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☢☢☢ 2.0+ Bastion Server PVE Progression Thread ☢☢☢


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8/7/13 No longer updating this thread if anyone wants to pick it up:

{{URL="http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=633048"]{{b]PVE guilds on the server{{/B]{{/URL]

{{COLOR="wheat"]{{B]Please post in the following format:{{/B]{{/COLOR]

Guild Name
Empire or Republic
What raid you are doing / which boss you killed
Server (and/or UTC) time it was killed / screenshot or video proof (more on this below)

{{COLOR="Wheat"]{{B]Post a screenshot:{{/B]{{/COLOR]
All progression kills must be full guild kills.  All screenshots for proof of kills have to be in the instance shortly after the boss dies, and all 8/16 people must be seen in the raid frames in the screenshot.  It must have proof of difficulty mode. All screenshots must be unedited with the game clock clearly shown.  Use the {{URL="http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/city.html?n=1440"]UTC{{/URL] clock to verify the time of your kill.  Click {{URL="http://i.imgur.com/tnaU3dv.jpg"]here{{/URL] for an example.  There are a few different ways you can post an acceptable screenshot/video:
{{*]Take a screenshot with your Achievement tab open and showing the boss you have killed.  
{{*]Take a screenshot the second the boss dies and the "Achievement Unlocked" is still on your screen. 
{{*]Post a screenshot showing the loot the boss dropped.
{{*]Videos are also great.
Kill stuff, you go up.

{{COLOR="Wheat"]{{B]Key: {{/B]{{/COLOR]
{{COLOR="PaleGreen"]Story Mode{{/COLOR] 
{{COLOR="Sienna"]Hard Mode{{/COLOR] 
{{COLOR="purple"]Nightmare Mode{{/COLOR]

{{B]{{aname=3]{{SIZE="4"]{{URL="http://www.swtor.com/gameupdates/2.0-scum-and-villainy"]{{B]5. Scum and Villainy{{/B]{{/URL]{{/SIZE]{{/aname]{{/B]

{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{COLOR="Purple"]{{Dash] {{T6] {{Thr] {{OC] {{Olok] {{CW] {{Styrak]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="Red"]SuckaFish
{{COLOR="Purple"]{{Dash] {{T6] {{COLOR="Sienna"]{{Thr]{{/COLOR] {{OC] {{Olok]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="Sienna"]{{CW] {{Styrak]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR] {{/COLOR]  {{color="red"]Unnecessary Girth
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{COLOR="Purple"]{{Dash] {{T6] {{/color]{{Thr] {{OC] {{Olok] {{CW] {{Styrak]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR] Respected and Despised
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{COLOR="Purple"]{{Dash] {{T6]{{/COLOR] {{Thr] {{OC] {{Olok] {{CW] {{Styrak] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR] {{/COLOR] {{COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Never Tell Us The Odds{{/COLOR]
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{COLOR="Purple"]{{Dash]{{/COLOR] {{T6] {{Thr]{{COLOR="Purple"] {{OC]{{/COLOR] {{Olok] {{CW] {{Styrak] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR] {{/COLOR] Failure
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{Dash] {{T6] {{Thr] {{OC] {{Olok] {{CW] {{Styrak]{{/COLOR]{{COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR] Hakuna Rakata{{/COLOR]
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{Dash] {{T6] {{Thr] {{OC] {{Olok] {{CW] {{Styrak]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR] Interdictor
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{Dash] {{T6] {{Thr] {{OC] {{Olok] {{CW] {{Styrak]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR] Method
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{Dash] {{T6] {{Thr] {{OC] {{Olok] {{CW] {{Styrak]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR] Social Outcast{{/COLOR]
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{Dash] {{T6] {{Thr] {{OC] {{Olok] {{CW] {{Styrak]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR] Descension
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{Dash] {{T6] {{Thr] {{OC] {{Olok] {{CW] {{Styrak]{{/color] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR] Deception{{/COLOR]
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{Dash] {{T6] {{Thr] {{OC] {{Olok] {{CW] {{Styrak]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="Red"]{{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR] The Red Zone
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{Dash] {{T6] {{Thr] {{OC] {{Olok] {{CW] {{Styrak]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR] Malice{{/COLOR]
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{Dash] {{T6] {{Thr] {{OC] {{Olok] {{CW] {{Styrak]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR] {{color="red"]Eternal Dominion{{/COLOR]
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{Dash] {{T6] {{Thr] {{OC] {{Olok] {{CW] {{Styrak]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="deepskyblue"]{{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR] Invalid Target{{/color]
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{GoldenFury]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="Red"]SuckaFish
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{GoldenFury]{{/COLOR] Unnecessary Girth
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{GoldenFury]{{/COLOR] Interdictor
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{GoldenFury]{{/COLOR] Respected and Despised{{/COLOR]

