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Your own personal 'head canon'...


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A good story can let us peek into a fantastic world, and a really good MMORPG story can let us peek into that world, and also allow us to make our own story within it's narrative.


What is your own personal head canon? How does your character make sense of the world around them, and how do you weave 'who they are' into the world around them.


How do you fill the gaps and cracks left for us to weave our own narrative into this games story? What do you fill those gaps with? How does it tie in to your legacy?


I often see people mention there own personal head canon in so many story posts...so I thought it would be nice, to have an entire thread dedicated to the topic.



Edited by JediElf
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Oo! As a writer (on the side not professionally...work at a News Station professionally) I always have my head canon expanding and changing to accommodate the game's mechanics. Like before Legacy EVERYONE were sisters and they all had sons, but after Legacy, when I did my family tree, I had to change things somewhat.


Anyway, my Sith War volunteered to go to the Sith Academy. She knew she'd at least pass well enough to get through it and survive since she'd heard rumors that they like to off failed initiates. She didn't expect she'd one day be the Emperor's Wrath. She came from a normal family of 6 (including parents) who added one more when they adopted her Chiss sister. They were a loving bunch, bedtime stories, hugs, warmth, etc. She was well adjusted, not psychotic or anything. She made morally right decisions from Korriban all through her story. Yes, she had some dark side moments, mostly when NPCs in her story would hurt her crew/companions. Her family's motto has always been 'don't **** with family, we **** right back'.


She proudly helped Baras, thinking she was serving the Empire faithfully without screwing with her morals. She took to Vette right away, enjoying her sarcastic view on things, giggling occasionally. She removed Vette's collar right from the start when she asked. Even telling her she never wanted her to be a slave in the first place. From there on she and Vette became good friends.


She fell in lust when she met Quinn at first. She liked his dark looks, his intelligence and the man looks good in a uniform. She flirted with that man as hard as she could, especially since she never had an opportunity to get some. She was


until she finally hooked up and married Quinn.


She did everything she could to ensure Jaesa wouldn't turn to the dark side. Sending her parents to Dromuund Kaas to live the good life, sending her old master back to Tython. She even encouraged Jaesa to go find other Light Sided Sith. She flirted with Pierce only once, just to see if Quinn would get jealous, but he never did. She always listened to Quinn's views on missions when he had something to add, letting his intellect guide her.


She and Quinn have a daughter, a smuggler, who they both love devotedly, though Quinn isn't fond of his daughter's choice in careers nor her choice in husbands. He wanted her to be force sensitive, which she has a wee bit of the force-ness in her, allowing her to use the tricks she learned/will learn from her mother/aunt and cousins. Their daughter taught her mother how to kick someone in the nads effectively, which her mother uses whenever the need arises.


Now, at 44 years old, and Quinn around 59 (with grey hair to boot!) she goes out occasionally to do her daily quests on Belsavis and Corellia, and what money she collects, she sends to her bounty hunter sister to hold as she is the only one in the family who doesn't spend credits like water.


(I'll add my 7 other characters in separate posts as I type a lot)

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< Insert snarky comment about cranial turbolaser mount here. >


Gym "< Insert 'Cannon vs. Canon' rant here. >" Quirk


Aww, I had a rather descriptive post about my personal cranial cannon all ready to go too.


OP, Cannon is an artillery device used to fire projectiles of varying kinds. Canon is the word you are looking for.

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I fixed the title....sorry bout that. :o


Thank you for the great read Eanelinea! I'm planning on posting my own as well...once I de-tangle it from my head-space, ( I write as well, just as a hobby).



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My Chiss agent landed on Hutta at 21 years old. It was her first assignment. She heard wonderful stories about agents and their work for the Empire, so she decided to become one which she breezed through easily. She wasn't thrilled having Kaliyo with her at first, since Kaliyo went against everything my agent valued in life. My agent enjoyed her job for a time, until

the battle with Jadus. She had a tough decision to make. Go with her gut and oppose Jadus, but there might be a moment when he gets away, or listen to Watcher/Keeper and kill millions of people just so they could capture him. In the end she chose to pretend to be on Jadus' side. When that finally finished, she was traumatized from listening to the death cries of so many people since Jadus put it on the loud speaker. She told Watcher/Keeper that it was all her fault and she'd never forgive her for making her have to do that ****.



She found Vector to be cute and sweet even with his association with the Killiks when she met him on Alderaan, even going so far as to flirt with him from their first meeting. She was still pretty happy-go-lucky even with her doing the above crap she was made to do. That is until

she found out that the Empire had her implanted with a mind controlling device and that the Republic she was supposed to be pretending to side with were using it to mind **** her into doing their bidding. She spent months trying to tell people she was being controlled, but she wasn't able to. She became more and more jaded by these events and took solace in knowing Vector felt the same way about her and she did about him. Their first time together helped her through the majority of her mind ****. So when he asked her to marry him she said yes.



My agent hadn't slept with anyone until she met Sanju Pyne, her first love and lover. She still misses him sometimes, but she's happily married to Vector. She even enjoyed her brief fling (before she married Vector) with the Chiss man on Hoth. He was a big help to her wounded psyche also.


All through Voss when she did the healing trials and told the Voss woman/man (don't remember) that all she wanted, after everything that happened to her to make her jaded with the Empire, was to be free. She finally got her wish in the end.


She and Vector have a daughter, who they found out was force sensitive. Vector has some kind of force abilities and that's where she obtained her ability. My agent and Vector didn't want her to become a Sith as they'd both had nothing but bad luck with the Empire, even though they both can't help but be somewhat loyal to them even now. So they told their daughter if she wanted to become a warrior, to become a knight for the Jedi. Their daughter agreed.


Vector is very protective of his only child, his baby girl. My agent visits her daughter often, docking their ships together or meeting on Nar Shaddaa when their daughter needs her mommy, or her daddy.


Vector is 44 and my agent is 40. Currently they live in their ship or hang out on the fleet, doing dailies occasionally and just enjoying their off time until my agent is needed again, but via HER rules. She takes no orders any longer.

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I'll try and make mine as coherent as Eanelinea's, lol...


Ayang is the daughter of a Mirialan Jedi who wanted to have a kid so she'd have a legacy to show off to the Council. But when her daughter was born, she was found to have zero Force abilities, and so she was sent to a boarding school on Coruscant. Ayang was a good student, and desperately wanted to please her mother, but her mother really didn't care. She ended up adopting a slave girl who WAS Force-sensitive so she'd have her protege that she wanted so badly. Ayang, she wanted very little to do with.


Thanks to her teachers and friends, Ayang grew up fairly well-adjusted and trained to become a nurse. However, when she was 18, she was captured by a slaver and forced into prostitution on Nar Shaddaa. She was lucky, and after 7 months of hell she caught the eye of a Hutt who thought she had more to offer, and contacted a smuggler who worked for him. The Hutt convinced his friend to buy out Ayang's contract, free her, and offer her a job, because everyone would benefit from a smart girl being free instead of wasting away as a slave. Even though Ayang was now free, she felt completely broken. She felt like she'd never really recover from the seven months she spent on Nar Shaddaa. She felt deeply guilty for leaving behind the other slaves and dreamed of finding a way to free them.


Ayang liked working for her captain, but figured she'd be better off independent. Even though the Hutt who freed her continued to act as her benefactor, she wanted to make a life for herself, her own way. At every port she went to, Ayang took in "side work" to make money of her own, which she socked away to buy her own ship. At the age of 20, she finally had nearly enough to buy her own. She contacted a dealer and negotiated a sale, and finally went into business for herself.


