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Kaggath Rulebook

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Below is a comprehensive guide to pretty much every aspect of the Kaggath you could think off, you needn't be aware of each and every rule but I've bolded the most important parts that you may wish to skim over.


Most of all however this will serve as a resource for myself and for you if you have any questions - though feel free to ask me personally - and most importantly to ensure my verdicts remain consistent throughout the tournament.


The rulebook is split between Classic, and Battlegrounds mode. Classic refers to the standard galaxy-wide Kaggath whereas Battlegrounds - a new mode which I plan to start the next tournament in - takes place on a single planet.


Your thoughts, suggestions etc. on the rulebook are also encouraged.




What is the Kaggath?


The Kaggath is an ancient rite of the Sith, one part duel, one part large-scale dejarik-match. The two combatants have full use of their power bases, be it armies, strongholds or fleets, in order to outwit and outmanoeuvre their opponent. The Kaggath is no simple lightsaber duel, although it can come down to one, and the arena can be anywhere: a planet, star system or the entire galaxy.


Ground Rules

#1 The Kaggath is won or lost when the leader of either faction is killed.


#2 No outside help of any kind, the combatants cannot call upon assets outside their power base or influence. See below for details concerning the extent of influences etc.


#3 No outside involvement, other powers will not and cannot interrupt or affect the battle, for the purpose of argument they are non-existent. This includes prominent named individuals and any kind of organisation not in the faction makeup or permitted by the rules.


#4 No surrender, fight to the death!


#5 Apathy is death. Factions are not allowed to hide or wait. They must act.


#6 Technology level is universal (unless considered archaic or advanced at the time): blaster fire, armouring, lightsabers etc. are all the same regardless of period, all that matters is size, quantity and power. Capital ships in particular will be evaluated by classification.


#7 Factions are autonomous – players have no control over their faction’s decisions, this is instead determined by the nature of their leadership.


#8 When determining the distances and travel times between planets etc. we will be referring to this table.


#9 Factions retain knowledge of prior battles and are therefore capable of learning from their mistakes, and acting on holes discovered in their armour.


#10 Any units lacking in substantial information are not permitted as faction choices.


#11 All units (unless otherwise prior specified) are regarded as at the height of their power – unless this leads to the removal of important entities associated with either faction.


#104 Combatants have limited knowledge of their opponents. They are only aware of the nature of the enemies Head of State and Second-in-Command, not their allies of whom they do not know exist, finally they are aware of the size and firepower of military forces as well as possessing basic knowledge of their nature, though not prior to the match, only on recognition – the extent of this info will be similar to that of its summary on a Wookiee article.


#105 Anything deemed secret/confidential within the Star Wars universe will remain so in the Kaggath, unless there are explicitly exceptional circumstances that demonstrate otherwise. Such secrets can be internal as well, such as the secrets of one’s allies or forces.


#106 Factions cannot acquire any additional assets, be it planets, resources, individuals etc. outside the specified arena/spheres of influence.


#109 Access to the HoloNet and other communications networks is permitted but for the purposes of communication only – it cannot be used as a source of intelligence.


#112 The scenario is merely a visual representation of the final score and has no bearing on the final outcome. It is just one of many scenarios that could have occurred.



#12 Leadership selections must correspond to their respective positions within the Star Wars universe i.e. Heads of State must have held the position of ‘Head of State’ or equivalent.


#13 An individual who has held the position of Second-in-Command may function as a Head of State, though those who have not may not. Also note that Allies (of which you may have two) cannot have held the position of Head of State or Second-in-Command at any point.


#14 You may have no more than two Force users in your leadership.


#15 The following individuals are not permitted:


Darth Sidious, Luke Skywalker, Yoda, Sith Emperor, Darth Caedus, Galen Marek, Thrawn.


#16 When making selections units will be regarded as at the height of their power. However you do have the option to have your unit regarded at alternate stages of their existence.

Head of State

#17 Head of State must be someone who has been the de-facto leader of a sovereign state or interplanetary organisation at any point – though they cannot be temporary substitutes or puppet leaders.


#18 Second-in-Command must be someone who has been second only to their leader in a sovereign state or interplanetary organisation – though again they may not be temporary or puppets. This sort of position can also be more broadened and internalised, for example an Admiral can be considered second in command to a Supreme Commander or Grand Moff/Admiral.


#19 Allies can be anyone who has never held the title of Head of State or Second-in-Command. They do not have to be affiliated with any particular group or faction.


#20 At the beginning of the Kaggath all parties are loyal to their superiors, dedicated to supporting their faction and winning the battle, for whatever reason. This includes planetary populations i.e. civilians and only civilians, and their respective governments.


#21 Allegiances to the factions from where members of Leadership originated are carried over into the Kaggath, but only if necessary requirements are fulfilled. For example, if Darth Vader were made second in command to a superior Sith Lord, he would be devoutly loyal to this Sith Lord as he was to Sidious. However if his superior is for example a droid, or lesser Sith Lord, that loyalty will no longer apply – only standard faction leadership.


#22 Abandoning one’s faction is allowed by any parties aside from the Head-of-State Only however to defect to the opposite team, and only if a reasonable argument can be put forward that suggests that this is possible. Remembering original loyalties are retained, and in some cases can therefore override new loyalties if they are made to resurface.


#23 Droids will have their original programming rewritten, however in cases of droids capable of independent thought it is possible for their original programming to be restored.


#108 Specifically in Battlegrounds mode only those within the faction’s designated territories are loyal and this is subject to their inclinations towards previous governments etc.

Influence and Assets

#24 When in the Kaggath, no members of Leadership have immediate access to personal supplies such raw materials, technologies, armies, navies etc. they are completely isolated from them.


#25 Members of leadership only retain their influence e.g. contacts, access, knowledge and immediate monetary resources e.g. personal bank accounts. They also have access to personal weapons/items and vehicles such as speeders or starships – though nothing that could be classed as a capital ship or tank/walker etc.

