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(L,F&E 43) Of Hunters and Prey


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<A small ship, Hyperspace>


Helen hadn't been sure about this at all. But Cradassk and his team were consummate professionals. After a few rough words, she had settled into the group nicely. It had helped that she had given back as much as she had taken. The ship they were on was small, but state of the art, fast, well armed and furnished for long travel times. And the Trandoshans had stocked food more suited to her palette. She appreciated that, although she did try their cuisine a few times, she found it a bit on the rough side. But still not as bad as military emergency rations. And, lo and behold, she was useful aboard as well. Her background training was as an analyst after all, and there was a lot of information to analyze. She shook her head slowly, perplexed. She sat back from the terminal and looked the team leader in the eyes.


“I don't see why he would stop at the closest planet, too many eyes on him.” Cradaask nodded. When she had first met him, his reptilian face seemed a stone mask at the best of times, but now, having spent time in close quarters with him and the rest of his team, she could see he was thoughtful. When he spoke, it was slow, so she could understand him. He couldn't speak Basic, old damage to his vocal cords wouldn't allow it, but he could understand it just fine and he could speak Dosh, which she was learning fast. Total immersion in a new language was still the fastest way to learn one.


< If he goes anywhere near a planet not controlled by the red blades, he is dead. He knows he is pursued. By 'Death from Afar'.> Helen carefully did not grin at that. Will's nickname among the Trandoshans was as about half respect and about half fear. But she had learned early on that a grin didn't mean amusement in a reptilian culture. Exposing the teeth was a challenge. Luckily, no one had died from her gaff. Helen nodded.


“Still, other hunters would take note of his cargo. Is it possible they may attempt to rob him of his prize?” Helen asked. At that Cradaask sat back, obviously thinking hard again. Then he nodded.


<For such a prize, yes. It is possible.> Cradaask admitted. <If they know what he carries. Much money to be made for one who carries such a prize to the red blades. But dangerous. And if he carries the cargo in stasis, it is possible that none may be able to find out.> At that Helen blinked. She shook her head slowly.


“Will we be able to catch him?” Helen asked slowly. Cradaask nodded slowly. He tapped the holo starmap and the image of a system appeared on the screen. Helen blinked.


<Here.> Helen stared at the map.


“I didn't know that system had anything in it.” She stared at it and Cradaask snorted in teethy Trandoshan laughter.


<It doesn't. Except for a small outpost with minimal facilities. And few security. Many of whom work for the Trask clan> Cradaask grinned and this time Helen shared it. They nodded to each other and started looking over the system schematics. Helen shook her head slowly.


They must have hidden it well, there has never been any sign of life in the Bespin system...



<A day later>


<... and I don't care what you were told. I need my ship fueled and ready to go in an hour.> The Trandoshan who was speaking projected an aura of threat but the Trandoshan listening just shrugged.


<You say you need now. You pay. Now.> The first Trandoshan snarled and his hand dropped towards his blaster, but stopped as blasters cycled up around the area. He might have been wearing armor and been well armed, but he was heavily outnumbered by the dock crew, who were carrying an eclectic assortment of weapons. He snarled, showing teeth and the dock manager just stood there, waiting. Finally, the armored Trandoshan stalked off. The dock manager watched him go and snorted. When he spoke it was too soft for the annoyed bounty hunter to hear. Not that he probably would have as angry as he was.


<Always a fool C'trask. Always a fool. Picking fights you cannot win...> Z'Trask sighed as he started looking over the day's paperwork. Too much to do, and never enough time or resources to do it. Scorekeeper knew he wanted off this blasted rock, but... He froze as he saw new icon on his screen. Another ship. Trandoshan. He smiled. Maybe a good day anyway. At the very least someone else to talk to besides that young fool C'trask...


<An hour later>


C'trask sat in the tiny cantina and tried not to stew. He had hoped for family ties to smooth his way past the outpost without having to explain to his fifth cousin twice removed that he was broke. He shook his head slowly. No jobs meant no money. No money meant no fuel. No fuel meant he stay here until his 'cargo' rotted. Maybe if he cut the old fool Z'trask in...


His thoughts broke off as a huge Trandoshan entered the cantina. His eyes narrowed as he took in the armor, the armaments and the regenerating arm. Whoever this being was, he was no newbie or wanna be... C'trask froze and then was moving. It was a good thing he was, because the heavy blaster pistol sprayed the booth he had been in. Any of those shots might have killed him, and he winced as he tallied up the damage. Who the flarg...?


He ducked for the back door and winced again as another Trandoshan, this one smaller, blocked the rear door. Smaller the Trandoshan might have been, but the gun she carried was anything but small. And she knew how to use it too, he snarled a vicious curse as the fire from the medium repeater chased him back behind the bar. Whoever these newcomers were, they wanted him very dead. He snarled, and activated his flamethrower. Time to leave. But the newcomers were spraying fire through his flames and he had to duck back to avoid... He blanched as he saw an icon appear on his helmet display. They were trying to break into his ship! He screamed a battle cry and charged towards the Trandoshan holding the back door. He felt one, two strikes on his armor, but then he was on the stranger. Who fought hard, biting and clawing. He knew better than to stick around so instead of staying to fight, he rolled off the struggling body and ran for an alley. Behind him he heard the hunting call of the Daask clan and he swore profusely. Why had put a bounty on him? The only one who knew what he carried was... He blinked and ran faster. For the first time in a very long time, he wished he had a jet pack.


He had never had luck with jetpacks, but they would have made... He tensed as he heard a distinctive sound and, acting on instinct, he dodged. The blaster shot that would have taken his head off plowed a hole through a wall instead. As he ran he looked up and sure enough, yet another Trandoshan, this one with a blaster rifle, was hovering overhead. He snarled and dropped a set of flash bang munitions, if only he could... the alley erupted on fire and flames. And sudden;y, shooting started in lots of places and it was complete chaos. He smiled as he ducked into yet another alleyway. Time to make a quick exit. And if he 'borrowed' some fuel from Z'trask, well, how would the old fool know?


<A few minutes later>


Helen swore loudly as the ship containing Nia started moving. They had been so close. But then the other Trandoshans had gotten involved. She turned her fulminating gaze to the Trandoshan who was held in front of her. When she spoke her voice was cold.


“Where is he going?” The old Trandoshan spat at her, and she didn't flinch as Cradaask slammed the old lizard into the floor yet again.


<You not catch him human wench.> Cradaask snarled again and this time, the older Trandoshan left teeth in the deck as Cradassk slammed his face into it again and held it there with a huge clawed foot.. But the old Trandoshan froze as Helen replied in Dosh.


<You better pray I can.> Helen showed all of her teeth now. <If he gets where he is going, very bad things happen. Count on it.>

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He sat at his terminal and tried not to curse. It seemed every time he or his employees got close, that accursed hunter would slip away again. He knew what was waiting for the hunter's cargo when it reached its destination. And the thought filled him with dread. Many people said he didn't feel fear. That was utter rubbish. He felt it all right. He just rarely showed it. It wasn't a feeling he could use, so he subsumed it to feelings he could. He had always known that letting his feelings run loose was a bad thing, but now, now he knew why. He didn't feel any different, but he was. Somehow, on a deeper level, he was different. He heard her come in and didn't react as he stared at the screen, trying to find some answer that eluded him. He didn't even react when strong hands took his shoulders in a firm grip and started a massage.


“Come away from that.” Her voice as always these days, held equal measure worry and exasperation. He shook his head and refocused his eyes on the screen. But he froze as one of her hands licked out, quick as the tongue of a snake,a nd flipped the power switch on his terminal.


“Hey!” He would have turned it back on, but his hands were captured in gentle grips. When she spoke again, her voice held worry.


“How long have you sat here? The news won't change while you rest.” He shook his head, but knew better than to try and break her hold. She was gentle, most of the time anyway, but she was also strong.


“As if I could sleep... With Nia in his grip. I...” He froze as she nuzzled his neck with her chin. Now her voice held humor.


“I said rest, not sleep. Although you may want to afterwards." Sharra Kalenath said sternly. "Come on husband. I am claiming a wife's prerogatives as of right now.” He blinked at her, for a long moment unable to comprehend. She pulled him out of the chair and gently propelled him towards the door. “Now, husband...”


He looked at her, saw the iron determination in her eyes and sighed. She was right. And, well, whatever else Sharra was, once she had set her mind on something, she kept her focus on that. And anything that got in her way would get hurt. He sighed and let her lead him towards their quarters. As they passed a large furred form in the hallway, Olana smiled at them both.


