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Bioware leaving their players in the DARK.


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The communication from the developers is really the worst I have seen in an MMO so far.


There is a ton of threads regarding slicing in the crew section, one with over a thousand posts- lots of suggestions/complains on the general board, good suggestions on the PvP board and a total of what, 2 dev/community posts for a whole day?


Not even one comment from BW regarding all the patch changes.


If that doesn't imrpove I doubt that many people will stick around for long, no matter how good the game is or could be.

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the communication from the developers is really the worst i have seen in an mmo so far.


There is a ton of threads regarding slicing in the crew section, one with over a thousand posts- lots of suggestions/complains on the general board, good suggestions on the pvp board and a total of what, 2 dev/community posts for a whole day?


Not even one comment from bw regarding all the patch changes.


if that doesn't imrpove i doubt that many people will stick around for long, no matter how good the game is or could be.



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Hello, this is your fanbase and playerbase talking. Are you out there? crickets?


Please let us know you are listening.


It's Christmas... I'd hope that most of the team have had at least a few days off!


I'd expect to start seeing more patches and responses to some of the bigger issues within the first few weeks of January. Probably before subscription fees are due for launch-day buyers :)

Edited by bluescrn_ofdeath
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Hello, this is your fanbase and playerbase talking. Are you out there? crickets?


Please let us know you are listening.


You dont speak for me and I feel Bioware give us all the info they can. Clearly you have not been following this game fir very long or such a pointless thread would not have been made.


Bioware keeping us in the Dark ROFL, Im sure this thread is a joke.

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If I were them, I wouldn't respond to most of the garbage on this forum either.


They'll respond in the form of official announcements and patch notes, this is not a place for demanding that BW answer to the community (which seems to consist of the OP, in the OP's mind).

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you dont speak for me and i feel bioware give us all the info they can. Clearly you have not been following this game fir very long or such a pointless thread would not have been made.


Bioware keeping us in the dark rofl, im sure this thread is a joke.



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Hello, this is your fanbase and playerbase talking. Are you out there? crickets?


Please let us know you are listening.


They are, but do you really expect them to post in this hate filled cess pool? Give it a month and check the Dev Tracker. I wouldn't post here if I were them, not at the moment.


They're working on stuff and that shows up in the news posts and on the tracker from time to time.... but I think you're dreaming if you expect them to respond to the 15,000th thread of "OMG WHY NO DPS METERS!?"


That, and it's the holidays ;)

Edited by LilPika
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They just addressed some issues for people and the games only been out 8 days. Cool it. They will get to more in the coming weeks, and then we already have new content for jan.


You guys ask waaaaay too much out of your devs, especially during the holidays.


To the folks that are enjoying the game and not demanding/complaining too soon, /cheers

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Welcome to MMOs and their respective companies.


You speak for a vocal minority of people - but that is okay, most around here do.


Many people understand how this whole thing works. Here are a few tips.


- Bioware is aware of the comments, complaints, suggestions etc made on the forums, through support tickets and posted elsewhere. It is silly to think otherwise.


- Bioware is not ignoring anyone, they give information as they have it and as they feel pertinent to whatever it is they are commenting on. To answer every question, issue, or complaint with a response is unrealistic. Not only would the time taken to do such thing require a dedicated staff, but anything they say will only create more controversy and argument as it will either not make people happy, OR create new topics for people to argue as to the exact meaning.


-Bioware is a company, companies like to make money, they will address things as they can and as fast as they can as they do not want to lose money.

- We, the customer base, need to understand also that not every complaint is valid, nor is every rave review. The customer is not always right, as is evident by so many differing points of view.


- The majority of the customer base has unrealistic expectations and demands.


- Much of the customer base is polarized either blind fan or delusional guru and doesn't have much in the way of valid input as they are not seeing or comprehending the entire picture.


- These facts, like so many others, will be ignored and disrgarded and people will continue to rant and rave, make outrageous demands and assertions, flex false game design guruship and carry on thinking their claims, prophecies and observations are incontrovertable. Not realizing they are in fact burying valid issues, feedback and commentaries in mounds of drivel.


Enjoy your stay in MMO land..

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the clones even defend the fact that they dont communicate with us on the forums, its like speaking to a brick wall.


you are more of a clone buddy , all you do is agree with every negative tread made here , what do you call that ?

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