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BUG REPORT: Martial Fabricator Droid & Events Ambassador Kylee


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Hey - I'm really not sure where to post this, but I think I have found a bug with placement of certain Vendor NPCs in Strongholds.



NPCs AFFECTED: So far, I have found that "Events Ambassador Kylee" and the "Martial Fabricator Droid" vendor NPCs seem to share a count limit with COMPANIONS, not vendors or general NPCs.



ISSUE ENCOUNTERED: If I have placed the max. number of companions in my Stronghold, I cannot place either the Events Ambassador or the Martial Fabricator droid.


For example, if I remove soldier NPCs or other vendors such as Felusia or the Jawas - or even other fabricator droids - I cannot place either Kylee or the Martial Fabricator Droid.


Once I remove a companion - for example, Koth or HK-51 - I can place both the Events Ambassador or the Martial Fabricator Droid with no issues.



POSSIBLE SOLUTION: Remove the companion-limit for strongholds, or maybe change the limit for these two NPCs to be shared with other vendors such as the older-model fabricator droids etc.

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