a Sith who was trying to return back to the Empire with key information about Republic’s movements in the outer rim. The Jedi and Sith fought through the lower maintenance levels before reaching the center large circular droid repair lab that Kasei was in. Kasei hid behind his droid friends and ordered the ones that had defense capabilities to aid the Jedi. The Sith easily sliced through the attacking droids and managed to separate the Jedi from his lightsaber. Kasei saw that the situation was going to turn dark very quickly, he closed his eyes and calmly pushed his hand out, the Sith who was ignoring young Kasei was now flown across the room from a force push from Kasei. This gave the Jedi time to grab his lightsaber and even the fight again. Kasei was busy activating droids, and throwing broken deactivated droids at the Sith. In minutes the chaos of dozens of droids shooting, and others being force thrown at him all the while dueling a Jedi Master became too much to handle and the Sith miss stepped and tripped over a fallen droid and fell right on top of the lighsaber of the Jedi Master.


The Jedi Master, thanked young Kasei and after securing the data from the fallen dead Sith the Jedi asked to meet his parents later that day. With much reserve his parents finally allowed the Jedi to take Kasei to a Jedi enclave in Dantooine, here he became a Jedi Padwan, under temporary and different masters because the Jedi Order was still recovering from the sacking of Courscant and trying to find a new location for the Order to settle. When Kasei was 21 he was taken to the newly rediscovered planet Tython and met his new permanent master, Jedi Master Yuon Par.


Name: Kasei Wahi

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Occupation: Jedi Sage


Physical Attributes

Hair color- Black

Hair length- Slightly Long

Eye color- Blue

Body type- Thin

Height- 5'9"

Weight- 138 lbs



1. Violence 2. Over-confidence 3. Arguments 4. Public Speaking 5. Killing



1. Archaeology 2. Droids 3. Sarcasm 4. Diplomacy 5. Poetry



1. His ship is filled with as many droids as he can fit on it.

2. Before being recognized as a force user, his only and best friends were droids

3. He finds city planets to be more peaceful and connected with the force than the wilder planets.

4. Is loyal to the Jedi Council more than the Republic, given the chance he will promote the Order.

5. Thinks everyone has good, no matter who they are and what they have done.

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  • 1 year later...

Im writing about my main Zaurod



Biography: Zaurod was born as Shae Mar on Dromund Kaas in a noble and wealthy family. His father was a moff of the imperial military and his mother was a ambassador. At the age of 10 his father discovered that Shae was force sensitive and sent the young boy to the Sith Academy on Korriban. There Shae became one of the most strongest acolytes and later he caught the interest of Darth Malice. After suceeding his trials Shae became the apprentice of Darth Malice and returned to this homeworld Dromund Kaas. After serving his master in 2 years Shae got promoted to the rank of Lord and took the name Zaurod, he became Lord Zaurod. But soon his master betrayed Zaurod and started to plan to overthrow the empire. During this time Zaurod got out in the galaxy to stop Malice and get revenge for the betrayal. At the very end Zaurod confronted his master in front of the Dark Council and a duel broke out between the two. Zaurod defeated Darth Malice and by the members of the Dark Council got promoted to the rank of Darth.



Darth Zaurod became a great war hero who was involved in many battles. he was a front-line warrior who became a great general. Zaurod was involved in many battles throghout the galaxy. Darth Zaurod became one of the strongest and greatest of sith lords. Zaurod never returned to his family since he started to train at the academy. He never knew if his family was alive or dead and because he never met his mother and father he could never tell them how great he had been. Zaurod did visit the academy on Korriban to get a new apprentice several times but he did train the former jedi padawan Jaesa Willsaam the ways of the sith, and she became his apprentice. Zaurod was part in a great war between the republic and the empire where he fought in the front lines. After the war Zaurod got assasinated and killed by his own apprentice Jaesa.





