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Guild Quality Of Life


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As many of you know, there are a number of bugs and incomplete features that regularly impact the ability of officers to manage our guilds. Some of us feel that it is important to address these so we have compiled a list of things that would improve the quality of life experience for guilds.


This game is an MMORPG and the social aspect of the game is something we feel the devs should be actively encouraging. A good way to do that is to make it as easy as possible for those who are willing and able to run guilds to promote the community side of SWTOR.


We welcome any additional suggestions for potential improvements or areas that the devs could be addressing so that we can all have a better gaming experience.



General Quality Of Life

  • Please reduce the cooldown on summons from 30 minutes down to 5 minutes
  • A filterable guild directory near the spawn point on fleet or that we can access from the Stronghold->Guild panel would help people looking for a new home
  • Add the guild name and days since last logged in to the character select screen
  • Please increase the guild character limit to 2-3k or make it 1000 accounts with unlimited alts. The key thing here is having room for people to have their alt characters under one roof. The current 1000 character limit is just 100 people with 10 alts, 200 people with 5 alts, 300 people with ~3 alts...
  • Allow our /who Personal Comments to persist across logins so we can more easily use it to indicate which characters can invite to guild. Handy when somebody does a /who search for the guild name.
  • Please lower the DvL reset time to 4 hours instead of 18 hours as it is very difficult to organise guild and server events for DvL bosses
  • Please allow more than one person to create and modify ranks, separate it into a rank permission
  • Please allow more than one character to be assigned the top rank in a guild



Mail System

  • Not just specific to guilds but please make the mail TO field, /WHO and /F use foreign character substitutions. So if I type Macky it will give show me Macky, Màcky, Mâcky etc. Oracle & Accented Characters
  • Please remove the 30s mail delay for guild leaders and officers when sending mails to guild members. This kicks in after 4 mails are sent, and is an understandable anti-spam measure, but just makes it frustrating to send e.g. conquest prize mails to 40+ members or do the regular guild cleaning.

  • Please change the Guild Mail to only send to characters that have the Primary Star set to avoid people receiving the same mail on every one of their characters
  • Please add a dropdown to the Guild Mail option that lets us pick a rank to mail



Guild Ships & Strongholds

  • Please let us create ops groups on the guild ship or our strongholds without having to exit to fleet
  • Please include an option to permanently skip the guild ship loading animation as it's annoying to see it every single time you visit the guild ship and it prevents the guild message of the day from being displayed
  • Please increase the number of decoration hooks available on guild ships - this has been a popular request on the forums: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
  • Please sort the Key interface by character name as it currently appears to be in a character ID/date created order which isn't fun with 90+ pages of jumbled up names. Demo
  • Please remove the Key interface Next and Previous button tooltips. The "Previous Page" button tooltip covers the last name which is quite annoying when you've reached page 90 and not found the name and have to work backwards again. Demo
  • Please fix the Key interface paging controls. If you open the modal popup and then move forwards a few pages and close the panel to check member notes then when you re-open the key popup you can't move backwards again. You have to CTRL-U twice to reload the interface or switch the key level twice to reset it to page 1. Demo
  • Please fix guild strongholds that can be set to be visible on both factions. There is currently a button to let us pick the cross faction "Share with Everyone" option but it doesn't actually show our strongholds on the opposite faction's public listings page. Tatooine guild stronghold is a good example of this. Would be useful for cross faction guilds. Demo
  • Please enable the "Share Keys" feature for guild ships and strongholds. Demo
  • The Imperial guild ship hangar bay starship hooks cannot be broken down to the smallest size, whereas you can do this with Republic ships. Imp vs Rep. It would be even nicer to break both down to the smallest hook size so you can simulate large parties/battles etc
  • More than 1 guild stronghold would be nice since there are almost 10 to choose from
  • Please add an option to turn off the "ABC's Stronghold" text using the Interface Editor. It takes a long time to vanish through moving around and sometimes it gets stuck
  • Add the public guild stronghold listings to the stronghold panel as a new button on the left. They would get visited by a lot more by guests if they could view/travel from any location. Would also be nice to do the same with public personal strongholds.
  • Add a decoration we can place which marks the custom spawn point for our guild ships and strongholds.
  • Please add a rank setting that auto grants Silver keys to the guild ship/stronghold.
  • Please allow guilds to list their strongholds on the Public Listings tab. Currently it only shows guild ships even if a stronghold is set to be public.
  • Please fix the guild ship Orbital Support option from resetting. This appears to have been fixed and then re-introduced with a patch in the 6.x branch. Thread with more details.
  • Please separate the Officer Deck from the Bridge Deck on the Imperial Guild Ship so that using the "Reset decorations in room" button does not clear both spaces, which it currently does. As with other decks, they are separated by an elevator so it's easy for new guild ship decorators to mistakenly think that clearing one area will not clear the other.
  • Please allow us to lock rooms on the guild ship and stronghold to specific ranks. Useful for roleplay.
  • Please add a "Show Missing From Guild" tickbox to the personal Decorations panel. When ticked it acts as an additional filter so only decorations which the guild has 0 of are displayed. This makes it really easy for people to donate copies of decorations they have. Demo