The only family member to whom Ayang is close is her mother's much younger sister, Serket, a member of the Republic military. About a month or so before Ayang arrived on Ord Mantell she heard from Serket, who asked her a favor: a young man named Corso had helped her drive off separatists, did Ayang know anyone who could help him find a job? Ayang agreed because she saw him on the holo and thought he was cute, and gave the name of her friend Viidu. When they met, Ayang immediately developed a crush on him and though she didn't want to hire him initially, agreed to because of her romantic interest. Ayang was very conflicted over her feelings for him, since the more she got to know him the more she liked him...and the more she doubted he'd want anything to do with a girl like her. Ayang was very prone to starting arguments and subconsciously trying to sabotage their relationship because she was so scared of getting hurt. In the end, though, she relented and eventually they got engaged. Since then she's calmed down a lot.


She's very close with Risha and considers her a sister. They've bonded a lot over the past year and have tried to recruit Akaavi into their girl clique, with limited success. She's also very close with Guss, who is like a little brother to her. Over the past year she's attempted to repair her relationship with her adoptive sister, but Yasha is extremely socially awkward and it doesn't always go well.


Act 3 spoilers:

When Ayang arrived on Corellia to chase after Darmas and Dodonna, she infiltrated a hospital by faking an injury. Her doctor contact told her she couldn't have any analgesics due to her pregnancy, which Ayang did not know about. Being pretty good at denial, she decided not to tell anyone until this ordeal was over.



At the end of the class story Ayang is 23 and decides to cement her power in the underworld. She still lives on her ship and has no plans to leave.

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Well, my head cannon is deadly. Now, my head Canon is this:


LS SW is way more fun to play than DS SW, imo. It's just priceless to be a good bad guy while still being a complete jerk to those who deserve it. Baras is THE perfect Trollbait. Let's face it, he's the easiest target in the game. :D


Grey Smuggler is a BLAST! Yes, I'm a good guy when called for, and I'm a greedy bastich in every convo where I can mention credits and getting paid. I help out the little guy, free of charge, but when it comes to the Republic, I could care less. If they want me on the mission, they're going to pay for my services. Also, I've been known to send arms shipments to.... different destinations than intended, and act as a vigilante when executing Imperial A-Holes. :cool:

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I have stories for all my characters. I was a fantasy/literature fan before I was a gamer.


My smuggler was a daughter of an Alderaanian noble. His underworld business on the side - strictly hush-hush in polite society - blew up in his face, disgracing the family and wrecking their finances. Nic had the guts and the daring to strike out on her own. Her mother and brother prefer to live in noble poverty...well, to each his own. Now Nic is out for herself. Friends only get you so far, y'know, but money always talks.


My Warrior Ruth was the daughter of a failed-Sith-turned-failed-Jedi-turned-sort-of-successful Sith. (Colran Niral: Thoughtful, but not very dedicated.) Her mother was the Intelligence agent whose mission in Republic space touched off Colran's return to the Sith. Just a Force-blind who believed in the Empire and helped Colran believe in it, too. It was in her memory that Colran taught Ruth to serve even Force-blind people's interests with both strength and kindness. (Edit: This entire paragraph is out-of-game; it kind of wrote itself while I was working out Ruth's basic motivations.)


Ruth went to the Academy, got picked up by Baras, was incredibly excited to go further the cause of the Empire and improve life for the Empire's citizens. She may have dallied once or twice with a Chiss agent of mine, but that's neither here nor there - their service took them in different directions more often than not. Vette wasn't exactly a professional powerhouse, but made for a great little sister. LS Jaesa was a steadying influence in hard times. Quinn was...Quinn was a stunning find. Perfect ideological match, Ruth wanted the hell out of him, and he inspired every victory she earned in her campaigns.


Did I say "perfect"? As time went on the necessities of the missions got harder. Quinn's counsel got harsher. Her crew got weighted more toward brutality (thanks, Pierce, Broonmark). Hoth was one long bloody streak, and it only got worse. She couldn't be surprised when

Baras turned on her, but she was unhappy all the same. The infighting would have to be crushed, and fast, so she could back to what mattered: the protection of the Empire's people and the war on the Republic.


Quinn selling her out changed everything. She had waited so long for him. This was her husband, her partner in her life's vision of promoting a stronger Empire. She thought he had given her everything he had, and in return she had given him everything she was. Only to find out that he was Baras's creature. Everything he had ever done with her was one long (and probably very enjoyable for him) lie. Baras won, she lost, and the one person she had let herself wholly rely on had bet against her. That realization was Ruth's DS breakthrough.


She had killed many people, but Quinn was her first execution.


The remainder of Ruth's campaign was swift and bloody. She serves the Emperor, as she always has. She doesn't have so many illusions about kindness and patience and the worth of people weaker than she is. My Chiss agent tries to touch base from time to time and exchange information of interest, maybe possibly bring her back to life a bit, but the young woman he seduced at the Nexus Room Cantina years ago is a far cry from the cold blade he now meets in the Citadel.



There's an alternate headcanon I'm toying with in which I desperately attempt to justify the game's events. If Ruth realized she was pregnant at a critical moment, sheer surprise might have broken her resolve in time to save Quinn. She would then have returned him to military service after Baras was safely out of the way. It's not like she would ever trust him to follow in her service again - he doesn't believe in what she's doing, that much is obvious - but he's too great a resource to waste when there's a war on.


In this timeline they do not correspond. Quinn knowingly let her love him, she'll go to her grave loving him, and for that she can never forgive him. If he ever gets to see the child, he'll be coordinating that through Jaesa. Ruth will be out of town during any visits, and Pierce will be in the room. Just to be sure the captain behaves.


The DS break in this line wouldn't be as complete. Because even in the absolute worst moment, life goes on, as her unborn child directly demonstrated. She would be...muddled for a while, in this scenario.


Edited by bright_ephemera
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mine isn't as elaborate as others it seems. My agent is mid 20s when she started, basically moved over to the empire from the ascendancy secret police. she started out very couteous and civil, obediantly obeying the sith as she saw it was her duity as being almost an embassador for the alliance between the chiss and the sith. You can imagine that changed. she was NOT happy when her plans on hutta were compromised due to careless sith. keeper later told her biggest role agent has, is to clean up after them. wow nice job she has there.

Ever since then, she has religated herself to a self-appointed galactic medpack, trying her best to alleviate the pains the war has brought to the galaxy. she still has her moments tho; she vowed to kill anyone who used " that word" in chpt 2, sadly when confronted with chance, dying and begging for help, her medic instincts took over, and she let him live. water X lived too, for she saw what could be her in the future.

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Spoilers because a) it's really long, and b) there are some spoilers, in chapter appropriate places. It's really, really long. I seem to have spent most of the last 12-15 hours writing it. I... have thought about this a lot, it seems.



Livia was born into a very small, very conservative, very old branch of a very large family. They were extremely conscious of their position and their honor. This was unlucky for her because she was a little lacking in the emotional distance and impulse control that makes for a good Chiss, which meant that she was in and out of trouble her whole childhood. By the time she was just about done with her education she was spending most of her time either trying to coerce and manipulate people (sometimes violently, sometimes not) into doing what she wanted (not necessarily for profit, just for fun) or trying to seduce people, mostly for the sense of power and control she got from it. Her temper was always iffy, and she often became violent when she lost it.