Suppliers & Organisations


#26 You are able to choose between one supplier and one organisation or two suppliers at the expense of an organisation. You must however have at least one supplier and you cannot choose two organisations.


#27 The role of the supplier is to provide armour and/or armament i.e. weapons, vehicles, droids etc. and are not allowed to provide anything else outside of these parameters.


#28 The role of an organisation is to provide anything else such as intelligence, criminal influence, black market assets, technology etc. they are also able to provide armour and armaments but not in large quantities, nor can they be a manufacturer.


#119 Each faction will be prequipped by any basic weapons and supplies their supplier and/or organisation can provide e.g. small arms, armor, fighters/transports, elite tech etc. and altogether anything that would be logical to have already armed. What is allowed under this ruling however will ultimately be up to the discretion of the Arbiter.

Classic Mode



#29 The supplier provides access to all and every nationalised industries present within your given territory, see rule #82 concerning nationalised and privatised industry.


#30 The industries under the suppliers control do not have to be in any way affiliated with the supplier, they merely have to be capable of producing their products e.g. if your supplier produces vehicles it must have access to a vehicle factory, or if it produces droids it must have access to a droid factory – or both. Any factories incapable of producing the supplier’s resources cannot produce the supplier’s resources, but can be used for other purposes.


#31 The supplier gives you access to whatever products that they manufacturer, which will be available prior to the Kaggath as ‘stock’ in small quantities i.e. single squad or soldiers or vehicles, single capital ship, transport etc. that can later be built on. This applies to all forms of armour and armaments and will be up to the Arbiter’s discretion.


#32 Members of said suppliers e.g. leaders, administrators etc. are also present in the Kaggath but they can only affect it in limited ways. They can be acted upon and influenced e.g. persuaded to defect, killed, reasoned with etc. but cannot directly take control or issue commands over anything other than their own power base e.g. your supply base.


#33 The administrative arm is based on your capital world, they can be moved from this location but only if needed, and they can only properly administrate from this location.


#34 The organisation provides whatever designated base of operations you have given them, though this cannot be under any circumstances a production facility. It also has to be capable of accommodating for their needs e.g. the presence of an information network/black market, but does not have to be directly affiliated with them in any way.


#35 The organisation is capable of operating, and has access to all its assets outside the scope of its base of operations. Its abilities are not limited in anyway – only its abilities to provide your faction with physical units which can only be provided in small quantities.


#36 Members of the organisation operate in the exact same way as members of the supplier, they can be acted upon but can only act upon their power base, this however does not apply to provided assets i.e. agents, mercenaries, droids etc. which operate as units.

Battlegrounds Mode



#37 The supplier requires a base of operations which you must choose and will be the only factory accessible outside of the battleground, it must be able to produce what your supplier provides, it must be directly affiliated with them in some way though there may be exceptions.


#38 Whatever planet that this facility is based at will play a part in the Kaggath. Despite the battleground being the chosen planet, any individual/unit aside from your Head-of-State – including the enemy – is able to visit this planet to attack or assist it.


#39 The time it takes to get to and from said supply base from the designated battleground will play a part e.g. in how long it takes for your supplier to provide your faction with supplies or how long it takes for the enemy to reach your faction’s supply base etc.


#40 Concerning members of said supply base, refer to rule #32. Note that said members will be based on the designated supply world, and rule #33 applies in the same way.


#41 While naval forces do still exist, shipyards (if you have any) can only repair, they cannot resupply. Fleet numbers are therefore static; note that this only applies to capital ships.


#42 The organisation, like in Classic Mode, requires a base of operations which you must choose. The scope of their influence is also as it is in Classic Mode.


#43 Rules #38, #39 and #40 apply to the organisation as they do the supplier.


Classic Mode



#44 You are able to choose either a single Major Ground Force which must consist of a sizable army of some kind e.g. Zann Consortium Army, Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders etc. and will be limited to no more than 10,000 members approx., or two Minor Ground Forces which must consist of a sect, clan, militia or other minor organisation e.g. Death Watch, Nightsisters etc. and can consist of no more than approx. 5,000 members.


#45 You are able to choose either a single Major Naval Force i.e. a navy, or two Minor Naval Forces i.e. a pair of fleets. Also note that selected armies do not encompass other forces affiliated with them such as the Jedi Order or the Sith. You may also not have a naval and army force of the same organisation.

Ground Forces

#45 Ground Forces have access to all vehicles, weapons and starships (not capital) they possess. However there are exceptions, for example an army with a substantial number of vehicles i.e. the Grand Army of the Republic; will be restricted to the basic vehicles, the designation of which will be down to the Arbiter’s discretion.


#46 Ground Forces retain their past influences however do not have access to resources such as credits, raw materials etc. Ultimately they are dependent on the supplier for these.


#47 Ground Forces can be requisitioned from a factions’ supplier e.g. an armed militia, private army, droid schematics etc. This does not include stock, for example a vehicles manufacturer would not be able to provide a small army of vehicles, only the schematics.


#113 You may choose no more than one Force-wielding unit, regardless of whether it comprises the entire unit or a mere part, when selecting ground forces.


Naval Forces

#48 Vessels within a naval force will be piloted by the relevant ground force i.e. a ground force with a naval force equivalent e.g. Stormtroopers would provide the Imperial Navy. If more than one ground force can provide, then it is up to the faction maker to choose.


#49 Naval vessels will come equipped with whatever starfighter complements they possess. And this includes unique fighter squadrons such as Rogue Squadron, however minus any prominent individuals such as Luke Skywalker, unless they are members of Leadership.


#50 The size of one’s chosen fleets will undergo reductions to conform with the parameters of the Kaggath. Major Naval Forces will be reduced to 1/10 of their original size and Minor to 1/5 of which, ratios remain the same. These calculations only take into account ships classed as capital ships – based on the Anaxes College War System i.e. not support ships, transports etc.


