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xp grinding


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I just got to lvl 31 and it seems the xp i get has not grown. Seems a lot more time is needed. I know the amount of xp needed is larger. I have gone to logging out to get rested xp to help,but still seems slow. Am I wrong to assume that the following lvls are going to get worse?


I have also done dailies to get their bonuses,which seems to help a bit,but planetside seems small.

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The leveling curve in most MMOs works that way. Levels 1-10 are typically very easy, and get progressively harder from then on.


Actually, as far as leveling curves go, TOR has one of the smoothest out there. I've played some games where the last 2 levels took almost 50% of the total XP from 1-50.

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both characters taht i leveled over 45 hit a slow part at 30 31 ish,, seemed like forever to level,


but to be honest, after that it picks up again.. just do quest, after quest and do the bonus of each planet.... bonus gives great money, loot, and Xp


keeps on chuggin, it will go faster

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if you play as much as i do, it only takes 9 days to get to 50. im leveling an operative right now and i started on april 1st and right now im at 35, planning on 50 monday.


i skip flashpoints/heroics because looking for people takes to long, i do all the quests, bonus quests (like kill 20 __ ), the bonus series, the new space missions, and the warzone dailys. seems to work great!

Edited by ExpectWar
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if you play as much as i do, it only takes 9 days to get to 50. im leveling an operative right now and i started on april 1st and right now im at 35, planning on 50 monday.


i skip flashpoints/heroics because looking for people takes to long, i do all the quests, bonus quests (like kill 20 __ ), the bonus series, the new space missions, and the warzone dailys. seems to work great!


DUDE!!! you need to get a RL a family or a job, if you have either you are seriously neglecting them!

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I was hoping that Tauntauns would be the 'Taxi’ on Hoth (albeit a very fast moving Tauntaun haha) I was disappointed...


They are on Hoth as Yellow Mobs.

What I think would be a cool idea is if you could buy/earn a 'harness' that’s a permanent special item that allows you to (temporarily) mount Tauntauns, but when you dismount they run away.

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  • 3 months later...

my questing is smoth going untill i hit belsevis at that point im only lev40 but all the quest(and mobs) are lev42 or highter seems im missing somthing


btw at chap1 ending i was only lev31(for a lev 33 quest) i still manged to beat it twich now that i stalled out at lev40 on belsvis(with a smuggler and now a sith inquestioner)

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If you have a lvl 50, use him to grind out some commendations for the planet your alt is on, or the next one.

Use the com's to buy armorings, mods or enhancements and mail them to your alt.

That way you should be equiped in level appropriate blues at least.

It gets a lot harder to do that though once your alt hits 40. Even in full Rakata, Belsavis elites are not easy. Not particularly HARD, just hard enough to make grinding heroics solo a chore. At that point it may be better to buy mods off the gtn, or upgrade from random drops.

Of course it's always better if you can find a group to run with.

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my questing is smoth going untill i hit belsevis at that point im only lev40 but all the quest(and mobs) are lev42 or highter seems im missing somthing


btw at chap1 ending i was only lev31(for a lev 33 quest) i still manged to beat it twich now that i stalled out at lev40 on belsvis(with a smuggler and now a sith inquestioner)


Did you do all the bonus series? Balmorra and Tatooine start right away when you're done with those planets, but Nar Shaddaa and Alderaan are much later than their main story, so if you don't make a point of going back there you might miss them. One way to kind of keep up with where you "should" be is the group finder; it will flag the various planets for your level, even if you're not actually going to use it to find a group.

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If you have a lvl 50, use him to grind out some commendations for the planet your alt is on, or the next one.

Use the com's to buy armorings, mods or enhancements and mail them to your alt.



doing FPs will help with comms instead of grinding on random mobs on planets, and heroics too

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