She grew obsessed with an older man in her extended family, who, unfortunately was involved with someone else. Did she love him? No, but she wanted him, couldn't have him, and was not at all used to not being able to get what she wanted one way or another. She tried seducing him again and again, and was turned down again and again. When she lost her temper this time, she went cold instead of hot, convinced a younger (male) cousin of hers that she loved him and that he needed to kill the other man because he had *ahem* dishonored her. This ended badly, as one would expect. Her family managed to keep it quiet, but determined that she was much too great of a risk to them to be allowed to stay within the Ascendancy. It was arranged for her to go to the Empire, and a position was secured for her with Imperial Intelligence, which was a sensible use of her talents, after all, and it wouldn't do to squander them. She was never officially exiled, but her family made it very clear she would not be welcome back, ever.


When she got to the Empire, she found that there would not actually be room for her in the training program for a while, so she devoted a few years to studying Imperial culture and society, as well as spending a bit of time in more neutral space, both to be able to better do her work once she had some, and to be able to fit in a bit better in her new home. She was Chiss, and so she knew that she was better than most of the people she would run into, but she also knew that Imperial prejudices would mean most other people didn't recognize that. It was at this time that she decided to change her name, she didn't need it anymore, she was never going home anyway - she kept her core name, which was Livia, and dropped her family names, adopting instead something that sounded more Imperial to her, as well as a surname based on a nickname of the of the only family member who had ever understood her (an aunt* who had 'disappeared' years earlier, who had in fact run off with a human smuggler).


Chapter 1:

She finished her training and was sent to Hutta. She had a blast there, got to sleep with someone and then kill him quietly, without any consequences. She was sweet on the old man she was working with and even though he patently ignored her advances she thought it was adorable the way he kept trying to set her up with his sons. She picked up Kaliyo, and found a kindred spirit, someone who was so much like her (if she were a sociopath, anyway), that it was lucky that they became close friends, because otherwise they would have been bitter rivals. And then she went to report in at headquarters. And things got weird.


She met Keeper, whom she immediately smart-mouthed about wanting to work for Intelligence because she was a patriot, when in fact, that was far from the truth - she was there because it suited her talents and her tastes and she didn't care much one way or the other about the Empire or the Sith. She met Darth Jadus, who was looking for an operative to subvert, and settled on her because of her recent success. She was both terrified of him and drawn to him, and completely horrified at the prospect of a private meeting with him in his office. She went, and she remembers trying to be polite, mostly out of fear, and his saying that he wanted to make her a 'vessel for his power' and her blood turning cold. He did something to her, although she could never remember quite what, because she blacked out. But she dreamed about it, over and over, and she could never quite tell which, if any, parts of these nightmares were based in reality and which were the just the product of her mind, upset by whatever it was he did do. Like everyone else, she was shocked when his ship was destroyed by terrorists, but secretly she was hugely relieved, because it meant that she was free of him. (Although it turned out that she was still being commandeered by his daughter, Zhorrid, who was quite insane and quite sad. Learning about the things Jadus had done to her only made Livia more glad he was gone.)


She was set to work dismantling the terrorist network responsible for the disaster. She had a brief fling with a soft-hearted man on Balmorra while infiltrating a cell there. She then went to Nar Shaddaa, and had a distinctly unsettling interlude working with a 'retired' watcher. His condition left her somewhat disturbed, as he hinted that this was likely what her future would be like, if she lived long enough. Despite these hints, which felt vaguely like threats, and his unsettling demeanor, she found him intriguing. She found herself disappointed that he hadn't told her he was going to watch when she 'paid' an informant for his help - she would have given him a better show, and enjoyed it more herself. When his plan for her mission turned out to also be his plan for escaping his prison, she chose to let him go (much to Kaliyo's disgust), he had done her no harm, and she felt that he deserved better than to be left to rot in a slum.


She finished her next mission with a minimum of fuss, and then went to Alderaan. There she was amused by the maneuvering of the noble houses - it reminded her of home, but on a smaller scale. She was apprehensive about her contact when she was briefed on him - she has a mild phobia about insects, and the idea of working with giant ones was not at all appealing. But when she met Vector she was pleasantly surprised - he was strange, certainly, but oddly charming as well as quite good looking - and those eyes. His shiny black eyes were such a nice change from the weird eyes that everyone in the Empire had - all those irises and pupils. *shiver* She was sorry she couldn't do more for his hive, they deserved some compensation for their help, but giving them all of House Cortess, including the people, would have been politically disastrous, and for some reason she was never clear about she was unable to give them just the lands. She was also sorry that in making her choice she made things uncomfortable for him with his hive, leading him to side with her against them, although she was glad that it led to his willingness to join her crew.


Once she had him on her ship, she, of course, set about trying to get him into her bed. It didn't work, although he took most of her flirting well, even when she started to get ridiculous about it in her frustration. She had learned something from the disaster which got her sent away from home, though, and she was able to let it go - he would either come around or not, and she could use a friend who wasn't crazy regardless of whether she could bed him. (She was pleased to find that Kaliyo neither disliked him excessively or had any interest in him personally, because that would have made things all kinds of awkward.) They worked.


They took down the nominal head of the terrorist group, the Eagle, and went after his backer and partner, in an attempt to disarm the weapons that they had created - which if not disarmed would eventually fire randomly, killing countless people. She arrived on his ship, along with Vector and Watcher 2, and proceeded to make her way to the bridge. When she realized who it was her blood turned to ice. The fact that he was pleased to see her only made it worse. As Watcher 2 explained her desperate plan in Livia's ear, she realized that she was going to have to do both the hardest and the worst things she had ever attempted. She was unsure if she would be able to directly defy him, and so she complied with his desires, firing the Eradicators herself, and then asking to be excused while he listened to the reports of the disaster coming in. She ran around the ship, slicing and in some cases simply destroying the junctions that Watcher 2 had directed her to in order to reroute power to the bridge - the whole time with tears streaming down her face, trying not to be ill, as she heard the reports, which he graciously played over the ship's PA system for her benefit. She made it back to the bridge, and threw herself against the man who had wanted to be her master, certain that she couldn't win, but hopeful that if she was very lucky she would buy them enough time to trap him. She was surprised to find that he was unwilling to simply kill her - whatever he had done to her must have really meant something to him, then. It took everything she had, but they were able to catch him, and, blessedly, Watcher 2 and Vector were able to get her out of there before all the mopping up.


It was a good thing too, because she was a wreck. Every time she closed her eyes, or was alone for more than a minute or two she could hear the screaming again. She went on a bender with Kaliyo that lasted a week, maybe two (or more), she was never really clear how long - she was on too many different things to notice or care. She took everything she could get her hands on, stims, adrenals, alcohol, spice, anything that could keep her awake and numb. She wandered off into back rooms with disreputable men (and women), generally emerging with the other parties looking much worse for the experience. Eventually, she got so bad that one of the bouncers at the last cantina they ended up at approached Kaliyo as the de facto responsible party, and told her if she didn't get Livia out of there they were going to throw her out an airlock. After Kaliyo's inspired 'sneak up behind her and hit her over the head and drag her out' plan ended up failing miserably she called Vector, thinking maybe he could talk her back onto the ship (or at least he could distract her while Kaliyo tried her plan again). Vector was able to convince her to leave by agreeing to her demand that he spend the night with her - she promised not to try anything, she just didn't want to be alone.


So they went back to the ship, and he joined her in her room, and he held her (because she asked him to), and they talked while she started to come down. She told him why she had made the decision she had - why he had to be stopped, why it was worth so many lives, why she would do it again, even if she could never forgive herself for it. He told her that her fear when the walked onto the bridge and saw who was there had been so strong he could taste it, and that it had made him wonder what could inspire something like that in her. She told him about Jadus - what he was like, what he had done to her, the nightmares she had about it, what he had done to his own daughter, what he had wanted to do to everyone. Eventually she slept. He stayed with her.