#51 When comparing capital ships across eras (refer to the official publishing eras), if there is an analog of the earlier vessel with a greater armament in the later era with which it is being compared, the earlier vessel must be 'subsisted' with that era equivalent analog i.e. a capital ship from the era in comparison that matches the class of the original ship most closely. The firepower (in regards to both numbers and strength) and shielding of that chosen vessel will then be taken up. Once this base class is established, advancements/attributes and archaisms unique to the original capital ship will be applied. This rule also applies to Battlegrounds Mode.

Battlegrounds Mode



#52 Availability for ground and naval forces are mainly determined by the makeup of your leadership. You can only have access to units that at least one member of your leadership (including your organisation/supplier) has been affiliated with at one point. This does not include alliances, unless said ally had units given to them (not just for assistance but control) at some point, and not just on loan.


#115 When selecting ground forces you may have no more than three units from the same organisation, encompassing both infantry and vehicles.

Infantry/Ground Forces

#53 You can choose one Major Ground Force with one Minor, or three Minor Ground Forces.


#54 Major Ground Forces must consist of some kind of standard infantry unit e.g. Stormtrooper, Sith Trooper, Rebel Trooper, B1/2 Battle Droid etc. Major Ground Forces cannot be comprised of anything considered elite infantry.


#55 The size of chosen Ground Forces will be determined by the military unit they come from. For example Clone/Stormtroopers would be deployed in battalions of 512 men, a droid unit significantly higher, and for a Rebel unit significantly lower. Numbers will be decided by the Arbiter, so there are no specific caps or limits to be aware of or avoid.


#56 Minor Ground Forces must be identifiable as elite units, and cannot be standard rank-and-file soldiers. They can consist of a sect, clan militia or other minor organisation, or simply be an elite support unit designed to back up a major force i.e. a Droideka.


#57 All ground forces will also come with appropriate transportation for deployment. Though this does not include anything classable as a gunship, and said transportation, be it a vehicle or a starship, cannot under be used in combat in anything other than self-defence.


#108 Any infantry unit you choose comes with all its immediate support units e.g. Stormtroopers provide Scout troopers, Jumptroopers, and will be deployed in the necessary variation e.g. Snowtroopers if in an artic climate. As well as all command units from the lowest rank to Commander, though they must be directly affiliated.


#116 If you have chosen any mechanised unit as an infantry i.e droids, your supplier must be capable of manufacturing them as well as your vehicles, though not the exact unit, only the class. Note that suppliers capable of acquiring said units through alternative means will also suffice.

Vehicles/Ground Forces

#58 You may choose a maximum of two light vehicles, and one heavily vehicle. You must have at least one light vehicle, noting that the less vehicles you have the larger quantities they will be deployed in. As such there is no real specification that can be given here regarding what is classed as a light vehicle and what is classed as a heavy vehicle; ultimately it will be the Arbiter’s decision.


#59 Vehicles can include in some cases heavy war droids, but not gunships.


#60 The number of vehicles available will not be specified, and instead will be left vague and open to debate – loosely based on relevant standard vehicle support numbers in lore.


#61 You may only have access to vehicles that your supplier is capable of manufacturing, be it war droids, tanks or walkers etc. though not the exact unit, only the class. A supplier capable of acquiring said units through alternative means will also suffice.


#114 Rule #113 applies when choosing ground forces for Battlegrounds mode.

Naval Forces

#62 You are able to choose a single Flagship, one Heavy Capital Ship model and a maximum of two Light Capital Ship models, as well as a full fighter complement. Light Capital Ships can be no larger than a Heavy Cruiser and Heavy Capital Ships can be no larger than a Star Destroyer or smaller than a Cruiser.


#110 The flagship can be any vessel that has been classed as a “flagship” of some kind, or any model classifiable as a battlecruiser or dreadnaught. You also have the option however to not opt for a flagship, in which case you will receive a boost to your capital ship pool. Furthermore if you flagship lacks an official name, you may give it your own.


#63 Stealthed vessels are permitted, though you may only choose one stealthed class.


#64 Any vessel with 1,000+ batteries of any kind are not permitted.


#65 Vessels that might be classed as superweapons are not permitted, however if possible the vessel can be stripped of its superweapon and simply function as a standard capital ship.


#66 [omitted – refer to Role and Powers of the Arbiter]


#67 Fighter complement choices will be restricted to whatever fighters you’re chosen ships have deployed at any point during their usage – though do not attempt to find loopholes.


#68 Fighter complements cannot and do not include particular squadrons of any kind e.g. Rogue Squadron, Red Squadron etc. regardless of affiliation.


#69 You cannot have all the vessels and must select a bomber, a fighter and an elite class. Bombers and fighters should be self-explanatory; elite can either be an “elite” starfighter or bomber, the classing of which will be up to the discretion of the Arbiter. It can also constitute a gunship of some kind, but cannot be a transport, which are provided.


#117 Permissible transports cannot be those considered advanced or otherwise heavily armed, and cannot be used in direct combat, only for self-defense. Noting that this does include basic boarding craft - including the burrowing kind - as long as your chosen vessels are capable of fielding them.


#118 If your specified BOE possesses fighter hangars of some kind, you will be able to field fighters on the ground with your ground force, as long as they can be landed in the hangars.


#70 Each faction will have access to only one Flagship and a base number of 5 Heavy Capital Ships and 12 Light Capital Ships, these numbers will be adjusted in accordance with size and firepower, and in the case of Light Capital Ships the number of units you have chosen.


#71 Any Heavy Capital Ships classifiable below the class of Destroyer will be multiplied accordingly: Heavy Cruisers x4 [20], Cruisers x6 [30]. Light Capital Ships beneath a Heavy Cruiser will be multiplied accordingly: Cruiser x1.5 [18], Frigates x2 [24], Corvettes x2.5 [30]. Note if you choose two light cruiser classes said light cruisers will have their individual numbers halved.


#72 If you choose not to opt for a Flagship you will receive a 20% increase to your capital ship pool. If you choose to opt for a flagship that is a Star Destroyer class or lower you will receive a 10% increase to your capital ship pool and if you choose to opt for a flagship that is a Dreadnought class you will receive a 20% negation.


