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The Short Fic Weekly Challenge Thread!


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I eloped! It was awesome.


That's what we wanted to do, but then our parents started throwing fits, so we've booked a private room at our favorite restaurant (Irish pub/restaurant) invited our immediate family and closest friends, guest list is 35 people long. It's our compromise, but I got a pretty white dress out of the deal, so I'm not complaining too much. lol


Edit: back to reading I go, and stopping the thread derailing....

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Prompt: Best Day Ever – continued from Xenobiology



Now that someone knew her little secret,she figured she better tell her husband. He really had been wanting kids. She was surprised he had even brought it up first. They had been trying for a long time and had begun to think it wasn't going to happen. He kept thinking it was because he was so much older than her, or because he had been exposed to too much radiation in his life. She worried it had been because her body had been though so much traumatic damage on more than one occasion. It was such big news she wanted to tell him in a special way. First she had to find him.


She headed towards the ships bridge as he usually could be found manually piloting the ship or at least watching the stars and triple checking the navigation computer. To her surprise she found Ashara there in the pilots chair.


“My lord” Ashara politely greeted the Sith “Andronikos followed through on his offer to teach me to pilot the ship” Her voice then dropped into a conspiratorial whisper” Have you told him yet?”


She looked at Ashara startled.


“I sensed the baby already” she smiled “Unlike dueling I wasn't the best in my class at that, but I was pretty good at reading auras”


“shhhhh, no, I am looking for him.” In a fit of sentimentality (probably brought on by hormones) she continued. “ever since we decided we wanted kids I always imagined how I would tell him. We would go to our favorite spot, that place in the middle of nowhere,just surrounded by stars. I would sit in his lap and look deep into his eyes and tell him how our dreams have finally come true”


“Oh that sound so, um, sweet my lord. My lips are sealed. I think he went to the engine room to inspect them. He heard a funny sound”


Rissa headed back towards the engine compartment. As she passed Xalek, he stopped her with a hand on her arm, “Yes?” She turned to him He so seldom talked when it did it was usually very important.


“Congratulations, Lord”


She blinked and then growled in frustration. “Stars! Does everyone know? Did Talos or Ashara say something?”


Xalek tapped the mask about where his nose was. “I could smell the difference in you, your pheromones have changed”


“Well so much for my husband being the first to know” She sighed “I better find him before someone spills the beans”


Entering the engine compartment, she found him hard at work,head buried in one of the compartments. Sparks and foul language flew out equally from the opening.


“I need to talk to you” she shouted over the noise.


“Can't babe, those frakin techs at the last stop didn't replace this piece and now I don' think we can make another jump into hyperspace til I fix it.” This was followed by more banging and cursing.


Knowing it was only a matter of time before someone spoiled her surprise and seeing her plan crumble she burst into tears. Hormones again probably, she was not normally a crier. And that's what got Andronikos' attention.


“What in the galaxy is wrong with you Sith?” he demanded.


“I AM PREGNANT!!!” she screamed at him between sobs. Before she could take another breath she was swept up in his arms.


“Really? A baby?” He smiled down at her.


“this is not how I wanted to tell you” she hiccuped between sobs. “I had a plan”


“Doesn't matter babe, you just made this the best day ever” was his reply.





Had to do a little research on this. Had fun finding "diseases" for the Star Wars Universe and also found that Xaleks species has a strong olfactory ability and sensitivity to pheromones


Sooooo far behind, but I had to comment on this one, only because it reminded me of how I told my fiance I was pregnant with our first! Tears and all. Loved it, and everything else up until then.


@ Kabe, Doc and Rusk was priceless!!!


Ok, back to it.

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Seasons Prompt


Winter – Irrissa – Imperial Agent.



The message was clear, the crew was to take some well deserved time off.


“A Holiday?” said Vector “We have a suggestion agent, if we may. Have you ever tried skiing? We know of a delightful lodge back on Aldearaan.”