<Be gentle Sharra> At the Wookiee's tart words, both laughed a bit. Will wasn't sure about this, not at all. They hadn't... been together, since he had found her again. Part of it was the utter lack of time. Part was the fact that both spent time in Medical for various reasons. But part was also fear. She had been hurt, badly, by her captors. He had never asked. He knew what the Sith were capable of. He knew that she had been rescued by a Jedi before the Sith had finished the evil that they had planned for her, but still... As if she could read his thoughts, she reached out, too his head in her hands and kissed him full on the mouth. When they came up for air, he smiled at her. And she grinned back.


“Better?” Her voice was teasing. He smiled slyly.


“I think I might need some more of that... You know... Continued treatments.” Sharra laughed at his teasing and they went into the stateroom and the hatch clicked locked behind them. In the corridor the Wookiee shook his huge head slowly.


Its about time...




It would have been next to impossible, even with the most sophisticated scanners in existence, to detect the signals that leapt from a small device buried deep within Sharra's body. Even the device would have been next to impossible to detect. And the signals, without equipment set up to detect them, would be indistinguishable from the normal junk that traveled across the com bands outside of messages.


<Somewhere else, later, a long ways away>


“It's about time.” The human in black robes snarled as she perused the readouts on her equipment. She smiled as the readings started to make sense. All this effort, all this time, all these continuing delays, sidetracks and interruptions and finally her plan was unfolding. If not as she had originally foreseen, then in parameters he could control. She smiled an evil smile as the readings started fall into expected patterns.


Soon, my dear, so very, very soon...


She froze as another presence was felt. She licked her lips carefully and composed her features before he turned. As always, her master stood in shadow.


“Master.” Neither overly deferent or insubordinate. She had mastered the ability to act just the proper way at an early age. It took skills like that to survive in the Sith ranks. And as an apprentice to this Sith... His voice as always was melodious but...


“Morgana. You have results?” As always the edge of laughter that ran under her master's voice gave her goosebumps. But fear was an old friend, it gave her strength. She nodded and waved towards the equipment, but the shadowed form just laughed. “A summary is fine.”


"We received the preliminary reports." She licked her lips. “The subject has made contact with the prey. We will have him.”


“We had better.” His reply was cold and distant. She could not control a shiver. Something about the matter of fact delivery spoke of pain, endless pain.


“We will, master. Ten days from now we will have Will Kalenath.” Her master looked at her and she could see a smile on his face, the unshadowed part.


“Excellent Morgana. Keep me appraised, and, yes. If we take her alive, you can have Sharra back.” She couldn't keep the look of enjoyment off her face and her master laughed again. An evil sound. “Try not to break her this time.” She smiled an then froze. He was gone. She turned back to her equipment.


After so long, you will be mine again girl.




“She really thinks you will do that?” The woman in black said, astonished. "And she think YOU are the master?" The man in black robes snorted.


“She can't look beyond her lusts. She is useful, but...” The man in black said with a dismissive snort. The woman in black nodded as well.


“But she will outlive her usefulness as soon as we have him.” Nothing else needed to be said. Morgana's life would end as soon as it was convenient. If she couldn't control herself, she was a liability, and liabilities had a way of becoming ex-liabilities around Sith.


“Keep an eye on her, I need to report.” The man said soberly. The woman shuddered.


“Better you than me.” She snapped. The man laughed.


“Is that fear I hear Kola?” He asked, astonished. She snarled at him.


“You know darn well it is, Shult. And a good thing too." Kola, dark lady of the Sith, replied evenly. "He rules by being fearsome. If he weakens...” The man smiled evilly.


“When he weakens.” She nodded and her smile matched his.


“You don't have the laugh quite right, you need to work on that.” She said softly. He nodded. It was simple truth. No one could -quite- do it as well as the master could. He strode off. After a few twists and turns, he came to a door. He knocked and a voice called.


“Enter.” As he did, he was hit with an almost palpable wave of Dark Side energy. It hurt, but it was a good pain. He took in the horrors of the room without flinching. After all, he had seen, and done, far worse. He walked to the dais in the center and bowed, trying to keep his robes out of the pools of blood that were scattered around. “Yes?”


He swallowed a bit. No matter what, this being was fear incarnate. Never mind the laughter that bubbled from the edges of the human's mouth. Never mind the wild look on his face. No, the eyes told the whole story. Chaos incarnate.


“Morgana has found him. She has a basic plan, she estimates ten days.” The man on the dias nodded. He stroked the head of the slave at his feet and the female human didn't move, didn't blink. It took a moment for Shult to realize she was dead. If his master knew or cared, it was not apparent.


“Alive Shult, we need him alive. If he is so much as damaged, I will be displeased.” Shult nodded. He didn't trust himself to speak. “Go. Return with him.” Shult bid a hasty retreat as revolting sounds came from the dias. As he turned to leave, however, he caught sight of his master's arm. Of the brand on it. A stylized sword. The man on the dias smiled as he continued his revels.


The galaxy will burn!

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<Four days later, Kuat>


Sharra didn't know why, but she was tense. Something was wrong. It wasn't anything she could see. It wasn't even a true feeling. She knew she didn't have the Force, so why was she so jittery? In contrast, Will was the calmest he had been in a while. And she knew why. She grinned at him, and he grinned back. But there was something... off... She looked around. The ambush was set, the Trandoshan who had Nia would have no idea at all that Will, Sharra and Olana were there before they sprang their trap. She checked her weapon again, more to ease the waiting than any real need. She just felt... odd. She shook her head and latched her helmet in place. With a little luck this would be the place they could rescue her stepdaughter.


Will looked at her and she nodded. They split up, each going to a separate area to lie in wait. The plan was for them to wait in ambush until the Trandoshan left his ship, then hit him from multiple sides at once. No matter how quick he was, he wouldn't be able to outrun that. She settled into her hide and smiled a bit under her helmet. But she couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. Very wrong.




“Is all in readiness?” The black garbed man watched carefully through the hidden surveillance system as his prey moved into ambush positions. He smiled a bit. While that positioning made them utterly lethal to anyone crossing through their field of fire, it also left them vulnerable to attack from the flanks and rear. The leader of the commando team spoke.


“Yes, Lord Shult.” The man in black fixed the commando with a cold stare.


“Alive.” The commando nodded and stepped to join his team. The Sith looked around and smiled thinly. He had an entire company of crack troops hidden in scattered hides throughout the area and... his thoughts broke off as a sound came. Something unexpected. A scream followed by the howl of an enraged Wookiee. His smile shattered into an angry snarl as he heard blaster fire as well. “Move in! Now!”


<The ambush site>


Sharra froze as she heard Olana howl and then the roar of blaster fire. Then she was moving in trained reflex. Whatever had happened, the ambush was blown. She moved towards her chosen egress point, a sewer opening. The plan was to egress separately and then regroup. But the plan flew out the window as she saw a squad of armored figures appear between her and her egress point. Sith. They hadn't seen her yet, but it was only a matter of time. She snarled silently and opened fire. These were not green troops however, and while she dropped three of them, the remainder sought cover and returned fire. She cut loose with a pair of grenades and had the satisfaction of seeing two of them engulfed in flames, but then they were replying in kind. She tucked in on herself and let her armor take the blasts, but...


She shook her head. Concussion munitions? Against an opponent in full armor? That was... She froze and blanched as she realized why they would be using weapons that wouldn't penetrate. They wanted her alive.


“Not in this lifetime scumsuckers!” She reached for her bandolier and threw a 'special' in their general direction. Then she ran the other way. The thermal detonator went off, silencing everything on that side of the battlefield for a moment. And then she was running. As she did she wondered what the flarg had happened. But as she looked up, she saw the bounty hunter's ship arcing away from the firefight. Bright blue stun bolts flew towards her, some sparking off her armor, but it held. For now. She snarled again as she slid into another set of cover and prepared to make the Sith hurt.