Chat Panel

  • Please fix the custom chat channel permissions system so the channel creator is remembered along with the officers. Currently, if everyone in the channel logs off then the first person to login becomes the channel owner.
  • Please fix the custom chat channel commands, many of which are still not working properly: /channellist /list /lock /unlock /password /ckick /ban /unban /mod /unmod /moderate /unmoderate
  • You can't remove a custom chat channel
  • Please add a Guild Announcement channel. This would be a separate chat channel that is enabled by default and is only visible to members of your guild. It can be used by officers to write messages that are displayed in a highlighted fashion.
  • Let us do /roll in guild chat. Can be fun for mini prize giveaways etc or for picking from multiple people for the final spot in a group. This should be global so guild members on fleet can see /rolls of people in their DK stronghold etc.
  • Allow /dnd and /afk to persist across instance/location changes. Currently we have to set the messages each time which is annoying since UP arrow chat history is also lost.
  • Please fix the bug where sometimes all/part of the guild panel text will black itself out so it is unreadable against the background. This seems to be related to having another text window like the friends list open when you open the guild roster. It affects more than the roster. It looks like the main text is removed and just the drop shadow remains. In these screenshots I have not blurred the text out, this is just how it looks when the bug happens: Roster, Friends List & Chat Panel
  • Please fix the /dnd and /afk commands as in patch 6.1.4 they have been reduced to 64 characters maximum. Before the patch they had the same length limit as a normal chat message.



Recruitment System

  • When trying to /ginvite somebody from a whisper, the chat switches to /g when you type "/g"invite, so we have to get creative with what order we type the command in. Demo
  • Extend the chat right click menu's "Invite To Guild" option so it can be used from anywhere instead of just when you are in close proximity. The feature is there, it just needs the range extending so we can use it when somebody /w us for a guild invite. Chat Panel Context Menu
  • In guild chat there are two messages for the invite system: "You have invited XYZ to join your guild." and "XYZ has joined the guild". The first is only displayed to the person doing the invite and the second is visible to everyone in guild. It would be more useful if the first showed the inviter name and was visible to guild members. Current vs Improved
  • Add a confirmation to the right click Ban From Guild option since it is next to Invite To Guild. Character Pane Context Menu & Chat Panel Context Menu
  • The Guild Info recruitment system only shows the guild leader character itself so if they are on an alt or offline then the "Contact Recruiter" is disabled. Demo. Please change this so that each click randomly selects an online character that has invite permissions.
  • The Guild Info recruitment system only allows for the guild leader character to be set as a recruiter. This is frustrating for people trying to get invites to larger guilds where the GM may not be online but there are other officers available who could easily invite, if only people knew who to whisper. Please allow an option to set recruitment ability by rank, and to have these designated recruiter characters also show up in the guild recruitment info if they are online
  • Put a mark next to people on the WHO panel that have the invite permission so it's easy for outsiders to know who to /w for an invite
  • It would be useful to be able to see active guild perks on the recruitment popup as some people do use this as a deciding factor for choosing a guild. Mockup guild info panel with perks
  • Please add a "Join by legacy" system similar to how Elder Scrolls does it. This way all your characters can live in multiple guilds which gives them access to multiple rosters and chats. Also removes the need for officers to manually invite countless alts. One huge caveat of this is please add an option to hide characters from each guild individually along with a "hide as default" option. In this post I explain why the option to hide characters is needed for this.
  • Please allow people with invite permissions to invite their own characters.
  • Please allow people to create guilds on their own. Making it a requirement to have 4 people in a group is pointless. It's a very common occurrence to see people advertising on Fleet and starter planets for people to help by joining their group so they can create their own private personal guild with the intention of the guests leaving afterwards. Clearly people want to have personal guilds. The current 4 person requirement brings no benefit and adds an inconvenience to the process.
  • Please update the guild link system so that if you move the cursor to the middle of a sentence and then click the guild link button to insert it that the link goes where the cursor is instead of always going to the end of the text.
  • On the /who panel you can currently change the custom column to show a players guild name. Please take this to the next level and enable the "Inspect Guild" option on the right click context menu for the /who panel rows.