“Skiing?”, replied Irrissa. “I don't think I am familiar with that activity”


Vector proceeded to explain skiing to the group.


Kaliyo snorted” Strap a couple of boards to your feet, and then throw yourself down the side of a slippery mountain,where you are likely to fall on your ***, and then be wet and cold. I don't think so. I'll pass. Nice bright warm casino for me. I am off to Nar Shadaa myself.”


Temple shuddered “after Hoth, I have had enough cold to last me for quite a while. I would prefer to just stay here on the ship”


“Agent, you and Vector should go. I have some personal things to attend to while we have the time.” replied Lokin.


*A few days later *


Evening found the two of them in front of a fireplace with some mugs of lovely hot spiced liquid. The day had been great fun with Vector doing his best to teach the agent how to ski. What had followed was lots of falling down on her part and laughter from both of them. Vector thought, how lovely she was with her cheeks pink with the cold and the light of happiness in her eyes. She had been so focused and businesslike since the day he met her. Even the hive took note of his lightness of spirit in his response to her. It was ironic that it took a day in the cold to bring out the underlying warmth in her personality.


Irrissa smiled at Vector from the pile of pillows where she was reclining and toasted him with her mug. “Thank you for the suggestion. I don' t know that I will ever master skiing, but this was the most fun I have had in a very long time”



Spring – Featuring Minalde – Jedi Consular


Minalde stood out on the balcony of her room on Tython. She loved the view of the waterfall. Carefully she placed the seedlings of her favorite flowers in the boxes that lined the edges of the balcony. This was when she missed her ancestral home the most. Working in the garden at the season of new beginnings, watching the plants sprout. Smelling the blossoms of the shurra trees that filled the estates.


So focused was she on her memories that she didn't even realize he had come up behind her until she smelled the familiar scent of a shurra blossom. Felix tucked the blossom behind her ear then,standing behind her,wrapped his arms around her.


“Its the season of new beginnings my love, do you have an answer for my proposal?” he whispered into her ear.


She leaned back against him as she thought about how to word her answer.



Summer – Rissa – Sith Sorcerer *Khem companion spoiler*



“No! I won't do it and you can't make me” shouted Rissa “this is a stupid idea. Who decided that coming to a beach was a relaxing idea”


“You did, you crazy Sith” replied Andronikos “ You wanted some warm weather, and a break. Why would you come to the beach and not want to go into the water.” He gestured towards the water where Ashara was frolicking in the waves like a kid. “You could have headed off to that dig site in the jungle with Khem and Talos or stayed on the ship with Xalek. Zash was as excited about the site as Talos was. I tell you, it still freaks me out to hear her voice from his body”


He stalked over and swooped her up in his arms,heading towards the water. Rissa began to panic and flail. Instinctively she threw a knock back that caused Andronikos to drop her on the sand as he went flying.


“Why did you do that?” he growled at her as he picked himself up. He realized then that the normally arrogant,confident Sith was actually afraid.


Rissa ducked her head and mumbled something.


“What?” he asked.


“I can't swim” she said again, glaring at him. “Its not one of the things they think to teach you on Korriban.


He began to laugh. “Well then, its time you learned Sith. I'll teach you” He picked her up again and this time she let him carry her out into the water.




Autumn – Cielle – Bounty Hunter


There was something about the golden light that filled the air,trees that towered red and gold above their heads and a touch of crispness in the air. To Cielle, Voss was such a beautiful planet.


She and her crew were traveling to the Shrine of Healing but despite the urgency of her mission,she couldn't bring herself to hurry. They had stopped and bargained for a basket of harvest fruit and a few klicks down the road they found a decent spot to set up a camp for the night.


Torian and Gault bustled about setting the camp up. Cielle tried to help but they shooed her off, so she sat down on a log next to Mako. A fire was already crackling and Cielle stared in the flames. A sense that a chapter in her life was closing filled her thoughts. The atmosphere seemed to inspire reflection and memories to flow.


