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Belsavis HELP


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Can't kill the anciemt beast on the final class friend or Foe I am 46 trooper/commando, tried over 30 times, what am i missing, thanks all


I have no idea, I was level 48 at least when I did my final class quest on Belsavis. I suggest that you seek out someone to help you, I had problems doing my final quest on Quesh and I got someone to help me.

Edited by zejaie
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Can't kill the anciemt beast on the final class friend or Foe I am 46 trooper/commando, tried over 30 times, what am i missing, thanks all


I just did this on my 46 commando this past weekend. Let's just say it was like the 5th or so try and I got lucky. I used Elara Dorne for healing and that seemed to be a must. When the mob started doing the extra damage from pounding the ground or whatever he is dong, I would run out and try to kite him somewhat.


I absolutely had to use my heroic moment to open up my freeze/stun. Use that ability any time it is up to do some extra damage while the mob is stunned. Also, use any skill you can to slow him, as I used my gunnery full auto anytime it was up. Not much else to say other than kite as you can and hope Elara heals you well. Two small dogs popped toward the end and fortunately they went after Elara. If they had damaged me I was dead.


Good luck as this is definately challenging.

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  • 4 weeks later...
My lvl 43 Vanguard kept getting beasted by the rancor if I tried the traditional fighting style. So, I took an old strategy of just keep running from KOTOR with Dorne and it surprisingly worked on the first try. Do some initial damage from far away, stun it when it starts to come close, in this time set yourself up so you can go backwards down the long hallway and just keep doing damage to it with the instants. Eventually use your heroic to reopen the stun to get in more damage but as long as you keep moving and wisely time your heals (use Dorne) you'll eventually get its health down without taking too much damage.
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The "friend or foe" mission had to be the most irritating 17 hours of my life and I was once locked in a room with 300 starving ferrets and Richard Simmons for 18 hours.


If this is the first "demon dinosaur" I am thinking of, then yeah, you gotta kill it. However...



Once I got Dagger wing free and clear, I didn't go after the sith because I had stopped caring at that point.



"Friend or foe" irritated me so much that I had to make fun of it. Give this a read, it won't help you slay the beast but at least you know someone else feels your pain.



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  • 3 weeks later...
My lvl 43 Vanguard kept getting beasted by the rancor if I tried the traditional fighting style. So, I took an old strategy of just keep running from KOTOR with Dorne and it surprisingly worked on the first try. Do some initial damage from far away, stun it when it starts to come close, in this time set yourself up so you can go backwards down the long hallway and just keep doing damage to it with the instants. Eventually use your heroic to reopen the stun to get in more damage but as long as you keep moving and wisely time your heals (use Dorne) you'll eventually get its health down without taking too much damage.


This is the way to go. I did this with my Combat Medic and Elara Dorne. Worked like a charm! Thx for advice

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At lvl 46 i recomend this build for max damage pve http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800McZRIkrRrdokcz.1

Remember to fix your armor after dying a few times so you can take more damage.Learn to use the gunnery build

well and you will never die to a pve enemy while lvl up. Have med packs for hard fights and use Elara Dorn to heal you.

Remember to use you shield in the start and when he comes close, after stunning the monster use your heroic ability to finnish the cooldown on cryo grenade.

And with this build you have 2 good knockbacks stockstrike/concussion charge you can use during the fight.And remember to also hit recharge cells when you are out of ammo during the fight.


For the best damage in a fight start with mortar volley then full auto,then grav round to get the cooldown away

on fulla uto, in between use high impact bolt after getting it to hit harder by using grav round 5 times first.

Have done that fight 3 times,and only died in beta because i was poorly geard and dident know how to play the class well.


And dont use charged bolts, waist of time.Also use pulse canon for close combat, does good damage.

With this build remember to use correct cell Armor piercing cell.

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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