Name: Darth Zaurod Bladelord (formerly Shae Mar)

Class: Sith Warrior (Marauder)

Age: 10 (when discovered to be force sensitive) 20 (when completing his trials at the academy) 30 (when he got promoted to Lord) 40 (when killing Darth Malice and got promoted to darth) 50 (currently)

Species: Cyborg

Appearance: Black hair, dark side corrupted face, cybernetic-eyes and heavily built body

Romance: Jaesa Willsaam (apprentice)

Tone of voice: Rash and with special imperial accent



Jaesa Willsaam (wife and apprentice)

Malavai Quinn (close friend and right hand)

Vette (slave)

Lt. Pierce (friend)

Broonmark (pet)

Darth Malgus (deceased)

Darth Marr

Grand Moff Kilran (deceased)


Moff Varlosk Mar (father)

Ilyina Mar (mother)

Xander Mar (brother-in-law)




Master Kanodi Don (my other character)

Darth Malice (former master, deceased)

Vemrin (deceased)

Master Satele Shan

Master Jaric Kaedan (deceased)

Revan (deceased)






Punishing soldiers who have failed (often with force choke)

Fighting the Republic and the Jedi

Obeying the Emperor without question


Giving orders




Weak fools


Being ordered around (except from the Emperor)

Getting defeated by an enemy


People that claims the Emperor is dead




Darth Zaurod is a very skilled and powerfull lightsaber-duelist and is very powerful with his force powers. He is considered one of the greatest lightsaber-duelists in his era. Zaurods use of force powers is very great. He is very skilled with the use of force choke, he has nearly mastered it. He is capable of sending objects and people flying dozens of metres with his force blast and because of his warrior training is capable of throwing his lightsabers several metres then using the force to guide them. Zaurod is most powerfull in close combat and he has mastered the Ataru lightsaber-form. Therefore he is very deadly in close combat but unlike fellow sith he has never learned the use of force lightning. This means he is not as powerfull in long-range combat like in close combat. Zaurod is also capable of lots of defensive abilities, such as blade ward and can bring up barriers around him who protect him from damage. One of the many abilities Zaurod has mastered is force charge who he uses much in combat.


Zaurod is capable of holding a blaster and it was his father who taught him how to use one before Zaurod began his training at the academy.



Fun facts:

Zaurod sometimes kill his own men if he isnt entertained.

Zaurods view on aliens is very complicated, for example he sees Twi'leks as a lower species while he sees chiss as potential allies. He also believes only humans and sith can achieve true power.

Zaurod believes passion can lead to more power, thats one of the reasons he is marrying his apprentice Jaesa.

Zaurod lost his eyes during a Paazak game when he was 20; his opponent attacked him and ripped out his eyes. Ever since that day Zaurod has cybernetic eyes.

Zaurod has tortured his slave so much that she now no longer feels any pain...

Edited by minitand
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Im writing about my main Zaurod



Biography: Zaurod Mar was born on Dromund Kaas in a noble and wealthy family. His father was a moff of the imperial military and his mother was a ambassador. At the age of 10 his father discovered that Zaurod was force sensitive and sent the young boy to the Sith Academy on Korriban. There Zaurod became one of the most strongest acolytes and later he caught the interest of Darth Baras. After suceeding his trials Zaurod became the apprentice of Darth Baras and returned to this homeworld Dromund Kaas. After serving his master in 2 years Zaurod got promoted to the rank of Lord and became Lord Zaurod. But soon his master betrayed Zaurod and started to plan to overthrow the empire and become the Emperor's Voice. During this time Zaurod got crowned to the Emperor's Wraith by the the Emperors Hands and got out in the galaxy to stop Baras from becoming the voice and get revenge for the betrayal. At the very end Zaurod confronted his master in front of the Dark Council and a duel broke out between the two. Zaurod defeated Baras and by the members of the Dark Council got promoted to the rank of Darth. Afterwards a ceremony was held where Zaurod got officially crowned to the Emperor's Wraith.



Darth Zaurod became a great war hero who was involved in many battles. he was a front-line warrior who became a great general. Zaurod was involved in battles like the battle against the dread masters on Oricon and the battle on Makeb. Darth Zaurod became one of the strongest and greatest of sith lords. Zaurod never returned to his family since he started to train at the academy. He never knew if his family was alive or dead and because he never met his mother and father he could never tell them how great he had been. Zaurod did visit the academy on Korriban to get a new apprentice several times but he did train the former jedi padawan Jaesa Willsaam the ways of the sith, and she became his apprentice. Zaurod was part in a great war between the republic and the empire where he fought in the front lines. After the war Zaurod got assasinated and killed by his own apprentice Jaesa.





