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Mmmm Scourge :)

I've only seen a couple jk stories where the jk/Doc relationship works. Always seemed like a smuggler or bh companion. I like your Doc though, there's more to him than surface.

Scourge is a torturous enigma (no pun intended with the 'torturous') :)


I state the below as opinion only, ymmv:


Doc just doesn't seem to fit with JKs. Perfect Smug companion, possibly a good companion for a LS BH. He did constantly crack me up during the class story, though; the levity was wonderful, and maybe that's why he was slated for the JK crew.

I need to let up on him, I really do, I've been pretty harsh...


Thanks Hoyden <3

Edited by thatghost
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X: Pale Blue

Warning: mild Smuggler spoiler- and a tad racy.



He never thought he'd see the inside of the place again unless it was in a blur as he was ejected by the bouncers. Back in the Dealer's Den, and this time he's a VIP courtesy of Vee and her "friend". His opinion of Darmas Pollaran is high and flying higher by the minute. Fiendish gambler. Connoisseur of fine spirits and fine women. Nothing but respect for the man. Vee's ties to him are hazy; she hadn't offered details, and Doc knew it was better to just go along for the ride than push her for specifics. More fun that way, especially when we're not dodging blaster fire and running for our lives.


"A toast!"


"This is what...the tenth? Thirteenth? Okay, what're we raising our glasses to this time?"


What's there to not raise a glass to? Getting out of that nest of assassins alive after weeks of surveillance? Waiting even longer for Her Nobleness to ferry in an expert jeweler from stars-knew-where to make sure we weren't ripping her off? Credits spilling out of our pockets? Riggs storming out in a huff when Vee made eyes at everyone in the suite, including me? Just two men now in a room full of beautiful ladies? This spectacular Corellian whiskey?


"Everything!" A clink of three glasses: his, Vee's and Pollaran's. He takes a deep draw from the tumbler and slings his arm around a gorgeous giggling redhead. "Soooo...you telling me your name yet, sweetheart? Or do I have to jump up on that table and sing for what I really really want for supper?"


"My good man," Darmas smirks at him, "interrupt the game in that fashion at your own risk. I have to stay on my toes with this one. I live for opponents like her."


"That, and Lisitra there is coming back to my room later, not yours. Right, Lisi?" Veolet winks at the woman. "If you wanna come with, Doc, you'll shut up until this round is over."


"Shutting up." He grins at Lisitra- pretty name, even prettier to hear it roll off of Vee's tongue- and she smiles back, a vixenish glimmer in her eyes. She motions invitingly at the chaise furthest away from the sabacc table. If Vee wants to blow her credits here it's fine with him. Whispers don't count as talking. He leaves her and Pollaran to it, settles onto the cushions. "This doesn't count as talking," he murmurs into Lisitra's ear.


"Not at all. So you're a doctor? What kind of doctor?" Eyelashes flutter over pale blue.


"Combat medic..." pale blue "...the things I've seen. The things I'd like to see. Have any grievous injuries? Anything I could tend to? Kiss and make better?"


"I might," she purrs, "but wouldn't it be easier to treat two patients at the same time?"


A persistent beeping elicits soft swearing from him. "I have to take this. Don't. Move. I need to hear all about your symptoms before making a firm diagnosis." After all this time it's been accidentally switched on? Kriffing fortress full of people with knives and guns and it goes off now? Not that I really wanted it to go off in a fortress full of people with knives and guns but...now?! He catches Vee's eyes before slipping out of the room. She tilts a brow at him, shrugs, focuses on her hand once more. He turns a corner; static begins to form a figure. "What do you want! Oh...er...Kira...hi!"


"Where have you been?! Don't answer that. I don't care. I don't want to know. You have to come back. I haven't heard from them in-"


"Calm down. Everything's copacetic." It was only a dream. Forget it. They're still pale blue. Have to be. "Who's 'them'?" Now that was a stupid question...


"That was a stupid question. You know who. I haven't been able to reach them ever since we docked on the Voss Orbital Station and they went planetside." Little Kira points at him. "It should be you down there with her."


"Whoa now. Don't start with the sanctimony. Why didn't you go yourself?" A sick feeling grabs his guts and squeezes. If she's dead I won't take the fall for it. I'll drag that Sith bastard back to Tython myself and personally hand him over to Grand Master Shan. "Told you to stay on the ship, huh? What was the line she fed you?"


"That she had a vision of darkness. That only he could guide her through it."


"Lies. She lied to you. I'm sorry, for you. Not for her." The squeezing becomes wrenching. Exactly how much do you know, Kira? More than you let on. "I'll come back in my own time. Say, tomorrow afternoon. Fast enough for you? I'll get to the station and we'll take it from there?"


"I'll be expecting you. Don't let-"


"Night, Kira. Get some sleep. Meditate or something. There's a bottle of brandy hidden in the lowermost lefthand cabinet in the galley, if Rusk hasn't found it yet. Hang in there."




"Lisi, honey. Show Doc where it hurts."


* * *


Lisitra has commandeered the refresher. It's just him and Veolet, and neither of them is fully awake. He rolls over and brushes a lock of platinum-white hair behind her ear. Stars, does his back ache. They really put him through his paces- and he enjoyed every second of it.


"Vee. I need you to get me to Voss. Today. Just the orbital station."


She groans and kicks his shin under the sheet. "How much did I lose?"


"Half? Doesn't matter, babe. Take me there and I'll give you my cut. All of it." So much for the clinics.


"You're serious." She sits up, frowning. "Is it the wife? Tell me again- why'd you have to go and marry a kriffin' Jedi?"


"Early midlife crisis. She won't be my wife for much longer. I still can't let her die."


