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Feed back Command Tokens -> Direct Gear purchase


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I think we can all say we are over the rng grind. I'm not going to say I'm getting nothing but I am SO TIRED of the endlessness. There is no way I'm going to do this on alts and it makes me need to take days off from playing this game. It doesn't excite me it makes me need a vacation from you.


This is what my gameplay consists of


Running ch2 kotfe an excessive amout of times.

Pvp to get a horrendous amount of unassembled gear

All the while I collect and not use much of my command tokens.


I'm tired of 300 lvls and I'm only at 93 on one and 30 on another. It's like a merry go round that won't stop spinning. :(

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Someone at BW thought it was a good idea to remove the player from the decision making process on how to prioritize their own gear. Several more people at BW also agreed that this power should be taken away from the player as, according to them, players really want to roll the dice rather than take 5 minutes to make a plan for the optimal order in which they will acquire the pieces they want.


Based off of this line of thinking, several people at BW have clearly demonstrated that they have never before been an actual player. How can any of us expect BW to see how awful the system is if they can't put themselves in the players' shoes to understand the problem?




They know exactly how awful their grinding RNG system is and how it is in no way optimal for the player - they're just motivated by other reasons, such as they thought people would rather grind it out to increase subscriptions rather than find a new game or they are intentionally tanking the game for some reason.

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I think it'd be better if they'd take the rng out of it for gear. Leave command crates but


1. Allow us to purchase gear with tokens directly. Solo players shouldn't be penalized and the pvp gearing is so darn confusing that it can be headache causing especially if you make a mistake a get rid of the shell.




2. Certain levels give a box of SPECIFIC gear. At level 5 you're guaranteed supplemental gear. Level 10 you're guaranteed upper gear. Level 15 lower. There can be a few levels between tiers buy 90? Nah. Too much. But at least this way you have a goal.

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