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Slicing Schematics - are they per use?


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One day ago I got 2x Slicing Schematics off my companion missions.

Both were 340 slicing level, so I learned one - sent my companion on it.

Learned the second one - sent my other companion on it also.


Now, one of the companions returned okay - the other one failed on the mission, but that's not the issue.


The problem is - that I cant choose the mission anymore at all (its not on the list).


So, are these missions just one use only? Or did someting bug for me?

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This happened to me as well. I sent Mako out on a purple epic 340 Slicing mission that she failed. I thought if I waited a while something would reset and the mission would reappear. The mission has yet to appear. I only paid 4k credits for it but I thought they would be permanent. I've learned other missions under other skills that remained static..


I'm confused about this as well.

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