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What companion are you using to level?


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I have used my first companion to level since she can tank up to this point but now that I have vector and lokin I have been trying to use them to see if there was any better alternative.


So far it seems like taking an elite is hard with anything but the first companion tanking.


Just wondering what others views are that have more exp with the other companions.

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i know its not scientific but with no dmg meters its the best i could do.


I geared out vector and the first tank companion you get in = gear for level 35.


Then I found an area that had a lot of the not elite but the one with the grey emblem mobs that are harder then standard ones.


I set tank companion on it to solo and before the mob had 40% life gone she was dead


I did same thing with vector and he died as well but got mob to like 30% So he clearly was able to do alot more dmg before dying


The main issue I have with vector is agroo. To try and help this i treat him just like you would treat a tank in a raid and let him build agroo. in groups with a bunch of standard mobs and a harder one Ill clean up some of the standard ones first and then move onto the harder one by this time he usually has pretty good agro. On elites I let him establish pretty good agro but due to the length of the fight I usually peel it off him at some point.


Some elites just hit like a truck and I think some times you just flat out need a companion with heavy armour and agro generation or that heavy hitter will be in your face but I think in 90% of situations vector could be the better choice as far as speed killing.


I Have not played with lokin at all yet since a healing companion is not something i feel would help much and his dps seemed sub par to vector.


Would like to see insight from people who have played with multiple companions a bit more.

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based on reading what people said about the good doctor I kitted him out to see what all the talk was about and omg im glad i did.


He actually has a lot of healing ability and you will be blowing through content with no stop.

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Don't forget about his transformation ability. Against easier groups of mobs it's quicker to transform him and let him beat them down before swapping him back to healer mode.


Personally I tend to run with either Lokin or Temple. She's great vs the easy stuff if you put her into AoE mode. Between her AoE and mine we blow up small packs extremely effectively. Groups with multiple silvers or elites I break out Lokin and try to cover tank them with him healing me.


Kaliyo doesn't get used much since she's a mediocre tank (even though I just got her a bunch of lvl 40 pvp gear) and she often doesn't like my dialogue choices.

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