Name: Darth Zaurod Bladelord (Zaurod Mar)

Class: Sith Warrior (Marauder)

Age: 10 (when discovered to be force sensitive) 20 (when completing his trials at the academy) 30 (when he got promoted to Lord) 40 (when killing Darth Baras and got promoted to darth and officially crowned to the Emperor's Wraith) 50 (currently)

Species: Cyborg

Appearance: Black hair, dark side corrupted face, cybernetic-eyes and heavily built body

Romance: Jaesa Willsaam (apprentice)

Tone of voice: Rash and with special imperial accent



Jaesa Willsaam (wife and apprentice)

Malavai Quinn (close friend and right hand)

Vette (slave)

Lt. Pierce (friend)

Broonmark (pet)

Darth Malgus (deceased)

Darth Marr

Grand Moff Kilran (deceased)


Moff Varlosk Mar (father)

Ilyina Mar (mother)

Xander Mar (brother-in-law)




Master Kanodi Don (my other character; the Hero of Tython)

Darth Baras (former master, deceased)

Vemrin (deceased)

Master Satele Shan

Master Jaric Kaedan (deceased)

Revan (deceased)






Punishing soldiers who have failed (often with force choke)

Fighting the Republic and the Jedi

Obeying the Emperor without question


Giving orders




Weak fools


Being ordered around (except from the Emperor)

Getting defeated by an enemy


People that claims the Emperor is dead




Darth Zaurod is a very skilled and powerfull lightsaber-duelist and is very powerful with his force powers. He is considered one of the greatest lightsaber-duelists in his era. Zaurods use of force powers is very great. He is very skilled with the use of force choke, he has nearly mastered it. He is capable of sending objects and people flying dozens of metres with his force blast and because of his warrior training is capable of throwing his lightsabers several metres then using the force to guide them. Zaurod is most powerfull in close combat and he has mastered the Ataru lightsaber-form. Therefore he is very deadly in close combat but unlike fellow sith he has never learned the use of force lightning. This means he is not as powerfull in long-range combat like in close combat. Zaurod is also capable of lots of defensive abilities, such as blade ward and can bring up barriers around him who protect him from damage. One of the many abilities Zaurod has mastered is force charge who he uses much in combat.


Zaurod is capable of holding a blaster and it was his father who taught him how to use one before Zaurod began to training at the academy.


Bro, you are not the Emperor's Wrath. You did not defeat Darth Baras. That was a class story. Class storylines aren't what you write as part of your personal canon, they're just a story to be played by BioWare mate... They know who the TRUE Emperor's Wrath is, but they won't tell us. Ever. Simply because it's a choice based MMO. You will need to adjust that. I should also point out that no TRUE Darth would carry a last name of any kind, as most Sith choose their name at the start of their training to seperate themselves from the chain of other people. Basic tenants of the Sith Code. Anybody who keeps the name they often called is not a "true" Sith. Heck Revan and Malak aren't even the names of Darth Revan and Darth Malak. Nobody knows what Revan's true name is, not even he, and Malak's name was Alak.


Just letting you know that your backstory could some serious revision.

Edited by Timarick
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Bro, you are not the Emperor's Wrath. You did not defeat Darth Baras. That was a class story. Class storylines aren't what you write as part of your personal canon, they're just a story to be played by BioWare mate... They know who the TRUE Emperor's Wrath is, but they won't tell us. Ever. Simply because it's a choice based MMO. You will need to adjust that. I should also point out that no TRUE Darth would carry a last name of any kind, as most Sith choose their name at the start of their training to seperate themselves from the chain of other people. Basic tenants of the Sith Code. Anybody who keeps the name they often called is not a "true" Sith. Heck Revan and Malak aren't even the names of Darth Revan and Darth Malak. Nobody knows what Revan's true name is, not even he, and Malak's name was Alak.


Just letting you know that your backstory could some serious revision.


Dude...the class story is about a character that we players get to put a face and name to...and make the choices that character would make throughout the story.


Sure...if you're RP'ing with a group of people...then you really can't claim anything done in the storylines as your own...but if you're simply expanding the canon for your own personal character...then what happened in the class story can indeed be your own personal canon.


My character is the Hero of Tython in my own personal canon...because I played through that story with my character. I don't RP with anyone...but that is MY character's own personal canon.