Guild Panel

  • Please add webpage/Discord/TS fields to the guild panel. Clicking these will launch the related app.
  • Please include a "Quit Guild" button on the guild panel with a confirmation
  • Please include a confirmation popup when somebody is trying to quit the guild. This will help all the people who accidentally leave their guild when they are replying "/gquit" to the frequent "How do I leave my guild?" questions in fleet chat :p
  • Please display a tool tip when people hover over the rank in the roster that shows the description guild leaders type on the Ranks tab
  • You can create a new rank with the longer text mentioned in patch 5.10, but when you edit it you are restricted to the old length so it cuts off part of the original name
  • Quite frequently you will be unable to promote characters to a rank with the "Security Key" rank option enabled even if they have the security key. The only way to make it work is to untick the security key option, promote them and then tick the option back on.
  • The Remove and Ban right click menu items are very dangerous in their current form as it is very easy to be setting someone's rank and accidentally kick/ban them instead. Please add a confirmation box/pop-up that can be toggled on/off to avoid this. Bad UI Design
  • Please add Set Member Note & Set Officer Note options to the right click menu with multiple guild characters selected. Single Character Context Menu vs Group Select Context Menu
  • Please fix the group select option. If anyone relogs when you are selecting multiple characters on the roster the selection changes to be from the top of roster all the way down to the last row you selected which could span hundreds of characters. The right click action only applies to the original selection but it's still very disconcerting and not intuitive that you have to keep shift held down for the right click menu to be displayed.
  • The new Find Member filter only works on Name, not Legacy or Member Note; it would be really helpful if it included them all.
  • We used to be able to see the total number of active accounts by hovering over the XP buffs in the bottom right. Please add this back.
  • The new text saving method for guild MoTD and description is annoying for guild members as it prints the message out in /g each time you click off the panel while putting the message together. This means we have to write it in Notepad and then copy and paste it in
  • People have recently been having problems with group finder acting erratically and not letting them enter instances after successful pops. If they relog to attempt to get back into the queue/instance, they show as being removed from the guild and if they try to type even in general chat, they get an error message saying their account does meet the permissions for that. Completely shutting down the game and restarting twice fixes this, but they then appear as “ghosts” in the guild panel where the characters show as online even when they are offline. This persists until a server restart. More Details
  • On the General tab the "Previous Leaders" list is empty. Demo
  • Please add a guild calendar, potentially with signups. This will make it easier for our guild members to see what events we have lined up without having to rely on websites, chat servers etc. A bonus would be if there could be legacy wide reminder notifications for the player. So maybe when they login any events they are signed up for later that day could be written in the chat channel.
  • Please include a "Joined Date" for characters in the custom column drop down menu. Some guilds promote people based on how long they have been a guild member.
  • Please add a new custom column dropdown option to show "Weekly Play Time" for each character so it's easier to spot people who just login for a few minutes to keep their "Last played" time updated. This will help when removing inactive characters due to the guild character cap.
  • Please include a "Set player to rank" context menu option which sets all that players characters to the specified rank.
  • Please allow people to promote their own characters to the same rank as the one they are currently logged in with. Currently officers can't promote their own alts to the same officer rank and have to rely on somebody with a higher rank to do it for them.
  • Please add a "Guild Admin Handbook" tab to the guild panel, visible only to guild leaders like the ranks tab. This would be a static text display which shows the basics of how to manage a guild with information about ranks, guild bank permissions, what happens to the guild if the leader switches to preferred status and what happens to the guild leader role in that situation.

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Guild Log

  • Please change the Guild log sorting for the date column so it treats it as a date and not as text. Please do the same for the "Full Log" popup.
  • Please stop the Guild log search feature from reseting the category dropdown next to it
  • Please make the category dropdown respect what is in the search box. An example of the desired behavior is if I type "Ula" in the search box with the "All" category and then change the dropdown to "Member Management" then it should still filter what is shown by "Ula". Currently it just ignores the search term and shows everything.
  • In the Conquest category we can see when each character reached the weekly goal. It would be nice if the log also recorded the guilds overall position e.g. "Your guild took 1st/3rd/26th position on Iokath with 3,600,400 points". This way guilds outside of the top 10 can see where they got up to.



Conquest And Guild Perks

  • Please give people a settings option to turn off the orange "XYZ Conquered by Guild ABC" text when you visit planets. For some people this is still persisting long after it should have faded, whereas other people prefer not to see it at all. Perhaps you could make it a text chat message they receive when they first load into an area instead.
  • Please add a "Top 10 By Legacy" conquest scoreboard as a lot of guilds have to calculate this manually each week
  • When scrolling or sorting "Current Conquerors" panel the guild heraldry symbols appear and disappear randomly. Scrolling Example & Sorting Example
  • Please provide a timer to indicate the day/time when the next guild perk cycle will begin, similar to how there is a countdown bar for each CQ week. Existing CQ countdown & Super rough sketch of Guild Perk countdown
  • A lot of perks are not as beneficial as they could be due to them being restricted to "while in a Guild Group". Guild members can be in more than one guild and play with those characters when we are juggling group composition. It's not good for the wider community to encourage guilds not to take friends or pugs.
  • Please make the guild name on the top 10 leaderboard and Current Conquerors panel a link to open the Guild Info popup
  • Please allow us to pick the guild perk bonus separately from the actual perks. Currently we have to pick a bunch of crappy perks just for the bonus so usually it's not worth the trade off which is a shame.
  • Please fix the active ability guild perks that can be dragged to Quick Slots so they remain where you place them. Currently they only stay in the slot until you relog. When you come back they have been removed.
  • Rename Commander I, II, III guild perks to be Renown I, II, III since that is what it now boosts.
  • Rename Starfight Commandering I, II, III guild perks to be Starfighter Renown I, II, III since that is what it now boosts.
  • Please show the realtime conquest position for the guild on the Guild Invasions screen. In the space in the top section next to the Flagship name. "Current Week Conquest Position: #1138". This way if your guild is not in the top 10 you can still see where your guild got up to.
  • Please fix the guild ledger so that it shows the credits spent on guild perks. Currently the credits spent on perks do not show up in the ledger as a withdrawal at all.