"If my wife ran away with a Sith-"


"Yeah, well, I'm not you. And she didn't. Not exactly. Or she did- I don't know- but I love her. Loved her. Past tense. It's just duty now." Say it enough, might convince myself of that. "You have no clue about what she's up against. Let's just say that if she can't pull it all off you won't have to worry about losing creds to Pollaran or anyone else anymore."


"Holy Hutt ****. The Emperor?"


"What led you to that conclusion? No, no, never mind, but I didn't say that. I didn't say otherwise but I didn't say that. Get me to that station, back to her ship. Please. All I ask." Her eye has gone wide; he kisses her chin, the tip of her nose, her lips. "Though someday I might ask you for something else. If you ever decide to settle down."


"If I did it would be with a scamp who knew his way around a shotgun and a bacta tank."


Lisitra emerges, her coppery hair a halo of frizz. "What did I miss?"


Vee blows her a kiss. "Not a thing, sweets. Doc here was just telling me about a medical convention he has to get to in a bit. It's been fun. I'll pass back this way soon and we can go shopping. I need a new blaster or a dozen. Give Darmas my regards, will ya?."


Bless her. As soon as the Emperor's dust and we can all breathe easier...




XI: Just Walk Away

The Lambent


Vee hadn't offered to stick around and help. No blame; she had business of her own, and he completely understood her distaste for anything involving the Sith. More than 'understood'- shared. Not a bad parting. A kiss on her cheek from him, a slap on his rump from her. He'll miss her- already does- but he doesn't miss the credits. Those were worth it.


"Let me get a handle on this. Again. They left the ship. None of you have heard from them since. Your coms have been on. You've been checking the holo and trying to reach them...how many times a day?" He sags back into the uncomfortable conference room chair and stares at Kira, Rusk and Tee-seven. The ship's interior is the same as when he'd left but they aren't.


"We've been taking shifts," Rusk rubs his chin and sighs, "a minimum of ten times per shift so an approximate total of twenty to forty times per day."


"Docked here? No supply runs? What have you been living off of?"


Kira shrugs at him. Her face looks worn, with dark livid crescents like bruises underneath her eyes. "All that nutrient paste you had stashed in the hold...and the medbay...and your quarters. We made a few runs, though. Is this even relevant? Should I finally just go down and start searching?"


"Been near a mirror lately? You're not going anywhere. It's time for you to get some rest. You too, Fideltin." Stars but do they both look awful. The droid beeps and chortles. "Yeah, you too. Rest, and then we wait. It should have been pret-ty damned obvious to all of you that no response after a couple days meant no response from then on."


"You're one to talk-" Kira slams her fist down on the table "-we weren't just trying to reach her, we were trying to get hold of you, you....you-"


"Sergeant? Think you can get Tee-seven settled and powered down? I need to talk to our mutual Jedi friend here." He raises his eyebrows, hoping Rusk will catch the signal.


He does. Thankfully. "Sure thing, Doc."


Gotta admire the man's survival instinct. Don't think I've ever seen him move so fast...


"Kira." She appears on the verge of tears. Taking the chance that she might very well deck him, he rises from his seat and half-circles the table, leaning against it when he reaches her side. "I made mistakes. That's not easy for me to admit, you know? Mistakes. Over. All done with my tantrum." He winces. And that's just what it was, a very long and interesting one but still...a kriffing tantrum.


To his complete surprise, the anger drains from her expression as she nods and sniffles. "Okay."


"Hey. Sweetheart...I meant that only as a friend, the 'sweetheart'...if you start outright crying I'll start outright crying and that's so, so not something you want to experience," he lays a comforting hand on her forearm, "because my voice shoots up about ten octaves, I whimper, my nose runs like a faucet stuck on 'on', my...it's ugly. Besides, Jedi don't cry, do they? Don't you have some kind of internal valve to shut off that kind of thing? No emotion, only-"


"You whimper?" She blinks, sniffs, and a smile twitches the corners of her lips upwards. "You're saying you cry like a little girl?" Sounds erupt from her: a snort and a giggle.


There it is. That's better. "I sure do. Don't make me humiliate myself in front of you. I know how you ladies talk. I'd break down into a puddle of whimpering snot, you'd tell the boss about it, she'd never look at me the same way again. Am I right?" Except Miri's already seen me cry. Those first few minutes after the marriage droid was dismissed. Don't think about that. Think about pointing a scattergun at a Sith's face.


"Maybe," Kira laughs, grins up at him, "but seeing as how you two were-" she bites her lower lip, gaze skittering aside as her features take on a solemn cast "-are so close, there's probably no reason to tell her. Am I right?"


"So you know."


"You're serious. Look," she shakes her head, "about a month after you were aboard you started disappearing at all hours instead of pestering me with idle chitchat and she started locking down her quarters at bedtime. Not too hard to figure out. I considered confronting her about it, even going to the Council."


"You didn't- why?" She doesn't know everything, then. Miri kept her part of the bargain, staying quiet about the wedding. I'll keep my part. For now.


"Because she was as happy as I'd ever seen her. We used to talk a lot about the Jedi Code. She thought the Order needed reform, that positive attachments and emotions helped to foster peace, not hinder it. Those were her exact words- 'foster peace, not hinder it'. She was happy, it didn't seem like it was changing her for the worse," a quick wry smile at him before staring into the near distance again, "and I was happy that you'd stopped haunting the bridge and telling bad jokes."


He leans down, searching for her eyes with his; found and held, he lowers his voice to just above a whisper: "You say 'she was'. Past tense. If she was...gone...you'd sense it, right?"


"Of course. Wouldn't you? She's not dead but she is gone." Her face is the final confirmation he needs. Sorrow there. Regret. Pain.