Olana hadn't expected to find Imperial troops in his chosen hiding spot. Luckily for him, they had been even more surprised at seeing the seven foot tall Wookiee. And then he had lost himself in the rush of battle. He was dimly aware that the Imperials were trying to take him alive. Luckily he was under no such constraints. He tore another soldier into ragged meat and spun to find himself facing a black clad figure. The few surviving soldiers stepped back and the black clad Sith stepped forward. Olana smiled thinly and drew his warblade. The Sith made a gesture, but Olana had a solid grip on his blade and all the energy that should have pulled his blade from his grip did was propel him towards the Sith. Olana howled as he charged and the Sith met his blades with red lightsaber. The Sith tried to lock Olana's blade, but then the impact of a fur covered foot sent the Sith flying. Olana was in motion, but a pulse of power hit him and he was down, shaking his head, trying to clear it. He couldn't move. Blasted Force powers... The Sith stood over him and Olana met his gaze. The Sith spoke.


“Secure this thing. We must find the others...” Olana felt hands on him and he felt the Sith trying to get manacles on him, but then a blaster rang out and the hands fell away. Of of the Sith fell dead right there and the other lay screaming as she clutched the stump of an arm. The Sith stared behind Olana. Then his lightsaber was active but instead of a shot...


“You people never do learn.” Will's voice was cold, but the Sith just laughed and detonated a flash grenade.


“Gotcha.” The Sith laughed again. He didn't need to see to fight, and Will's helmet polarizers would take time to recover. Unfortunately for the Sith, Olana was not restrained and he had practiced a lot of fighting without being able to see. So when the Sith moved forward, Olana reached out and grabbed the closest arm. Coincidentally, that was the one holding the lightsaber. The Sith screamed as Olana twisted. Just enough. With a sicking crack, the Sith's arm shattered. Then Olana was on his feet, staggering away from the Sith, who was screaming in pain. The Wookiee felt a hand under him, guiding him. A touch code kept him from striking. Only two people knew that code. One they had worked out for just such situations. He kept his eyes closed, they would recover faster that way. Behind he heard explosions and he snarled. The Imperials would have a very hard time tracking them. Especially since they would have no idea if that piece of litter they were about to step on was a mine or not. That would make them cautious.


<A few minutes later>


Olana sat as Sharra fussed over his minor wounds. He was angry. With himself, with the situation, but mainly with the Sith. Will sat a ways away, watching. The Sith were busily tearing the area around the spaceport apart, looking for them. And there were a lot of them. Will looked at his wife and friend and shook his head. Things had just become much more complicated.


<Back at the Spaceport>


Shult growled at the medic who finished splinting the remnants of his arm and stood on wobbly feet. He called his saber to his left hand and snarled.


"I must report to the Master. Continue the search, and I want them alive." His cold voice had the troops scurrying to search. And he turned slowly to head for the communications shack. his master would not be pleased.

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She was dreaming. She had to be dreaming.


“Come on, you might like it...” She saw again the horrific visions that she remembered only dimly when she was awake. She tried to scream, but noting came out. The tube down her throat prevented that.


She had been in this chamber of horrors for a long time. The Sith who had taken her had interrogated her for a long time, then drugged her and she had woken here. Wherever here was. She was betting on hell. The lack of clothes didn't bother her. The lack of her hair didn't bother her. No, what bothered her was this nasty Sith who couldn't keep her hands to herself. She shuddered and tried not to react as the Sith tried for a response. But the sweet voice came again.


“Come on girl, you know you want it...” She stared at the Sith and glared as best she could. Of course that just made the Sith laugh. There was something -off- about her laughter too. As if she wasn't totally in control. But Sharra froze as another voice came.


“Playing, my dear?” Sharra didn't look, she didn't have to. She had seen the man's face in her nightmares ever since waking in this place. But the Sith woman turned a pasty white. “You know better. Work first, then play. Or be punished.” The woman babbled something but a black gloved hand shot into Sharra's field of view and took the woman by the throat. The woman scrambled, kicking her feet as the diminutive form held her off the ground by her throat. The man looked in to her eyes and the Sith woman froze, a bit like a small rodent caught in the eyes of a Nexu. She gasped and then the other Sith dropped her. He laughed, and all the meager warmth in the laboratory fled from his laughter. She collapsed boneless to the floor and Sharra hoped for a moment that he had killed her, but she stood up on shaky legs to stand by the wall, silent. Sharra froze as his regard swept over her.


“Sharra Kalenath.” He looked at her and she... She...


Sharra woke up screaming. She was dimly ware of warm arms holding her. But she couldn't stop screaming. Finally, she felt a hypo on her arm and relaxed as the drug worked its magic through her system. A gentle touch and she was falling, so slowly. This time when darkness claimed her, she wasn't afraid. She knew Will wouldn't let anything happen to her. She felt a kiss on her brow, and then she was asleep again, mercifully, this time without dreams.


Will sat and watched his wife sleep. She had been better. Ever since the mess on Jodaka, where he had found her again, she had been getting better, until... He winced. It had to be what they had shared. Ever since then, she had woken every night with nightmares. He had spoken with the doctors who had removed the Sith implants from her body, but maybe it was time to find a specialist. He nodded to Olana and stood up. Olana would stay with her, he loved her as much as Will did.


Will walked to the cramped bridge and shook his head. The scanner readouts said it all. The Sith ship was following. There was no way the larger ship could catch them now, but there shouldn't have been any way to track them. Unless... He shook his head slowly. He needed information, and there was no way to make a call without being eavesdropped on, so... He grinned as he saw a droid operated freighter ahead. Time to confuse the issue.


<Aboard the Sith Ship Dark Harvest>


Shult snarled as the transport containing his prey jumped to hyperspace. “Track them.”


The sensor techs jumped to obey, but... Shult looked at the techs as they called their officer over. Even with one arm in a splint, he was as fearsome, maybe more so, since his face was a permanent scowl now. Most of that had come from what his Master had said to him. And promised to do to him for failing. It wasn't that his master didn't understand that life was never as easy as a holonovel, but... He swallowed. Maybe if he could recover Kalenath quickly, he could make his master forget the punishment. Slim chance, mind you, but... He stopped his mental musing as the officer exclaimed.


He walked over. He usually didn't crowd the soldiers. It was their job, and while he vaguely understood what they did and how, he had to admit they knew more than he did. If only in the deep recesses of his mind. He had found that fear, while useful, didn't always lend itself to efficiency, so he was somewhat lenient at times. But what he saw... The Sith shook his head slowly.


“He went where?” He couldn't keep the incredulity out of his voice. The officer swallowed, and then pulled up the readouts. He blanched, but had his face under control before he turned to face Shult.


“The navicomputer has returned results. Three of the five possible destinations along that track are Imperial bases. Another leads through a star, and the fifth...” Shult just shook his head. The Sith turned to the ship commander.


“Set your course for Dantooine, Captain. With the fleet we have in that system, he will have no where to run. We have him.” One of the techs made a noise and Shult looked at her, his face impassive.


“Sir, he has to know that our fleet presence there is strong. It would be a death sentence.” The officer stepped back, leaving the tech to her fate, but Shult just looked at her. Young, a bit pretty, but a mind that was quick and sharp. He waved for her to continue. She swallowed and spoke slowly. “Sir, I believe he jumped here.” She highlighted a system on the chart. Shult looked at it and shook his head.


“On what evidence soldier?” The officer was glaring at her, but the tech only had eyes for Shult. Smart girl.


“On the evidence that Will Kalenath never does the expected thing." She keyed up a sensor reading. "He jumped with that freighter.” At that Shult froze. A double jump. He nodded slowly. Add to that jumping in close proximity to another ship. An insane tactic, but no one in their right mind would expect it. The officer spoke up.


“Sir, with all due respect, he would have had to jump through a nova to get there.” But Shult was shaking his head. Not angrily, but with a bit of awe in his expression. The sheer audacity. The insane audacity.


“No he wouldn't have. We know the Stormhawk has better starcharts than just about anyone else in the Galaxy.” He turned to the Captain, who nodded and started issuing orders. “Well done tech. What is your name?”


“Ensign Hannas Sir.” She waited, ready for the axe to fall. She had done her duty and was ready to take the consequences for speaking out of turn. Her commanding officer was glaring at her, but Shult just nodded.


“Well done Lieutenant Hannas. Your job now is to find a way to track double jumps.” He waved as she tensed. “I know, I know, we need better sensors, but give me some kind of parameters so the Research and Development people have something to go on. By the end of the week. And see if you can program our sensors to at least detect both jumps. It would save us a lot of time.” She stared at him and then nodded, her gaze going distant as she contemplated the problem. She tensed and saluted, but Shult just smiled. Shult looked at her commander and the man nodded slowly. Fear wasn't the only motivator for efficiency.


