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Companions vs crew skills


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HI, i've got really simple question: how to make companions more succesfull in missions (means that they succed in mission, not fail)?


Is their affection towords player is the clue? maybe some stats or gear specific?


I know bout specific bonuses for difrent companions and this is not a subject of this question;)

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Notice the color of the title for the mission. You'll have much better success doing green or yellow missions then orange.


lol i know that ;) it is like with missions in every rpg - green for your lvl, yelow higher and so on


but ok, that is one way to handle this, any other ideas? for most: is affection have anything to do with how they succed?

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come on, no one knows any ways to make companion more succesful on missions?


Per the loading screen tip:


"Affection improves a companion's mission and crafting results as well as reduces the amount of timer required for them to perform crew skill tasks."

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