{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{Dash] {{T6] {{Thr] {{OC] {{Olok] {{CW] {{Styrak] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="Red"]SuckaFish{{/COLOR]
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{Dash] {{T6] {{Thr] {{OC] {{Olok] {{CW] {{Styrak] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Level Capped{{/COLOR]
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{GoldenFury]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="Red"]SuckaFish
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{GoldenFury]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Level Capped{{/COLOR]
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{GoldenFury]{{/COLOR] Unnecessary Girth{{/COLOR]

{{B]{{aname=2]{{SIZE="4"]{{URL="http://www.swtor.com/gameupdates/operation_nightmare"]{{B]4. Terror From Beyond{{/B]{{/URL]{{/SIZE]{{/aname]{{/B]

{{COLOR="Red"]{{COLOR="purple"]{{WH] {{DG] {{Op9] {{KU] {{TFB] {{COLOR="DimGray"]{{COLOR="Purple"]{{Title]{{/COLOR]{{/COLOR]{{/COLOR] SuckaFish
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{COLOR="Purple"]{{WH]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="Sienna"]{{DG]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="Purple"]{{Op9] {{KU] {{TFB] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR]{{/COLOR]{{/COLOR]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="Red"]Respected and Despised
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{COLOR="Purple"]{{WH] {{DG] {{/COLOR]{{COLOR="Purple"]{{Op9]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="Purple"]{{KU] {{/COLOR]{{TFB] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR]{{/COLOR] Unnecessary Girth
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{COLOR="Purple"]{{WH]{{/COLOR] {{DG]{{COLOR="Purple"] {{Op9]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="Purple"]{{KU]{{/COLOR] {{TFB] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR]{{/COLOR] Interdictor
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{COLOR="Purple"]{{WH]{{/COLOR] {{DG] {{Op9] {{KU] {{TFB] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Social Outcast{{/COLOR]
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{COLOR="Purple"]{{WH]{{/COLOR] {{DG] {{Op9] {{KU] {{TFB] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR]{{/COLOR] Descension
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{COLOR="Purple"]{{WH]{{/COLOR] {{DG] {{Op9] {{KU] {{TFB] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR]{{/COLOR] Dominus Nocturna
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{COLOR="Purple"]{{WH]{{/COLOR] {{DG] {{Op9] {{KU] {{TFB] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR]{{/COLOR] The Red Zone
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{COLOR="Purple"]{{WH]{{/COLOR] {{DG] {{Op9] {{KU] {{TFB] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR]{{/COLOR] Failure
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{WH] {{DG] {{Op9] {{KU] {{TFB] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR]{{/COLOR] Circle of Enmity
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{WH] {{DG] {{Op9] {{KU] {{TFB] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR]{{/COLOR] Static
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{WH] {{DG] {{Op9] {{KU] {{TFB] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR]{{/COLOR] Ops Elite
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{WH] {{DG] {{Op9] {{KU] {{TFB] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR]{{/COLOR] Deception 
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{WH] {{DG] {{Op9] {{KU] {{TFB] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR]{{/COLOR] Ewok Pest Control
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{WH] {{DG] {{Op9] {{KU] {{TFB] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR]{{/COLOR] Lords of war
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{WH] {{DG] {{Op9] {{KU] {{TFB] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR]{{/COLOR] Method
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{WH] {{DG] {{Op9] {{KU] {{TFB] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Hakuna Rakata{{/COLOR]
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{WH] {{DG] {{Op9] {{KU] {{TFB] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Invalid Target{{/COLOR]
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{WH] {{DG] {{Op9] {{KU] {{TFB] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR]{{/COLOR] Mode
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{WH] {{DG] {{Op9] {{KU] {{TFB] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]From The Ashes{{/COLOR]
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{WH] {{DG] {{Op9] {{KU] {{TFB] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR]{{/COLOR] Last Call
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{WH] {{DG] {{Op9] {{KU] {{TFB] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Jedi Mime Trick{{/COLOR]
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{WH] {{DG] {{Op9] {{KU] {{TFB] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR]{{/COLOR] Shoot First
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{WH] {{DG] {{Op9] {{KU] {{TFB] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Phantom Squadron{{/COLOR]
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{WH] {{DG] {{Op9] {{KU] {{TFB] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Illuminati{{/COLOR]{{/COLOR]
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{WH] {{DG] {{Op9] {{KU] {{TFB] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="red"]Malice{{/COLOR]
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{WH] {{DG] {{Op9] {{KU] {{TFB] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="red"]Dominus Nocturna{{/COLOR]