#73 All capital ship classifications are in accordance with the Anaxes War College System. Though there may be exceptions which will be decided by the Arbiter’s discretion.


#74 Neither orbital bombardment or bombing runs are permitted under any circumstances in the course of the Kaggath, any faction caught engaging in such practices will be executed immediately by the Supreme Arbiter and their faction will be liquidated to pay reparations.


#75 The outcome of the space battle will be determined by the Arbiter mid-battle so that its impact can be felt in regards to the primary battle on the ground. The winning faction will take space superiority and so be able to cut off the enemy from resupply etc.


#117 Neither Head's of State can perish in the initial space battle, however Second-in-Command's and Allies from both sides can perish - ultimately who if any members of Leadership are killed will be decided by the Arbiter.


Planets & Territories

Classic Mode

#76 Each faction must specify a Capital world, two Military Bases and an optional Organisation world And in addition to all territory within a certain radius of the chosen capital will be annexed into the faction’s territory and relevant planetary rules will be applied to them. Note that the military and organisation bases do not have to be within this radius.


#77 Any chosen capital planets located within and including the Mid Rim will have territories within a one-square radius (from the occupied square) annexed, any chosen capital planets located within the Outer Rim and beyond will have territories within a two-square radius annexed – both in reference to the galaxy map from the Essential Atlas. Link here


#78 The capital world acts as the base of operations for your faction Leadership and will be where they will all be initially located and will be the centre of your factions HoloNet hub that governs and process all communications among your factions territories. If this planet is lost you risk losing access to the HoloNet and/or having your factions communications tracked.


#79 The military bases have a two-fold purpose. They can provide a base for a specific unit and therefore a source of the resources they need, and they also acts as an armoury where stockpiled arms and armament are kept. If this planet is lost these resources are lost, and can only be procured elsewhere if the faction has explicit means of doing so.


#80 For those who have chosen a organisation as opposed to two suppliers they must also specify a planet for their organisation This will act as a base of operations and means by which they access all their assets. If the organisation world is lost the organisation will be no longer able to access its assets until an alternate means can be established.

Additional Territory Resources

#81 Any definable factions or prominent individuals affiliated with or based within your territory will not be present in the Kaggath, for the purpose of argument they do not exist.


#82 Any and all nationalised facilities i.e. those controlled by the government, will be under your faction’s control – this includes the government itself. However any privatised industries i.e. those owned by private companies, will not and for the purposes of the Kaggath do not exist. However anything owned by small groups/markets/individuals can be traded with – it is up to the discretion of the Arbiter to decide what falls under this category.


#111 Any and all non-celestial objects existing within the faction’s territory do not automatically fall under their control and are subject to rule #82.


#107 Members of government who might be considered prominent individuals will be permitted if they are not a directly a member of any other organisation.


#83 All strongholds and military bases or anything similar are permitted for use.


#84 General planetary populations i.e. citizens, do exist and can contribute to the faction in terms of manpower, monetary assets, source of information, commerce, expertise etc.


#85 Judicial authorities do exist regardless of how advanced or expansive, but they cannot leave the planet and can only be used in self-defence if the enemy were to attack etc.


#86 Commercial markets including the black market do exist and are in operation, but cannot be used to procure fleets, armies or anything other than small arms in large quantities. The faction will also require the necessary amounts of credits to make purchases.


#87 Any and all territories conquered or otherwise claimed from the enemy have the above assets and granted to the faction, and existing planetary rules apply to them.

Unit Affiliations

#88 If you choose an organisation they will require an Organisation world where their base of operations will be situated. These planets must be affiliated with them in some form.


#89 Both Major and Minor Ground Forces will also require a planet they are affiliated with i.e. Death Watch would require Concordia, relevant academies for Force Users etc. said planets must be specified as a Military Base or Capital.


#90 For units with no particular affiliation to any one planet e.g. Stormtrooper Corps or units who can be demonstrated to have no need for their affiliated planets – i.e. nomadic units – then any chosen Military Base will serve as their base of operations.


#91 All starships and capital ships that make up your naval force must be producible by shipyards within present within your chosen territory, or they cannot be replenished.

Battlegrounds Mode

#92 Each round in the Kaggath will take place on a predetermined planet capable of providing for the needs of the competing factions, and each faction will be given a territory before the match begins – however faction creators will be able to give their preferences.


#93 All additional resources in given territories specified in rules #81-87 will be available to the faction. However all privatised companies within the specified territories do exist and are owned by the faction in control of the territory. Private individuals remain independent.


#116 In regards to units i.e. armies, vehicles, fleets etc. only that which is affiliated with your supplier and/or organisation is permissible, planetary affiliation alone is not enough.


#94 In regards to supplier and organisation worlds, rule #78 applies. And all procurable resources aside from judicial forces can be transported to the battleground.


#95 Suppliers and organisation are also capable of annexing facilities on the selected world i.e. occupying a factory or operating from a military base – and in the instance that their base is lost they are capable of relocating to this planet – but they can go nowhere else.


#96 For the purposes of the Kaggath, only the selected battlefield and the supply/organisation worlds are initially accessible. However other planets that participants have influence and access on can be accessed in the Kaggath by both factions.

Role and Powers of the Arbiter

#97 The Arbiter must remain neutral in the Kaggath until the final decision is called and therefore cannot support either side completely and must remain unbiased.


#98 The appointed Arbiter has the ability to alter and override the rules of the Kaggath at any point – however these rules can be changed by future appointed Arbiters.


#99 The Arbiter is able to interpret the rules where specified however they cannot bend or the break rules where not specified, unless they choose to alter the rules permanently.


#100 Decisions made by the Arbiter are open to dispute and discussion, but ultimately the Arbiter’s decision is final and cannot be overridden by anyone but the Supreme Arbiter.


#66 In the event of appointed Arbiters acting against the interests of the Kaggath, the Supreme Arbiter will remove those individuals by lethal force, and command of the Kaggath will revert to the Supreme Arbiter until a new command structure is established.


