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Right, so I tried parsing with the Bolsterizer(that's not a word BW!) on Gav Daragon and with 210 Power Rating and I don't know what my target is. I obviously can't match top parses(lack of gear), but what am I aiming for? Approximate spread of ability usage equal to top specs?


edit: I've some 7250 dps with Vigilance(could've been 7500, maybe). How's that for my level? Completely lost.

Edited by Cuiwe
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eh to get accurate results you need to get the legacy perks dummy for you starship and the debuff mods. without bolster. bolster only works in SM ops not hm/nim.

for dummy general guidelines then are as such:

7K EV/KP hm/vet

8K other HM/vet ops

8,5-9K Rav and ToS, GotM hm/vet

9k+ Nim/MM

9.5K+ a few Apex bosses (or low (9K on certain burst classes but you have to be really gud)


or use parser while doing actual ops and see what you are pulling -this is better anyways


if you pull 7K on a actual boss fight you should be fine in hm/vet

8K+ for MM/Nim

Edited by ottffsse
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eh to get accurate results you need to get the legacy perks dummy for you starship and the debuff mods. without bolster. bolster only works in SM ops not hm/nim.

for dummy general guidelines then are as such:

7K EV/KP hm/vet

8K other HM/vet ops

8,5-9K Rav and ToS, GotM hm/vet

9k+ Nim/MM

9.5K+ a few Apex bosses (or low (9K on certain burst classes but you have to be really gud)


or use parser while doing actual ops and see what you are pulling -this is better anyways


if you pull 7K on a actual boss fight you should be fine in hm/vet

8K+ for MM/Nim


Uhm. That WAS from Parser. I get some 7200-7300 in Vigilance and some 6800-7100 on Focus. But I like Focus much more. I don't like those empty steps involved with Vigilance at all. I end up aggro triple stacking DoTs. Rydarus would die inside if he saw me spam. But here's the deal. With his approach, I get confused as all hell and get like 6200-6600. With my aggro crap, I get 7000-7300.



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Uhm. That WAS from Parser. I get some 7200-7300 in Vigilance and some 6800-7100 on Focus. But I like Focus much more. I don't like those empty steps involved with Vigilance at all. I end up aggro triple stacking DoTs. Rydarus would die inside if he saw me spam. But here's the deal. With his approach, I get confused as all hell and get like 6200-6600. With my aggro crap, I get 7000-7300.




You need to buy a training dummy for your ship. Then you can set it's health and apply a debuff module. Only then you can do the usual parse we all do and that are posted on Parsely.

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