"Time for you to get some beauty sleep." He pats her arm before turning away to saunter over to the Republic banner in the far corner.


Suffocating silence, and then:


"Doc?" Very soft. She hasn't left the conference room. "You're not whimpering."


"I made that up, Kira."


"Figured you did." Her hug is fast, warm, consoling. "I'm leaving before you set me off again. Night...and I'm glad you're back."


Alone, he tries to lose himself in the banner and recall exactly why he'd ever left Balmorra.


His vision blurs.


* * *


The things here are monstrous. Trees snake upwards in sinister curlicues. Creatures with spiked spines and razor maws stalk the land, their footsteps quaking the ground he runs upon, across. He dashes into a cave, its entrance filled with luminescent turquoise fungi. At least it's otherwise empty except for fallen shattered stalactites and heaps of bones. Wandering deeper he realizes he's trapped in a labyrinth. Panic bubbles up in his chest...until he catches a scent of sweet sweat and spicy-bright bitterflowers. A wisp but he knows it so well- and it's his only way out of this maddening maze. Distant murmurs tickle his ears, transforming into distinct words as he rounds a corner-


"I could never do those things to you. I love you. There. I said it."


"Show me."


And there they are, backlit by wan turquoise, partially cloaked in sickly purplish mist.


"Show you what?"


"How much." The Sith's lightsaber sizzles awake in a blaze of bloodred. "Kneel."


She ignites her own sabers. The sunny yellow he remembers has been replaced by glowering orange wrapped around cores as dark as any void. "I'll kneel. And then I'll drive these up into your guts."


"Exquisite. Give me more."


They fly at each other. He can only observe as if restrained behind a thick transparisteel window, unable to move further into the cavern. Their duel is a dance, a ballet of brutality...and yet neither seems determined to wound nor kill the other. Synchronized slashes. Swift strafes and somersaults in mid-air. The thrusts and parries become so fast that his mind lags behind until it finally gives up, leaving him with a surreal impression of cold, artful beauty. She bares her teeth in a feral smile. The Sith laughs.


They're beautiful together.


Three weapons clatter down. The Sith sweeps her up and drives her back against a wall studded with spiky mineral deposits. She's hidden except for her hands; they clutch, fingernails digging, tiny pallid spiders clinging to broad armored shoulders.




"Just walk away, Kimble."


He obliges the Sith.


This, he refuses to watch.


The bedside table is the same, too.


He pats gingerly at his jaw as he hauls himself up off the floor.





XII: Gradations





No longer Sith, merely more carrion littering this blighted place. You disappointed me, Fulminiss. Your weakness was apparent from your initial lunge. I expected more from one of the Emperor's most celebrated plaguebearers. So much more, and yet you were just another bootlicker serving the ultimate madman.


As was I, once.


Jedi. Cast the Mystic into the maw. Rewards. Power. Sel-Makor offers them to you. Like the one who came before.


A flash of sickly violet- her eyes. Strangely shrewd, her voice: "That's an interesting offer."


"No. Respect Valen-Da's vision. If not for visions we wouldn't be here. I wouldn't be here."


Would that all visions were as specific as the Mystic's. Mine failed to indicate that I would acquire a lover and a student. Unspoken, that latter, but we know it to be true. Our reciprocity is both salvation and potential downfall: you reawaken me to my every sense and soothe centuries' worth of agony, I guide you through the ascent to the dark side and show you how to best harness its power. Emotion. Mutual. Dangerous. I saw you startle and miss an opportune strike when you thought he had the better of me. I was watching for that reaction, such a familiar one that it is. I've been too indulgent; the chain will tighten, it will strangle you one last time before I ensure its breakage.


She does my bidding. How shocking. I taste it as well. Heady. The most virulent spice flooding veins, caressing synapses. My synapses. Thank the was-Jedi beside me for that. It aches. If I could only gather a scant handful of Sel-Makor I could dispense with her and-


Sel-Makor is Death. Darkness.


-I know what they did to you during your captivity. Is it subterfuge to not reveal that I orchestrated a fair amount of the torment you and your crew endured? Appearances had to be maintained. You were the victim of brutalities unspeakable even to me and yet you never mention it. My hope is that you never will. Passion is useless without discipline. You know nothing of Sith discipline but the torture you experienced. Time for the lessons to begin in earnest, once we depart Voss. A step forward. No. No step. Sprinting. Leaping.


Fight the thing. Shutter thought. It hears me. Will it make me the same offer? If we took it, if I recanted my words about the Mystic? What could we do together? Take him down. Harvest his power. Keep part of it, bring the rest back to Sel-Makor. It could be ours.


I've watched you sleep, witness to your most turbulent dreams. Awakened you in myriad ways. Suns have set. Moons have risen. Not centuries. Not even years. I never longed for an apprentice, and you cannot be such; for all your inclinations you could never bring yourself to backstab me. This is what I...love...about you. I refrain from that expression, 'love', for a reason. You are a tangle of contradictions. You long for stability. You thirst for blood. I can grant you blood; there will be no stability until he is gone. Until then I own you. I will continue to own you. The Jedi have lost an invaluable prize. Your will is blinding. Terrifying. Beautiful. I will be its keeper. Its architect. I know the very core of you now. My efforts until these moments have been tentative. You have no concept of what I can impart, teach, give. But you will. It hears me. Hear this, then: the darkness has gradations.


The Voss woman walks into the yawning maw with regal determination.


You failed- like he will- to recognize that. Thus: your annihilation. How you scream, Sel-Makor. Will he scream as loud? An unequaled banquet. Bliss.