#101 Whenever a rule change is made, the Arbiters must always refer to the Supreme Arbiter for advice first, and if they do not gain approval the rule change cannot be made. This also applies for when the Kaggath is called, except when the SA’s faction is participating.


#102 In the event that the faction of the Supreme Arbiter is participating in the Kaggath the following powers are stripped and following rules apply:



  • #102.1 The Supreme Arbiter does not have the authority to make changes to the rules or override the decisions of the appointed Arbiter; however the Arbiter is expected to seek the advice of the Supreme Arbiter before making major decisions.
  • #102.2 The Supreme Arbiter does not have the authority to call the Kaggath or dispute the decision of the appointed Arbiter.
  • #103.3 Only the Supreme Arbiter however has the authority to make changes to the Ground Rules and the layout/structure of future matches etc.


Edited by Beniboybling
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Try this link for the map http://collider.com/wp-content/uploads/star-wars-galaxy-map.jpg


And quite a nice list of rules...Now to go adjust my faction to fit, or otherwise fit enough to get the units that it requires when it comes time, and work out the problems when they become apparent...


Btw, what if an organization does not really have a state planet associated with it? Is that similar ruling as to the nomadic like units where they just have to have a home base? I know all organizations tend to have home bases, but the one that I wish to use never specified on where it really worked from. *No, its not the Maw Installation.*


As for the Major/Minor ground forces, is it possible to have a large Major force, but also a tiny Minor force? *a few elite units* or will it have to be 3 minors or 1 major?


For the map ruling, what happens if the planets you have chosen are already within 1 square of each other? Does that territory extension cancel out, combine in the opposite direction, bonus, nullified? *Note, outer rim version*


Other than leaders, are there any banned suppliers/allies/units/ships*other than over 1000+ weapons*/organizations/planets?


What constitutes as a *super weapon*? For example, if it is not one that causes instant destruction but more of a gradual victory, would it still be considered? *still quite expensive to create, but not nearly as unfair as a Baradium Missiles or a death star* Or is it more of an absolute nothing that can be come close to a super weapon?


Would you gain the schematics to certain droids if your organization was one of the creators if its design, aka blueprints, and be able to then create them?


Is it possible to add a little personal preference to how the capital ships are manned? For example taking a Venator but having it controlled mostly by droids.


If I come up with other questions, I will post them.


After Thought: Beni, what time zone are you in? Want to try and make sure I do not end up submitting mine right before you go to bed and have low chances of maintaining my selected choices :). (Hate those times I finish reading the current forum threads, go to bed, wake up and there are entirely new threads several pages long. CURSE YOU TIME DIFFERENCES!!!!)


Off-topic side note: New sig Aurbere? Guessing to fit the new text color?

Edited by Silenceo
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warning with the rules as Is I doubt any one will choose a "major" ground force. If its going to be 10k vs 5k +5k there is a clear and distinct Disadvantage to choosing a "Major" ground force, including both having equal numbers as well as additionally having less diversity. there is no reason for some one to choose a "Major" ground force (not like it was a popular choice before as I was litterally the only one that even saw the potential of a Major force now its worthless might as well not exist as an option) of course talking classic mode here.



Edit: Also Rule number 62. Dont you think that leaves the Light capital and the Heavy Capital a little close to each other.... i mean it could work, but I am cautious of this.



Edit: Rule Number 64. GOOD CHOICE :D


Edit: be cautious of rule 85 as worded potential exploits could be had.



Edit: Rules 89-91 could cause some difficulty in building a faction, suggest help be provided to those that have a unit they want but arent sure of planets :D.



Final Edit: read through all the rules concerns listed :D.

Edited by tunewalker
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These Arbiters, how are they selected? Is it random for each match, or will there be set Arbiters on rotation?


More questions to come as I think on it.

I was planning on having several reliable folks (such as yourself :p) be chosen as Arbiters to form a sort of panel that would rotate either randomly or based on expertise.
Neither of the map links work, Beni.
Alright thanks, they should be working now. Edited by Beniboybling
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Also the rules as you can see are numbered for ease of access, but also because of that as updates are made new rules will be added but not in numerical but rather topical order, which you may have already noticed. But a Ctrl F should solve that problem.
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And quite a nice list of rules...Now to go adjust my faction to fit, or otherwise fit enough to get the units that it requires when it comes time, and work out the problems when they become apparent...


Btw, what if an organization does not really have a state planet associated with it? Is that similar ruling as to the nomadic like units where they just have to have a home base? I know all organizations tend to have home bases, but the one that I wish to use never specified on where it really worked from. *No, its not the Maw Installation.*


As for the Major/Minor ground forces, is it possible to have a large Major force, but also a tiny Minor force? *a few elite units* or will it have to be 3 minors or 1 major?


For the map ruling, what happens if the planets you have chosen are already within 1 square of each other? Does that territory extension cancel out, combine in the opposite direction, bonus, nullified? *Note, outer rim version*


Other than leaders, are there any banned suppliers/allies/units/ships*other than over 1000+ weapons*/organizations/planets?


What constitutes as a *super weapon*? For example, if it is not one that causes instant destruction but more of a gradual victory, would it still be considered? *still quite expensive to create, but not nearly as unfair as a Baradium Missiles or a death star* Or is it more of an absolute nothing that can be come close to a super weapon?


Would you gain the schematics to certain droids if your organization was one of the creators if its design, aka blueprints, and be able to then create them?


Is it possible to add a little personal preference to how the capital ships are manned? For example taking a Venator but having it controlled mostly by droids.


If I come up with other questions, I will post them.


After Thought: Beni, what time zone are you in? Want to try and make sure I do not end up submitting mine right before you go to bed and have low chances of maintaining my selected choices :). (Hate those times I finish reading the current forum threads, go to bed, wake up and there are entirely new threads several pages long. CURSE YOU TIME DIFFERENCES!!!!)


Off-topic side note: New sig Aurbere? Guessing to fit the new text color?