It's odd that you decided to just call him/her out on it when everyone else is taking the same route...and using parts of the class story as their personal canon for their character.

Edited by VitalityPrime
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Dude...the class story is about a character that we players get to put a face and name to...and make the choices that character would make throughout the story.


Sure...if you're RP'ing with a group of people...then you really can't claim anything done in the storylines as your own...but if you're simply expanding the canon for your own personal character...then what happened in the class story can indeed be your own personal canon.


My character is the Hero of Tython in my own personal canon...because I played through that story with my character. I don't RP with anyone...but that is MY character's own personal canon.


It's odd that you decided to just call him/her out on it when everyone else is taking the same route...and using parts of the class story as their personal canon for their character.


The forums are an extension of the game. If I were roleplaying and going with the general canon and I saw someone claim to be "The Hero of Tython" as cool as some of the pieces of the story ALSO fit in with my character, I know it's not really my character BECAUSE everybody else has done that story. That's why.

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My most senior character is extremely cheesy, a typical Mary Sue. I created her right after playing KOTOR2 with Restored Content, so she is all derivative and all tribute.


Her name is Quinly, the name I dragged through 4 games starting from Jade Empire (NWN2, KOTOR and KOTOR2), the Legacy is Dur, because OMG, she is a yellow-eyed Zabrack a very tentative and distant relation of Bao Dur's. She's got a whole clan Dur behind her with males favoring Republic military (with Baoh and Blight Durs as oldest chars, but I didn't play them preferring to play with the ladies first), including a Smuggling (adopted) Twi'lek sis who I try to keep at the same story-point. Quinly got packed off to Jedi's temple from native Iridonia somewhere in Zabrack years late teens (not sure how fast Zabracks mature actually; slipping on my lore) .


She is a rational woman in her late twenties, with an aspiration to do her duty and a penchant for meditating away every problem in the world. She doesn't know it yet, but she's gonna crash hard for Zenith, because she's inherited the Quinly-Exile's rotten luck with men (and a certain Heroine of Baldur's Gate from waaay before her; and the NWN2 Quinly's AND the JE's Quinly's for that matter). Zenith and Quinly will enter a complicated correspondence through her Twi'lek sister Tishujen, and she will color her white dress red at some point to offset her pale complexion. She will do everything the Order and Republic requires, doing numbers when emotions get in the way. Her story will end with a coded note that will say something: "I believe you have arranged plenty of complicated assignations in your life. So I shall keep it simple. My door is left opened".


Meanwhile, Tishujen will sample everything Riggs and the Galaxy have to offer, following Bio's design to a T, because I gotta have at least one character who fits Bio's concept of a female player. Nine Hells, I am aiming high - she'll probably be the first character that will not reject the marriage proposal. I am that determined to get a happy ending for once. Now that Skavak is out of her way, and he was a magnificent bastard.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Bro, you are not the Emperor's Wrath. You did not defeat Darth Baras. That was a class story. Class storylines aren't what you write as part of your personal canon, they're just a story to be played by BioWare mate... They know who the TRUE Emperor's Wrath is, but they won't tell us. Ever. Simply because it's a choice based MMO. You will need to adjust that. I should also point out that no TRUE Darth would carry a last name of any kind, as most Sith choose their name at the start of their training to seperate themselves from the chain of other people. Basic tenants of the Sith Code. Anybody who keeps the name they often called is not a "true" Sith. Heck Revan and Malak aren't even the names of Darth Revan and Darth Malak. Nobody knows what Revan's true name is, not even he, and Malak's name was Alak.


Just letting you know that your backstory could some serious revision.


I have now changed all that. Both his name and the first thing. Hope you think its good. I have also added fun facts too :rak_03:

Edited by minitand
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I have now changed all that. Both his name and the first thing. Hope you think its good. I have also added fun facts too :rak_03:


It's fine, just drop the "Bladelord" part of his name. A Sith name is singular and most typically take the name based on a significant meaning to them personally. You don't see Vader running around with "Darth Vader Skywalker" now do ye? XD

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It's fine, just drop the "Bladelord" part of his name. A Sith name is singular and most typically take the name based on a significant meaning to them personally. You don't see Vader running around with "Darth Vader Skywalker" now do ye? XD
well but thats my Legacy name in-game. I can change that, its just that he is called that by his followers and other ppl... :p
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