Ban List

  • Please increase the in-game guild ban list limit above 185. There are a lot of trolls in this game. Thread with more details.
  • Please add "Guild Ban" as a rank permission so officers can ban if the GM is not online
  • When a player is banned from the guild, their name and legacy is added to the ban panel. If they rename their legacy they are still prevented from being invited (which is good) but the panel does not update to reflect their new legacy name. Please update the character and legacy name if they change it as this is a trick trolls regularly use.
  • If somebody is banned and you try to ban them again on an alt then you get the error: "Player is already banned from the guild". It would be much more useful if it said who it was from the ban list.



Guild Bank

  • Preferred and free-to-play members cannot withdraw credits from the guild bank which means they cannot use the guild summons. Please change this as it not only helps the player that did the summon but also means they can help their friends and guild mates etc. It benefits the community.
  • Please make items auto stack in the guild bank, for example; most raw materials do not stack. If you have 200 Mythra in the bank vault and 500 in inventory, when you right click to add the 500 to the vault you end up with 2 stacks. You have to manually click, drag, click to make them stack into 1 stack. They do stack correctly with personal storage.
  • Hide bank vault tabs for ranks that have the View option disabled. It currently shows the left side tab button and clicking it shows an empty vault with the "you don't have permission.." message. Please hide the tab button as well.
  • Please disable moving items for vaults which people can add/view but not withdraw from. Currently people can jumble up the items in the bank vaults to be annoying.
  • Please make the guild bank log cut-off point time based e.g. 2 weeks. Currently it cuts off based on the number of rows. It's one of the ways guilds can identify thieves but because active guilds can have a lot of items going in/out the log often only shows ~24 hours.
  • Please add an option to the vault permissions section "Withdraws Per Legacy". Here is a before and after example. Currently the item withdraw limits are per character meaning that somebody with 20 characters can withdraw a lot more than somebody with 3 characters. Ticking this option would mean the number we enter in the "withdraws per week" would also be "per legacy" so we can say "this player can withdraw 10 items per week" instead of the current version "this player can withdraw 10 items per week on each of their characters".
  • Please add an option to the vault permissions section "Repairs Per Legacy". The use case for this would be so we can enable each player on our progression raid teams to have 1m credits towards repair costs. The current system is per character which means someone with 20 characters has a lot more repair funds than somebody with 2 characters.
  • Please don't revert ranks and bank permissions to defaults when the guild switches to Free To Play as people can empty the bank vaults! Thread with more details



Guild Directory On Website

  • It would be nice to have a section of the official SWTOR website as a Guild Directory where the information guild leaders enter about their guilds in-game could be shown off plus maybe some nice stats. This page has a style that would go well with it.
  • Could add direct link to guild leader/officer website mails so it can be used to find people to ask questions.
  • Swtorista has created a great 3rd party guild index here: https://swtorfancommunity.com/guilds/ which shows you there is interest in such a feature


Guild Alliances

  • Please allow a way for guilds to become "allied". This could work with guilds on the same faction or cross faction.
  • Cross faction would be ace as it would allow guilds who are on both factions to more easily communicate with their own guild members.
  • Please add a new "Guild Alliance" chat tab which is a shared guild chat for allies.
  • Please add a new "Guild Alliance Officers" chat tab which is a shared guild chat for officers in ally guilds.
  • Please add a new guild bank "Alliance" vault so items can be shared between guilds.
  • Please allow access to guild ships and strongholds for allies on either faction.

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I agree with most suggestions, but these two are things I have wanted the devs to add for a long time now:

> Make summoning limits seperate from the general GB credit/repair withdraw limit.

> Allow GM to set flagship/guild stronghold key permissions as part of guild ranks.

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I agree with most suggestions, but these two are things I have wanted the devs to add for a long time now:

> Make summoning limits seperate from the general GB credit/repair withdraw limit.

> Allow GM to set flagship/guild stronghold key permissions as part of guild ranks.

The first is already on the list as it's a rather popular suggestion from the other guild leaders as well. I added your 2nd suggestion to the Guild Ship & Stronghold section. I totally get where you are coming from with that. Swapping all those bronze keys for shiny silver ones every time they announce a server restart can take ages!

