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So, how do we call new warzone nodes? Mid, Trees and Ruins?


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Say what? They redskin a map? I just got home and started the patch downloading it and this is first thread i read.


Is this a Joke?


Its not a full reskin. Different one sided nodes*, huge ledges before side nodes (you can climb on them!). speed up to cap them, stair to the mid. A LOT OF obstacles. etc :)



*okay you CAN cap from all sided but it a bit weird. :p

Edited by Glower
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Oh come on, it's a TOTALLY different mechanic. It doesn't count down by 10's. It counts down by 2s. Completely NEW. Right?


Actually, I kinda like the new juggle-ish setting. But yeah, it's not really a new game to play. Just a different map, and not all that different. And the constant pew-pew-pew of the turrets I actually found annoying. :(


And much like OPG, the one game I played so far there were no inc calls except mine. :D So no need to worry about what to call the nodes. (Although, I favor west/mid/east myself.)


[Edit: and it's mixed faction looks like.]

Edited by Banderal
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How about mid, east and west........


Please, yes.


I've always thought the use of snow and grass instead of east and west was completely idiotic, not to mention inconsistent since we use cardinal directions on other maps like Novare Coast. Sure if you've played Alderaan before you know where snow and grass are, but it's a bit unfriendly to new players that don't. Everyone however should know where to go if someone calls out east or west.


I don't doubt that the use of snow and grass are sometimes responsible for nodes being taken, because I've seen people occasionally ask in Ops chat where either one was. It's probably safe to assume that the people who ask, rather than say nothing and stay put, are a minority.


Old habits die hard and it's too late for the daft use of snow and grass to disappear, but we can at least keep similarly stupid terms out of the Yavin map.


Speaking of cardinal directions...I also prefer to use them on Odessen rather than hangar, or whatever. Whether people use cardinal directions or the node's name however mostly doesn't matter on that map however because for some bizarre reason 1) most people don't call incomcing, and if a call goes out, 2) most of the time it won't get a sufficient (if any) response. It's like people forget how to PVP when they step into that map.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Trees and Ruins will define the sides in Civil War 2.0 just like like Snow and Grass do in Civil War. For those whining about how they don't like snow and grass calls in Civil War, If you seriously can't figure out that the "snow-covered side" is snow then you have a lot more problems than people not calling things out to you in cardinal directions. :rolleyes: Edited by JargoFett
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Trees and Ruins will define the sides in Civil War 2.0 just like like Snow and Grass do in Civil War. For those whining about how they don't like snow and grass calls in Civil War, If you seriously can't figure out that the "snow-covered side" is snow then you have a lot more problems than people not calling things out to you in cardinal directions. :rolleyes:


I love how this guy just tried to spin the arguement for useing east/west is cause people can't learn grass/snow. Stellar trolling there.

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Please, yes.


I've always thought the use of snow and grass instead of east and west was completely idiotic, not to mention inconsistent since we use cardinal directions on other maps like Novare Coast. Sure if you've played Alderaan before you know where snow and grass are, but it's a bit unfriendly to new players that don't. Everyone however should know where to go if someone calls out east or west.


I don't doubt that the use of snow and grass are sometimes responsible for nodes being taken, because I've seen people occasionally ask in Ops chat where either one was. It's probably safe to assume that the people who ask, rather than say nothing and stay put, are a minority.


Old habits die hard and it's too late for the daft use of snow and grass to disappear, but we can at least keep similarly stupid terms out of the Yavin map.


Speaking of cardinal directions...I also prefer to use them on Odessen rather than hangar, or whatever. Whether people use cardinal directions or the node's name however mostly doesn't matter on that map however because for some bizarre reason 1) most people don't call incomcing, and if a call goes out, 2) most of the time it won't get a sufficient (if any) response. It's like people forget how to PVP when they step into that map.


Ah, it’s a question of orientation. There’s a tendency for people to assume the direction they are facing when they start is north. When you spawn, you tend to think, “North is ahead of me, south is behind me, and west and east are to my left and right.” The fact that the maps tend to be oriented north to south reinforce that feeling. The problem is that you still tend to feel that way when you spawn facing south. On Voidstar I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard a callout for “West” and turned to my left because I forget which way the map is oriented. The one exception is NC because the map does everything it can to encourage the player to look north: both spawns are located toward the southern side of the map and the capture “cabins” all require the player to look north. For every other map, callouts are either non-existent or focused on a geographical landmark (snow, grass, or pylon).

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I love how this guy just tried to spin the arguement for useing east/west is cause people can't learn grass/snow. Stellar trolling there.


I love how this guy spins his ignorance as to what the difference is between grass and snow as me trolling. Nicely done. :-)

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Trees and Ruins will define the sides in Civil War 2.0 just like like Snow and Grass do in Civil War. For those whining about how they don't like snow and grass calls in Civil War, If you seriously can't figure out that the "snow-covered side" is snow then you have a lot more problems than people not calling things out to you in cardinal directions. :rolleyes:


People who don't know east from west are the ones who should be ashamed of themselves. If anyone has that issue they've got bigger problems than not knowing which node is in trouble in their video game. There are third graders who can probably tell you the difference between east and west.


Obviously anyone who has played Alderaan more than once knows where snow and grass is. The problem is that people who are on that map for the first time don't. Not every pugger is a grognard who has been playing since 2012. You always get a couple who are new to SWTOR or new to PVP. If you are new you need to visit snow or grass first (or ask in Ops chat where they are) to know which one is snow and which one is grass. As such the use of snow and grass in callouts instead of cardinal directions is a very inefficient means of communication. You don't need to have ever PVP'd before to know where east or west is.


I'd rather not see more inefficient communication creep into the Yavin map.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Sure if you've played Alderaan before you know where snow and grass are, but it's a bit unfriendly to new players that don't.


Wait, that is your argument? Rofl.


Any half blind retired old alzheimer patient could tell the difference between snow and grass upon joining the first time.

People mess up east and west orientation all the time. I have yet to see someone mistake grass for snow.

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