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Can't start Kira's Voss Mission / or finish any of my companions stories


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I just completed chapter 3 of the Jedi Knight story. But none of my companions stories were finished. I'm sitting at rank 26 influence with Kira, and her Voss mission, which is supposed to start after chapter 3 won't start. I'm on Ilum, and still nothing.


What am I missing? Or is it bugged?

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I figured it out. It's a bug in the mission log. If you look through your missions in the log, there's a part for all the Companion conversations. They were all stuck on a quest basically call "Kira Conversation Cooldown" or "Lord Scourge Conversation Cooldown". Some of these quests were invisible but you could select them by carefully mousing over them at the right spot. I abandoned all these quests and their conversations immediately became available.


If you haven't had a conversation from a companion in awhile, you might want to check this out. Annoying bug, that made me get a lot of content all at once really late in the game.

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