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So... I use Force Stasis in PVP..


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There's this interesting thing called resolve which every character has. Once it reaches 1000, that character can no longer be CC'd.


more interestingly, ive been CCed while my resolve bar was full but yes I see stasis fail more than it succeeds.


We sort of get rolled in pvp, thats why I ditched my sentinel in favor of a better class and am doing brilliantly in pvp. Shame sentinels can't too. its funny, sents were the number one played class at first, now theyre gathering dust.

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I topped Alderan dps yesterday using my 25 sent (I have a screenshot if you need it). They're still usable. There's no need to exaggerate.


But yes, if stasis gets broken by a cc-breaker or isn't working because of resolve, then it shouldn't be adding singulatiry ticks and it shouldn't be freezing my character in his "I'm stasising you" pose. IMO. I often sit their wondering if I'm experiencing lag and give it an extra couple seconds as the ball carrier gets to charging distance (far away)...


It does seem like the sentinel class is getting abandoned by players, at least on my server. I haven't seen any of the sents I know in the level 50 bracket. Almost all of the 50s JKs in WZs have been guardians and there haven't been many of those either.

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Im so tired of people complaining about Sentinels being useless in pvp and not being able to top damage. The class is by far the hardest one to play thats true, but if you are doing poorly with it its not because the class is impossible to do good with its because YOU dont know how to be good with it.


In a normal Warzone thats not entirely onesided i finish top on damage 90 % of the time. this is when pugging with basically no healing during the match. (50 Combat spec btw). Though i agree with the OP on the point that force stasis often does not work as intended even when the opponents does NOT have a full resolve bar. This bug along with a few others concerning JK skills will likely be fixed in upcoming patches.


Bottom line, Sentinel is a great class if played correctly, if not, its a nightmare. I wouldnt want it any other way.

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I'll just make somewhat of an assumption here, so don't flame me like I am stating it as fact or anything. ^^


I think for some Force Stasis is probably not working as intended as an extension of the "ability delay" bug swtor currently has for a lot of players. Though I have to admit Force Stasis never seemed to have malfunctioned on my Jedi Guardian, I can imagine it's not working because of the same bug for others. Especially if you keep in mind the short duration of it, it could easily fall into the same bug department as the ability delay.

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