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I wonder how will we get back jaessa Willsam


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We all know that she is broken in the head...


she is either a passionles brainwashed Lightside with almost 0 free will lol


or a darkside Psichopath nimpho that want to murder everysingle being that has even a small light inside....


so yeah i wonder how she will come back...


BAH they could have write her better....

Edited by Zolxtren
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BAH they could have write her better....


I agree. She should have been the daughter of a librarian or guards captain, that way the marriage to an Organa noble would have had sense - i still don't believe that an Organa would have married a servant.

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I hope its like this.

Valkorion catched Jaessa, Lord Scourge and Kira.

He inprisond them to torture and brainwash them to follow him and be hes personal guard.

Now when hes has been gone for a time they start to try to get an outside contact through the force.


Your joob it to libirate them and break their bound to Valkorion and make them be able to have control ower their mind.

When you rework them you will be able to make them light or dark side.

All previus romance is gone and you will be able to redo or romance any of them nomather your or their sex.


Here we gona need 6 diffrent quest chains to set each of them to light or dark side.

We will also have a quest chain for the romance.

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