The ship turned to make its run up to lightspeed. And the hyperspace route to Korriban. They couldn't get there as fast as Kalenath could, but a hypercom message was already on the way. And he would find an unpleasant surprise waiting for him.

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<Back on Kuat>


Helen cursed. She wasn't sure what had just happened, but was reasonably sure the Sith had been involved. Cradaask looked at her and she sighed.


“Another run.” Cradaask nodded and moved to round up his team. They had been lying in wait near the closest cantina to the starport. Helen shook her head slowly as she started back towards the spaceport. Then she froze. Something... She was moving before her brain impulses finished firing and had her hand on her blaster. She ducked into a shadow and hit her panic button to alert Cradaask and his team that something was amiss.


She had a moment to see a absolutely huge shadow appear in front of her and then she was held by strong arms. She fought, but whoever had her was much larger and stronger than she was. Even when she managed to connect to the usually sensitive spot between the legs, the being simply shifted her so she couldn't reach that area again. A voice came to her.


“That was dumb.” She looked up to see a red skinned Twilek lounging against the wall nearby. From her attire, she was Sith. Helen didn't reply, just kept struggling. And the Twilek sighed. “Ms. Regina, we are not enemies today.” Helen laughed.


“You have a funny way of showing it, Sith.” Her mike was open, so she knew Cradassk could hear her. She hoped he would be careful, she had grown to like the huge Trandoshan. Maybe not trust, but like. The Twilek nodded, as if that was a common thing to hear. “Considering how your kind keep hurting my people, how should I react?” At that the Twilek nodded, but when she spoke, her voice was quiet.


“We ambushed you because we don't want to get in a fight with your people." The Twi'lek said soberly. "All we want to do is talk.” Helen snorted and tried to struggle, but whoever held her was way beyond her ability to fight. The hands that held her shook her and tightened a little.


“So talk.” Helen snapped, unable to move. The Twilek sighed again and then spoke in a businesslike tone.


“Fine." The strange female alien said, somewhat snarkily. "When next you speak to Will Kalenath, tell him that the tracker is in Sharra's limbic node, between the two hemispheres. He will know what that means.” Helen stared at the Twilek not comprehending.


“What?” Helen was dumbfounded. What was this Sith playing at? he Twilek sighed again. Helen tried to move but the hands holding her might have been carved of stone for all the give they had.


“Look, there is a lot more going on here than you know. There is a lot more going on here than he knows. There is more going on here than anyone knows. And I can hope it stays that way.” Helen looked at her closely. She could swear she knew who this being was. Not by sight, but maybe she had heard of her somewhere?


“You know who I am. Who are you?” Helen finally asked. The Twilek nodded.


“My name is Chari of the Bladeborn.” At that name, Helen froze. Bladeborn had saved her sister. “I swear on my honor that what I have spoken is true. And what I say now is true. Will Kalenath is an enemy of the Sith Empire, but he is also far more. Tell him, from us...” She made a gesture that Helen surmised indicated the Bladeborn order in general. “... 'Watch your back'. Helen..." She looked at the younger woman. "Be careful. There is a lot of stuff going on now. Things are coming to a head. When you see your sister again, please give her a hug for me." Helen could only stare in shock as the Sith smiled in a way that could only be called tenderly. "And... I'm sorry Helen.” Helen stared at her.


“For what?” But something hit her on the back of the head and darkness claimed her.




When Helen woke up, she wished she hadn't. Her arms felt like fire from where whoever had grabbed her and her head felt like a squad of Wookiees were using it for punching practice. She cracked her eyes and relaxed as she saw the familiar contours of the medical bay on Cradaask's ship. She bit back a groan and sat herself up slowly. The small Trandoshan who served as a medic to the team came in and nodded to her. Her name was Der'daask, and Helen had been teaching her Basic.


“You live.” The medic of the team said soberly. Helen smiled humorlessly, without showing teeth.


“Most of me anyway. How long was I out, Der'Daask?” Hele asked. The Trandoshan scanned the medical readouts before replying.


“Three standard hours. Boss said Sith?” There was a dark undercurrent to the Trandoshan's words and Helen nodded. “I do not understand.” Helen nodded again.


“Me neither. Apparently they didn't want me dead. Did you check for trackers and microphones?” the small Trandoshan nodded, and Helen sighed in relief. “I need to...” She broke off as the Trandoshan planted herself in the path she would have to talk.


“Helen need sleep.” Helen pursed her lips, but didn't argue. She knew this Trandoshan could and would knock her out if it came to that.


“Can I talk to Cradaask first?” She asked, managing with effort to keep the whine out of her voice. But she as sure she saw amusement in the reptilian features anyway. Der'Daask stepped aside and the huge bulk of Cra'dassk stepped into the room. He nodded to her, and he was obviously distressed. Helen looked pointedly at the medic and Der'daask left without a ward, sealing the hatch behind her. Helen fixed her eyes on Cradaask's.


“How much did they pay you?” She demanded. There was no way they could have gotten past Cradaask without his seeing so...


<Forty thousand. They said you would not be hurt. They did not...> he broke off and then continued. <We did not know they were Sith. They contacted us over the clan circuit. They said they wished to speak with you, nothing more.> Helen shook her head.


“Can I trust you?” Helen said coldly. Cradaask looked at her and then, in a graceful move that belied his bulk, he knelt. He raised his head, exposing his throat.


<I have failed you. My life is yours if you so desire.> Helen slumped back in the bed. Then she reached out, lightning quick and rapped him on the head, sharply.


“Half of what they paid. And next time, tell me first.” He handed her a credchip made out for twenty thousand credit and she smiled. A full smile, one he echoed. “And now, lets go get that Trask scum...”

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Nia was sick of this. Every time she woke up, she saw the gloating lizard face. But she was weak, and sick from whatever her had dosed her with. As well as her injuries. Having gone completely berserk on what amounted to a full company of troops had not left her unscathed. The hunter had bandaged her up of course. The bounty on her was for live capture only. So the hunter had taken some care to keep her breathing. Then he had stuffed her in a stasis pod. Of course no stasis systems were perfect. Some time did pass for those in stasis, if much less than what passed outside. Every so often he would take her out, feed her a bit and then shove her back in. She was pretty sure the food was drugged. She couldn't focus enough to detox herself. She heard cursing as she lay on the floor of what had to be a cargo bay.


She had to grin slightly. It was apparent, from the hunter's actions and manner that he was being chased. Probably by her dad. If that was the case, it was only a matter of time before she was rescued. She held to that. It was really the only hope she had. C'trask never took off the slave collar or stun cuffs and she still wore the torn and blasted bodysuit she had worn under her armor on the Centurion station. She lay, quiescent, as rough scaled hands turned her on her back. A hiss came to her ears, worried maybe. A finger peeled back her eyelid and then she was in motion. She slammed her forehead into the Trandoshan face that was only centimeters away. When he recoiled, she pressed her advantage.


While her hands and feet were cuffed together, they still made effective bludgeons. She got several good hits in before he recovered. But he did. A long and painful time later, he held her face close to his.


<If you are well enough to attack, then you are well enough to live in stasis through travel...” He slammed her head into the deck hard enough for her to see stars and then she felt a hypo on her arm. The drug went through her with all the subtlety of a runaway grav train, leaving her enervated. Unable to do anything but lie there. He proceeded to force feed her the disgusting broth he usually did. When he was done, he picked her up and threw her back into the pod. Before he closed it again, she spoke.


<Enjoy life while you can.> He smiled evilly at her.


<Enjoy your mind while you can. Sith will not be as nice.> Nia held her face still until he closed the lid, and the stasis field caught her with tears on her face. But...




Nia came awake suddenly. She was sure something was wrong, she felt tears coming and acknowledged the pain, hurt and fear. She let it pass through her and she calmed slowly, so slowly. But when she opened her eyes, she was amazed. This wasn't anywhere she had ever been. She snorted to herself. Whatever this power in the Force was, it never did what she expected it to. The room was comfortable but spartan. A bed, a desk, a chair and nothing more. She hard the humm of engines in the distance, so she was on a ship. She shook her head slowly. It didn't hurt. The restraints she had worn every time she had woken in the lizard's custody were gone. So she must have 'traveled' again. She sighed. She felt odd. But she put it down to whatever drug the bounty hunter scum had does her with. She tensed as a door opened, but relaxed as the form coming in didn't wear black. She was wearing a white medical tunic for one thing, for another she didn't carry a lightsaber. The Bothan smiled at her and Nia smiled hesitantly back.