When she woke up, she checked herself in to the facility that HQ recommended for detox and treatment for exhaustion, and then went on a leave of absence to recover both from the trauma of the experience as well as from what she had done to herself afterwards. Her nightmares only got worse, becoming more varied - sometimes Jadus, sometimes her victims, sometimes a combination of both. At least now, she felt, she deserved them. She had her quarters soundproofed so she didn't disturb her crew when she screamed in her sleep. She continued to flirt with Vector occasionally, eventually prompting him to ask her to clarify the status of their relationship. He seemed somewhat taken aback when her response was a blatant invitation to her bed. She keyed her door to open at his request, just in case.


Chapter 2:

Eventually she was called back to active duty, and given a very sensitive assignment by the new Keeper. She had mixed feelings about infiltrating the SIS. She was disgusted with the SIth - their society gave rise to people like Jadus, and caused people to have to make decisions like the one she had had to make, and she found that appalling. She felt, now, after having taken so many lives, that she owed it to the people of the Empire to look out for them, because the Sith certainly would not. Her natural inclination, of course was just to do the job she was given, but she had a small hope that maybe, just maybe the Republic would show her that they were better. They always claimed to be better, after all. So she went into this assignment feeling hopeful - she would either do the job, or maybe do something even greater - if they gave her a reason to change loyalties she was ready to jump at it.


She went, met her first contact, a good looking man called Hunter, completed her first 'test' assignment, and was taken to meet her new boss. She was introduced to the team: Ardun Kothe, Chance, Wheel, Saber, and of course, Hunter. She went in to talk to Kothe privately, and he asked her why she was there. She was as honest with him as she could be, since that was largely why she was given this assignment, she figured - she had reason to question her loyalty to the Empire, and she made good use of it. And then the unthinkable happened. She warned him that he was making a huge mistake by doing this. He told her that he didn't really see that he had much choice - he couldn't risk either his people or his mission on someone who was likely a plant and going to turn on him. She left the room shaken, shocked, and sickened, and no longer thinking about possibly defecting.


She reported in to Keeper, telling her there was a complication, but of course, not what it was. She was distressed she couldn't talk about it with Kaliyo and Vector, because they could both tell something was off, but not what. And then, of course the hallucinations started. Auditory ones at first, oddly sounding like Watcher X. Her nightmares got worse again. She went on her next mission for Kothe, glad to be working with Chance, who was not only cute, and seemingly at least somewhat susceptible to her charms, but also disapproved of the use of coercion against her. Then he was injured, and in his panic, used it anyway, or tried to at least. She saved him regardless, because she understood, and because it was advantageous as a show of good faith (not that she felt that they deserved any), despite the voice in her head suggesting she kill him.


She also picked up another crew member, not entirely willingly, but she couldn't risk not taking him - she had no official sanction for what she was doing on this assignment, and he could have exposed her. She was surprised to find herself liking him after a while (although still not trusting him). Back on the ship, her hallucinations grew worse, and she passed out in front of her crew, and it tore her apart to not be able to tell them what was wrong when they asked. She was becoming seriously worried about her sanity, and decided maybe it was time to start listening to 'Watcher X'.


Acting on 'his' advice, she broke into the Intelligence archives, making Vector stand guard for her, and learned what had been done to her, who had authorized it at whose request, and discovered a possible way to undo it. It was also possible that it would destroy her instead of fixing her. She found she was more than willing to take the risk. Off to Quesh she went, it being the only reliable place to find all the ingredients she needed. She requisitioned what she could, struggling to ignore 'Watcher X's suggestion that she kill the worker at the chemical depot, and went off to find the last ingredient. Once it was acquired, she found a usable workstation, mixed her drug cocktail, and injected herself with it. The profound look of relief on her face after the injection caused Vector to ask her if she was alright, and she told him that quite possibly she was going to be, and that his was the first time in a while she had been able to feel that way. They headed back to the shuttle at the garrison.


While riding their speeders there, Livia started to slowly lean to one side, and then tumbled off into the mud, unconscious. When she came to, Vector asked her if she was OK, and she replied that she was fine, and then after a moment, asked him if she was lying in the mud. When he nodded at her, she said, "Oh, maybe slightly less fine than I thought, then."


After a few minutes, she was able to sit up, but was quite unable to stand without help - her legs kept giving out beneath her, and her sense of balance was shot. While waiting for her to recover enough to try and move, Vector began to read her the riot act, in his mild sort of way, telling her, "We know something has been very wrong with you, and you won't discuss it, and yet you expect us to stand by and not say anything while we acquire maker-knows-what kinds of chemicals which you then inject yourself with. What if it kills you?"


She was rather taken aback by this, and replied, "You're really angry, aren't you? That's unlike you."

And he answered, "Yes, we are... and yes it is." and then he fell silent for a bit before helping her up, and getting her on his back, piggy-back style, and starting the long walk back to the garrison.


On the way, he asked her if she would tell him what was going on. But of course, she couldn't, and said so, and that she was sorry, so very very sorry. She was glad he couldn't see her face, because that way he probably couldn't tell she was crying. As they started getting close to the garrison, they stopped, a bit out of sight of the guards. He asked her if she would at least consent to let Dr. Lokin examine her when they got back to the ship so that they could be sure she hadn't managed to kill herself on this expedition. She agreed, on the condition that no one would ask her any questions about it. Vector called the good doctor, and he came down and met them, and splashed some cheap alcohol on Livia, so that it appeared that she was just very drunk, which while embarrassing, was not anything suspicious, and the assisted her onto t he shuttle and back to the ship.


Dr. Lokin examined her, and prescribed bed rest for a week or two, because her equilibrium was likely to be considerably off for most of that time, and that she would probably be fine after that. Unless, of course, she wasn't. With Kaliyo's help, they got her clean and into her bed. After she was safely tucked away, Vector told the doctor what chemicals were in whatever she had injected herself with, although he didn't know in what proportions. The doctor recognized several of them, and being the man that he is, had an inkling of what they might have been used for. He told Vector in no uncertain terms that if she refused to talk about what was going on he needed to let it go and not push her about it - trying to force it out of her would only make things harder for her, maybe even disastrously so. And that no, he wouldn't tell him why, because he wasn't certain, and if he was right, it was better that Vector didn't know, in case something slipped out.


It was this incident - the fact that Livia's endangerment of herself here made him really angry with her - that caused Vector to realize how important she had become to him, and that he needed to examine his feelings about her and see what they signified. This self-examination is what led him to pull away from her over the next month or two while he concentrated on his own projects, both Killik and Diplomatic Corps related ones, as well as his work on 'repairing' his own mind - rediscovering and reconnecting parts of himself that hadn't been necessary to him since his joining, when he was primarily concerned with his bond with and duties to the colony, but might be so now that he was becoming more concerned with Livia and what she meant to him. Also at this time, he took to spending his nights meditating in the hallway outside her quarters instead of spending them in his bunk or in the cargo bay as he used to. He was afraid something might happen to her in her sleep, and no one would notice.


She recovered, time passed, and she was sent to Hoth, to work with Hunter. She quickly discovered what a sadist he was, and how much he enjoyed his control over her. Luckily she didn't have to check in with him often. Again she asked Vector to accompany her, even though she knew he was busy with other things. She didn't trust Dr. Lokin enough to bring him on such a sensitive mission, and her instincts about Kaliyo said it would be a bad idea to take her to a place largely run by pirates - they might make her a better offer than whatever she was getting from Intelligence. She was both pleased and somewhat dismayed to find that her contacts there were members of the CEDF - she hadn't been around any of her own people in so very long, and she was so lonely - Vector was shutting her down almost every time she tried to talk to him, telling her that he appreciated her professionalism.


