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Hatred and Serenity not equal?


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This has been bothering me for awhile but I suspect that there's a slight difference between these two mirrors.


Problem is serenity's stance passive procs only once on multi hitting saber attacks, when on hatred with some rng you can get up to three procs on saber strike and two on thrash. Makes a bit of difference for force management with the passive that restores force on lightning charge or force technique proc.


Anyone else noticed this or am I imagining things? I tested it for quite a bit on a dummy, but maybe my pub char is bugged somehow or multi procs are there but not showing on serenity?

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I am also seeing the same thing. I wouldn't be surprised if force technique has something like a 1.5s internal cool down and lightning charge does not.


not sure if its the cool down, if I use my no force slash I go up on force very quickly as if it worked just fine, but if I use thrash it doesn't seem to proc, and I have huge force issues, for pve, not so much pvp. at lvl 65 I don't want to use my basic attack, if I'm doing a proper rotation.


This goes for darkness as well, if I use shock off the proc I run low on force a lot, but I have to use shock off CD or my dr buff doesn't hold steady... as if we didn't have enough to manage. If shock was a 100% proc them I'd be good on force management.

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