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+ 10 times over on conquest by legacy name

Careful. It wouldn't be by legacy *name* because legacy names aren't constrained to be unique on a server. It would be possible, therefore, to see:

* Legacy Argentis 4 million

* Legacy Argentis 3.7 million

* Legacy Argentis 2 million

* Legacy Argentis 1.9 million

* Legacy Argentis 900 thousand

* Legacy Argentis 875 thousand

* Legacy Argentis 500 thousand

* Legacy Argentis 150 thousand

* Legacy Argentis 90 thousand

* Legacy Argentis 7


And in addition, there's no guarantee that they are all the same player (with that many points, it's highly probable that they *aren't*).

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The easiest way around that would be for it to include the name of one of their characters:


* Legacy Argentis - Darth Vaderrr - 4 million

* Legacy Argentis - Steve The'cynic - 3.7 million

* Legacy Argentis - Erica Musco - 2 million

* Legacy Argentis - Jarjar Blinks - 1.9 million

That would also be helpful for the winner as well so they know which character they have been mailed the prize on in guilds that send out their own prizes.

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Agreed wholeheartedly.


  • Reduced summons - yes please.
  • Guild Register - great idea.
  • Higher member limits - absolutely.
  • Accented characters in suggestion/search - very needed
  • Shortening DvL - eh, I kinda like the longer duration of victory state. Unless the bosses only spawn once per victory state, which I understand why it would be a problem. But if it is not, and they have somewhat reasonable respawn time, longer duration actually helps to find them and plan, IMO
  • Forming Ops groups while one member is inside phase - this is a bigger problem in general, and really needs to be fixed
  • More guild SH - could be nice, not sure if it would do havoc should they up the hook count though, I recall it did cause lot of server load some time back
  • SH/CQ placards - should definitely be a thing in UI editor, allow us to shut them off if we so desire (ditto for achievement placards)
  • Custom spawn sites - I see a lot of shenanigan potential there.
  • Opening chat clients from browser - not sure if TS can be opened from browser. Discord can, but I think I never seen it work with TS. Opening it any other way would require SWTOR digging into places it should really have no places digging. Also, with the possibility of some near version of Windows running all stuff in containers, such option might stop working anyway. Opening browser link is doable without rummaging around in system.

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Shortening DvL - eh, I kinda like the longer duration of victory state. Unless the bosses only spawn once per victory state, which I understand why it would be a problem. But if it is not, and they have somewhat reasonable respawn time, longer duration actually helps to find them and plan, IMO

They spawn just once when the victory states first happens, then once they are killed they remain dead for the rest of the 18 hours.


Custom spawn sites - I see a lot of shenanigan potential there.

If guild leaders or the people they give gold keys to troll their guild members then they will probably have some angry /g messages and people will stop visiting the guild stronghold.


For people that use it properly it could be awesome. Imagine kitting out the hangar deck as a large cantina and having the spawn point next to the bar or on the dance floor. Maybe you have a cool corridor that is lined with large statues or trophies that you would like people to walk down when they first arrive etc etc. So many fun possibilities.


Opening chat clients from browser - not sure if TS can be opened from browser. Discord can, but I think I never seen it work with TS.

Discord and TS links can both be opened from a browser. The TS link format is: ts3server://address

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I've added several new requests based on the feedback from a recent guild leader summit:


  • Please add a CSV data export option for all the member related data from the guild roster
  • Please include a confirmation popup when somebody is trying to quit the guild. This will help all the people who accidentally leave their guild when they are replying "/gquit" to the frequent "How do I leave my guild?" questions in fleet chat :p
  • Please add a guild calendar, potentially with signups. This will make it easier for our guild members to see what events we have lined up without having to rely on websites, chat servers etc. A bonus would be if there could be reminder notifications for the player, regardless of character. So maybe when they login any events they are signed up for later that day could be written in the chat channel.
  • Please include a "Joined Date" for characters. Some guilds promote people based on how long they have been a guild member.
  • Please include a "Set player to rank" context menu option which sets all that players characters to the specified rank.
  • Please allow us to pick the guild perk bonus separately from the actual perks. Currently we have to pick a bunch of crappy perks just for the bonus so usually it's not worth the trade off which is a shame.
  • Allow more than one person to create and modify ranks

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Added the "Join by legacy" request:


Please add a "Join by legacy" system similar to how Elder Scrolls does it. This way all your characters can live in multiple guilds which gives them access to multiple rosters and chats. Also removes the need for officers to manually invite countless alts. One huge caveat of this is please add an option to hide characters from each guild individually along with a "hide as default" option.


The people that suggested it each referenced the Elder Scrolls Online system:


  • Each player can join up to five guilds.
  • All your characters then have access to that guild.
  • No need to invite characters one at at time or worry about alt-o-holics using up 30 spaces.
  • Means you can access each guild's roster and chat channels (/g1, /g2, /g3, etc)


To explain why I asked for the caveat of being able to hide characters from guilds is due to how over the years we've had to deal with several stalker related incidents. In the old days the victims could hide away on little known characters but once legacy names were added to the guild roster it killed that safety net. Someone I am close with was stalked across 3 servers by one guy who even went as far as to make a copy of her character on another server so he could live as her. Shudder.


