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Huge Spoilers! End of Khem Val Affection Quests


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SPOILERS! HUGE HUGE SPOILERS! SERIOUSLY, there are freaking spoilers below.





Well I got Khem Val to 10k Affection tonight and I was able to complete his questline.


I've played my Sith Lord as a heartless monster, there was no atrocity I wouldn't stoop too.


But this...this was difficult.


I mean, its basically making a choice between what companion you want for the next few years. There is no get out clause. This is final. To Bioware's credit they didn't give us an easy way out.


I had to choose between Khem and Zash, and in the end I went with Zash. She just seems like the more fun personality to adventure with over the lifetime of this game. Still, it was a mega douche moment and the choice that's made me feel bad.


After all, Khem was always honest with me at least. And he only got into the situation he is in due to the fact he intervened and saved me at the end of Act I.


Still, inside a Rakatan mind box on Taris there is one very very pissed off Dashade. Maybe I've not seen the last of Khem Val after all.


So what choice did you make? And did you regret it?


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Yeah, Im not sure if I could live with the decision if its Zash in Khems body.........As much as I wished I could have taken Zash into my body as an option or something ot that sort (or sacrificed that apprentice that gets killed on Quesh's body, mmmmm, erm, I digress) I just couldnt handle Zash in Khems body, and Khem has always been a straight shooter and a general lover of murder and mayhem!

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It's Zash in Khem's body. Zash's old body died at the end of chapter one. The original Khem Val has been extracted and imprisoned in my story. I think I made the right choice, Zash is more logical for my character and she is just plainly more useful and interesting. Still, I felt bad for doing it haha

Edited by Obelisk-Kai
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I kept Khem.


I just finished this quest and it left me feeling let down enough I came here to see what other people experienced. It just seemed to me that Zash has/had been such an important part of our story through the entire thread of this class that when I got Khem's quest to go to Taris and finally resolve the Zash "issue" once and for all. I was really excited. Then I got to Taris, found the mind trap and nothing really, just a few conversation choices and Zash or Khem is gone. I expected some type of moral debate between the two of them, perhaps access to some type of tangible reward from Zash (which is alluded to her treasure troves of items) or Khem. Instead all it really comes down to is do you want to keep the female voice actor or the male voice actor? With nothing about the story really coming into play.




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I selected to keep Khem and imprison Zash as well.


On one hand you have Zash, who tries to manipulate the player, then constantly reminds you that "this body is powerful, sooner or later I will have my revenge!" etc. On the other hand you have a powerful beast who saved your life at the end of chapter 1, who keeps glorifying you as the heir of a great Sith Lord, and who will reman loyal to you no matter what...


Saving Khem seems like the obvious choice as far as I'm concerned. When Zash, after having done all that she's done, had the audacity to say "when the time comes, give me your power to help me defeat Khem", she pretty much sealed her fate. All I thought was "oh you are so going down you hag".


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Khem may be a scary monster who wanted to eat me for our first sevel dozen levels together, but he's my scary monster and I'm keeping him!


(I kept him. Zash is a b***h.)



Edited by Ekatze
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oh hell no. zash is gonna die for what she did to me. that little garden tool made it personal by trying to kill me. besides khem val is my buddy, you know how many times ive sacrificed him while i run away. how many times he has "died" for the cause and how long he has been my trusty meatshield. khem is gonna live in my story and zash is gonna die forever and I will find a way to torment her soul forever for trying to kill me.
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Here's my question, if u choose Zash, when u click on Khem does she talk or does Zash, like out in world not for conversation?


Khem begins using Zash voice emotes for the most part, however Khem voice files play in certain situations so it feels a bit unfinished sadly.

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Seriously you're all pathetic... Chosing?! CHOSING?! Pff and you dare call yourself Sith, you don't even deserve to be crushed under my boot...


Anyway nah, I went with the "Fight for it" option (Do nothing n do nothing basically) considering on one hand I respect Khem (which he likes) on the other hand Zash got huge amount of knowledge which Khem not even Talos or myself could gather... So in the end I decided... "Well it's either the dashade or the manipulative *****... (Stealing Tulak Hords remains while ingenious was a step too far to be fair) Oh, well lets see which one of them got the stronger will to serve me!"


So in the end Khem won the price of serving me, not surprised considering Zash still calls you an apprentice at times, would she really bow to anyone? I feel sorry for you lot who took her instead of Khem since everyone knows she'll try n backstab you in the end...


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I had em fight it out i knew khem would win because he is not weak like zash but anyone who keeps zash is not sith why are you giving her a chance to back stab you again? The fact that she tried to steal my body warrents her death. With zash she will stab me in the back at least with khem he will only stab me in the face at least I can see khem coming with zash around she is unpredictable thats why i glad that khem got rid of her.

Edited by lokdron
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