1. Just remember we are going with Battlegrounds first, so only those rules apply unless otherwise said. Also I won't be taking faction submissions until I'd posted the admin thread, which will compile the most relevant rules.


2. Refer to Rule #34:


#34 The organisation provides whatever designated base of operations you have given them, though this cannot be under any circumstances a production facility. It also has to be capable of accommodating for their needs e.g. the presence of an information network/black market, but does not have to be directly affiliated with them in any way.


So if its not specified, all you need is a base that can support their operations.


3. I'm afraid not, the numbers aren't going to be particularly large here so even a small squad counts for something.


4. I think you misunderstand, only the Capital world has territory annexed around it.


5. Possibly, but probably unlikely, and if so probably specified in the rules somewhere.


6. If its been referred to as a superweapon at any point, its a superweapon. If it hasn't, its not. Unless is glaringly obvious. I'm sure we can fall back on our own discretion and intuition to sort out any potential issues there.


7. Refer to Rule #25:


#25 Members of leadership only retain their influence e.g. contacts, access, knowledge. They also have access to personal weapons and vehicles such as speeders or starships – though nothing that could be classed as a capital ship or tank/walker etc.


If they are a droid, or someone with a photographic memory who has intimate knowledge of said schematics then yes, otherwise no I'm afraid. Which means in most cases this will likely not be the case.


8. Refer to Rule #48:


#48 Vessels within a naval force will be piloted by the relevant ground force i.e. a ground force with a naval force equivalent e.g. Stormtroopers would provide the Imperial Navy. If more than one ground force can provide, then it is up to the faction maker to choose.


Though if you don't have that luxury, then no you cannot choose what you please.


I live in the UK, so I think thats British Summer Time - I posted this as roughly 11:15pm. And I know the feeling. :p

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warning with the rules as Is I doubt any one will choose a "major" ground force. If its going to be 10k vs 5k +5k there is a clear and distinct Disadvantage to choosing a "Major" ground force, including both having equal numbers as well as additionally having less diversity. there is no reason for some one to choose a "Major" ground force (not like it was a popular choice before as I was litterally the only one that even saw the potential of a Major force now its worthless might as well not exist as an option) of course talking classic mode here.



Edit: Also Rule number 62. Dont you think that leaves the Light capital and the Heavy Capital a little close to each other.... i mean it could work, but I am cautious of this.



Edit: Rule Number 64. GOOD CHOICE :D


Edit: be cautious of rule 85 as worded potential exploits could be had.



Edit: Rules 89-91 could cause some difficulty in building a faction, suggest help be provided to those that have a unit they want but arent sure of planets :D.



Final Edit: read through all the rules concerns listed :D.

1. A major ground force is anything above 10,000. So that could easily be 100,000 - though I will probably put a cap on it. All I can say is that anyone choosing a ground force 10,000 men strong e.g. a clone legion, should reassess their choices as they could opt for a smaller clone force, or take up an entire sector army.


However I wanted to make Minor Forces actually minor, and Major forces more relevant. As in this Kaggath most (I think you were the only one who didn't) choice Minor Forces, many around the 10K mark, which really should have been major or reduced to below 5,000. However this is just for now, that tournament is a long way away and it may change.


In fact, I'm thinking of fully adopting the Battlegrounds approach for Classic Mode, but we'll see how that works out.


2. If you mean in terms of folks choosing a Heavy, followed by a Light that is practically a heavy refer to Rule #71:


#71 Any Heavy Capital Ships classifiable below the class of Destroyer will be multiplied accordingly: Heavy Cruisers x2, Cruisers x4 and Frigates x8, Corvettes x16. Light Capital Ships beneath a Heavy Cruiser will be multiplied accordingly: Cruiser x2, Frigates x4, Corvettes x8.


Heavy or Light, the smaller the vessel, the more of it you will have, I feel that balances that out. The Heavy/Light classifications become in part arbitary in that sense, its just a way of providing the faction maker with two choices and encouraging them to build a stable, properly proportioned naval force - if you understand my meaning.


3. Well we'll see, I allowed CorSec (almost wrote C-Sec lol) and they are about as bad@ss as you get. I'm not sure I'd allow them again but we shall see, it will be up to by discretion to decide when judicial force becomes intelligence agency/armed force and I'll apply restrictions/bans accordingly. But again CorSec ain't that bad.


4. Its pretty much the same as before, so it probably won't cause much issue. I'd be more worried about the tight (and I mean tight) restrictions on Battleground choices, I'm already anticipating the endless rejections.


But hey, we'll get by through trial and error, and I'm always happy to help.


No issues with Rule #66 then? Good, good. :jawa_evil:

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1. A major ground force is anything above 10,000. So that could easily be 100,000 - though I will probably put a cap on it. All I can say is that anyone choosing a ground force 10,000 men strong e.g. a clone legion, should reassess their choices as they could opt for a smaller clone force, or take up an entire sector army.


However I wanted to make Minor Forces actually minor, and Major forces more relevant. As in this Kaggath most (I think you were the only one who didn't) choice Minor Forces, many around the 10K mark, which really should have been major or reduced to below 5,000. However this is just for now, that tournament is a long way away and it may change.


In fact, I'm thinking of fully adopting the Battlegrounds approach for Classic Mode, but we'll see how that works out.


2. If you mean in terms of folks choosing a Heavy, followed by a Light that is practically a heavy refer to Rule #71:


#71 Any Heavy Capital Ships classifiable below the class of Destroyer will be multiplied accordingly: Heavy Cruisers x2, Cruisers x4 and Frigates x8, Corvettes x16. Light Capital Ships beneath a Heavy Cruiser will be multiplied accordingly: Cruiser x2, Frigates x4, Corvettes x8.


Heavy or Light, the smaller the vessel, the more of it you will have, I feel that balances that out. The Heavy/Light classifications become in part arbitary in that sense, its just a way of providing the faction maker with two choices and encouraging them to build a stable, properly proportioned naval force - if you understand my meaning.