* * *


You wince as you walk past the corpses? When you've not winced at death during the entirety of our acquaintance? Fascinating. Your teeth are sharp. I bear their imprints on my shoulder even now. Your tongue is twice as keen. You seem to take delight in confounding me and yet you shudder over a few slain Gormak lunatics. I should have expected this. These, however, are the contradictions which keep me in closest orbit. It nauseates me to do so, offer up the links to your other chains. But you would be a broken thing without them. Someday...


"We should-"


"Ahead of you. Take it. Call."


"All this time? Since we first set foot in Voss-Ka? How could you!"


"Easily. I am Sith. Do you not recall consorting with a Sith for months on end?"


...lesson number one already. I am sorry, manosi.

Author's Note:

This doesn't follow the exact order of this particular class quest's convos. Chalk that up to Scourge being basically drunk on Sel-Makor's presence- and fighting valiantly against it. Kind of AU if you take game storyline as gospel but...there it is. Oh, and I guess I needn't say that this is entirely from Scourge's pov...



For D-. Nine years. I know you would have loved this game- and Lord Scourge.


Edited by thatghost
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Scourge is a torturous enigma (no pun intended with the 'torturous') :)

Doc just doesn't seem to fit with JKs. Perfect Smug companion, possibly a good companion for a LS BH. He did constantly crack me up during the class story, though; the levity was wonderful, and maybe that's why he was slated for the JK crew.

I need to let up on him, I really do, I've been pretty harsh...

Thanks Hoyden <3



Doc fits the JK very well if you actually take the time to get to know his real personality and learn to look beneath the surface. There's a reason I enjoy writing Doc (the REAL Doc) and a reason I can't stand anyone else writing about him :p

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There's a reason I enjoy writing Doc (the REAL Doc) and a reason I can't stand anyone else writing about him :p


This sounds like a personal attack. You're welcome to your own opinion and your own interpretation of a character, but do not belittle someone else's because you don't agree. A smiley face does not make your comment any less rude or any more of a joke. If you don't have actual criticism to offer, please, keep comments like these to yourself.


Please continue writing, thatghost. I haven't commented, but I'm always reading. :)

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This sounds like a personal attack. You're welcome to your own opinion and your own interpretation of a character, but do not belittle someone else's because you don't agree. A smiley face does not make your comment any less rude or any more of a joke. If you don't have actual criticism to offer, please, keep comments like these to yourself.


Please continue writing, thatghost. I haven't commented, but I'm always reading. :)


Uhhh... no?


The REAL Doc... as in the Doc below the surface, the one you don't really get to know unless you spend a lot of time with him. After four Jedi knights, all of which completed the story using only Doc as an active companion once he was available, I feel like I've come to know him fairly well (although not as well as I know, say, Torian). He has quite a complex personality once you delve beneath the surface, to find the REAL Doc that lurks beneath.


Try not to read too much into what other people say, imo. :) If you had read any of what I've written you'd know that I try *not* to put my own spin on characters and consider it a huge challenge to try to keep them true to form from what we've learned in the game about them. Hence why I have so many duplicate characters. My comment was meant to point out that the Doc you see on the surface isn't the Doc that truly is - especially after he falls for the Knight. I was responding to the idea that Doc isnt a good fit for the JK - to which I must vehemently disagree, because I have spent so much time getting to know him.


This is the reason I try not to read other people's fanfics - you can't make any sort of criticism without people jumping all over you and accusing you of personal attacks. If I was making such attacks, trust me, you would know.


Then again, I'm not sure why I care, since my stories aren't full of angsty sexual tension hardly anyone comments on them. :eek:

Edited by silvershadows
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Uhhh... no?


The REAL Doc... as in the Doc below the surface, the one you don't really get to know unless you spend a lot of time with him. After four Jedi knights, all of which completed the story using only Doc as an active companion once he was available, I feel like I've come to know him fairly well (although not as well as I know, say, Torian). He has quite a complex personality once you delve beneath the surface, to find the REAL Doc that lurks beneath.


Try not to read too much into what other people say, imo. :) If you had read any of what I've written you'd know that I try *not* to put my own spin on characters and consider it a huge challenge to try to keep them true to form from what we've learned in the game about them. Hence why I have so many duplicate characters. My comment was meant to point out that the Doc you see on the surface isn't the Doc that truly is - especially after he falls for the Knight. I was responding to the idea that Doc isnt a good fit for the JK - to which I must vehemently disagree, because I have spent so much time getting to know him.


This is the reason I try not to read other people's fanfics - you can't make any sort of criticism without people jumping all over you and accusing you of personal attacks. If I was making such attacks, trust me, you would know.


Then again, I'm not sure why I care, since my stories aren't full of angsty sexual tension hardly anyone comments on them. :eek:


What you believe to be the "real" Doc and what someone else believes to be the real Doc can be and are allowed to be different. It's your opinion that you know Doc better than anyone else. Telling someone else your view on a character is the "real" view and therefore the only view is arrogant and unnecessary.


I tend not to read the stories written by people who write for reviews rather than the joy of writing, so, no, I haven't bothered to read anything you've written and I likely never will. Your attitude is terrible and you are unkind.

Edited by irishfino
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What you believe to be the "real" Doc and what someone else believes to be the real Doc can be and are allowed to be different. It's your opinion that you know Doc better than anyone else. Telling someone else your view on a character is the "real" view and therefore the only view is arrogant and unnecessary.


I tend not to read the stories written by people who write for reviews rather than the joy of writing.


Oh lord, there's so much about this I could giggle about, but I'll try not to.


You are really reading way too much into what I've said here. I never said I know Doc better than anyone else. Seeing as how he's a fictional character, that is literally impossible. I'm not talking about my *view* of Doc. I am talking about what we learn about him in the game - the precious moments where he drops his facade and lets the man beneath shine through. That is the "real" Doc I am referring to, not what I have written, nor what anyone else has written. I am talking about what BIOWARE has written, in response to the idea that Doc doesn't fit the Jedi Knight well as a companion, which again, I must disagree with.