As the sun dropped below the horizon,the sky filled with sparkling stars. Cielle began to recall all the people she had loved and lost, too many for her relatively short life. Melancholy threatened to overwhelm her and a sense of loneliness.


Mako,seeming to sense Cielle's mood reached over to give her a sisterly hug. Pulling her thoughts to the here and now she looked around the fire at the group sitting with her. Blizz, full of cheerful chatter, Gault with tricks and schemes but still a charming scoundrel, Mako, who was like a sister and Torian, who... Meeting his eyes she was startled by the intensity of his look as they locked gazes.


Cielle would always love this time of year.

Edited by Irrissa
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@Tatile Broan and Rochester betrayals, right through the heart, beautifully written.


Yay ^.^ *claps* It's hard writing about the subject, but that's something every writer has to do, at least once. I can't tell you much you liking those scenes means; you're the Queen of Heartache after all :)

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I'll think of Seasons...sometime? This is much more loosely (read: not at all) based on the prompt, but I have a bookend to match Wynston and Kaliyo's earlier Tools. Spoilers for Kaliyo's entire companion questline. No Agent main plot spoilers. 1600 words.




In the melee Wynston wrenched a bulky blaster rifle from one of the anarchist thugs. When the last anarchist went down, he turned his weapon on the woman who had brought him here.


Kaliyo Djannis grinned at him from where she stood on the other side of her fallen contact Wheezer and his dead friends. "Finally got yourself a real firearm, huh?"


"You bring every weapon you can," he said.


"Yes, I do." Kaliyo grinned approval. "You worked out nicely. Anyway. I really thought the Wheezer wanted to meet you to talk, not pull something. Guess it worked out." She lowered her rifle.


Wynston didn't.


She frowned at him. "What?"


"You've been selling information to these anarchists."


"Well, yeah."


Again he had to ask himself, what had made Intelligence insist on hiring her? He had never figured it out. Firepower, but they could have gotten that anywhere else. An enjoyable mistress in every possible sense, but his employers weren't known for assigning priority to that. So why? What justified letting her using his agency – sometimes going over his head to do so – for the destruction she did? Stay calm, he reminded himself. Cool. Professional. "How long?"


"Since I signed on with you," she said breezily. "I sold him some stuff on Dromund Kaas and it just became a regular thing. He pays better than you do, and it's not like it got you in trouble. You guys keep all kinds of goodies at your fingertips, they were going to waste." When he failed to return her smile she huffed impatiently. "Come on. I never talked about the missions, I'm not stupid. This guy was into bombing spaceports and raiding transports, not high espionage."


"You of all people should have known not to sell out the Empire on my watch." He had been her meal ticket for a long time. He had offered good pay, good sex, challenge, entertainment, pathetically devoted backup. He had done everything in his power to keep her satisfied and he had loved every minute of it…but then, in the choice between grasping for more and offering whatever nonrecreational use she was supposed to be good for, what had he really expected out of her? "I knew you were made for backstabbing, but you were supposed to betray me. You'd find some way to sell me out, I'd get out of it, I'd take down anyone who was foolish and crooked enough to take whatever bargain you'd offered. We'd fight. We'd have fun. You could've made it something forgivable. But instead you did this, helped your terrorist friends kill my people. Innocents, Kaliyo."


"Credits, Wynston," she said impatiently. "You should know by now that I am never going to care about the Empire and its capital-P People. Not like you do, not at all."


"This went too far." It didn't matter what purpose she was supposed to serve. The only correct course of action now was a trigger squeeze. Wynston had catalogued a thousand projected situations in which he might have to kill Kaliyo Djannis: when it came to this one, he realized, he couldn't do it.


"I'll be returning to the ship," he said instead. "You won't. Get moving."


"Oh, yeah? And just how am I supposed to get off this rock?"


"Credits?" he suggested coldly. He didn't trust his composure to hold at cool anymore.


