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HM Soa still bugged?

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Just attempted Soa about 5 or 6 times on Hard Mode and kept running into an issue with the tank being placed in a Mind Trap. This occured each time to start the final phase. Once or twice, the fight reset and we were not allowed to engage Soa on the bottom platform. The other times we had to have a random DPS pick up Soa. It's a little frustrating that we are 6 months past launch and this fight is still bugged, especially since HM Eternity can be seen as a gateway to SM Explosive Conflict.
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I have not had any bug on Soa HM since 1.2.


The tank can be the target of mind trap, it is intended so that you run the operation with two tanks. Even with only one tank, the person having aggro can kite Soa while the healers heal him/her, and the dps deal with the prison. Unless Soa is enraged he does not one shot people.


The Soa reset is a separate matter and you should look into it before claiming it's a bug. Who was Soa targetting before he reset? Since your tank was in prison, it was probably one of your highest dps. What was he/she doing at that moment?

Being in the lava or in some weird place would cause Soa to reset.


The aoe explosion can be caused by destroying the pylons on the platform in the wrong order, e.g. someone is jumping ahead of the group and destroys the pylon below before the people behind finish the pylon above.


The rule is simple: don't jump down unless the pylon on the plaform is destroyed.

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Another bug is that sometimes his aoe charges are not dispelled by the pylons on the platforms on the way down.


The solution to this, from what I've seen and read, is to make sure you always kill that first pylon on the first jump down. There's a small delay before that first pylon is killable so lots of people skip it and kill the 2nd one. Then, someone in the raid who knew the first one was killable that waited will kill the first one. This cause the bug.


Make sure everyone stops at the first pylon, waits for it to be targettable, kills it, then moves on, killing all the pylons they can on the way down.

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