3. Well we'll see, I allowed CorSec (almost wrote C-Sec lol) and they are about as bad@ss as you get. I'm not sure I'd allow them again but we shall see, it will be up to by discretion to decide when judicial force becomes intelligence agency/armed force and I'll apply restrictions/bans accordingly. But again CorSec ain't that bad.


4. Its pretty much the same as before, so it probably won't cause much issue. I'd be more worried about the tight (and I mean tight) restrictions on Battleground choices, I'm already anticipating the endless rejections.


But hey, we'll get by through trial and error, and I'm always happy to help.


No issues with Rule #66 then? Good, good. :jawa_evil:


Ok I miss read number 1 then.


And like I said I could see the Heavy and Light ships working as is... just cautious is all.



I have no issues with Rule #66 as I see Rule 102 and its subsidaries act as balancing factors behind rule 66.

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What about rare materials? If you do not possess a planet that is known for producing them, guessing buying them over the black market or some such is the only way? *Or import it*


For example, say you had a Mandalorian focused faction but you opted to base it where they can not mine Mandalorian Iron, such as....say.....Duros *for randoms sake*. Would they still be able to produce Mandalorian Iron armor if they were allowed to import *or buy on black market* the Mandalorian Iron? *granted it would limit what else they could get over the black market, so that faction would likely not have any ability to other object due to how expensive it would be*


Or would it be like the case with the Rakatan Harrowers where they start with a decent amount of Mandalorian Iron/armor and eventually run out/ can not make more?


Also, are there any restrictions on what can be considered a organization? Other than the listed possibilities, could it be something less obvious? *Just trying to see the limits here, seems slightly vague, or is it meant like that so basically anything that is not a supplier would be eligible?*


#28 The role of an organisation is to provide anything else such as intelligence, criminal influence, black market assets, technology etc. they are also able to provide armour and armaments but not in large quantities, nor can they be a manufacturer.


Concerning the inability to have a Major and a Minor force I was going back through the rules and found this,


#53 You can choose one Major Ground Force with one Minor, or three Minor Ground Forces.


*sigh* reading rules always seems to zone me out, so I might have missed some clarifying notes later on. Or I might just be mixing up the classic and battleground rulings...


Question: according to


#48 Vessels within a naval force will be piloted by the relevant ground force i.e. a ground force with a naval force equivalent e.g. Stormtroopers would provide the Imperial Navy. If more than one ground force can provide, then it is up to the faction maker to choose.


Does that mean if in the previous scenario with the Venator and the droids controlling the ship could be possible, if the ground forces for that faction were droids as well? *If I recall correctly, the Venators and droids would be able to be granted by having specific leadership members that grant access to them, correct?* Or would this be one of the situations where the original ships that the droids manned would need to be used, or would it be where the ground forces would remain droids but the crewmen would remain clones? A nit-picky question I know, but I am just attempting to clear up all of the little things that could trip me when it comes time to submit.


Side Note: In reference to


6. If its been referred to as a superweapon at any point, its a superweapon. If it hasn't, its not. Unless is glaringly obvious. I'm sure we can fall back on our own discretion and intuition to sort out any potential issues there.


I did a little more search of the weapon I was thinking of, and it turns out it was classified as a siege weapon, though it likely could still be classified as a super weapon due to its effectiveness and how it operates. *Going to consider it a super weapon until it is brought up, and discuss it then to settle it, unless you want to settle it before hand via private messages. Its more a gimmick/perk of an organization I might use, not the main reason so it doesn't really matter to me if it is not allowed either way.*

Edited by Silenceo
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I liked the rulebook, everything came straight from rulings and debates made in the Kaggaths and the new Battlegrounds system is looking good.


I must say, in the Battlegrounds version I fail to notice any mention on Force-user restrictions for minor (or major) ground forces. Might want to include some or I'll show up with three minor force-sects and roflstomp everyone.


Aside from that looking good. Sorry if I haven't been posting much but I've just not had anything to say, I have been watching though, Nice win Sel and awesome match Warren.


Oh, and is Battlegrounds going to be the next tournament? I should revise my choices accordingly.

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Yeah, I have no idea what's happening with the next tournament. Can we get details on that Beni, so I can start planning my faction? I don't really know what to do. Although the rulebook is helpful, it seems to have gotten me turned around and now I'm confused as to what I need to do to make my faction.
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I must say, in the Battlegrounds version I fail to notice any mention on Force-user restrictions for minor (or major) ground forces. Might want to include some or I'll show up with three minor force-sects and roflstomp everyone.
As you might have noticed, Leadership isn't split up into Classic or Battlegrounds because it applies to everything.




#14 You may have no more than two Force users in your leadership.


So basically...

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What about rare materials? If you do not possess a planet that is known for producing them, guessing buying them over the black market or some such is the only way? *Or import it*


For example, say you had a Mandalorian focused faction but you opted to base it where they can not mine Mandalorian Iron, such as....say.....Duros *for randoms sake*. Would they still be able to produce Mandalorian Iron armor if they were allowed to import *or buy on black market* the Mandalorian Iron? *granted it would limit what else they could get over the black market, so that faction would likely not have any ability to other object due to how expensive it would be*


Or would it be like the case with the Rakatan Harrowers where they start with a decent amount of Mandalorian Iron/armor and eventually run out/ can not make more?


Also, are there any restrictions on what can be considered a organization? Other than the listed possibilities, could it be something less obvious? *Just trying to see the limits here, seems slightly vague, or is it meant like that so basically anything that is not a supplier would be eligible?*


#28 The role of an organisation is to provide anything else such as intelligence, criminal influence, black market assets, technology etc. they are also able to provide armour and armaments but not in large quantities, nor can they be a manufacturer.


Concerning the inability to have a Major and a Minor force I was going back through the rules and found this,


#53 You can choose one Major Ground Force with one Minor, or three Minor Ground Forces.


*sigh* reading rules always seems to zone me out, so I might have missed some clarifying notes later on. Or I might just be mixing up the classic and battleground rulings...