{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{COLOR="Purple"]{{WH] {{DG] {{Op9]{{/COLOR] {{KU] {{TFB] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="Red"]SuckaFish{{/COLOR]
{{COLOR="Red"]{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{COLOR="purple"]{{WH]{{/COLOR] {{DG] {{Op9] {{KU] {{TFB] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Level Capped {{/COLOR]
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{COLOR="Purple"]{{WH]{{/COLOR] {{DG] {{Op9] {{KU] {{TFB] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR]{{/COLOR] Unnecessary Girth{{/COLOR]
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{WH] {{DG] {{Op9] {{KU] {{TFB] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]From The Ashes{{/COLOR]
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{DreadfulEntity]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="Red"]Unnecessary Girth
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{DreadfulEntity]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Hakuna Rakata{{/COLOR]
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{DreadfulEntity]{{/COLOR] SuckaFish{{/COLOR]

{{B]{{aname=1]{{SIZE="4"]{{URL="http://www.swtor.com/blog/welcome-game-update-1.5-hk-51-activated"]{{B]3. Explosive Conflict{{/B]{{/URL]{{/SIZE]{{/aname]{{/B]

{{COLOR="Purple"]{{T&Z] {{F&S] {{CV] {{HWLK] {{/COLOR] {{COLOR="purple"]{{Title]{{/COLOR]{{COLOR="Red"] SuckaFish
{{COLOR="Purple"]{{T&Z] {{F&S] {{CV] {{HWLK] {{/COLOR] {{COLOR="purple"]{{Title]{{/COLOR] Potato
{{COLOR="Purple"]{{T&Z] {{F&S] {{CV] {{HWLK] {{/COLOR] {{COLOR="purple"]{{Title]{{/COLOR] Unnecessary Girth
{{COLOR="Purple"]{{T&Z] {{F&S] {{CV] {{HWLK] {{/COLOR] {{COLOR="purple"]{{Title]{{/COLOR] Respected and Despised
{{COLOR="Purple"]{{T&Z] {{F&S] {{CV] {{HWLK] {{/COLOR] {{COLOR="purple"]{{Title]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="Red"]Method{{/COLOR]
{{COLOR="Purple"]{{T&Z] {{F&S] {{CV] {{HWLK] {{Title]{{/COLOR]{{COLOR="Red"] Descension{{/COLOR]
{{COLOR="Purple"]{{T&Z] {{F&S] {{CV] {{HWLK] {{/COLOR] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Never Tell Us The Odds{{/COLOR]
{{COLOR="Purple"]{{T&Z] {{F&S] {{CV] {{HWLK] {{/COLOR] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Level Capped{{/COLOR]
{{COLOR="Purple"]{{T&Z] {{F&S] {{CV] {{HWLK] {{/COLOR] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Hakuna Rakata{{/COLOR]
{{COLOR="Purple"]{{T&Z] {{F&S] {{CV] {{HWLK] {{/COLOR] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR] Interdictor{{/COLOR]
{{COLOR="Purple"]{{T&Z] {{F&S] {{CV] {{HWLK] {{/COLOR] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR]{{COLOR="Red"] Dominus Nocturna {{/COLOR]
{{COLOR="Sienna"]{{COLOR="Purple"]{{T&Z] {{F&S] {{CV]{{/COLOR] {{HWLK] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="Red"]Static{{/COLOR]
{{COLOR="Purple"]{{T&Z] {{F&S] {{CV]{{/COLOR]  {{HWLK] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR]{{COLOR="Red"] Ops Elite{{/COLOR]
{{COLOR="Purple"]{{T&Z] {{F&S] {{CV]{{/COLOR]  {{HWLK]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR]{{COLOR="Red"] Lords of War{{/COLOR]

{{COLOR="Purple"]{{T&Z] {{F&S] {{CV] {{HWLK] {{/COLOR] {{COLOR="purple"]{{Title]{{/COLOR] {{COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Level Capped{{/COLOR]
{{COLOR="Purple"]{{T&Z] {{F&S] {{CV] {{HWLK] {{COLOR="wheat"]{{Title]{{/COLOR] {{/COLOR] {{COLOR="Red"]Unnecessary Girth{{/COLOR]

{{B]{{SIZE="3"]2.  Karraga's Palace

1. Eternity Vault{{/SIZE]{{/B]


PVE guilds on the server


Please post in the following format:


Guild Name

Empire or Republic

What raid you are doing / which boss you killed

Server (and/or UTC) time it was killed / screenshot or video proof (more on this below)


Post a screenshot:

All progression kills must be full guild kills. All screenshots for proof of kills have to be in the instance shortly after the boss dies, and all 8/16 people must be seen in the raid frames in the screenshot. It must have proof of difficulty mode. All screenshots must be unedited with the game clock clearly shown. Use the UTC clock to verify the time of your kill. Click here for an example. There are a few different ways you can post an acceptable screenshot/video:


  1. Take a screenshot with your Achievement tab open and showing the boss you have killed.
  2. Take a screenshot the second the boss dies and the "Achievement Unlocked" is still on your screen.
  3. Post a screenshot showing the loot the boss dropped.
  4. Videos are also great.


