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[IDEA] Operation Shipyard


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Ok. I came across with an idea of an Operation that i will now call "Shipyard"

It takes place in a StarCruiser factory, where they make the biggest spaceships of TOR.

Well there has to be a factory for those :p

Haven't thought much of what is the reason ppl should form Operation to get there. Maybe someone is making a really deadly cruiser or a weapon for cruiser and the assembly line for it needs to be destroyed.

I would just love a big huge factory with loads of big machinery and huge assembly lines and storage areas.

Mobs would be something like ****** welding droids, drilling droids also human who control these droids like engineers and designers.

How would you like to see a huge open area filled with half-built cruisers and maybe other spaceships as well.


Feel free to talk about this small idea of mine.. also more ideas for this would be nice to have :)


This topic is just for fun and maybe (unlikely tho) if we come up with a decent idea well BW can make it happen :p

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