Even so, she was frantic when he began to succumb to the cold on their long, forced march to Zero Station, where they were taken in by the Chiss, and their very handsome, very kind Aristocra. Saganu found her lovely and brave, determined to succeed in her task, in such a forbidding place, working for her people by supporting their allies. Of course, he didn't know the reason why she ended up in the Empire, and would probably have been much less interested in her if he had, but his gallantry and attention were exactly what she needed in order to be able to keep going. And how she had needed them - she was still worried about her sanity - while she hadn't had another episode like the time she passed out on the ship, she was hearing 'Watcher X' almost constantly, and she kept seeing things out of the corner of her eye. On top of that she was all but alone on a hostile planet, her companion wouldn't talk to her and had almost died on her, the person she was sent to talk to had attempted to have her tortured and killed, and there was Hunter, as well. Hunter, who liked to use his control over her just to provoke her, making her tell him ridiculous things about how attractive she found him just to flatter himself and infuriate her. Hunter, who she only barely managed to talk out of making her kill Ensign Temple to keep her quiet. Instead she was saddled with another crew member whom she didn't really want. She was glad to be off of Hoth, even if she had to bring Miss sweetness and light along for the ride - especially if it meant she was done dealing with Hunter.


After some time, she got another assignment from Kothe - he was finally ready to move on his big plan, and boy was it a bad one, based on incredibly foolish, stupid Jedi thinking. She had to stop him, and she was rapidly losing her chance. With 'Watcher X's help, she broke her conditioning, choosing of course to never allow such a thing to happen again, and with Vector in tow, ran off to confront Kothe. She lied handily to Saber and Wheel to get past them - she had no ill will toward them, as far as she knew they didn't even know about the coercion, not having worked directly with her. She made it to Kothe, and she was thankfully in time to stop him. She explained to him, very calmly at first, what a stupid Jedi plan it was, and how even is she was defecting she would still have to stop him, because it would cause millions of deaths and solve nothing. The Sith didn't care enough about the citizens of the Empire for that kind of a deterrent to work, and even if they did, the would never believe the Republic would have the guts to pull the trigger. Her voice rising in both pitch and volume, she told him that of course Intelligence sent her, and he would have been a fool to believe otherwise, but that she had been honest with him, and gone to him in good faith, and was considering defecting, the opportunity to do so having been dropped in her lap, as it were, but that his betrayal of her trust from the very beginning made her his enemy, and destroyed any hope that she had held that the Republic was any better than the Empire - in fact she now believed it to be far worse, because of its blatant hypocrisy. He told her that he knew that what he had done was unforgivable, and that he had done it knowing that. By the time they fought, she was shrieking at him like a mad thing, almost completely unintelligible. She killed him, and, had his body not been trapped behind a force field, she probably would have desecrated his corpse - she was completely beside herself with months of pent up rage and fear finally getting a chance to surface.


And then the holocom went off, and it was Hunter, who had been listening the entire time. She was so very angry that he wasn't there so she could kill him too. He told her he was getting tired of working with Kothe, but that it was a shame that she had broken her controls, because he had had such plans for her - he had been going to take her with him, but she was no use to him now, since he couldn't control her. The shock of the notion of being hauled off as Hunter's slave evaporated her rage and left her feeling shaky and ill, and in fact it was all she could do to keep from being sick. She hardly heard his warning that he had ordered the site to be bombed, and that if she wanted to live she should probably leave, or his farewell, in which he told her that if she was lucky their paths would never cross again. She probably would have just stood there and allowed herself to be killed in the bombing if Vector hadn't dragged her out.


Once they were a safe distance away, he let them stop to rest, and she sank down to the ground, which, was, of course, muddy, which made her laugh, because who in their right mind would spend any time sitting in the mud on Quesh, and here she was doing it again. She turned to Vector and told him, "Well, you heard everything I had to say to Kothe, so now you know what's been going on." He explained to her what Dr. Lokin had told him after their last visit to Quesh, and that how now that he knew what was going on, he understood why he wouldn't tell him anymore than he had done. She told him she would have to thank the doctor, because she was very grateful for his discretion and help. They went back to the ship.


She reported in, and Keeper was surprised by Livia's blatant hostility towards her - they had by this time become fairly good friends. When she expressed concern Livia cut her off with a simple and succinct report: Kothe was dead, his plan was foiled, she was coming in and would be there in a few days to debrief, and she needed to see the Minister - and he would very much want to hear what she had to tell him. She cut the channel.


They returned 'home'. She went in to HQ, and had her meeting with the Minister - after he had checked to make sure the office was free from surveillance. She called him to account for what he had allowed to be done to her. He told her to stuff it, because if he hadn't signed off on it she would have been killed, and that wouldn't have been better for anyone - she would be dead and he would be down one of his best operatives, and he couldn't afford that at the moment. He had not intention of apologizing because he wasn't wrong, and if she was still mad at him and wanted revenge or whatever, she could take a damned rain check because there was really too much work to do at the moment. He also told her that he knew she had raided the archives, and that she had managed to break the conditioning, and that he didn't really care about either of those things and that he certainly wasn't going to tell anyone that she was no longer leashed, strongly implying that he was very glad that she had managed it. Oh, and by the way, what was that about a Rogue SIS agent? And that they would look into how the SIS acquired the relevant information. Now go back to your ship, we'll call you when you're needed. And on your way out apologize to Keeper, she had nothing to do with this, and you've upset her. (It was at this meeting that he earned her absolute trust and respect. She didn't like him any more than she had before, but he had earned her trust.)


Chapter 3:

On the way back to the ship, she stopped at a cantina and took Kaliyo out drinking. Ensign Temple wanted to join them, and Livia left the decision up to Kaliyo, who told Temple, "Fine, but if you pass out I am taking all your money and dragging you back to the ship by your hair." The Ensign gave Livia a look, trying to determine if Kaliyo was being serious, and Livia just shrugged and told her to take it or leave it. The ensign chose to accompany them, but was very careful not to over-imbibe.


While they were there, Temple mentioned the way that Vector spent the nights outside her room. She said she found it somewhat disturbing, especially since she already found him off-putting. Livia raised an eyebrow at Kaliyo, who responded, "Yeah, he's been doing it since the two of you came back from Quesh that time. It's kinda sweet in that creepy bugboy way of his." Temple shuddered. Livia said she would take care of it.


When they got back to the ship Livia, slightly intoxicated, went to talk to Vector about it, but he surprised her by having something of his own that he wished to speak to her about. It was then that he told her why he had been so distant lately, how he had been dealing with his own issues, reconnecting bits of his mind that he hadn't been using that were suddenly important to him again, because of her, and that he realized now, having done this, that his pulling away must have hurt her, and that he was sorry, and that it wouldn't happen again. She replied with something mildly teasing, about his needing to convince her when he said he didn't want to be distant anymore, and he kissed her! She was so surprised - she had thought he was really uninterested in her by this point. She went to bed elated, lay down, started to fall asleep, and remembered her promise to Temple. Whoops.


She called his name, softly, and he responded. She told him to come in. She told him what Temple and Kaliyo had told her, and that it was bothering the Ensign. She said she didn't mind his watching over her in her sleep if he wanted to, but that he should probably do it here, in her room - he could sit in her chair and be comfortable if he wanted (or of course, he could use the bed - she had never rescinded her invitation, after all), and she told him that her door had been literally open to him all this time. He didn't seem altogether comfortable with the idea of spending the night in her room, but he agreed, as he didn't want to distress the other crew members.