Kill stuff, you go up.



Story Mode

Hard Mode

Nightmare Mode




[aname=3]5. Scum and Villainy[/aname]



[Dash] [T6] [Thr] [OC] [Olok] [CW] [styrak] [Title] SuckaFish

[Dash] [T6] [Thr] [OC] [Olok] [CW] [styrak] [Title] Unnecessary Girth

[Dash] [T6] [Thr] [OC] [Olok] [CW] [styrak] [Title] Respected and Despised

[Dash] [T6] [Thr] [OC] [Olok] [CW] [styrak] [Title] Never Tell Us The Odds

[Dash] [T6] [Thr] [OC] [Olok] [CW] [styrak] [Title] Failure

[Dash] [T6] [Thr] [OC] [Olok] [CW] [styrak] [Title] Hakuna Rakata

[Dash] [T6] [Thr] [OC] [Olok] [CW] [styrak] [Title] Interdictor

[Dash] [T6] [Thr] [OC] [Olok] [CW] [styrak] [Title] Method

[Dash] [T6] [Thr] [OC] [Olok] [CW] [styrak] [Title] Social Outcast

[Dash] [T6] [Thr] [OC] [Olok] [CW] [styrak] [Title] Descension

[Dash] [T6] [Thr] [OC] [Olok] [CW] [styrak] [Title] Deception

[Dash] [T6] [Thr] [OC] [Olok] [CW] [styrak] [Title] The Red Zone

[Dash] [T6] [Thr] [OC] [Olok] [CW] [styrak] [Title] Malice

[Dash] [T6] [Thr] [OC] [Olok] [CW] [styrak] [Title] Eternal Dominion

[Dash] [T6] [Thr] [OC] [Olok] [CW] [styrak] [Title] Invalid Target

[GoldenFury] SuckaFish

[GoldenFury] Unnecessary Girth

[GoldenFury] Interdictor

[GoldenFury] Respected and Despised



[Dash] [T6] [Thr] [OC] [Olok] [CW] [styrak] [Title] SuckaFish

[Dash] [T6] [Thr] [OC] [Olok] [CW] [styrak] [Title] Level Capped

[GoldenFury] SuckaFish

[GoldenFury] Level Capped

[GoldenFury] Unnecessary Girth



[aname=2]4. Terror From Beyond[/aname]



[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] SuckaFish

[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] Respected and Despised

[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] Unnecessary Girth

[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] Interdictor

[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] Social Outcast

[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] Descension

[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] Dominus Nocturna

[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] The Red Zone

[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] Failure

[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] Circle of Enmity

[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] Static

[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] Ops Elite

[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] Deception

[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] Ewok Pest Control

[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] Lords of war

[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] Method

[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] Hakuna Rakata

[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] Invalid Target

[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] Mode

[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] From The Ashes

[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] Last Call

[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] Jedi Mime Trick

[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] Shoot First

[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] Phantom Squadron

[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] Illuminati

[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] Malice

[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] Dominus Nocturna



[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] SuckaFish

[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] Level Capped

[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] Unnecessary Girth

[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] From The Ashes

[DreadfulEntity] Unnecessary Girth

[DreadfulEntity] Hakuna Rakata

[DreadfulEntity] SuckaFish



[aname=1]3. Explosive Conflict[/aname]