If I wanted to say that my "version" of Doc was the only "version" of Doc, then I would have said exactly that. Since that isn't what I'm saying, I didn't. What I *am* saying is that Doc DOES fit the Jedi Knight well, because he is far more complex than *most* people realize.


Finally, if I wrote for reviews, then I definitely wouldn't write at all since, like I said, my stories receive very few comments (aside from one or two people). Instead, I have churned out four novellas and am currently working on a fifth. And I couldn't care less if you read them or not. My stories are for me and for nobody else - though knowing they are enjoyed is a plus and it does make me sad when I have worked for months and never really find out if people enjoy them or not.


My comments here are not meant as criticism toward thatghost's story - which, I might add - is one of the few fanfics on these forums which I was able to read without rolling my eyes about two paragraphs into it or closing it out due to atrocious grammar. The style is enjoyable though overly verbose, and contains an interesting take on Scourge, who does not appear in my stories as I have cut out those companions whom I feel my characters would not travel with (scourge/broonmark/skadge/gault/rusk/vette).


To close what I feel is now an overly long diatribe in which I feel I have had to defend myself too much to someone who is a tad on the sensitive side (thick skin is a good thing when you publish personal works) - none of my comments were in any way, shape, or form a critique of thatghost's work. It was a response to the idea that Doc does not fit the Jedi Knight. You would be remiss in taking my comments any other way. If I had wanted to critique thatghost's fanfic, then I would have commented on the fanfic, not on his comment regarding Doc fitting the JK.

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Uhhh... no?


The REAL Doc... as in the Doc below the surface, the one you don't really get to know unless you spend a lot of time with him. After four Jedi knights, all of which completed the story using only Doc as an active companion once he was available, I feel like I've come to know him fairly well (although not as well as I know, say, Torian). He has quite a complex personality once you delve beneath the surface, to find the REAL Doc that lurks beneath.


Try not to read too much into what other people say, imo. :) If you had read any of what I've written you'd know that I try *not* to put my own spin on characters and consider it a huge challenge to try to keep them true to form from what we've learned in the game about them. Hence why I have so many duplicate characters. My comment was meant to point out that the Doc you see on the surface isn't the Doc that truly is - especially after he falls for the Knight. I was responding to the idea that Doc isnt a good fit for the JK - to which I must vehemently disagree, because I have spent so much time getting to know him.


This is the reason I try not to read other people's fanfics - you can't make any sort of criticism without people jumping all over you and accusing you of personal attacks. If I was making such attacks, trust me, you would know.


Then again, I'm not sure why I care, since my stories aren't full of angsty sexual tension hardly anyone comments on them. :eek:


..No one comments on your stories because you're someone who needs feedback to feel gratified about your work. I don't think you quite understand what Fan Fiction means, what it allows. Fan Fiction allows people to take a story, characters, and settings and write it the way THEY PERCEIVE. So whether or not you think thatghost has used the "real Doc" (as you call him) or not, it doesn't matter. This is thatghost's story, and their interpretation of Doc is the one they deems to be correct and appropriate for their story. NOT YOURS.

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Oh lord, there's so much about this I could giggle about, but I'll try not to.


Arrogance is unnecessary.


I never said I know Doc better than anyone else.


The REAL Doc... as in the Doc below the surface, the one you don't really get to know unless you spend a lot of time with him. After four Jedi knights, all of which completed the story using only Doc as an active companion once he was available, I feel like I've come to know him fairly well.


You're still stating your opinion of Doc is better than thatghost's because of the time you have spent with the character in-game.


If I wanted to say that my "version" of Doc was the only "version" of Doc, then I would have said exactly that. Since that isn't what I'm saying, I didn't. What I *am* saying is that Doc DOES fit the Jedi Knight well, because he is far more complex than *most* people realize.


People have formed an opinion based on their own personal experiences in both life and the game. You're still trying to say your opinion of Doc is better and the most correct one.


Finally, if I wrote for reviews, then I definitely wouldn't write at all since, like I said, my stories receive very few comments (aside from one or two people). Instead, I have churned out four novellas and am currently working on a fifth. And I couldn't care less if you read them or not. My stories are for me and for nobody else - though knowing they are enjoyed is a plus and it does make me sad when I have worked for months and never really find out if people enjoy them or not.


Except for the fact that you do ask for reviews in each thread, bumping them without content to garner attention and generally roam about the forums talking about how few comments you get and the reasons you believe this to happen.


My comments here are not meant as criticism toward thatghost's story - which, I might add - is one of the few fanfics on these forums which I was able to read without rolling my eyes about two paragraphs into it or closing it out due to atrocious grammar. The style is enjoyable though overly verbose, and contains an interesting take on Scourge, who does not appear in my stories as I have cut out those companions whom I feel my characters would not travel with (scourge/broonmark/skadge/gault/rusk/vette).


There was no need to add anything about other fics and your dislike of them.


To close what I feel is now an overly long diatribe in which I feel I have had to defend myself too much to someone who is a tad on the sensitive side (thick skin is a good thing when you publish personal works) - none of my comments were in any way, shape, or form a critique of thatghost's work. It was a response to the idea that Doc does not fit the Jedi Knight. You would be remiss in taking my comments any other way. If I had wanted to critique thatghost's fanfic, then I would have commented on the fanfic, not on his comment regarding Doc fitting the JK.


Please, take your own advice and grow a thick skin. If you can't handle being told not to be rude to others on a forum, you won't be able to handle the rejection from a publisher should you write an original piece and attempt to have it published.