"Huh." She nodded slowly, her eyes flicking between his rifle and his face. "You really mean it, don't you. You're just gonna cut me loose."


"Yes. Settle your accounts with Intelligence on your own time." Let them sort out her purpose. Or let them admit she had played them all. "Don't come after me. I promise I'll leave you be so long as you walk away now."


Anger hardened her voice. "You can't ditch me that easy. You don't get to make that call."


"I just did. You started this. I'm telling you where it stops."


Her lips pulled back from her teeth. "I can wreck you, Wynston. I can tear down everything you ever built."


True. That was why he had to stop it. That was why he was cursing himself for being unable to end it. "I'm aware."


"'Aware' but you'll still turn your back on me? You owe me better than that, you slime."


Calm, he reminded himself. Cold. Professional. "You want my respect, you have it. You're the most dangerous woman I ever met and that was before you learned enough to shred me and everything I've worked for. I know all that. Still, it's you." All right, maybe not a hundred percent professional. "I can't let you keep using my resources, but I will let you go."


Now her voice was rough-edged, her sneer pronounced. "So what, am I supposed to be grateful that you've deemed me worthy to keep breathing? You're never gonna stop being that self-righteous karking pr*ck, are you? Newsflash, blue-freak, I don't need your blessing to exist."


Calm. Cold. Professional. He nodded down at his blaster rather than taking his aim off her to gesture with it. "You really do. Prior to today I never considered revoking it."


"Come off it," she spat. "Like you haven't been paid to do worse yourself. You're as dirty as I am." She rolled her eyes in exaggerated disgust. "So fine. Let's call it even, we go back to the ship, you can still save the Empire – it's not like my side deals were gonna bring the whole thing crashing down, and I'll stop doing it anyway. Just skip the bull**** about punishing me over your stupid schoolboy principles."


The abuse didn't bother him; verbal punching bag was just one of the many services he had offered her, and with every fresh temper tantrum she took full advantage. It didn't matter anymore. He edged backward toward the courtyard gate. "I won't punish you. Just don't follow me."


She took a step towards him anyway. When he failed to fire, she raised her hairless brows. Her aura of rage settled into a calmer arrogance. "You haven't shot me yet. You're not going to. I don't think you can do it, agent." She even managed a dark smile. "Those big professional balls aren't up to it this time, are they?"


"I'm giving you a chance, Kaliyo. Take it." He had to break down for one of the words they never said to each other. "Please."


"Aww," she drawled. "Is that where this is going? We talk about our feelings together?"


That stung. It was he who had first thrown those words at her the one time she had tried to talk about something that was neither work nor play. She got what she wanted out of him, and uneven though it was, he got what he wanted out of her; he had refused to let that dynamic change. The refusal was supposed to keep things under control, keep them clean. It hadn't worked.


"Go," he said.


"No," she replied, and started her play. She wasn't stupid enough to bring the rifle up to aim; instead she let it fall to hang by its shoulder strap as she approached him with a lazy sway-hipped gait. "Look, Wyn, I know you're mad. I was a bad girl. But I'll make it up to you, promise. This ride is too good for you to give up now and we both know it. Plus, I will make the very short remainder of your life hell if you leave me on this rock. So let's just go, yeah?" She edged in to touch him, ignoring his own rifle.


He let the weapon drop. Kaliyo's rages could pass as quickly as they came. She knew he knew that. Hell, she knew he liked it, the crash from reckless abuse to reckless other things, the game of provoking or preventing either or both. This close she smelled of plasma, sweat, scorched armor, with the sharp edge of blood. Around anyone else that meant unpleasant cleanup; around her it meant foreplay. He settled one hand against the perfect warm curve of her waist.


"I can be good," she purred. Of course she would think that he would be suckered into an embrace right after an exchange like that. Wynston would very much have liked to be suckered into it. Instead he leaned into her, swept a dart out of his pocket, and planted it in her side. It was the only trick he had that wouldn't kill her. He knew she carried no corresponding mercy. She never had.


