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tips on alignment for better stories?


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I rolled a fully dark jug and loved it. I rolled a dark bounty hunter, and loved it. I feel like the jug story could be cool light side, but idk.


But I'm asking because sometimes, for example, the writing for Like a Jedi counselor doesn't always fit the dark side decisions. Some of his responses seem contradicting. Any time I've played a jedi, they're of course always really polite and just. So going from that, to "I'm going to murder your children if you don't so what I say" just hardly fits, that's an example not the actual response so don't quote me on that.


But I rolled a dark side counselor coming from a dark side jug, and it just doesn't fit.


Am I the only one that feels certain classes play better as light or dark?

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If you want a better story then don't do all dark or all light choices. For example, my SW leaned "light," but he still had some "dark" choices like

stabbing Baras.

Just turn the alignment notifications off under settings and try to role play a more complex character.

Edited by Dan_Loto
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So Agent is worth trying? So far I've only been working on a Jedi Consular and Sith Inquisitor (both are fun thus far), but... perhaps I could give it a shot.


All of my characters will likely be light-sided, though.


Agent has the best story IMO. But your definition of a "light" agent is subjective. My opinion of a light agent is an agent who is very anti-empire. Someone else might think a light agent is a level headed person who wants to improve the empire.

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It's not the general alignment itself, but the choices within each path make more sense, or less sense.


For example, full DS warrior to me felt like a degenerate caveman who just hits everything over the head for the lulz, destroying his own potential power base, leaving indiscriminate destruction in their wake. Full LS felt like a weak, inconsistent, indecisive doormat. Best playthroughs for me were Light-heavy with significant Dark choices (killing those that betray him, punishing those that disrespect him, but honoring his word, staying loyal to his Empire and his people, adhering to a strict code of conduct that helps him retain sanity in a world where the Dark Side weighs heavily on everyone's mind), and DS-heavy with the Light choices that made more sense than Dark (converting a beaten enemy to his cause, showing restraint when wrath would not advance his interests).


That said, full DS playthrough for the Inquisitor was fun, fun, fun. Even if some choices didn't make sense, the "for the lulz" intonation in his voice made all the difference. He just doesn't care. He does it because he can, but without the "me smash u" feel of the DS Warrior.


As far as Jedi go, full DS playthroughs gave me the impression that they're suffering from severe mental disorders. But then again, DS-heavy playthroughs can make perfect sense, as long as you know when to lay off the "arsehole" button.:rolleyes:

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I've only gone through very early parts, but LS Inquisitor doesn't really feel like a doormat to me, just a compassionate slave in a position they don't necessarily want but is their only way out of slavery. Although mine also takes great pleasure in mocking Harkun when possible.
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It's not the general alignment itself, but the choices within each path make more sense, or less sense.


For example, full DS warrior to me felt like a degenerate caveman who just hits everything over the head for the lulz, destroying his own potential power base, leaving indiscriminate destruction in their wake. Full LS felt like a weak, inconsistent, indecisive doormat. Best playthroughs for me were Light-heavy with significant Dark choices (killing those that betray him, punishing those that disrespect him, but honoring his word, staying loyal to his Empire and his people, adhering to a strict code of conduct that helps him retain sanity in a world where the Dark Side weighs heavily on everyone's mind), and DS-heavy with the Light choices that made more sense than Dark (converting a beaten enemy to his cause, showing restraint when wrath would not advance his interests).


That said, full DS playthrough for the Inquisitor was fun, fun, fun. Even if some choices didn't make sense, the "for the lulz" intonation in his voice made all the difference. He just doesn't care. He does it because he can, but without the "me smash u" feel of the DS Warrior.


As far as Jedi go, full DS playthroughs gave me the impression that they're suffering from severe mental disorders. But then again, DS-heavy playthroughs can make perfect sense, as long as you know when to lay off the "arsehole" button.:rolleyes:


This is exactly how I am currently playing my warrior, mostly lightside with darkside options when I feel it is required such as when I have to work alongside a certain sith on taris :cool:

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For agents, its mostly down to preference, but a full dark agent is essentially a kiss up to the Sith, while a full light agent almost never obeys any orders, so I find it best to choose options that are loyal to Intelligence. (However, the ending of Chpt. 1 is completely up to you in this type of playthrough).
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Well see, I love full DS Jug,full DS bh, the stories just fit and their awesome. I made a pub with my friend, you know to see both sides of the game. I've been playing him on how I feel I should play, not really picking sides. It's pretty fun but it often has me pressing esc and redoing a conversation. But idk, I'll play through as I see fit. So far trooper is an easy class to roll dark or light, following orders can be dark and cruel but for the protection of the republic, but the light is in favor of the people.
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Whether or not a story will be "better" depending on certain alignment choices is very subjective.


The best way to get "better" stories in my opinion...is to respond in ways that make sense for the character you are playing...and the personality you want them to have.

Edited by VitalityPrime
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