“Good morning.” The Bothan smiled at her and Nia smiled more genuinely. What she could sense of this being... She froze.


“Who are you?” Nia asked, unsure. The Bothan nodded.


“My name is Ona, Nia Korr. You are in no danger here.” Nia didn't relax, and Ona nodded to her. “Wise, very wise. Oh Nia...” Nia froze as she saw the Bothan on the verge of tears. “I...” Nia held up a hand.


“I have traveled. This is my future...?” She asked hesitantly. Ona pursed her lips and Nia quickly shook her head. “Never mind, don't tell me, I don't think I want to know...” Ona came to the side of the bed and sat down, consciously putting herself on the same level.


“I can't tell you that. What I can tell you is that you are in no danger here. We have filtered the drug out of your system. And I have healed what I can of your injuries. You will need your strength.” Nia swore she saw compassion in the other being's eyes, but that made no sense at all. Not in a Darksider.


“I...” To Nia's complete and utter horror, she broke down and wept. No matter what she tried, she couldn't control her fear. She tensed suddenly as arms enfolded her, but relaxed as the Bothan's kind words came to her.


“It's all right Nia, it will be all right.”




“This is wrong, Master.” The voice of the human could have frozen an explosion in it's tracks, but the diminutive form didn't seem to notice. All his attention was on the monitor where the medic was coaxing food into the scared girl. “If Mama finds out what you are doing...” At that, the small form winced.


“I know.” He stared at the screen, but obviously wasn't looking at it. “I know. Your turn.” The man looked at the diminutive form and shook his head slowly.


“You have ordered me to do many horrific things, but this... You want me to do this to Janine's child?” The pain in his voice was immense. The small brown form nodded silently and the man snarled. He bowed formally. “Yes, Master.” Then he was gone. After Idjit left, Trugoy, Grandmaster of the Bladeborn stood for a long moment and then sighed.


I hope someday you will forgive me Nia Korr. I know I can never forgive myself. But... We must do this.




Nia froze. She had gotten almost comfortable. Ona was kind, gentle and compassionate. It was so easy to miss the tinge of darkness that roiled in the Bothan's heart. But the being who strode in, there was no mistaking him for anything other than a Sith. Even without the black robes, the bandaged eyes, his force sense was unmistakable. She slumped into the bad and nodded a greeting to him, he nodded back. Nia calmed herself and spoke carefully, slowly.


“I assume you are here to do whatever the medic was so upset about.” The black clad form nodded slowly. She grinned, humorlessly. “It's not like I can stop you.” At that the black clad form shook his head.


“All you have to do is say 'No'. I won't do this against your will.” Her eyes must have been the size of dinner plates, and her jaw should have gone through the bed and hit the floor as far down as it went. Of all the things she could have heard from a Sith of all people... He didn't move and she shook her head slowly. The feelings she felt from him.... She froze.


“You... aren't Sith...” She asked, incredulous. He looked at her, impassive, but her certainty grew. “You aren't. What are you?”


“We are Bladeborn, Nia Korr.” Nia nodded. Having encountered Sharlina, she knew a bit more than a common person about the Bladeborn.


“Can I ask what you are going to do?” He nodded. Seh smiled a little, just a little. "What are you going to do?"


“We are going to shut down some of your powers. Mainly, your ability to travel. We have to. I am sorry, Nia Korr, but we have to.” She nodded. “I swear it to you, you will feel no pain.” She slumped and nodded. He came to the side of her bed and laid a gentle hand on her shoulder. She felt something tingle and tensed slightly, but it didn't hurt. She slumped in relief and then...


Idjit nodded as Nia disappeared from the bed. He shook his head slowly,wishing again, for the upteenth time, that he could weep. The hatch opened and Ona came in, she walked to him slowly. He didn't move as she took him in her arms. She was weeping, her empathy at full bore and he held her as she sobbed. When he spoke it was sad.


“I can't believe we did that to Janine's kid." Idjit of the Bladeborn said sadly. "I...” Ona's hold tightened around him and she spoke between sobs.


“Jainine would have been the first to say it was needed, and would probably have hurt us if we hadn't done it.” Ona replied, just as sad. Idjit had to smile at that. Yes the woman would have. But to basically blind and deafen her own child...


“Yeah... She was the best of us...”

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<Coronet Spaceport, Correllia>


Helen shook her head slowly. This was insane. The sheer amount of red tape generated by a simple port of call was utterly beyond belief. Admittedly, not every ship had such a... eclectic crew. Or the level of armament. Or... She sighed inaudibly as the desk clerk looked at her.


“Ms... Regina....” The voice of the clerk could have come straight off the Holvid 'Most bored office workers of the galaxy'. And his standards of personal hygiene left no doubt at all as to when he had bathed last. A standard year in the past. None of her disdain showed on her face however as she nodded to him. One didn't go long as a princess without learning to conceal one's feelings.


“The purpose of your visit to Correllia?” He asked for the fourth time. Helen's face was an impassive mask as she looked at him. For a long moment, she just looked at him. Finally he spoke. “Is there a problem?” When she spoke it was cold and unemotional.


“The first three times you asked me that question, I did not have a problem with it. Once, sure. Twice, you might not have heard. Three times, you were not listening and four times, you are delaying me.” The deck jockey flinched and she didn't have to see to know Cradaask and his people had fanned out, to give wider coverage for blasters if it came to that. “Anything you want to tell me?” Another voice came.


“He can't.” Helen's head swiveled, but her hand didn't move from it's place of rest. Less than two centimeters from her blaster. The newcomer smiled, but his hands, she noticed, didn't leave his own belt. Right beside his blaster. Her eyes narrowed as she took in the uniform of the CorSec, the police branch of the Correllian Militia. As well as the armor and comlink. She cast one more baleful look at the clerk which had him flinching back and then she focused on the Militiaman.


“Can you?” Her voice was calm and modulated and he nodded. He waved for her to follow and started off. For a long moment she stood, then followed. She heard Cradassk and his crew following. He Militai man led her to a small room deep inside the building and on opening the door, ushered the team in. When he closed it, he shook his head.


“Ma'am you have more guts than sense. Of all the places you could have come, why did you come here?” The bite in his words had Helen moving into a defensive posture.


“What?” She demanded. The man sighed.


“My name is Saul Hans. Yours is Helen Regina. Daughter of Queen Firaila Regina of Naboo and Colonel Will Kalenath formerly of the Republic Special Forces.” All of the Trandoshans had blasters out now, but Helen just smiled grimly.


“Hutt or slaver?” She snapped, her hands still on her belt. Hans shook his head.


“Neither. But you set a foot out of this building and you will step into the cross hairs of at least three snipers. Not to mention the people who would be trying to snatch you. The Stormhawk and your father have a whole lot of enemies in this area. Not to mention what the Sith would do to get their mitts on you.” Helen nodded, but Cradaask spoke up.


<What is your angle then?> No one was surprised when the Militiaman replied in Dosh.


<My angle, hunter, is to try and keep the peace here.> His eyes never left Helen's, and Helen nodded reluctantly. He continued in Basic. “Having a team hunting on my planet is guaranteed to cause problems, even if that team didn't contain the daughter of one of the men that most of the slaver rings and corporations that operate in this area have reason to hate.” Helen snorted, and she could hear the Trandoshans chuckling sourly as well. Hans looked at her.


“Our target isn't on this planet. We wanted to get fuel, that is all. We are not stupid. The clerk asked to talk to us and wouldn't let us leave.” Hans stared at her. “We hadn't planned even to leave the ship, for the very reasons you just stated. Thank you for painting a big red bullseye on us now. And everyone around us.”


"Oh..." Hans shook his head slowly. He cursed quietly. “I hate it when I screw up.” He came to an obvious decision. “Your fuel will arrive shortly. Get back to your ship and get the flarg off my planet.” Helen nodded.


<A few minutes later>


Helen sat at her controls and smiled savagely as the ship boosted for space. They couldn't just let her and her team go. Sure enough...


<Five fighters approaching from dark side of Tralus. Configuration Republic Aurek Talon class strikefighters. They are not talking.> This from the Trandoshan manning the sensor array. Cradassk made a comment in Dosh that didn't translate well into Basic. But Helen got the gist. Basically 'Kill them all and eat their entrails'. She armed her weapons.


The Hunting Boar was not a large transport. It relied more on speed and maneuverability than armor or firepower. Which was not to say the ship was toothless, far from it...


