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Star Wars The Old Republic Netflix


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As much as I'd like to see it, it won't happen.


And even if it did, it would be new characters, not the story of Revan etc.


Look at all the great fan fiction we had before episode 7 on the future of the original trilogy. Mara Jade, Kyp Durron, Luke and Leia both as Jedi, etc. None of that was in episode 7. In fact, all the stories and futures we imagined for these characters for over 30 years was all thrown out.


Some day, they may make an old republic. Just don't expect to recognize it.

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As much as I'd like to see it, it won't happen.


And even if it did, it would be new characters, not the story of Revan etc.


Look at all the great fan fiction we had before episode 7 on the future of the original trilogy. Mara Jade, Kyp Durron, Luke and Leia both as Jedi, etc. None of that was in episode 7. In fact, all the stories and futures we imagined for these characters for over 30 years was all thrown out.


Some day, they may make an old republic. Just don't expect to recognize it.


And those were flawless futures! That's widely known!

I mean, it's not like the New Jedi Order was already criticized for being too long and incoherent, they also had to add Legacy of the Force, where authors began to fight among themselves and try to cancel each other's story beats because. Or the Fate of the Jedi which was... there.


The EU being "de-canonized" was bound to happen.

Because it was never going to be followed. Never.

Know why? Because the actors were too old. In terms of timeline, The Force Awakens happens around the "Dark Nest Trilogy", so after the New Jedi Order.

At this point, all of the good EU stories involving the original cast (Thrawn, mainly) are well past. They're done and there's nothing good going forward.

Also, they'd have to summarize about 73 novels set between Return of the Jedi and the Dark Nest.

Would be great right? A 30 minutes montage to explain all the essential stuff that has happened. Like Chewbacca being dead, and Han and Leia's son Anakin having died. And Thrawn. And the Yuzzhan Vongs. And possibly Wedge and Rogue Squadron since he's pretty important in the stories after the Joiner War.


The only good thing to come out of the post Thrawn-Era (That wasn't mirred by authors warring against each others and in general dubious story arcs) is Star Wars Legacy, set 130 years after ROTJ. Go sell a Star Wars movie about a junkie pirate who is also a Skywalker.Add to that needing to explain the Fel Empire, the New Sith, all that.


Basically, the EU is fine where is it. It's its own continuity, separate from the new movies and it's better this way. The books still exist and are still being sold. If someone prefers the old EU canon, they can totally decide to stick to it.

Would a reboot of KOTOR telling Revan's story be nice (As a game, not as a TV show)? Sure, yeah. A series based on the adventures of Zayne Carrick (Films or TV, idc), yeah, why not.

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