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How to Combat Sorcerers


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We need to find a strategy to use against the Sorcerers in battle. What are their weaknesses? What can we exploit (within the EULA) ? Someone said that their primary damage is AOE. Perhaps we can have our Shadows focus on the Sorcs, Mind Snap them when they activate AOE spells.
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We need to find a strategy to use against the Sorcerers in battle. What are their weaknesses? What can we exploit (within the EULA) ? Someone said that their primary damage is AOE. Perhaps we can have our Shadows focus on the Sorcs, Mind Snap them when they activate AOE spells.


Just think of ways you can interrupt charged/maintained abilities (all/any of your own interrupts). Any old interrupt will do vs an AOE spell, I wouldn't recommend using an interrupt with lockout vs an AOE though, save those for lightning/tracermissle/heal spamming (I realize TM isn't a sorc ability, the OP is facing imps so this is a preemptive strike against the next most likely to be encountered annoyance).

Edited by kinkaid
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Hitting them in the face usually works for me. Squishy target is squishy.


^ What he said.


Its unreal how many matches I play where no one, NO ONE, bothers to come after me cause they're too busy jumping into the melee pile. I just sit there pew pewing / healing / etc. The odd round where someone pays attention and jumps me constantly my ability to help my team plummets.

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^ What he said.


Its unreal how many matches I play where no one, NO ONE, bothers to come after me cause they're too busy jumping into the melee pile. I just sit there pew pewing / healing / etc. The odd round where someone pays attention and jumps me constantly my ability to help my team plummets.


Usually right after invincible/immortal I find the other team suddenly starts paying attention ;)

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We need to find a strategy to use against the Sorcerers in battle. What are their weaknesses? What can we exploit (within the EULA) ? Someone said that their primary damage is AOE. Perhaps we can have our Shadows focus on the Sorcs, Mind Snap them when they activate AOE spells.


Stun them (or interupt force lightning)


Hit them GCD1


Hit them again GCD2


If they had their bubble up you might have to use a 3rd GCD to hit them


Win (or they run off which is just as good as a win in a team verse team game)

Edited by da_krall
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Hitting them in the face usually works for me. Squishy target is squishy.

As a Sorc I have to admit this alone works.


1v1 vs range I might hit trinkets/adrenals/Recklessness and try and burn down. Since we have no burst damage, burning down is always risky against good players though.


Against melee i normally look to try and escape by knocking them off ledges or just plain running (unless they are near death then burning them down is an option). I know so much is made of our sprint ability but it is only a 2 second duration so we do not get that far ahead and people can usually catch up to us if we stop to heal or DPS again. Often I also get stunned during it against good players.




Sorcerers are an weird class in that they are face-roll easy in pvp against many groups that just ignore us there turreting down heals or dps (depending on spec/roll). However against good organized groups we become very difficult to play as pressured out of range to help our team. We need to work hard to become undesirable targets through location we DPS form or by grouping up with other range players. The location thing is hard when 40ish% of our casts are very visible lighting where everyone knows where we are firing from, Sage's have a significant advantage with that issue.

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^ What he said.


Its unreal how many matches I play where no one, NO ONE, bothers to come after me cause they're too busy jumping into the melee pile. I just sit there pew pewing / healing / etc. The odd round where someone pays attention and jumps me constantly my ability to help my team plummets.


This is the same technique against Arms Mercs. Yes, they are heavy armor, but when I have any stealth class up my butt the whole game, or any class who bothers to follow the tracer fire for that matter, it becomes MUCH harder to be of any help. If I am left alone to rain on the melee parade, I'll do it all day :)


Bring the fight to the ranged class, or stick a sniper on a merc = GG.

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