Good day to you.

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..No one comments on your stories because you're someone who needs feedback to feel gratified about your work. I don't think you quite understand what Fan Fiction means, what it allows. Fan Fiction allows people to take a story, characters, and settings and write it the way THEY PERCEIVE. So whether or not you think thatghost has used the "real Doc" (as you call him) or not, it doesn't matter. This is thatghost's story, and their interpretation of Doc is the one they deems to be correct and appropriate for their story. NOT YOURS.


You miss my point completely. To reiterate once more - I'm not talking about anyone's interpretation of Doc, I am talking about Doc as he is presented to us in the game in response to the idea that he does not fit the JK.


I also do not require feedback to feel gratified, if I did, I wouldn't write at all. And once more, I was not commenting on thatghost's STORY, I was commenting on the comment that Doc does not fit the JK. If I wanted to critique the story, I would.


Is it really that hard to actually read what is written?

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You miss my point completely. To reiterate once more - I'm not talking about anyone's interpretation of Doc, I am talking about Doc as he is presented to us in the game in response to the idea that he does not fit the JK.


I also do not require feedback to feel gratified, if I did, I wouldn't write at all. And once more, I was not commenting on thatghost's STORY, I was commenting on the comment that Doc does not fit the JK. If I wanted to critique the story, I would.


Is it really that hard to actually read what is written?


You make it sound like you need feedback to feel gratified. The point still remains that you commented on this story and expressed that you vehemently disagree with the thought that Doc does not fit the JK and explained why it's right that he does fit and wrong to think that he doesn't. If the opinion of the writer is that the designated love interest doesn't fit the class, then that is their opinion, and it is not your place to tell them that they are wrong.


Now, with that said, I bid adieu to you. The matter is dead, and I will reply no further, albeit to compliment thatghost on their excellent story, which I happen to enjoy.

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A whole bunch of words that once again show you have missed the point completely.


For the last time, I am not talking about thatghost's interpretation of Doc. I am not critiquing his fanfic. How many times do I need to repeat myself?


I am responding to the *idea* that Doc does not fit the JK. I am not using my opinion of Doc, or anyone elses opinion of Doc, because your opinion honestly means jack squat to me. The only Doc I am referring to in these comments is the Doc that is presented in the *game*. The Doc who drops his facade on a few occasions to show you the man who is beneath. That is not my interpretation of Doc, that is Bioware's. It isn't mine, it isnt thatghost's, and it has NOTHING TO DO with thatghost's fanfic.


Your assertation that I ask for reviews is also patently false. I have specifically said I am *NOT* looking for reviews, just a comment or two so I know if my stories are being *read*. If i actually gave a crap, I wouldn't continue to write (and wouldn't be twenty pages deep into the story I'm currently working on). My desire to have my stories commented on is merely a device so that I know if they are even being read - which anyone who pours their heart and soul into a piece of artwork would want.


You seem to think I am being rude, which I am not. I am a blunt and open person. If I wanted to be rude, trust me, there are plenty of things I could say. Instead I have even pointed out that thatghost's fic is one of the few I was even able to enjoy - yet you still insist I am being rude to him/her when I am merely presenting my opinion on whether or not Doc fits the JK.


For the umpteenth time, my comments are not a critique of thatghost's work, they have nothing whatsoever to do with his/her story and are meant in response to the idea that Doc doesn't fit the JK - AS HE IS PRESENTED IN THE GAME. My interpretation of Doc, thatghost's interpretation of Doc, and Santa Clauses interpretation of Doc have absolutely nothing to do with the comments I have made here OTHER THAN I normally have a hard time reading other peoples fiction which contain him because many people see Doc only as the man he presents on the surface (a discussion which I have had with several guildies, actually). I never even said that I disagree with thatghost's interpretation of Doc - didn't even mention it ONCE. You have drawn your own conclusions which are not supported by either my feelings on the matter or what I have written here.


Again, stop reading your own issues into what I have written. If I wanted to critique thatghost's work, I would. I was not. I was commenting on the idea that Doc (as presented in game) does not fit the JK (as presented in game). These things have *nothing* to do with my, or anyone elses interpretation of the character.

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You make it sound like you need feedback to feel gratified. The point still remains that you commented on this story and expressed that you vehemently disagree with the thought that Doc does not fit the JK and explained why it's right that he does fit and wrong to think that he doesn't. If the opinion of the writer is that the designated love interest doesn't fit the class, then that is their opinion, and it is not your place to tell them that they are wrong.


Now, with that said, I bid adieu to you. The matter is dead, and I will reply no further, albeit to compliment thatghost on their excellent story, which I happen to enjoy.


No, I don't need feedback to feel gratified. I just like to know if what I've written has actually been read - my stories are very long and not a lot of people have the patience to sit for 2-3 hours to read something that long.


And again, I'm not talking about any fanfictions. I am talking about Doc and the JK as presented in game. That would be before any of our own writing has even affected the characters. I am allowed to disagree with the idea that Doc doesn't fit the JK, and that doesn't make me rude or arrogant or obnoxious. It is my *opinion* that, as presented in game, Doc does fit the JK, as presented in game. I am allowed to express that opinion, just as thatghost is allowed to express the opinion that Doc does *not* fit the JK. I'm not even really referring to the romance story arc either, I am referring to Doc as a companion in general.


Any spins placed on the characters after the events in the game are our own and aren't at all what I'm talking about. I also enjoyed thatghost's fic, as I said, one of the very few that I *did* enjoy. I am in no way, shape, or form, critiquing thatghost's work. If I wanted to do that, I would.

