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Visible Character Limit - working at all? (graphics setting)

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I have my Visible Character Limit set to "Low" however there is still real players showing up in fleet, especially the center where you respawn, is this in game graphics setting working at all? I noticed in bug hunting (double exp event) you can set to High to make it less stutter because you have to see your teammates in that area otherwise they will keep pop pin up and that causing lag spikes. so that means Higher settings works but low? is there any INI/text files that I can edit to force enable to low? Higher settings causing my CPU overheat.
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"Low" doesn't mean "show nobody". It means, in theory, "show fewer than in the higher settings," but if there aren't enough players that *could* be visible to use up the limit, it will show them all regardless of the setting.


Example: let's say that "Low" means "at most 15", "Medium" means "at most 40", "High" means "at most 60", and "Very High" means "unlimited". If there are only 10 characters in your field of view, you'll see 10 no matter what the setting is.

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