I think the actual legacy invite suggestion was a great one but it definitely needs the protection of being able to hide characters as default via a config option. Then a further refinement would be to choose which guilds to make your characters visible to.


It's a major update to drop into the game but definitely worth being on the Quality of Life list.

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nice work with your list and all the links in there.

how long did it takes?

props for you.


i haven't read every part of it. the most i would agree with you,

but some i don't like.


1.) CSV-export:

i understand, why it makes your job as a guild leader or officer more easy,

if you could export the lists, for example conquest points related to character names

and legacy names. but you also can abuse that system for a player hunt.

i think you can't imagine the potential, if some guilds share these data.

and there are some guilds who would do that. i think on your server, too.


2.) legacy name update for banned accounts

if i understood that right, you can ban legacies, but if they change

the legacy name, you won't get the new name in the list?

if the legacy still is banned, i don't see a problem. the only usage

of that information is, to share userdata with other guilds.

sharing userdata or just the option to make that easy and especially

for unique stuff, give me to much potential to abuse it.

of course we all know players, we would like to throw out the game,

but we are no judges.


3.) more character slots/change to legacy slots

i'm totally against that idea.

the limit of characters forces the mass guilds to choose between

more flexibility with less accounts, or more possible conquest legacy goals,

with less characters per legacy. you need to find a balance, especially against

other mass guilds.

and a mean... why not?

these guilds got the conquests presented on a silver plate. what do you want more?

especially the kp farm runs showed, that exact that limitation is the only way to win

against these mass guilds, if you have less legacies in the guild, but highly motivated

grinders with the possibilty to change specs if needed. so it is your task to motivate

you members to choose a higher flexibility. and to have 333 players, with each one

tank, one dps and one healer, is more than enough flexibility to rule every conquest.

so no thanks. no more gifts to mass guilds.


4.) guild ban increase

i love the possibility to ban a player from our guild, if needed,

to take the player the chance, to come back with a different

character. i totally understand that.

but if you banned 185 people from your guild, it is not the problem

with the players, it is you. i don't know how you even can ban so many

players, without sharing user data. and what is the reason for banning them?

if they don't say hi after their login?

no. especially for such an overenthusiastic abuse of that system,

i'm against any increase of that.

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1.) CSV-export:

i understand, why it makes your job as a guild leader or officer more easy,

if you could export the lists, for example conquest points related to character names

and legacy names. but you also can abuse that system for a player hunt.

i think you can't imagine the potential, if some guilds share these data.

and there are some guilds who would do that. i think on your server, too.

Can you explain what you mean by "player hunt" and why you think whatever that is outways the benefit to guilds that want to give legacy based prizes to guild members and make other general admin tasks easier.


2.) legacy name update for banned accounts

if i understood that right, you can ban legacies, but if they change

the legacy name, you won't get the new name in the list?

if the legacy still is banned, i don't see a problem. the only usage

of that information is, to share userdata with other guilds.

sharing userdata or just the option to make that easy and especially

for unique stuff, give me to much potential to abuse it.

of course we all know players, we would like to throw out the game,

but we are no judges.

I don't really care what other guilds do in terms of who they want to keep out. Each guild has it's own line in the sand for what they believe to be unacceptable behavior. The reason I want the name+legacy to update is because we've seen lots of trolls who rename both to try and sneak back in. The current in-game ban system still blocks them out but it doesn't tell you who it was. I just want it to update so we can tell who is trying to sneak back in.



3.) more character slots/change to legacy slots

i'm totally against that idea.

the limit of characters forces the mass guilds to choose between

more flexibility with less accounts, or more possible conquest legacy goals,

with less characters per legacy. you need to find a balance, especially against

other mass guilds.

and a mean... why not?

these guilds got the conquests presented on a silver plate. what do you want more?

especially the kp farm runs showed, that exact that limitation is the only way to win

against these mass guilds, if you have less legacies in the guild, but highly motivated

grinders with the possibilty to change specs if needed. so it is your task to motivate

you members to choose a higher flexibility. and to have 333 players, with each one

tank, one dps and one healer, is more than enough flexibility to rule every conquest.

so no thanks. no more gifts to mass guilds.

There is more to this game than just conquest. I'm curious, if EA removed CQ from the game in an emergency patch tomorrow, would you still object to having the character cap for guilds increased?



4.) guild ban increase

i love the possibility to ban a player from our guild, if needed,

to take the player the chance, to come back with a different

character. i totally understand that.

but if you banned 185 people from your guild, it is not the problem

with the players, it is you. i don't know how you even can ban so many

players, without sharing user data. and what is the reason for banning them?

if they don't say hi after their login?

no. especially for such an overenthusiastic abuse of that system,

i'm against any increase of that.