She went to sleep, and had her old nightmare about Jadus, and woke up screaming. Nothing special about it, for her, except the novelty of seeing Vector, sitting slightly hunched over in her chair, blushing fiercely. She asked him if he was OK. He replied, "We knew that this would be difficult, because your distress would upset us, and we are not sure what is appropriate here. Our instinct is to comfort you, but we did not wish to disturb your sleep, or to impose our attentions on you. We didn't realize how difficult it might be though. You were having that dream you told us of long ago about Darth Jadus, weren't you?" She nodded at him and he continued, "We could tell, because of the things you were screaming, but also... You know our senses are what they are, and we... could smell your fear... and taste it... and other things mingled with it." He blushed even brighter than before.


She looked at him, puzzled for a moment, and then realized what he meant, and laughed, with genuine happiness. He said, "We didn't realize that it would affect us quite this much. That you could affect us quite this much."


“You could always come over here and kiss me again and see what happens,” she offered.


He gave a delicate shudder and replied, glancing at her and then quickly back down at the floor, “We... N...no. We aren’t ready for that just yet.”


She smiled at him. “I must like you a great deal, because I have never been this patient with a man in my life.” She settled back against her pillows, still smiling. “Why is it bothering you so much now? I mean, surely...?” She trailed off, looking her question at him.


“Mmm. We wouldn’t say that it is bothering us, Agent.” He gave her that half-smile that meant he was gently mocking himself as much as he was teasing her. “We are just acutely aware of it now that we remember what it signifies. It was... abstract to us before. We knew what it meant, but we could not feel why it mattered, if you will.”


“And now you can?”


“And now we can.”




This is as far as I have gotten with the detailed bits.

The rest of Chapter 3 is as follows (with apologies for shrillness towards the end, I seem to have spent all afternoon, evening, and night working on this):


Isen 4 and Belsavis - happy funtime prison break in. Weird conversations with Hunter, something is different about him.


Voss - While flirting with Phi-ton, Vector disapproves in his mild way, Livia is brought up short because she is bothered by the fact that she is upsetting him. She doesn't know why she is, just that it's important, and that it is affecting her work.

- visit to the shrine of healing: She has to go through the ritual anyway, to get what she needs, she decides to take full advantage of it, and emerges, feeling maybe like a whole person for the first time in it seems like forever. She hadn't been 'right' since her visit to Darth Jadus' office, but now, it seems like so much of what she has been carrying has been lifted away, and so many of the cracks and fractures in her mind and soul have closed up. She no longer has nightmares every night. She will still never be able to forgive herself for some of the things she has done, but she is able to carry that burden now, instead of being ground into the dirt by it. She looks at Vector, and realizes that the reason it bothered her that he was put out by her flirting was probably because she has feelings for him - she might even love him. She doesn't know, how would she know? She's never felt anything like that before.

- wedding: Vector teases her about her taste in men, gentle and self deprecating as always. She reassures him that if this meant anything to her, he would know. She marries the kid, is not asked to consummate the marriage, because she stopped flirting with the kid because it bothered Vector.


~(This was where I noticed that I had been working on this all night, and that the sun was now up. No one should have to listen to anything I have to say when I am that tired, so, hopefully not many people have read this before this edit goes in. Yeah, that's actually a lot better.)~


Corellia - More weird conversations with Hunter Intelligence what? Lord jerkface? Noooo, my Kaliyo! Going to Corellia made Vector so sad, it really influenced the feel of the planet for me. Pleasantly surprised that Lord jerkface had the sense to treat his new toy with the care and respect she deserves instead of as something disposable, even if he does have insane ideas about how to celebrate a victory.

- Wait a minute, you want me to what you crazy woman? I am not OK with that! We have no choice? Eff me, fine. Vector, you'll come with me for moral support, right? Thanks. Oh, hey, hi, Hunter, long time no see! Wait, what is that? Ow! Ow! Ow! no, I have nothing to say to you. Ow! What? You are taking Vector away? OK I WILL TELL YOU ALL THE THINGS NOW. OH, MAKER, DON'T HURT HIM. OK, I told you all the things, can I go now? What? That worked? Really? Damn it Vector, don't you have anything nice to say to a girl who just took a hell of a beating? Ugh.

- Wait a minute, you want me to what this time, you crazy woman? Well, OK, this actually sounds better than your last crazy plan. BOOM!


Tenebrous - My woman is back! Yay! Oh hello, people! Let's go save the galaxy or whatever. Yeah, just me and Vector, it's cool, we've got this.


That other place where the guys are - Sneaky sneaky. Oh, hi guys!

Hunter: Wow! You are alive! I am really happy abut that, even though it means you are probably going to try to kill me, because I totally deserve it, even though I have been flirting with you for all this time, and haven't even done anything really awful to you lately except that whole torture thing - remember destroying your employer was my gift to you! You're kind of my only friend.

Killy, killy, chase-y chase-y. There you are, Hunter, I have you cornered now. Screw you, I am going to kill you know like you deserve so very, very much.

Hunter: long story about how he was jealous of me and kind of loved me and wasn't this all so much fun?

Livia: Um, no. you brainwashed me and tortured me.

Hunter: You liar, you loved every minute of it.

Livia: *crashing sick feeling as her world falls apart on her again* thinks: Oh f**k me, I did. I love Hunter. That

is sick and wrong. And True. SO TRUE. Oh, Maker. Please don't ask me to run away with you, because I totally

will. Please ask me to run away with you because I totally will. I would leave Vector for you, right now if you

ask me to. Please don't ask. Please ask. *kind of paralyzed here*

Hunter: Oh, btw, I have never shown anyone this before - surprise!

Livia: You're a what? Oh. That's OK. I mean, this way you can just come with me, instead of us running away

together, and no one would know it was you. Vector wouldn't really approve though, he really kind of hates you.

So there's that. Wait! Don't die on me! NOOOOOOOO! *lots and lots of tears for Hunter* *more tears for

Hunter* *takes the codex, gives the Sith a holocom and hightails it out of there*


Tenebrous - Here, Minister. You can have this. I hate you all, for all of this, but I trust you, so yeah. You still have the worst job in the galaxy, even though you don't even have it anymore. I hope they don't hang you, I may not like you but you are a really good man. Please delete me and let me go off on my own. I will probably even answer when you guys call and ask me to do stuff. kthxbai.


Back to the ship - Has Livia slept with Vector yet? NO. How awful. SO AWFUL. Bad dialogue choices have ruined her mojo. Leaning more and more towards the freak-out option though, because what she says there is what she needs to say to him. And taking the 'What's happening to you' option for the first bedroom bit, because honestly, she would be a little upset about what he had done. She didn't know him as a non-joiner, and he has told her that he wouldn't go back even if he could. I would feel a lot better if she would grab him and kiss him forcefully after telling him that she loves him, because he deserves to know that she really does want him, as is, and that that is who she loves.


edit: After months of fiddling with the conversation (literally months, yes) Livia finally slept with Vector - going through the 'freaked out' conversation path because that was the only one that let her tell him she loves him as he is. I think head-canon-wise the happened between Voss and Corellia.

* The aunt mentioned here was the mother of my BH, Thanys. Thanys knows nothing about the Chiss side of her family, as her mother died while she was still very young. Livia saw her once, noticed the resemblance, did some research, and discovered who she was, but never contacted her.


Edit: Cleaned up some of the later bits in Ch. 3, expanded some things a bit.

Edit 2: Cleaned up a few more typos and added the end of the last fleshed out scene in Livia's room.

Edited by Celacia
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I have "head canon", but it's more about the movies and books than anything else. For example....


Mace Windu didn't win no effing duel against Sidious.


Chewbacca and Yoda never knew each other.


Droid names are not spelled phonetically.


C3P0 and R2 were never heard of until just before Episode 4.


Sidious is not a Sith God.