Her eyes widened. "That was my move."


"Got there first," he said softly, pushing aside the black-nailed hand that had been both caressing his back and slipping a knife from its sleeve sheath. The sedative would take another few moments for full effect, but he already had the physical advantage.


She bared her teeth again. "You always fell for that before."


"I always wanted to fall for it before." He caught her when she swayed. "But you can't play me for everything." With practiced care he eased her to the ground.


She grasped at his jacket and stared up at him, her streaked ivory face warping with fury. "I'll kill you," she said hoarsely. "You think you've beaten me? I'll hunt you down and I will kill you."


"Don't try." He considered a last kiss, decided it was too late for that. "It's been fun, love. Goodbye."


Kaliyo's silver-tipped eyelashes fluttered a few more times before she lost consciousness completely.


Wynston got up, walked briskly over to his former partner's dead anarchist friends, and started searching them for items of interest, anything he could bring home to report on. Calm, he reminded himself. Cold. Professional. He went through the motions of gathering evidence for this meaningless side task and then started back toward the ship, leaving his uncorrected mistake behind.




Extremely long notes:



I really need to get over my reliance on fast-acting sedatives. But they're so useful when they work…and the amount of blunt head trauma required to knock Kaliyo out the old-fashioned way would be more than I really want to visualize.


Rattataki are bald, but Kaliyo's game model has eyelashes and I know that bald Twi'lek canonically have eyelashes, so Rattataki may plausibly have them too.


I'm not sure when in Wynston's timeline this occurs. After Belsavis, but less than six months into his post-game career.


The end of the Wheezer scene in game is her saying "Let's just go" in a sulky way and me wondering "Wait a minute, why am I letting you back on the ship? I should shoot you here and now, even though I do love you."




"Is that where this is going? We talk about our feelings together?" This is actually what you say if you decide to throw Kaliyo's hints about love in her face. I would've felt bad, except if any woman out there deserves cruel treatment it's Kaliyo Djannis.


Roll "Djannis" off your tongue. Let the D drop and you get Janus, the two-faced god. The similarities end there, but I think the tagline suits Kaliyo. Meanwhile, Kali is a manifestation of darkness in Hindu mythology, a bringer of death and destruction, a consort of Shiva the Destroyer.


In fact, forgive me for quoting Wikipedia, but the Wikipedia article mentions a particular devotee of Kali: "Rāmprasād comments in many of his other songs that Kāli is indifferent to his wellbeing, causes him to suffer, brings his worldly desires to nothing and his worldly goods to ruin."


…huh. Kali a consort of Shiva, but my poor Chiss Wynston leans more toward blue Vishnu the Preserver.


Anyway. Wynston can be described in terms of sympathy with and opposition to three women: Kaliyo the body he can't resist; SPOILER the mind he hates and resents even as he follows its own policies, limits, and cold decisions; and Ruth the heart vacillating between what is wanted and what must be done. He might have stabilized that last if he'd ever gotten close enough, but he didn't. Instead he kicked one of the triumvirate out, executed the second, and was banished to a distance by the third.




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Out of sequence - I like to think it takes place after Family




Rochester stretched out on the blanket, revelling in the rays of sunshine. There was not a cloud in the sky, it had not rained in days and the temperature was constantly warm: despite all this planet's failings, he was enjoying himself. The sun was low on the horizon, painting the sky pink and the sea gold. The sand beach spread for miles to the north and south and behind them, now shrouded partially in the dark of night, was a wonderfully cultivated jungle.


Broan leant down and kissed his jaw. Rochester's stubble scratched at his lips. They had left quite a few of their luxuries on the ship, including the laser-razor. It was part of their plan to get away from the hectic life of Sith Lord and Naval Lieutenant - so far it had worked. Rochester caught him in a deeper kiss and grabbed him about the waist. He pulled the smaller man atop him and pressed their bodies together.




