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Very Much Needed change for Hutball - it will make it better and competetive.


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Hey, This is an idea that will make Huttball way way better imo and will stop the current "cheese" that is happening in this warzone.


Its very simple and actually makes it seem like a traditional sport.


First, let me tell you whats happening right now. A person grabs the ball in the middle and jets towards the pit underneath the touchdown area. A Tank will then run into the endzone and just wait for the pass. No real skill involved besides just popping cooldowns and running there first.


Heres the idea that will actually improve Hutball . . . Make the person with the ball unable to pass it forward. THey can only pass it backwards facing the goal.


This is rugby rules passing, in rugby you can only pass the ball backwards or side to side. Never forward unless with a kick . . and we know Hutts dont like Kicks ;)


This will prevent cheesiness which is happning right now where a quick pass from the pit ends the game.


With these new rules it would make scoring ALOT harder and in the same turn make it WAY more competetive . . Maybe even made a popular E-Sport.


AS it stands right now its basically just a joke, whoever can pull off the pit pass first by being sneaky and avoiding pvp.



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