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I have canceled my subscription due unbalanced war zone gameplay


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Have you ever played other MMOs during launch period?


Constant server crashes, outages for hours at a time, horribly bugged terrain, starting areas so full that you have to wait 10+ minutes for every mob spawn, flat-out non-functional abilities, client crashes, zones/instances not even working, etc, for days to weeks after the launch period.


And you're cancelling not even a week after the launch because PVP hasn't been fully polished and fleshed out.


Well, bye.

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Novel idea incoming. Grind to 50 and you won't feel underpowered anymore and form your own premade, despite true premades not even existing......or throw a tantrum and cancel. Meh.


Well, on my server, grinding to 50 on Republic side is a useless gesture. We're vastly outnumbered, WZs are a facerolling fragfest for Imperials. Queueing as a lower leveling toon and, I dunno, actually learning your various skills and their uses in PVP as you level is also useless, since the second you step into a WZ you're getting trounced by 50s. Bolster works in brackets, but if BW honestly thinks that bolster will help even a mid 30s character against a 50 in PVP gear, they're out of touch.

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I will come back only if two changes will be done:

1. Pvp brackets.

2. Premade only vs premade.


You would be surprised how many posts I've seen on other MMO forums saying the exact same thing. "Please get rid of premades or I am gone." The truth is, there is no easy solution to the premade problem. People will get around it by sync queuing. In a perfect world premades would only face other premades, but I see no way to enforce that.


That said, I do agree that they need to implement brackets and just get rid of "boosting" all together. Make it so everyone within 10 levels of each other get in the same WF. Make it so 50's only face other 50's. The boosting makes people too hard to kill, imo. Everyone is running around with 12k health, which is a bit much. it is even worse when there are numerous healers.


Of course, this could affect queue times negatively.

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