The first fighter swooped in and met a withering wave of laser fire from both turrets at once. It made a nice fireball as it exploded. The remaining four swept away from the ship and then came in again. Helen noted they were aiming at the weapons and engines rather than the cockpit or reactor exhaust. Aiming to disable rather than kill. She smiled savagely again as a fighter swept by into her own firing arc. The single mount laser cannon had a limited arc of fire but it more than made up for it in sheer power. As the fighter pilot discovered as the back half of his ship vaporized. The front half followed quickly. But the three remaining fighters danced around, trying to knock out the engines. A curse sounded from the gunwell.


<Stupid flarging power coupling!> Cradaask was on his feet and stumbling towards the power are before the cursing stopped. But Der'Daask called again. <Ventral turret off line, secondary power coupling ruptured.> Helen called to the medic.


“Get out of there before they...” As she called the three fighters swept in, firing. Helen heard curses in Dosh, but her focus was on her controls, finally one of the fighters was close enough. She lined it up, squeezed and froze as it disintegrated before her weapon fired. “What the frell?” Her eyes went wide as a old Chela class starfighter danced through the wreckage and stared blasting at the fighters that were harrying the Hunting Boar. “Who the hell?”


The Chela, which carried the markings of the Correllian Milita, immediately turned on the other two fighters. With the more powerful Chela hounding them and the Hunting Boar blasting away whenever they got close, the two remaining aggressor fighters did the smart thing, they turned tail and ran. Helen shook her head slowly. Then she tensed as her comlink chimed. She looked at it for a moment and then answered.


“Sorry I was late to the party.” She had to smile at Saul Hans' sardonic words. “You look to be clear, but you better get out of here. They are sure to have backup.”


“Thanks.” Helen's word was heartfelt.


“Not all Correllians are morons or in league with slavers or the corporate goons. Tell your dad, he still has friends here.” Helen nodded, knowing he couldn't see it, but that the feeling would be felt in her words.


“I will.” With that, she watched as the Chela did a victory roll, then turned and boosted back towards the planet. Then she heard the commotion behind her. She jumped out of the chair and was in time to help carry Der'Daask to the medical area. The female Trandoshan was cursing up a storm.


“My turn to help you.” Helen said quietly as she pulled the first aid kit to help seal the ragged wounds the Dosh had taken while evacuating the gunwell. Der'Daask snarled, but lay back and let Helen work. As she did Helen spoke quietly. “Time to hyper?” Cradaask looked at the chrono and smiled. Helen felt the ship shudder and they were away. Helen smiled as well as she continued to work on her friend.

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<Korriban space>


She was nervous. Not that anyone would have been able to tell. Of course she habitually wore the stiff faced mask of Sith indifference. And her training had taught her early to guard her feelings tightly. She shook her head minutely. If anyone could face such a moment without being nervous, she didn't know who it could be. Emotions were a help at times, and a hindrance at other times. But if she cut them off, she was no better than a weak willed Jedi. She stood and recited the Sith code in her mind. As always, it helped her focus. Then she heard the words she had been waiting for.


“Hyperspace reversion, range forty. Transport class.” She glanced at her captain who nodded and began to snap orders, crisp and sure. She grinned, an evil grin. More than one of the soldiers nearby found other things to do as she stared at the screen, at the small ship that was even now growing on it as they approached. Her small fleet was arrayed around her command ship, and the interdictor ship had it's gravity well generator going. There was no way he could escape this time. She nodded again to her captain and started towards the hatch, only to stop as the captain made a small gesture. She walked up to him. When he spoke it was quiet.


“Lady Kola, that man is well known for using ships armed with explosives to blow up hangar bays.” At that, she winced, just a bit. Not just hangar bays. He had actually destroyed several Sith ships in that fashion, if nothing as large as her dreadnought flagship. She nodded thoughtfully.


“Recommendation then Captain?” Any other Sith might have slain the captain for his impertinence, but she wasn't a typical Sith, not by a long shot. And he was no slouch in bed.


“That is what boarding parties are for, Lady Kola.” She pursed her lips in thought for a moment and then slowly shook her head. Her voice was low when she spoke.


“If we send regular soldiers, even commandos, aboard that ship unsupported, Captain, what do you think is going to happen?” He winced a bit more visibly than she had.


“Ma'am...” His orders were clear and from her master in person. But at the same time, getting in her way was a bad idea. She controlled a smile as she felt why. It wasn't because of her master. He was obviously trying to find way to keep her from going and she found his concern for her touching. Of course to her, he was just a casual fling. And he would be discarded soon enough. And he knew that, which made the way he acted even more touching. If a bit boring and predictable at times. She nodded, her face expressionless.


“I will wait in the ready area until the teams make contact. Close enough o support, far enough away that anything other than a baradium bomb won't get me. Master Ravishaw would be displeased with me if I allowed myself to be blown up.” She worked hard to keep the fear out of her voice. But who could blame her? Her master scared everybody. The captain nodded, hiding his relief from sight, but she smiled slightly as she felt it in the Force. Maybe she would keep this one, or maybe not. She nodded to him and moved towards the hatch.


Halfway to the hangar deck, the intercom chimed. She activated it.


“Yes?” The voice of the captain came through.


“Lady Kola, we have secured the ship, and...” She froze as the hesitation in his voice was heard. She sighed. Fools, one and all, maybe she should discard him now?


“And what Captain?” He didn't want to say it, but in the end duty won out over fear.


“There is no one aboard.” She stared at the intercom, disbelieving. Then she shook her head, obviously they were hiding aboard it somewhere... But the captain was talking again. “I have sent a scanner crew down, they should arrive about the time you do.” But the door was open and she was gone.


<Hangar bay>


“..I don't care what the instruments say Sergeant. Those Republic scum have to be here. Find them.” The fear that underlaid the lieutenant's voice was sweet to Kola's ears as she marched into the hangar bay. Everything stopped as she did. She walked up to the two soldiers, her usual silky saunter gone. Her manner, for once, all business. When she spoke it was cold and clipped.


“Report.” Kola snapped. The lieutenant nodded to her.


“So far, we have found five smuggling compartments, two arsenals and three explosive devices, none armed. One was a baradium core munition.” She winced at that. A baradium bomb would have blown her flagship to atoms. But the lieutenant was continuing. “There is no one aboard My Lady. According to the logs, the crew abandoned ship right after takeoff. It must be a decoy Ma'am. Several of the escape pods have been jettisoned.” Kola stared at the ship for a long moment, then shook her head. Nothing. Maybe...?


“Did you find any droids?” A droid might be reprogrammed to tell them where the pilots had gone. She looked from the strictly controlled young face to the ship and back. He spoke slowly. As if he had difficulty finding his tongue. She didn't sigh or play as she might have with any other young and pretty soldier. Now was not the time.


“No, Ma'am. If there were any aboard, they must also have jettisoned.” Kola nodded to the obvious. For once she didn't even snarl at him for speaking such an obvious thing. She detested when people were predictable. Something odd was calling to her. But she couldn't put her finger on it. When she spoke, it was distracted.


“I want every piece of that ship checked. I sense something... Something I haven't felt since...” She shook herself and stalked off the deck. Behind her, she heard the relief in the lieutenant's voice as he barked orders to team teams to scan the ship But she needed to consult. Something was very wrong here. Very very wrong.


<Somewhere nearby>


Sharra came awake fast, but quiet. That was how she had been trained by Republic Special Forces. And she recognized the fuzzy feeling of a drug, probably one to keep her nightmares at bay. And she was glad they had drugged her. It wasn't every day you woke up in a space suit. She felt a touch on her helmet and nodded inside it. Will's voice came through, with the vacuum of space around it was either that or use the com and coms could be detected.


“You ok?” She sighed as she looked around. Space in all it's infinite majesty lay before her. Well, space and hull plating.


“Yeah.” She looked around and shook her head slowly. She put just the right long suffering tone in her voice. “Mind telling me why we are standing on the outside of the bridge tower of an Imperial starship?” She couldn't see his face, but she swear he was blushing.



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Lady Kola, apprentice to Lord Ravishaw, stormed into her quarters. She was annoyed. Her slave took one look at her and abased herself, but the Sith had no time for anything else, she stormed out the other door, heading to her workshop leaving the female human to gasp in relief. Kola angry was never a good thing. But Kola didn't even register the woman, she was too busy trying to sort out why she couldn't feel what she sought. She turned in mid stride, heading somewhere else. She needed a clear head.


I know I have felt that before, but from where?