"Why not?" Rochester grinned and squeezed. He loved how Broan's body was the right mixture of physical exertion and comfortable living. Broan moaned and lazily ran his hands along Rochester's sides.


"Because, mmm... someone might be watching?"


"Really? Well, that's never stopped you before."




They enjoyed each other's bodies as the sun set, with the air rapidly cooling around them. As the last licks of purple-golden sky gave way to night, the chattering started. Suddenly the beach was filled with clicking, shuffling, shadow mounds. Rochester froze as something sharp and cold brushed against his foot.


"What was that?"


"Just the crab migration."


"The... wha- uhh..." Rochester pulled his legs up to his chest, undecided whether to hug himself or Broan.


"It's the migratory season for the Large Red-backed Rock crabs. I thought you might find it interesting."


Rochester grabbed Broan by the shoulders and dragged him to one side, putting the Sith between him and the sea.


"How large?"


"The males can be as big as a trooper's breastplate."


Rochester tried to rifle through the bags, looking for any sort of weapon, but everything had quickly become covered in crabs. He whimpered and clutched Broan to him.


"Don't tell you're afraid of crabs."


"All these animals, it's just unnatural."


Broan laughed and twisted in Rochester's grip, kissing him on the cheek.


"I'll tell you what: the crabs are quite tasty."


"Good, I think I see my pistol."




@Bright - I really do need to start reading your universe (which apparently also involves downloading a PDF - my, you're prolific), your characters are far too complex to be conveyed wholly in the shorts of this thread.

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@ Bright - Oh Bright I love your stuff and how you have all these wonderful and complex characters.


@ Magdalene - Mirah and Corso are so cute. They tend to come to mind whenever I play my smuggler. Can make it feel a bit weird,like Corso is cheating LOL


@iamthehoyden - nice I can so see this happening


@ Tatile - now I want crab LOL


@ elliotcat Feel better sweetie. you have a lot on your plate


@ Earthmama - grats on everything. Like elliotcat we eloped, then had a big vow renewal on our 20th Wedding anniversay and thank you for the kind words on my stories.

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@Irrissa Lovely variety of seasons!


@Tatile Scared Rochester is a precious mental image.


As for me, yes. Prolific is an applicable word. I should warn that Wynston gets little depth outside this thread; in Ruth's story he reliably had the luxury of looking and acting like a good guy, which is what he very much prefers. He doesn't really interact with his crew, and that includes the lovely 43-level-long lapse in judgment, outside this thread. I've been reluctant to explicitly elaborate on the character's basic motivations because, while I know what they are, he doesn't like showing them.

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Congratulations Earthmama! It sounds like a wonderful venue, even if your first choice was something simpler. We had Celtic music at our wedding and it was the best.


@ Iamthehoyden: so so silly :) What, no blaster proficiency??


@ Magdalane: Corso gets some confidence and says all the right things. And Mags just sitting back and being happy for her sister. Very nice.


@ Irrissa: All four evocative of their respective seasons. Spring, especially, with new life (and new lives).


@ Tatile: For a second, I had the 'lobstrosities' from the early part of The Dark Tower in mind--thank you so much for not going there. Touching and delightful--and a bit bittersweet, knowing how it ends later.


@ Bright: Like the SW event in act 3, I have to wonder if this particular scene plays out much stronger if you've pursued the romance option. Apparently I chose the wrong gender for both these classes. There's even less game reason for not letting you get rid of her; these events can't happen until Act 3 (I think) and your character will soon have a melee tank to replace her, if you don't already. Have I mentioned that I dislike Kaliyo as a companion at least as much as you do Quinn?


That said, I liked Wynston here. Torn (again) between what it practical and probably necessary, and emotions. Like a good agent, we mostly see the face he wants us to see. Getting inside his head at this critical moment was interesting and enjoyable. Heck, you even made me hate Kaliyo (more) because you captured her personality.

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@ irishfino: Ald's equating the Sith code to the most basic survival needs is natural in his situation, as well as a bit disturbing. He seems like such a fun guy later.

