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Is Tharan's healing mechanic broken?


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I'm a 38 infiltration spec shadow and I am now dying a lot it's not that my pet is under geared I have kept him reasonably up to date in that respect it is that I seem to be getting the week end of his heals while he spam's his big heals on himself. I have his damage ability's turned off and he is in med watch (heal stance) yet it seems rare that I receive a kolto jolt or a med pack mostly all I get is a med scan or a field dress which is not enough to keep up with damage in some fights. Is anyone else getting this or is it just me? Should I maybe switch to Kinetic combat for the last 12 levels and then go back to infiltration, advice please.
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I also tried him out and found he heals himself and then me at the end of a battle. I'm a healer so I was only 'experimenting' with the game and wanted to see what he could do, but I can imagine it is annoying for those dps'ers who would like his help.

p.s. he definately was in healing mode ;)

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I also tried him out and found he heals himself and then me at the end of a battle. I'm a healer so I was only 'experimenting' with the game and wanted to see what he could do, but I can imagine it is annoying for those dps'ers who would like his help.

p.s. he definately was in healing mode ;)


I think this maybe the case he heals himself first then me which would explain why I am getting less of the big heals as they are on cool down.


And yes he is definitely in heal stance.

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I haven't seen this unless I let silver or higher mobs (or a lot of regular ones) beat on him. If he gets low on health, he'll heal himself first, so make sure you grab the attention of all the mobs (or use cc) and don't let them beat him into the ground. He does a good job keeping my shadow tank alive in most situations.


In fact, I'm on the verge of petitioning BW to change the graphic on that bag of green mold he keeps chucking at my feet :p

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Since the patch a couple weeks ago, I've notice his heals have been less "Johny on the spot." I've also noticed my own abilities seem to have more lag to them and my graphics performance hasn't been quite as good. These issue may be unrelated, but it seems like there might be latency or server issues.
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i have noticed as well that his heals have been more infrequent. before this patch, he seemed to heal whoever was lowest, now it seems a bit more random and more prioritized towards himself.


i've also seen since this patch that he shoots ALOT more. i have both dps skills disabled so its just his normal blaster shot, but its really annoying when he is shooting instead of using his cleanse or heal on me.

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