Luke is not the most powerful Jedi ever.


Anakin Skywalker bears no resemblance to Hayden Christiansen at all.

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(I have 8 toons total...so 8 posts of my toons)


My smuggler is the daughter of Malavai Quinn and a Sith Warrior. She grew up in a family as loving as a Light Sided Sith family could be. Vette and Jaesa helped to raise her when her father and mother would run off to go on important missions, leaving the rest of the crew behind. It's from Vette and Jaesa she sounds as if she's part of the Republic and not a daughter of two Imperial members. Her wise cracking personality is from Vette. All Vette. She learned quite a lot from Vette, much to her father's annoyance.


She left home at 18 to explore the galaxy on her own without her father breathing down her neck, wanting her to be a proper Imperial soldier, or officer, or Sith. He was quite disappointed to find out his only child was only very slightly force sensitive. He never stopped loving her, and knew it wasn't her fault, but it made my smuggler feel sad she couldn't live up to his expectations. In a brief stint of depression, she found herself smuggling goods from the back of an old beat up ship, barely big enough for her and the goods.


Her father, hearing of her depression from his wife, after a brief yelling match, resigned himself to just loving his daughter no matter what she did because she was his. So, on the rare occasion when she went to visit her family, she was completely taken by surprise to find that her father had procured for her her own star ship. It was big enough to fit twice as many people on her mom's ship. Sure, it was a bit rough around the edges, but she didn't care one bit. Her own ship! And from her own father no less!



Hence the reason why she was so angry and upset about Skavik stealing her ship. It wasn't the goods on board, nor was the ship really worth anything monetary wise, but because her father gave it to her. She showed she was her mother and father's daughter when she killed Skavik without any hesitation



Her father was not at all pleased to find his daughter married a vagabond farm boy. He would have said something to his daughter about her taste in men if it wasn't for the fact his wife threatened to force choke him and boot him out of the nearest airlock if he didn't take the stick out of his *** for once.


Now my smuggler flies around the galaxy doing odd jobs for the Republic, who actually pay pretty well. She has no children of her own with Corso yet, though he keeps hinting at wanting a few.

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well my jedi knight was found on korriban probably born there the jedi took him as a padawan before the return trailer he feels as jedi use his powers for their own good he doesn't really like most of the padawans becaue he thinks of them as weak people and he feels like he doesn''t fit in the jedi order SPOILER (after killing the emperor he will become emperor's wrath so he will join sith)
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Spoilers because a) it's really long, and b) there are some spoilers, in chapter appropriate places. It's really, really long. I seem to have spent most of the last 12-15 hours writing it. I... have thought about this a lot, it seems..


Damn good. I have about this level of head canon too but thought I'd begin to bore people. I LOVE this head canon of yours!

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I have about this level of head canon too but thought I'd begin to bore people.


After about three days of sorting out the main scenes of my headcanon, I was surprised to discover I had 50,000 words and growing. :eek: My husband mocks me mercilessly for doing fanfic, but I can't help it! It just kind of happened!


I love seeing the take other people have on the same game events.

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After about three days of sorting out the main scenes of my headcanon, I was surprised to discover I had 50,000 words and growing. :eek: My husband mocks me mercilessly for doing fanfic, but I can't help it! It just kind of happened!


I love seeing the take other people have on the same game events.


Before playing TOR almost religiously (damn this game is FUN!) I used to write mostly mpreg, slash and fanfic about shows I enjoyed. I've got a few fics out there on various sites. My biggest fanfic I ever wrote, took me 4 years and ended up around 250,000 words.

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Spoilers because a) it's really long, and b) there are some spoilers, in chapter appropriate places. It's really, really long. I seem to have spent most of the last 12-15 hours writing it. I... have thought about this a lot, it seems.



Livia was born into a very small, very conservative, very old branch of a very large family. They were extremely conscious of their position and their honor. This was unlucky for her because she was a little lacking in the emotional distance and impulse control that makes for a good Chiss, which meant that she was in and out of trouble her whole childhood. By the time she was just about done with her education she was spending most of her time either trying to coerce and manipulate people (sometimes violently, sometimes not) into doing what she wanted (not necessarily for profit, just for fun) or trying to seduce people, mostly for the sense of power and control she got from it. Her temper was always iffy, and she often became violent when she lost it.


She grew obsessed with an older man in her extended family, who, unfortunately was involved with someone else. Did she love him? No, but she wanted him, couldn't have him, and was not at all used to not being able to get what she wanted one way or another. She tried seducing him again and again, and was turned down again and again. When she lost her temper this time, she went cold instead of hot, convinced a younger (male) cousin of hers that she loved him and that he needed to kill the other man because he had *ahem* dishonored her. This ended badly, as one would expect. Her family managed to keep it quiet, but determined that she was much too great of a risk to them to be allowed to stay within the Ascendancy. It was arranged for her to go to the Empire, and a position was secured for her with Imperial Intelligence, which was a sensible use of her talents, after all, and it wouldn't do to squander them. She was never officially exiled, but her family made it very clear she would not be welcome back, ever.


When she got to the Empire, she found that there would not actually be room for her in the training program for a while, so she devoted a few years to studying Imperial culture and society, as well as spending a bit of time in more neutral space, both to be able to better do her work once she had some, and to be able to fit in a bit better in her new home. She was Chiss, and so she knew that she was better than most of the people she would run into, but she also knew that Imperial prejudices would mean most other people didn't recognize that. It was at this time that she decided to change her name, she didn't need it anymore, she was never going home anyway - she kept her core name, which was Livia, and dropped her family names, adopting instead something that sounded more Imperial to her, as well as a surname based on a nickname of the of the only family member who had ever understood her (an aunt* who had 'disappeared' years earlier, who had in fact run off with a human smuggler).


Chapter 1:

She finished her training and was sent to Hutta. She had a blast there, got to sleep with someone and then kill him quietly, without any consequences. She was sweet on the old man she was working with and even though he patently ignored her advances she thought it was adorable the way he kept trying to set her up with his sons. She picked up Kaliyo, and found a kindred spirit, someone who was so much like her (if she were a sociopath, anyway), that it was lucky that they became close friends, because otherwise they would have been bitter rivals. And then she went to report in at headquarters. And things got weird.


She met Keeper, whom she immediately smart-mouthed about wanting to work for Intelligence because she was a patriot, when in fact, that was far from the truth - she was there because it suited her talents and her tastes and she didn't care much one way or the other about the Empire or the Sith. She met Darth Jadus, who was looking for an operative to subvert, and settled on her because of her recent success. She was both terrified of him and drawn to him, and completely horrified at the prospect of a private meeting with him in his office. She went, and she remembers trying to be polite, mostly out of fear, and his saying that he wanted to make her a 'vessel for his power' and her blood turning cold. He did something to her, although she could never remember quite what, because she blacked out. But she dreamed about it, over and over, and she could never quite tell which, if any, parts of these nightmares were based in reality and which were the just the product of her mind, upset by whatever it was he did do. Like everyone else, she was shocked when his ship was destroyed by terrorists, but secretly she was hugely relieved, because it meant that she was free of him. (Although it turned out that she was still being commandeered by his daughter, Zhorrid, who was quite insane and quite sad. Learning about the things Jadus had done to her only made Livia more glad he was gone.)