For along moment, she simply stood in her meditation cell. Every Sith had a different approach to meditation and hers was no exception. She knelt in the middle of the floor, ignoring all the silks and trappings that usually soothed her. She cleared her mind of all but the feeling she had. It could have been hours but was probably less than five minutes before her eyes snapped open. When she spoke her voice mixed apprehension with awe.


“No way!” She shook her head slowly. She had last felt that feeling on Korriban. Almost ten years previous. She had been in training, but the news of a spectacular defection to the Sith ranks had percolated through all of them quickly. She had been busy when the defector had passed by her, and she hadn't looked away from it. But the feeling was the exact same.


She remembered the dull shock when the news that Will Kalenath had been a double agent had broken. She hadn't known for years what he had stolen while escaping. And that in turn had led her here. She shook her head again. She had no information that he was force sensitive, but it did make sense. The man was simply too good to be a mundane soldier. She shook her head again, dazed by the sheer audacity. Then she stood up and walked out to her workshop. If he was here she was as well, they wouldn't be far apart. And the tracker buried deep in side Sharra Kalenath's brain guaranteed she couldn't hide for long. The Sith Lady fired up the tracker and snarled again at the clunky design.


Morgana promised that the design could be made smaller, but for now, it took up half of her workshop. Space she normally used for other things. Not that she complained, if it worked. She smiled evilly as the screen lit up. But then her brow furrowed. The readings made no sense at all. The woman was outside the ship...? She blanched and ran for her intercom.


<less than a minute later>


The captain looked up as his comm chimed. He took the call of course, only one person had that particular code. Kola spoke before she could.


“Captain, our guests are out on the hull. I want them alive.” He blinked and then nodded.


“As you command.” He turned to speak to his XO and noticed something. Something that looked like a space suited hand slapping something small onto the window of the bridge viewport. He stared at it for a moment, then blanched. That was a... “Everybody out!” He ran towards the hatch, but the charge attached to the window went off. He had a moment to see cracks forming and then...


<Kola's workshop>


She listened as the horrific sounds faded almost instantly to silence over the open intercom line. She knew what had happened. She snarled and started out of the room. As she did, she snatched her comlink and called the secondary bridge. This wasn't over. It hadn't begun yet.


<Main bridge>


Will snaked his way in through the hole the thermal charge had blasted before the emergency bulkheads had sealed. A quick glance around showed no threats. He grinned as the bridge airlock cycled and Sharra and Olana came through, weapons ready. He checked his suit readings and nodded as he saw the atmosphere returning to normal. He cracked his helmet and nodded as he saw Sharra do the same. She looked awful. But he just sighed. Time for emotion after the battle was done. The other two commandos took positions covering the doors as he walked to the main computer terminal. As he did, he pulled off a glove. Sharra called to him.


“What are you doing?” He snorted.


“Something insane.” As he touched the control console he felt...


Sharra froze as her husband seemed to convulse, and she would have gone to him, except his eyes were open and he shook his head to her. She snarled and maintained her focus on the door. She looked up as Will laughed mirthlessly.


“They just sounded intruder alert. A bit late. Oh my, that Sith can curse...” He shook his head. “You have got to be kidding me...” Sharra glanced up as all the turbolifts to the bridge turned off. No, not turned off... She heard tortured metal screaming. She stared at her husband, who shrugged. “It seems you can teach an old dog new tricks.” She would have smiled if she hadn't seen the strain on his face.


“Will...?” She asked hesitant. He released his grip on the console and staggered a bit. She was there instantly helping him stand. He nodded to her.


“Main computer is offline, scrambled. It will take them a while to fix that. They can take local control of systems, but nothing else. Communications, weapons, engines, everything major is offline except life support.” She stared at him and he smiled. She smiled back.


“You are probably the scariest man I have ever met in my life." Sharra said with a grin. "I am so glad I'm on your side. Now what?” He shook himself and stood on his own.


“Now we steal a ship and get the flarg off of this one.” Olana grunted and waved towards the destroyed elevator shafts. Will sighed. “Hey, I'm not perfect. And down is much easier than up.” He laughed at her choked off growl. Sharra sighed as well, in exasperation.




<Five decks down>


Kola stared at the ruin of the elevator shaft and tried not to curse. She knew where they were now, but where would they go? She tried the intercom but it didn't work. She tried a nearby terminal, but that didn't work. The ship's main computer had crashed. She shook her head. No way that was a coincidence. How the kriff had he done that...?


She shook her head, it wasn't important. What was to catch him, and to do that... She snarled and started back the way she had come. She could track Sharra, but... An evil grin crossed her face as she started walking faster. It was time to show these fools the true power of her master...

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<A few minutes later>


The elevator shaft had been a pain in the shebs, but they had managed. Now, however, they were advancing through empty corridors. Will shook his head. He didn't like this. The Sith had all the tactical acumen of a one eyed womp rat normally. It was the abnormal ones who were dangerous. Very dangerous. He motioned to Olana and the Wookiee moved forward. They had raided an arsenal, so each had enough weapons to start, and finish, a small war. He froze as Sharra cried out and stumbled. He turned to her and froze as he saw blood on her face. He hit a console and the hatchway he had been covering in opened to show a small stateroom. She stumbled towards him and then he had her in his arms. He carried her to the bed and Olana came in, still covering both ways down the hall.


Sharra was limp in his arms and blood poured out of her nose and ears. He froze as the shipwide intercom chimed. It was going to very single com station on the ship. He made a motion to Olana and the huge Wookiee seemed to flatten against the wall, covering the door. Then he opened his own com and sliced it into the Imperial system. It was the work of moments, but it also wouldn't allow the sender to know exactly where he was..


A sultry voice came from it as soon as it activated. “Will Kalenath I presume.” Will looked at the com and then at the dormant security cam in the corner. She couldn't know where he was unless she traced his call. Luckily for him, he had the best jammers attached to his system that money could buy. But she could and would be able to localize him eventaully.


“You would be the Sith witch with the impressive vocabulary. How many of your people did you strangle for the elevator nearly falling on you?” He smirked but paused as she laughed.


“We could bandy insults back and forth all day, but you have more pressing problems.” She had a devilish smile in her voice now. Will stiffened for a moment. Then he snarled an oath in Kuati and laid a hand on the dead terminal, which lit up under his touch. “Now, now. Such language. You can't help her.”


At that, Will snorted, darkly amused. “And you want to out of the goodness of your heart.” The sarcasm in his voice could have cut durasteel. But the Sith just laughed.


“Not hardly. I want you." The Sith said with another laugh. "I couldn't care less about her.” Will snorted again.


“Ah, that ploy... If I surrender to you, you will let her and my other friend go, right? How stupid do you think I really am?” The screen under his hand was flashing. But his focus was elsewhere. Olana looked at him, then at Sharra's still form and shook his head. The Wookiee's focus remained on the hallway though. The female Sith laughed again.


“No. But if you surrender, she lives." She said slowly. "Do not and she dies. You have to see you have no alternatives.” Will shook his head slowly.


“I... have... to see?" Now Will laughed and her evil laugh was a mild echo of his. "I am amazed you Sith haven't died off by now, the way you keep underestimating your opponents and overestimating your own powers.” A sputtering sound came from the com, but Will wasn't done. “Goodbye”. He cut the connection, and sent a command to the terminal she was calling from.


[]<Kola's workshop>[/b]


She had a moment to register what he had said and then she was throwing herself away from the com terminal. Just in time. It exploded. She felt the tingling of power as it grabbed for her, but managed to stay ahead of the blast wave until it died. As she looked around the destroyed compartment, she snarled.


“The master wants him alive and undamaged, he didn't say anything about hurt and then healed.” With that, she stalked out of the room and headed for the door. Two platoons of troopers awaited her. She stared off and the soldiers followed her. “He will go to medical. We can ambush him there.”


<Twenty minutes later>


Kola controlled herself with the skill of long practice. He had to come here. He had to. There was nowhere else on the ship that had the facilities to save the life of his paramour. She shook her head. She had tied her portable com into the soldiers' helmet coms, but... nothing. Something was wrong. The Force was virtually screaming at her that something was wrong. But he had to come here...


She smiled as the sound of blasterfire came to her. He was here. She charged forward and then paused as she took in the scene of a line of Sith troops pouring fire at... a line of Sith assault droids? She goggled for a moment, then charged. Her lightsaber and the soldier's blasters made short work of the droids. She shook her head.