Ald's playfulness will come out a bit later in his life. Right now, he just wants to survive the obstacles in his way and become strong enough that no one will throw him away again.


@irishfino Now the question is...are Aldrdinar's table manners actually any worse than those of the average Sith? I would guess no. Because, man, Sith.

Lol. Ald is prim and proper. After a little de-jungle savage'ing of course. :D

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I'm a naughty, naughty double poster!


Prompt: Seasons

Character: Aldrdinar, the Silly Sith Warrior





Ald was never sure if Dromund Kaas actually had seasons. There were months of cooler temperatures, warmer temperatures, less rainfall, more rainfall, and a general comfortable time that found a balance between rain and warmth. They seemed to move in a pattern, but nothing that screamed “seasonal.”


The first two years of his new life were fraught with fear and misery and woe and death. He wanted nothing to do with this place. He wanted to go home. He wanted his bed. He wanted his toys. He wanted the parents who used to love him. The parents who used to read to him at night or sit by his bed after a strange dream or a moving shadow scared the daylights out of him. Or the nightlights, as it were. But he knew, he knew somewhere in his six year old mind that there was no going back. “The Jedi send their kids off to train at age six,” he remembered his father saying in hushed tones. That’s when he knew something strange was going on. They thought he couldn’t hear him, but the Force thrummed in his ears when his curiosity got the better of him. When his parents took him on a day trip to Dromund Kaas, he felt their apprehension and something else. Was it relief? He remembers the jungles being a bit chilly that day; what passed for Winter on the capital planet.


By eight, he knew the patrol schedule and encampment placements by memory alone. He was always on the move, there was no time and no resource at his disposal to make a permanent map. He’d learned that the hard way when Imperials managed to track him down via his poorly crafted map on animal leather. They were kind enough to leave him for dead. They were dead fools when he was through with them. Spring brought warmer weather and new life. And the Brute of the Jungle was born.


When the humidity became unbearable during the day, he knew it was Summer. By ten, he had tracked down enough material to create a mask to dampen its effects on his ability to breathe and be active during the day. He hunted, he killed, he stole, he lived. The Brute’s legend grew. Whisperings of tales told to naughty children reached his ears and he was delighted. He’d force the last Imperial lying in his own blood to tell him the story. He promised he would let them live if they would just tell him a story. And his legend grew by leaps and bounds. He did this for several years before the stories became too boring to sate his curiosity. And the Summer heat blazed across the jungles, led by the Brute of the Jungle and his child-like amusement.


When Fall came, he prepared for Winter. The winters were never harsh, but years in the jungle had taught him to be prepared for anything. And when his fall came, it was to his backside in Kaas City proper at age fourteen. He had collided with a Sith Lord. For him, Fall blossomed new life instead of signaling the death of life. And he fell from the title Brute of the Jungle to the rise to the title of Aldrdinar, Sith Apprentice to Lord Inusitus.


As he prepared his Winter quarters for the fight ahead, he couldn’t help, but bubble with happiness. He was finally wanted for his power. He would rise. It was the Sith way.








I'm not sure if it comes across well enough, but the italic parts are the parts of the "Brute of the Jungle", scare you straight you disobeying brat story.


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I wasn't sure how to post this so if I need to move it later I will.

I live in a place with 2 seasons (rainy and less rainy). So when I think seasons I think Holidays.


Spoilers for Sith Warrior Chapter 3













I'm so sorry :D Don't kiiiill meeeee...


Also, Chapter 4 refers to whatever story they come up with next, but I'm pretty sure he won't try to kill the SW again... <_< >_>... pretty sure.


Life Day showed up in the Star Wars Holiday Special which aired on November 17'th, 1978 which means it was probably more of a stand in for American Thanksgiving not Christmas.



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If you guys had any idea, any idea at all how wonderful it is to take a break from standing /walking on a concrete floor all day and log in to read these wonderful words, you'd all know to write more and more often! Seriously, it's a wonderful mental break for me, and thinking about the stories makes my work day go so much better.


