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So...Operative & Sniper phase walk anyone?


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Operatives should be able to clone themselves


merc - reflect everything

operative - body doubles that have to killed before being able to damage the operative, body doubles also stun anyone that damages them, rolling around refreshes body doubles

assasin - stealth on making a hit

mara - stealth on being hit

sniper - untouchable GODMODE when entrenched (oh wait that will be there already) but duration of entrench refreshes on kill please add this

jug - critical hits stun in 30m aoe energizes jug

sorc - repulsion passive knockback on any enemy withing 2 meter range you can see


sounds like a lot of fun /not

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They've already got an improved version of phasewalk that doesn't require a target or any setup.


I believe the ability is called "desync", and it grants immunity to all damage, invisibility, and teleports you to pretty much any where you want to go.

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They've already got an improved version of phasewalk that doesn't require a target or any setup.


I believe the ability is called "desync", and it grants immunity to all damage, invisibility, and teleports you to pretty much any where you want to go.



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Sniper only has Phase Walk, Operative get to reset their Stim Boost and a increase to mastery by 15% while also resetting their Nanotech AoE (Heals), Substance Burst (Concealment), or their forgot that ability that increases your chance to crit with dots and hots by 5% for 6 seconds (Lethality).


I honestly prefer this one.

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