“What happened?” She asked the surviving ranked Sith, a sergeant. He shook his head slowly.


“They just walked around the corner and opened fire.” He said with alarm. She shook her head, baffled.


“This doesn't make any sense. He isn't a slicer." She demanded. "How could he have reprogrammed so many droids so quickly? And where did these come from?” The sergeant bent down to examine one and when he stood his voice was as baffled as hers.


“This is impossible, Ma'am." The sergeant said with a shake of his head. "These came from the ground forces armory on this deck. That is sealed, six different ways. It takes the command staff ten minutes to open it for us.” Kola tensed. This deck had the hangar bays as well as the medical wards. Efficient when lots of casualties came in, but...


“What else is in that armory?” The sergeant looked at her, no, he was looking behind her! She heard a noise, it sounded like it was coming closer. A grinding? She spun and blanched as she saw the front of a light tank coming around the corner. The main gun's laser barrel swiveled, tracking her. And riding in the turret, aiming the heavy repeating blaster...


Will laughed coldly at the look on the Sith lady's face. “There are so many things I could say right now, but I am in a hurry, so...” He opened fire.

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< A few very bad minutes later>


Kola slumped against the wall, it was all she could do. She had tried. Her troops had tried. But they had been outgunned a few thousand percent. Even her lightsaber had proven ineffective at stopping such a weight of metal. She had been caught in a blast from one of the war machine's automatic grenade launchers and tossed into the path of the war machine. And it had run over her legs. And her lightsaber. She could only lie there and watch as the back hatch of the tank opened and the form of Will's Wookiee companion clambered out with Sharra in his arms and walked into the medical area. She tried to summon the Force, but it didn't answer her. Dimly, she knew she was dying. A shadow fell over her and she looked up. She stared up into the eyes of the man who had killed her. She tried to summon the breath to spit at him, but nothing came out. She saw his blaster come up and braced herself, but when he fired, each shot cut off whimpers or screams around her. And his eyes... She who had spent her whole life causing fear in others, saw her death staring back at her in those cold green orbs and was afraid. The fear gave her strength. She snarled at him.


“What are you waiting for? Do it if you have the guts.” But the man just smiled. A death's head smile. And then, to her amazement, he slapped field tourniquets on her legs. She hissed at the pain, but maintained her focus on the man. Truth be told, she couldn't have looked away if she had wanted to.


“You are not going to die here.” She stared at him. The look on his face... “No, you are going to live to explain to whoever sent you that attacking my family is a very bad idea. I don't know how much history you have studied. So I will explain as I go. About a thousand years ago in a system called Yavin, Massassi warriors developed a ritual for showing their enemies exactly what they thought of them. They called it a word that translates into Basic as 'The Pain'. I am going to show you and whoever sent you why people should leave my family alone. You have a problem with me? Take it up with me. Attack my wife, my kid or any other members of my family and I will find you. First is the legs, which the tank did nicely, then the hands at the wrist...” He reached for her and a steel blade appeared in his hand. She started screaming before the blade touched her and the screams lasted a long time.


<Four hours later>


Shult could only stare in shock at the pitiful wreck that floated in the kolto tank aboard the dreadnought. The remains of the dreadnought, he corrected himself savagely. The few survivors had fled in escape pods to be picked up by Sith forces that were even now converging on the hulk. He shook his head.


“Any other survivors?” Shult asked absently. The trooper to his left shook her head and he sighed. Then he turned on his heel and started back towards the hangar bay. The captain in charge spoke.


“What about Lady Kola, sir?” Shult looked at him, and then he nodded. While she was a failure, she might, might, have information that would help him hunt anew. He hoped so anyway. His master would not be pleased.


“Bring her." Shult said, but then paused. "But... no painkillers.” The trooper saluted and a team of medics stared preparing to remove the wreck that had been a powerful Sith from the kolto tank. He shook his head slowly. The scanner had been blank, so either Sharra was out of range of detection, or... He sighed. He needed information. He walked up to the tank that was sitting outside the medical ward and shook his head again. Always with the overkill... What a Sith Will Kalenath would have made... He froze as a voice came. He tensed, but it was a recording from the tank's logbook.


“Who ever is listening to this has boarded this ship and found what I left. My message to you Sith is simple. Come after me and I will fight and kill you. Come after my family and I will leave you alive.” With that the recording stopped and Shult jumped back as a hissing was heard. The tank seemed to implode and Shult just shook his head again as he saw the thermite charge burning. He grasped it with the Force before it could hit the deck and burn through. With a gesture he squashed the solid lump of burning metal, extinguishing the flames. Then he shook his head and walked towards the hangar. Nothing more he could do here. But maybe if he distracted the Master with Kola...


<Somewhere else>


Sharra woke. She was cold. But when she opened her eyes, she relaxed just a bit. She saw Will sitting in a chair beside her bed. She reached for him, well, she tried to. Her arm wouldn't move. When she looked at it, she saw her body was festooned with medical gear. Her other arm was free, but she couldn't reach him. When she looked around, she got dizzy. She touched her head and froze. Bandages. When she looked at Will again, he was looking at her. And the look in his eyes...


“Will...?” Her voice was low, and even that word tired her. He was at her side in an instant. And her free hand was in his. “What happened?”


"Sharra..." Will slumped. “The Sith put something inside your brain, in addition to the implant the J'ron surgeons took out of you. It...” He broke off, unable to continue. She pulled his hand to her face and nuzzled it like a small animal. He smiled. “It's a tracker and... it does other things as well.” She shivered.


“I thought I was dying.” Will nodded.


“You very nearly did. If the ship had been any further away...” She froze, then smiled as she saw L'trask, the Stormhawk's chief medical officer enter the room. L'trask nodded to her.


“Thank you for saving my life again, doc.” L'trask didn't relax however and Sharra felt an icy chill spread down her back. The Trandoshan spoke carefully.


“We can't remove it Sharra. It's buried too deep in your brain.” Her eyes went wide.


“Then they will track the ship. I'll endanger you all...” She tried to move, but Will and L'trask held her down gently. And Will smiled as he held her hand, smoothing the knuckles, and making her relax.


“While you are aboard, we can jam the signal.” Sharra's eyes went wide as she turned that over in her mind.


“No.” Sharra protested. Will just shook his head.


“Sharra...” Will started, but she cut him off. She was adamant.


“You won't leave me behind.” Will's voice held hurt when he spoke again.


“You think I want to? You are the only thing that is keeping me sane, Sharra. I have to know you are safe, or...” He slumped. She stared at him.


“What happened, Will?” Sharra asked, horrified. L'trask left quietly and Will spoke, quiet.


“I left her alive, the Sith woman on the ship. She hurt you. I... I hurt her.” Sharra stared at her husband and then with a small cry, pulled him close. She knew what he was capable of when angered. And nothing angered him like people attacking his family.


<A day later>


“I am not pleased.” The voice was soft. Shult did not react openly as his master stared at him. But inside, he was quailing. “What do you have to say for yourself, Shult?” Shult nodded and spoke calmly.


“The ambush on Kuat was triggered prematurely. The fools who had not hidden themselves thoroughly paid with their lives for their folly.” He broke off as his master pursed his lips.


“Along with half of the rest of your troops. And then our dear Kola managed to lose her stolen ship, with its entire complement as well as her good looks.” Shult carefully didn't look at the small sad form that lay on a table beside the master's throne. He didn't look away either though as his master leaned down and caressed Kola's bald head. He didn't miss the power that poured from her broken body into her Master's hand. His master smiled. “Yet, you have brought me such a bouquet. The sweet smell of suffering... Such an artist that man is to have made such a great work of our fine Kola...”


Shult didn't even wince as his master licked the hand he had touched the woman with. His master fixed him with eyes as cold as space itself, yet at the same time, alive with something undefinable. “You will find him. You will bring him to me. Alive and undamaged.” Shult nodded, and he couldn't help a shiver of relief that sped through him. Relief that died aborning as his master spoke again. “Oh no, you do not get off that easily. Come, Shult.”


He didn't want to. But the master's eyes held him. And he knew what his master wanted. He tried to resist the compulsion, but his master was too strong. He found himself kneeling at his master's feet. A cold hand touched his scalp and the laughter... It almost drowned out his screams.

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((OK, I have a question for any readers, who is more monstrous? The soldier who tortures to send a message? Or the Sith whose nature it is to cause pain? Personally, I don't know. Comments and or suggestions always appreciated. Flames might meet a tank head on.))
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