I gave several examples of why the people where banned in the main thread about it here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=975859 you seem to share the same opinion as a couple of other posters there so you may enjoy the read.

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1.) CSV-export:

i understand, why it makes your job as a guild leader or officer more easy,

if you could export the lists, for example conquest points related to character names

and legacy names. but you also can abuse that system for a player hunt.

i think you can't imagine the potential, if some guilds share these data.

and there are some guilds who would do that. i think on your server, too.

Can you explain what you mean by "player hunt" and why you think whatever that is outways the benefit to guilds that want to give legacy based prizes to guild members and make other general admin tasks easier.


2.) legacy name update for banned accounts

if i understood that right, you can ban legacies, but if they change

the legacy name, you won't get the new name in the list?

if the legacy still is banned, i don't see a problem. the only usage

of that information is, to share userdata with other guilds.

sharing userdata or just the option to make that easy and especially

for unique stuff, give me to much potential to abuse it.

of course we all know players, we would like to throw out the game,

but we are no judges.

I don't really care what other guilds do in terms of who they want to keep out. Each guild has it's own line in the sand for what they believe to be unacceptable behavior. The reason I want the name+legacy to update is because we've seen lots of trolls who rename both to try and sneak back in. The current in-game ban system still blocks them out but it doesn't tell you who it was. I just want it to update so we can tell who is trying to sneak back in.



3.) more character slots/change to legacy slots

i'm totally against that idea.

the limit of characters forces the mass guilds to choose between

more flexibility with less accounts, or more possible conquest legacy goals,

with less characters per legacy. you need to find a balance, especially against

other mass guilds.

and a mean... why not?

these guilds got the conquests presented on a silver plate. what do you want more?

especially the kp farm runs showed, that exact that limitation is the only way to win

against these mass guilds, if you have less legacies in the guild, but highly motivated

grinders with the possibilty to change specs if needed. so it is your task to motivate

you members to choose a higher flexibility. and to have 333 players, with each one

tank, one dps and one healer, is more than enough flexibility to rule every conquest.

so no thanks. no more gifts to mass guilds.

There is more to this game than just conquest. I'm curious, if EA removed CQ from the game in an emergency patch tomorrow, would you still object to having the character cap for guilds increased?



4.) guild ban increase

i love the possibility to ban a player from our guild, if needed,

to take the player the chance, to come back with a different

character. i totally understand that.

but if you banned 185 people from your guild, it is not the problem

with the players, it is you. i don't know how you even can ban so many

players, without sharing user data. and what is the reason for banning them?

if they don't say hi after their login?

no. especially for such an overenthusiastic abuse of that system,

i'm against any increase of that.

I gave several examples of why the people where banned in the main thread about it here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=975859 you seem to share the same opinion as a couple of other posters there so you may enjoy the read.

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They spawn just once when the victory states first happens, then once they are killed they remain dead for the rest of the 18 hours.

Ah, well, that changes things then, I thought they do respawn during victory state, albeit on long timers. Maybe shortening the respawn while keeping the state going would satisfy both points of view? I am looking at it from perspective of randoms or smaller guilds who do not have summoners at every location.


Discord and TS links can both be opened from a browser. The TS link format is: teamspeak://address

I read that is how it should work, but I never got it to work for TS. Trying to open the link with "teamspeak://" as URL scheme always redirected me into search engine *shrug*


Also, not sure how well it would work with the elevated privileges which SWTOR for some arcane reason requires, as that blocks Discord voice chat, unless you run it with same privileges as well...


invite by Legacy

I agree ESO does it well, as they do handle players by their account/forum name (so I would be seen as John@Aries_cz, or Tom@Aries_cz (avatars show only as John/Tom, IIRC), etc), something I have been wishing for a long time in SWTOR, use the Origin names when the account is the same as one used to game login. Would work much better than legacy name, as those are no longer unique.

Edited by Aries_cz
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Can you explain what you mean by "player hunt" and why you think whatever that is outways the benefit to guilds that want to give legacy based prizes to guild members and make other general admin tasks easier.

i totally understand you point, because i'm doing the same. it took me 2hours this week, to do the conquest analysis and it only would take around 5-10minutes with an csv-export. but i also see the potential. with regulary exports you can create a very fine profile of guild members. added with data from other guilds, if the guild leaders share these data, you can do that with their members and maybe pricisize your profiles.

i think there is a guild leader meeting on every server and mostly blacklists for players is a topic with that.

and so the potential for abusal is too high for me, compared to "my personal" benefits.


I don't really care what other guilds do in terms of who they want to keep out. Each guild has it's own line in the sand for what they believe to be unacceptable behavior. The reason I want the name+legacy to update is because we've seen lots of trolls who rename both to try and sneak back in. The current in-game ban system still blocks them out but it doesn't tell you who it was. I just want it to update so we can tell who is trying to sneak back in.

i think that is the problem in here. you don't care about the potential, just want your benefits.


