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Rise of the Rakghouls? More like L4TOR.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The entire FP was obviously a reference to L4D and I thought it was great! Seemed to me like they were paying homage to a great game.


An old thread but I was looking through my old posts and saw this.


The issue is that this is what WoW has been doing recently. Now, I'm normally not one to preach that WoW is the devil but one of the things with Cataclysm that always irked me was how references went from being clever little easter eggs dropped in here and there for things like say... an Engineering trainer being named after a chick from Firefily or the odd quest title. Then they came in with things like Uldum and the reworked Redridge that were nothing but one crappy rollercoaster ride built upon references about as subtle as a frying pan to the face going "LOOK, IT'S FUNNY BECAUSE IT'S LIKE THAT THING YOU KNOW. DO YOU GET IT YET? IT'S RAMBO, DO YOU GET IT?"


The atmosphere was great and the Flashpoint was fun, but I don't want to be seeing whole new content built around being nothing but one big joke to make the masses go "Hurr... I get it!".

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