[T&Z] [F&S] [CV] [HWLK] [Title] SuckaFish

[T&Z] [F&S] [CV] [HWLK] [Title] Potato

[T&Z] [F&S] [CV] [HWLK] [Title] Unnecessary Girth

[T&Z] [F&S] [CV] [HWLK] [Title] Respected and Despised

[T&Z] [F&S] [CV] [HWLK] [Title] Method

[T&Z] [F&S] [CV] [HWLK] [Title] Descension

[T&Z] [F&S] [CV] [HWLK] [Title] Never Tell Us The Odds

[T&Z] [F&S] [CV] [HWLK] [Title] Level Capped

[T&Z] [F&S] [CV] [HWLK] [Title] Hakuna Rakata

[T&Z] [F&S] [CV] [HWLK] [Title] Interdictor

[T&Z] [F&S] [CV] [HWLK] [Title] Dominus Nocturna

[T&Z] [F&S] [CV] [HWLK] [Title] Static

[T&Z] [F&S] [CV] [HWLK] [Title] Ops Elite

[T&Z] [F&S] [CV] [HWLK] [Title] Lords of War



[T&Z] [F&S] [CV] [HWLK] [Title] Level Capped

[T&Z] [F&S] [CV] [HWLK] [Title] Unnecessary Girth


2. Karraga's Palace


1. Eternity Vault



Edited by paowee
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Now that they are fixing DG, lets put all this nonsense behind us about skipping and colors.


If you feel the urge to change any colors or add asterisk's, Feel free to add it to Suckafish for the well deserved clear before Tonight's patch.



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Now that they are fixing DG, lets put all this nonsense behind us about skipping and colors.


If you feel the urge to change any colors or add asterisk's, Feel free to add it to Suckafish for the well deserved clear before Tonight's patch.




There is no nonsense to begin with?


Just post your guild's progression in this thread and i'll update it accordingly. Green SM, orange HM, purple NiM. I'm only going off of these 4 posts that's why i added the pink "skipped".







So 2 people voiced their opinions against skipping. And then 2 people said they don't agree... If the pink color is just going to cause drama in this thread then i'll remove it. No big deal.


Edited by paowee
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Now that they are fixing DG, lets put all this nonsense behind us about skipping and colors.


If you feel the urge to change any colors or add asterisk's, Feel free to add it to Suckafish for the well deserved clear before Tonight's patch.




Firstly, please understand that I'm not picking a fight with youwith my following comments, but I have to put it out there that I am against that type of outlook on tonight's nerfing of DGs. Players should do less QQing and practice their asses off to earn the DG kill. The changes only make for a cheaper level of players who rather QQ than put in the work. How are raiders ever supposed to get better if they scream for nerfs everytime they run into a challenge. In addition, why strip away the prestige of a full clear guild because others spend more time crying about the impossible boss??? How is this supposed to create or maintain the highest level of competition in PVE?


Players should not ask for nerfs, they should ask for greater challenges that require more skill and time, even for world 1st and 2nd guilds. This probably includes internal testing of new operations and modes instead of going to the PTS... but I guess BW and EA are too cheap to want to pay their employees to do that.

Edited by Superllvllan
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Firstly, please understand that I'm not picking a fight with you about my following comments, but I have to put it out there that I am against that outlook on tonight's nerfing of DGs. Players should do less QQing and practice their asses off to earn the DG kill. The changes only make for a cheaper level of players who rather QQ than put in the work. How are raiders ever supposed to get better if they scream for nerfs everytime they run into a challenge. In addition, why strip away the prestige of a full clear guild because others spend more time crying about the impossible boss??? How is this supposed to create or maintain the highest level of competition in PVE?


Players should not ask for nerfs, they should ask for greater challenges that require more skill and time, even for world 1st and 2nd guilds. This probably includes internal testing of new operations and modes instead of going to the PTS... but I guess BW and EA are too cheap to want to pay their employees to do that.


I miss that old school raiding mentality

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I've been lazy, but last Wednesday (June 26th, 2013@ 8:32pm PDST) Interdictor (8m Empire) began our progression in Nightmare TFB.


Lucky for us we actually claimed a kill the first night in there. Even if it was falling apart at the very end, a kill is a kill.


You can find the update with video on our guild webpage: http://seeyounexttuesday.guildlaunch.com


Thanks and hopefully after we slam our faces into Dread Guards and Operator IX tonight and tomorrow we'll have another kill or two to report!

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I've been lazy, but last Wednesday (June 26th, 2013@ 8:32pm PDST) Interdictor (8m Empire) began our progression in Nightmare TFB.


Lucky for us we actually claimed a kill the first night in there. Even if it was falling apart at the very end, a kill is a kill.


You can find the update with video on our guild webpage: http://seeyounexttuesday.guildlaunch.com


Thanks and hopefully after we slam our faces into Dread Guards and Operator IX tonight and tomorrow we'll have another kill or two to report!

Grats! Good luck on those darn Dread Guards!


OP updated:

Terror From Beyond


[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] SuckaFish

[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] Respected and Despised

[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] Unnecessary Girth

[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] Social Outcast

[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] Diabolic

[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] Descension

[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] Dominus Nocturna

[WH] [DG] [Op9] [KU] [TFB] [Title] Interdictor

Edited by paowee
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