@ Bright, love the Wynston/Kaliyo dynamic, and the follow up was great! I always thought of Wynston as being in love with Ruth, and using Kaliyo because it makes her happy and keeps her in line. The follow up kinda supported that. Nalenne is always great, but the last Quinn line made me smile. I'd vote on the Wrath, too.


@ Hoyden, you know how much I love Sana, and this was just adorable. I, too, love Aric's *ahem* autocannon :p


@ Irrissa, all of the seasons shorts were wonderful. I think my favorite was Ciele, especially after getting to finally read the other thread (which was also wonderfully written, btw.) LOL about Corso cheating, he couldn't if he wanted to-- I think of it as all those farm boys from Ord Mantell being somewhat raised the same way, so there's more than one out there ;)


@ Tatile, it was almost bittersweet to see Broan and Rochester in happier times, knowing what's coming for them. I don't know why, but for some reason I never, in my mind, put together that they were an Imperial officer and a Sith Lord romantically involved, but just seeing them happy for short time was so cute!


@ Irishinfo, Ald's childhood makes me understand the Sith Lord Ald a lot better, and almost want to hug him if he wouldn't force choke me.


@ Kabeone, omg that was too perferct! Loved every single panel!

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First of all Kabe - SQUEEEEEEEEE ! (even though my daughter told me not to do that anymore, its how I feel) Its too adorable i <3 it.


Fino - Poor little Ald What a wild beginning (pun intended)


@ Irrissa, all of the seasons shorts were wonderful. I think my favorite was Ciele, especially after getting to finally read the other thread (which was also wonderfully written, btw.) LOL about Corso cheating, he couldn't if he wanted to-- I think of it as all those farm boys from Ord Mantell being somewhat raised the same way, so there's more than one out there ;)

Thank you Magdalane - Cielle has a long way to go in her story from where I am on her thread to the things that have happened in this thread. I hope to have more out soon.


Its a bit weird when I play with friends and we all have the same companions/LI for a couple of my other friends and our SI's one calls hers Andy, one Niko , for me its Nicky or Pirate. :)

I know eventually they may write too, so we have our plan in place lol

Edited by Irrissa
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You are a supergenius. Super. Genius. Everything. And the last line is just right. I really don't see the Quinn's heart getting three sizes bigger any time soon...I mean, size 0 suits him so well...so your ending makes much more sense. :rolleyes::D Also, I love the Apologies section on the cover.


Fino, your last Ald paragraph promises great things :)

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I wasn't sure how to post this so if I need to move it later I will.

I live in a place with 2 seasons (rainy and less rainy). So when I think seasons I think Holidays.


Spoilers for Sith Warrior Chapter 3













I'm so sorry :D Don't kiiiill meeeee...


Also, Chapter 4 refers to whatever story they come up with next, but I'm pretty sure he won't try to kill the SW again... <_< >_>... pretty sure.


Life Day showed up in the Star Wars Holiday Special which aired on November 17'th, 1978 which means it was probably more of a stand in for American Thanksgiving not Christmas.



Kabe, you are the best! :D

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You are a supergenius. Super. Genius. Everything. And the last line is just right. I really don't see the Quinn's heart getting three sizes bigger any time soon...I mean, size 0 suits him so well...so your ending makes much more sense. :rolleyes::D Also, I love the Apologies section on the cover.


Fino, your last Ald paragraph promises great things :)

Agreed in full. Kabe just won the Internet.


It shall be delivered tomorrow.

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Agreed in full. Kabe just won the Internet.


It shall be delivered tomorrow.


I second this, Kabe did just win the internet! That was brilliant! Everything has been brilliant, if I haven't commented individually on your story I do apologize, just know that I loved all the words I've read over the weekend. I have a few ideas bopping around in my brain to add to this thread, hope to have them posted soon.

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