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thatghost, i like how you've emphasized both Doc's tendancy to live in the moment and that he can, in the end, be counted on to stick with you to the end. Writing stories that include established characters is always a case of picking and choosing what to emphasize, what to minimize. We choose these based on what we see in the characters and guessing how they would react in different situations. I hope the discussion above hasn't discouraged you because I am thoroughly enjoying your take on the characters and look forward to seeing what happens.
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No, I don't need feedback to feel gratified. I just like to know if what I've written has actually been read - my stories are very long and not a lot of people have the patience to sit for 2-3 hours to read something that long.


And again, I'm not talking about any fanfictions. I am talking about Doc and the JK as presented in game. That would be before any of our own writing has even affected the characters. I am allowed to disagree with the idea that Doc doesn't fit the JK, and that doesn't make me rude or arrogant or obnoxious. It is my *opinion* that, as presented in game, Doc does fit the JK, as presented in game. I am allowed to express that opinion, just as thatghost is allowed to express the opinion that Doc does *not* fit the JK. I'm not even really referring to the romance story arc either, I am referring to Doc as a companion in general.


Any spins placed on the characters after the events in the game are our own and aren't at all what I'm talking about. I also enjoyed thatghost's fic, as I said, one of the very few that I *did* enjoy. I am in no way, shape, or form, critiquing thatghost's work. If I wanted to do that, I would.

I would suggest starting a thread in the Story and Lore forum to address this, rather than continuing this here.

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:eek: What happened here? I need to go log out of the game, come back, read everything...


Don't bother. It's people taking something I said completely out of context and lacking the ability to understand what I was actually saying.


THAT said, I do enjoy your writing style, even if your choice of topics is something I wouldn't choose myself :p

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@silvershadows: I do understand your perspective re: Doc. I'm not denying that his feelings for the female JK are anything less than profound; he is wonderfully complex, and I appreciate that. In the context of this story, however, he's one of the walking wounded. Burned. Badly. So badly that he slaps his old mask back on, reverts to sheer hedonism, makes egregious snap decisions, does all sorts of very-unlike-him yet very human things. He's not an antagonist here. He's a casualty- for the very reason that he does feel so deeply and is more than surface.


I also understand what irked you. That Doc isn't a good companion for a JK- I made a generalization, and I apologize if it caused offense. Doc used to be a good fit with my JK, and he'd be a terrific companion/LI for the Scoundrel I'm leveling. That's all. Mere opinion. I erred in not stating it as such; if I'd done so in the first place all this turmoil might have been avoided.


Then again, I'm not sure why I care, since my stories aren't full of angsty sexual tension hardly anyone comments on them.[/Quote]


Noted. Should there be any further tension I'll attempt to make it less angsty. There's nothing worse than a Jedi turned dark side and emo...unless it's a fallen Jedi and a Sith Lord who've both...


...aw hell. I've gone there, haven't I?


The style is enjoyable though overly verbose[/Quote]


I adore words. I love them so much that I tend to be extravagent with them to- yes, 'tis true- the point of verbosity. Since I write for myself I absolutely wallow in words when they choose to flow, but thank you for the constructive criticism :)


not on his comment[/Quote]


For the record, I'm female.


THAT said, I do enjoy your writing style, even if your choice of topics is something I wouldn't choose myself[/Quote]


Another thanks. As to topics, see the first part of my response to irishfino below.




based on their own personal experiences in both life and the game[/Quote] ^That right there. There's much, much more to this story than both game canon and head canon.


Thanks :) I hear ya, my spare time has me reading if I'm not writing (or, in my case, perusing the GTN), sometimes commenting, usually to lament in the SFWCT that I'm behind once again.



@MilaniGrey: Thank you, too, for reading and enjoying; the reading and enjoying is mutual :)



@Hoyden: Not discouraged. The rambling will continue. Doc, it's what I said way up there at the beginning of this post. He is a nice guy no matter what he might think of himself and project to others at this point. You're right about any further discussion about game-canon Doc needing to be taken to Story and Lore. Bet you guessed this already but:- thank you <3 and I know where it's going...sort of...*scowls and shakes fist at muse* :)

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@silvershadows: I do understand your perspective re: Doc. I'm not denying that his feelings for the female JK are anything less than profound; he is wonderfully complex, and I appreciate that. In the context of this story, however, he's one of the walking wounded. Burned. Badly. So badly that he slaps his old mask back on, reverts to sheer hedonism, makes egregious snap decisions, does all sorts of very-unlike-him yet very human things. He's not an antagonist here. He's a casualty- for the very reason that he does feel so deeply and is more than surface.


I also understand what irked you. That Doc isn't a good companion for a JK- I made a generalization, and I apologize if it caused offense. Doc used to be a good fit with my JK, and he'd be a terrific companion/LI for the Scoundrel I'm leveling. That's all. Mere opinion. I erred in not stating it as such; if I'd done so in the first place all this turmoil might have been avoided.


Noted. Should there be any further tension I'll attempt to make it less angsty. There's nothing worse than a Jedi turned dark side and emo...unless it's a fallen Jedi and a Sith Lord who've both...


...aw hell. I've gone there, haven't I?


I adore words. I love them so much that I tend to be extravagent with them to- yes, 'tis true- the point of verbosity. Since I write for myself I absolutely wallow in words when they choose to flow, but thank you for the constructive criticism :)


For the record, I'm female.



Another thanks. As to topics, see the first part of my response to irishfino below.


To address what you've said in as short a way as possible (I too, adore words, and have to stop myself from using too many or my 50 page novellas would be 500 pages lol)


I actually wasn't referring to YOUR story when I spoke about angsty sexual tension. Because of your choice of subject matter and your character's personalities and your storyline, what you have written fits - and it's not overtly uhhh "****-y" I guess I'll say, which is a huge plus. In fact, that's one of the reasons I enjoyed reading your fic. Don't cut down on the angst since it seems to be an integral part of your characters and their story.