There is more to this game than just conquest. I'm curious, if EA removed CQ from the game in an emergency patch tomorrow, would you still object to having the character cap for guilds increased?

of course there is more. but that is the last limitation for mass guilds. so still no for me.


I gave several examples of why the people where banned in the main thread about it here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=975859 you seem to share the same opinion as a couple of other posters there so you may enjoy the read.

read some comments in there. that just confirms my opinion.


opinion is the important word.

you have yours and that is fine.

in some parts, i have a different one.

i think that is fine, too.

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Most of the OP's suggestion would result in UI conveniences. However I don't want to see guild summons shortened to 5 mins. No one character should be able to dominate a map to that extent. One summons every 30 mins is ample for summoning groups. If a guild leader wants more summons available, they can extend guild permissions to more guild members.


I would not like to see larger guilds. The game is already dominated by the super guild system where only one guild can win a planet invasion and be awarded a title. Asking for more char slots serve the super guild only.


More on the super guild system. Titles should be awarded on the same basis that conquest guild rewards are awarded. A winner can still be designated as being in control of that planet.


I don't understand why a person needs access to multiple guild chats. Perhaps I did not understand the request. I should also point out that any player can create a chat themselves and invite their friends to it, and it will be active across multiple chars in multiple guilds. So this is already possible for those that want to take advantage of it.

Edited by MotorCityMan
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i totally understand you point, because i'm doing the same. it took me 2hours this week, to do the conquest analysis and it only would take around 5-10minutes with an csv-export.

Personally I would be happy with a top 10 by legacy in-game scoreboard but I have seen other guild leaders talking about how they would like to use the CSV option for various other admin tasks. One was to give ranks to people based on Joined Date (which isn't a field you can see at the moment).


It's good to see that you agree that having an export option would be a good thing at least for conquest scoring.


i also see the potential. with regulary exports you can create a very fine profile of guild members. added with data from other guilds, if the guild leaders share these data, you can do that with their members and maybe pricisize your profiles.

i think there is a guild leader meeting on every server and mostly blacklists for players is a topic with that.

and so the potential for abusal is too high for me, compared to "my personal" benefits.

There are a few "Problem Players" type channels on various Discord servers. They usually all have the same rules about providing characters, legacies, summary of what they did and screenshots/video showing the person causing the problem. None seem very active to me. One has more than others but it has guild leaders from several servers. Having the ability to use CSV exports won't help speed things up. If you wanted to post it's already fast in Discord to upload a screenshot and fill those fields out.


i think that is the problem in here. you don't care about the potential, just want your benefits.

Shouldn't let fear and paranoia control your decisions.

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I don't want to see guild summons shortened to 5 mins. No one character should be able to dominate a map to that extent. One summons every 30 mins is ample for summoning groups. If a guild leader wants more summons available, they can extend guild permissions to more guild members.

I don't think I've ever heard anybody say that they think the 30 minute summons cooldown is a good thing, not without them just joking around. First time for everything :p


No one character should be able to dominate a map to that extent.

Can you go into more detail about what you mean here? I'm curious.


The game is already dominated by the super guild system where only one guild can win a planet invasion and be awarded a title. Asking for more char slots serve the super guild only.

If what you say is true, then what difference does it make?


More on the super guild system. Titles should be awarded on the same basis that conquest guild rewards are awarded. A winner can still be designated as being in control of that planet.

It was a nice compromise that they changed it so that just crossing the threshold is enough to get rewards instead of having to be in the top 10. The title and achievement should remain with the top spot. The system is called Conquest.


I don't understand why a person needs access to multiple guild chats. Perhaps I did not understand the request.

There are lots of people who play in multiple guilds because they enjoy each of those communities. Currently they have to relog characters to catch up with each one in guild chat. If guild membership was by legacy then you could see the chat channel for each guild on each of your characters. It's much much better from a social perspective. It's still quite a new concept for me but I like the sound of it a lot.

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Guild Directory On Website

  • It would be nice to have a section of the official SWTOR website as a Guild Directory where the information guild leaders enter about their guilds in-game could be shown off plus maybe some nice stats. This page has a style that would go well with it.
  • Could add direct link to guild leader/officer website mails so it can be used to find people to ask questions.
  • Sweet upgrade would be if it was two way so you could update the in-game guild info from the website. Much easier to update the MotD each morning.
  • Swtorista has created a great 3rd party guild index here: https://swtorfancommunity.com/guilds/ which shows you there is interest in such a feature

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  • Please allow more than one character to be assigned the top rank in a guild


could all the GM alts have the same permissions (access to log, ranks, etc.) for those of us who have several alts

This also opens the way for having shared leadership.

Edited by UlaVii
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Some nice points and good suggestions, but not all of them. There are some suggestions here that to me overstep the boundary of what info GM's should be allowed to access. However regardless of my own thoughts it's BW choice if any are implemented. Still this is a well thought out list for the most part, and if some make it into game Ok. Edited by DreadtechSavant
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