Question: according to


#48 Vessels within a naval force will be piloted by the relevant ground force i.e. a ground force with a naval force equivalent e.g. Stormtroopers would provide the Imperial Navy. If more than one ground force can provide, then it is up to the faction maker to choose.


Does that mean if in the previous scenario with the Venator and the droids controlling the ship could be possible, if the ground forces for that faction were droids as well? *If I recall correctly, the Venators and droids would be able to be granted by having specific leadership members that grant access to them, correct?* Or would this be one of the situations where the original ships that the droids manned would need to be used, or would it be where the ground forces would remain droids but the crewmen would remain clones? A nit-picky question I know, but I am just attempting to clear up all of the little things that could trip me when it comes time to submit.


Side Note: In reference to


6. If its been referred to as a superweapon at any point, its a superweapon. If it hasn't, its not. Unless is glaringly obvious. I'm sure we can fall back on our own discretion and intuition to sort out any potential issues there.


I did a little more search of the weapon I was thinking of, and it turns out it was classified as a siege weapon, though it likely could still be classified as a super weapon due to its effectiveness and how it operates. *Going to consider it a super weapon until it is brought up, and discuss it then to settle it, unless you want to settle it before hand via private messages. Its more a gimmick/perk of an organization I might use, not the main reason so it doesn't really matter to me if it is not allowed either way.*

1. You are not entitled to raw materials:


#46 Ground Forces retain their past influences however do not have access to resources such as credits, raw materials etc. Ultimately they are dependent on the supplier for these.


So you'd have to ensure your faction was capable of acquiring that within the parameters of the rules if you felt it was needed. Whether that be through Mandalore, a supplier, or having the economic resources to buy it.


2. As long as its not in any way affiliated to production.


3. That's correct, but as I said you can't have a Minor force that counts for nothing.


4. As I said, if whatever droid force you have chosen has a navy equivalent, it can man your ships. You cannot have clones if you lack a clone force, the crew has to be in some way affiliated with one of your ground forces.


5. Save it for when you submit your faction.

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As you might have noticed, Leadership isn't split up into Classic or Battlegrounds because it applies to everything.




#14 You may have no more than two Force users in your leadership.


So basically...


Wasn't talking leadership Beni, unless you mean the rules for Leadership apply to your military. In which case that means I can have 2 force-sects as my minor forces as long as the 3rd isn't?


Essentially I'm asking if I can have, for example, the Jensaarai, Sith Assassins, and Imperial Knights because the way the rules are written now it poses no restrictions on force-users in the Military category. (See rules 53-57 & 108)

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Wasn't talking leadership Beni, unless you mean the rules for Leadership apply to your military. In which case that means I can have 2 force-sects as my minor forces as long as the 3rd isn't?


Essentially I'm asking if I can have, for example, the Jensaarai, Sith Assassins, and Imperial Knights because the way the rules are written now it poses no restrictions on force-users in the Military category. (See rules 53-57 & 108)

Ah I see what you mean, I've added the following rules to the relevant sections:


#113 You may choose no more than one Force-wielding unit, regardless of whether it comprises the entire unit or a mere part, when selecting ground forces.


#114 Rule #113 applies when choosing ground forces for Battlegrounds mode.


So don't try it!

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Ah I see what you mean, I've added the following rules to the relevant sections:


#113 You may choose no more than one Force-wielding unit, regardless of whether it comprises the entire unit or a mere part, when selecting ground forces.


#114 Rule #113 applies when choosing ground forces for Battlegrounds mode.


So don't try it!

Actually I like using non-force units so it was more to save myself from someone else :D

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  • 1 month later...

"Actually I tell a lie it can considering that the Empire of Plagues has access to Vong shapers"


"#41 While naval forces do still exist, shipyards (if you have any) can only repair, they cannot resupply. Fleet numbers are therefore static, note that this only applies to capital ships."



Any questions as to the problem yet.....


"Boarding craft and transports are pre-fielded, considering they are not supplier bound."


"Actually I tell a lie it can considering that the Empire of Plagues has access to Vong shapers"


Any questions further......



#67 Fighter complement choices will be restricted to whatever fighters you’re chosen ships have deployed at any point during their usage – though do not attempt to find loopholes.



How bout now...


#69 You cannot have all the vessels and must select a bomber, a fighter and an elite class. Bombers and fighters should be self-explanatory; elite can either be an “elite” starfighter or bomber, the classing of which will be up to the discretion of the Arbiter. It can also constitute a gunship of some kind, but cannot be a transport, which are provided.



or now....


#117 Permissible transports cannot be those considered advanced or otherwise heavily armed, and cannot be used in direct combat, only for self-defense. Noting that this does include basic boarding craft, as long as your chosen vessels are capable of fielding them.


Still wondering what my problem is?

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Edit: When you are done with that please give me a full list of ships, vehicles, CHaracters, troop types, suppliers, factions, organizations or what ever that arent listed in the starting thread that we will be included, please do this for all the matches from this point on that way we can debate that way from the word go rather then continually feeling like the rules are changing when ever some one feels like it. IE you, people wondered why I was hoping not to participate in this one.

Refer to the relevant rules in the rulebook, heck just give the thing a big read.


Relevant sections are:



> Influence & Assets


Suppliers & Organisations

> Overview

> Battlegrounds Mode > Supplier > Organisation


Planets and Territories

>Additional Territory Resources

>Battlegrounds Mode



> #57, #108, #69, #117


Best course of action is just to apply logic. What you expect them to have in addition to what is specified. As I said before the general rule is all basic/necessary equipment will be available whether supplied or not. But I simply don't have the time or ability to go over every single faction and work out what they have in addition.


A little bit of player effort is going to be required here. Though you can always ask or look at the rulebook.


P.S. There is a difference between changing rules, and specifying them. The time will come where new rules will need to be created or other rules will be expanded on. It is not within my power to account for everything.


However this in particular was a rule I defined from the start, though it was not clear in the rulebook.


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