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Companions do not recognize weapons equipped


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Since patch all trooper's companions weapons were redesigned. But it seems companions themselves were not informed about this.

1) Aric Jorgan can not equip assault cannon he was using before, now he is equipped with blaster rifle but his animation are still for assault cannon (except now its akin to air guitar) and as such he does not use rifle and goes melee instead.

2) Tanno Vic is equipped with tech blade but goes bashing enemies with his fists.

3) Same as above for Yuun.

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  • 2 weeks later...
is there a list of all changes to companion weapons somewhere? I am a bit confused as to who can use what weapons now. but I can not find any list for companions and what weapons they use..the page on the site that has the companion spoiler for weapons, companion gifts and stuff still lists the old weapons.
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