Really keep in mind that my only critique regarding your fiction was how verbose you are, which I am also guilty of. However, considering the length of your stories it's perfectly fine for you to be that verbose. In *my* case, however, I have to cut down on the words or end up with a novel thicker than the phone book.


Your style reminds me of the way my friends and I used to roleplay in text-based games. That's actually a compliment, just fyi - some of the best times of my life were spent in those games, and anything that reminds me of them is just flat out awesome.


As for your gender - I am also female which is why I started using he/she since I wasn't sure and I always get annoyed when people assume I'm male due to my aggressiveness and the fact I play video games, so my apologies for that :p


And finally - as for YOUR Doc, I do enjoy him, he is such a marked contrast to MY Doc - practically his opposite. I can really see how well you transitioned him from a man who had finally bared his soul to someone only to have them turn around and wreck him emotionally.


This whole argument was rather silly and I know that I am aggressive and opinionated (this is why all my friends say I'm a RL Mandalorian - there's a reason I have a mythosaur skull tattoo haha). Perhaps if *I* had done a better job in the beginning of making sure it was understood that it wasn't your version of Doc or my version of Doc I was talking about but the Doc we are presented with in game, this also may not have happened.


I am glad though, that you seem to understand what I was talking about and also do not seem offended, as that was definitely not my intention by any means. I suppose I need to cut down on my inner Mando.

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I actually wasn't referring to YOUR story when I spoke about angsty sexual tension. Because of your choice of subject matter and your character's personalities and your storyline, what you have written fits - and it's not overtly uhhh "****-y" I guess I'll say, which is a huge plus. In fact, that's one of the reasons I enjoyed reading your fic. Don't cut down on the angst since it seems to be an integral part of your characters and their story.[/Quote]


In this respect we're all limited here to tension, insinuation, written FTBs. Any number of individuals (myself excluded, thank you for the compliments) might take a good chunk of your above paragraph as personal insult. What you perceive as "overtly uhhh "****-y" is creative effort, hard work, subjective vision. Opinion can be expressed without rancor (not a rancor; that would be even messier, and a stomped-upon and masticated writer is not a happy writer). This thread has enough crossed wires in it, both fictional and non-; let's leave it fictional from now on...ROFL @ myself, like crossing any more fictional wires won't just short out every character in this story, droids inclusive :D


As for your gender - I am also female which is why I started using he/she since I wasn't sure and I always get annoyed when people assume I'm male due to my aggressiveness and the fact I play video games, so my apologies for that :p


The gaming-and-gender thing....ergh. Nah, no apology necessary. My guildies on two different servers know I'm female but when I'm playing everyone else just seems to assume that I'm male because, you know, girls don't game :rolleyes:


And finally - as for YOUR Doc, I do enjoy him, he is such a marked contrast to MY Doc - practically his opposite.


That's what's so marvelous about this forum, all the different perspectives on the general character classes and companions we all share.


I am glad though, that you seem to understand what I was talking about and also do not seem offended, as that was definitely not my intention by any means. I suppose I need to cut down on my inner Mando.


Water, bridges, etc as far as I'm concerned. Surprised, confused, yes; offended, no.


I tried to respond to your post as best as I could; it's been a hell of a day, all I really want to do is kick back and relax and scribble whilst listening to very loud music (place partial blame on Trent Reznor for excessive angst *smile*).


In other words which should be quite familiar- everything's copacetic :)

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In this respect we're all limited here to tension, insinuation, written FTBs. Any number of individuals (myself excluded, thank you for the compliments) might take a good chunk of your above paragraph as personal insult.


That's why I generally limit myself to only posting my stories, because I'm too abrasive, open, and brutally honest about my opinions, most people can't understand it, or take things too personally when I don't mean anything personally. :p Hence why you probably won't see me post anything here again EXCEPT for my other stories :p

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Hence why you probably won't see me post anything here again EXCEPT for my other stories :p

As long as you keep writing. That's the most important thing here, I opine, is that all the stories both in progress and yet to be never cease flowing out into this forum :)


*raises cup of coffee* to 2013 :D(far too early in the day for adult beverages and midnight is a looong ways off yet)

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As long as you keep writing. That's the most important thing here, I opine, is that all the stories both in progress and yet to be never cease flowing out into this forum :)


*raises cup of coffee* to 2013 :D(far too early in the day for adult beverages and midnight is a looong ways off yet)


Indeed, I plan to keep writing. Of course, after this debacle people may not read it, but I don't really care - I know I have my fans. :p


Actually I was working late last night, and came to a scene in which I had to write from Doc's point of view, and found myself stumbling slightly because I couldn't figure out his reaction to a particular stimulus. Of course, it began to flow again a few moments later, but it made me stop, laugh, and think about this thread and the ginormous amount of misunderstanding that has stemmed from it.


Ah well, such is life. I'm used to being hated. As my compatriots in arms would say...


Naasad'guur mhi, mhi n'ulu, mhi Mando'ade.


(Nobody likes me, and I don't care, cause I'm a Mandalorian) :p


/shotglass full o'whiskey!

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Well. There was a new chapter until I hit 'preview' and something went amiss. That's what I get for writing half in WordPad and half here. I'll dig into my brain and try to recoup what was lost; until then, a note I've been meaning to add: last week sometime I added locale names to the beginnings of chapters. If a chapter is presented without a locale it occurs in the same place as the previous chapter. Probably stating the obvious there but I'm really out of sorts right now...


...kicking myself. And then as much recovery as I can manage tonight.

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