She was set to work dismantling the terrorist network responsible for the disaster. She had a brief fling with a soft-hearted man on Balmorra while infiltrating a cell there. She then went to Nar Shaddaa, and had a distinctly unsettling interlude working with a 'retired' watcher. His condition left her somewhat disturbed, as he hinted that this was likely what her future would be like, if she lived long enough. Despite these hints, which felt vaguely like threats, and his unsettling demeanor, she found him intriguing. She found herself disappointed that he hadn't told her he was going to watch when she 'paid' an informant for his help - she would have given him a better show, and enjoyed it more herself. When his plan for her mission turned out to also be his plan for escaping his prison, she chose to let him go (much to Kaliyo's disgust), he had done her no harm, and she felt that he deserved better than to be left to rot in a slum.


She finished her next mission with a minimum of fuss, and then went to Alderaan. There she was amused by the maneuvering of the noble houses - it reminded her of home, but on a smaller scale. She was apprehensive about her contact when she was briefed on him - she has a mild phobia about insects, and the idea of working with giant ones was not at all appealing. But when she met Vector she was pleasantly surprised - he was strange, certainly, but oddly charming as well as quite good looking - and those eyes. His shiny black eyes were such a nice change from the weird eyes that everyone in the Empire had - all those irises and pupils. *shiver* She was sorry she couldn't do more for his hive, they deserved some compensation for their help, but giving them all of House Cortess, including the people, would have been politically disastrous, and for some reason she was never clear about she was unable to give them just the lands. She was also sorry that in making her choice she made things uncomfortable for him with his hive, leading him to side with her against them, although she was glad that it led to his willingness to join her crew.


Once she had him on her ship, she, of course, set about trying to get him into her bed. It didn't work, although he took most of her flirting well, even when she started to get ridiculous about it in her frustration. She had learned something from the disaster which got her sent away from home, though, and she was able to let it go - he would either come around or not, and she could use a friend who wasn't crazy regardless of whether she could bed him. (She was pleased to find that Kaliyo neither disliked him excessively or had any interest in him personally, because that would have made things all kinds of awkward.) They worked.


They took down the nominal head of the terrorist group, the Eagle, and went after his backer and partner, in an attempt to disarm the weapons that they had created - which if not disarmed would eventually fire randomly, killing countless people. She arrived on his ship, along with Vector and Watcher 2, and proceeded to make her way to the bridge. Whens he realized who it was her blood turned to ice. The fact that he was pleased to see her only made it worse. As Watcher 2 explained her desperate plan in Livia's ear, she realized that she was going to have to do both the hardest and the worst things she had ever had to do. She was unsure if she would be able to directly defy him, and so she complied with his desires, firing the Eradicators herself, and then asking to be excused while he listened to the reports of the disaster coming in. She ran around the ship, slicing and in some cases simply destroying the junctions that Watcher 2 had directed her to in order to reroute power to the bridge - the whole time with tears streaming down her face, trying not to be ill, as she heard the reports, which he graciously played over the ship's PA system for her benefit. She made it back to the bridge, and threw herself against the man who had wanted to be her master, certain that she couldn't win, but hopeful that if she was very lucky she would buy them enough time to trap him. She was surprised to find that he was unwilling to simply kill her - whatever he had done to her must have really meant something to him, then. It took everything she had, but they were able to catch him, and, blessedly, Watcher 2 and Vector were able to get her out of there before all the mopping up.


It was a good thing too, because she was a wreck. Every time she closed her eyes, or was alone for more than a minute or two she could hear the screaming again. She went on a bender with Kaliyo that lasted a week, maybe two (or more), she was never really clear how long - she was on too many different things to notice or care. She took everything she could get her hands on, stims, adrenals, alcohol, spice, anything that could keep her awake and numb. She wandered off into back rooms with disreputable men (and women), generally emerging with the other parties looking much worse for the experience. Eventually, she got so bad that one of the bouncers at the last cantina they ended up at approached Kaliyo as the de facto responsible party, and told her if she didn't get Livia out of there they were going to throw her out an airlock. After Kaliyo's inspired 'sneak up behind her and hit her over the head and drag her out' plan ended up failing miserably she called Vector, thinking maybe he could talk her back onto the ship (or at least he could distract her while Kaliyo tried her plan again). Vector was able to convince her to leave by agreeing to her demand that he spend the night with her - she promised not to try anything, she just didn't want to be alone.


So they went back to the ship, and he joined her in her room, and he held her (because she asked him to), and they talked while she started to come down. She told him why she had made the decision she had - why he had to be stopped, why it was worth so many lives, why she would do it again, even if she could never forgive herself for it. He told her that her fear when the walked onto the bridge and saw who was there had been so strong he could taste it, and that it had made him wonder what could inspire something like that in her. She told him about Jadus - what he was like, what he had done to her, the nightmares she had about it, what he had done to his own daughter, what he had wanted to do to everyone. Eventually she slept. He stayed with her.


When she woke up, she checked herself in to the facility that HQ recommended for detox and treatment for exhaustion, and then went on a leave of absence to recover both from the trauma of the experience as well as from what she had done to herself afterwards. Her nightmares only got worse, becoming more varied - sometimes Jadus, sometimes her victims, sometimes a combination of both. At least now, she felt, she deserved them. She had her quarters soundproofed so she didn't disturb her crew when she screamed in her sleep. She continued to flirt with Vector occasionally, eventually prompting him to ask her to clarify the status of their relationship. He seemed somewhat taken aback when her response was a blatant invitation to her bed. She keyed her door to open at his request, just in case.


Chapter 2:

Eventually she was called back to active duty, and given a very sensitive assignment by the new Keeper. She had mixed feelings about infiltrating the SIS. She was disgusted with the SIth - their society gave rise to people like Jadus, and caused people to have to make decisions like the one she had had to make, and she found that appalling. She felt, now, after having taken so many lives, that she owed it to the people of the Empire to look out for them, because the Sith certainly would not. Her natural inclination, of course was just to do the job she was given, but she had a small hope that maybe, just maybe the Republic would show her that they were better. They always claimed to be better, after all. So she went into this assignment feeling hopeful - she would either do the job, or maybe do something even greater - if they gave her a reason to change loyalties she was ready to jump at it.


She went, met her first contact, a good looking man called Hunter, completed her first 'test' assignment, and was taken to meet her new boss. She was introduced to the team: Ardun Kothe, Chance, Wheels, Saber, and of course, Hunter. She went in to talk to Kothe privately, and he asked her why she was there. She was as honest with him as she could be, since that was largely why she was given this assignment, she figured - she had reason to question her loyalty to the Empire, and she made good use of it. And then the unthinkable happened. She warned him that he was making a huge mistake by doing this. He told her that he didn't really see that he had much choice - he couldn't risk either his people or his mission on someone who was likely a plant and going to turn on him. She left the room shaken, shocked, and sickened, and no longer thinking about possibly defecting.


She reported in to Keeper, telling her there was a complication, but of course, not what it was. She was distressed she couldn't talk about it with Kaliyo and Vector, because they could both tell something was off, but not what. And then, of course the hallucinations started. Auditory ones at first, oddly sounding like Watcher X. Her nightmares got worse again. She went on her next mission for Kothe, glad to be working with Chance, who was not only cute, and seemingly at least somewhat susceptible to her charms, but also disapproved of the use of coercion against her. Then he was injured, and in his panic, used it anyway, or tried to at least. She saved him regardless, because she understood, and because it was advantageous as a show of good faith (not that she felt that they deserved any), despite the voice in her head suggesting she kill him.


She also picked up another crew member, not entirely willingly, but she couldn't risk not taking him - she had no official sanction for what she was doing on this assignment, and he could have exposed her. She was surprised to find herself liking him after a while (although still not trusting him). Back on the ship, her hallucinations grew worse, and she passed out in front of her crew, and it tore her apart to not be able to tell them what was wrong when they asked. She was becoming seriously worried about her sanity, and decided maybe it was time to start listening to 'Watcher X'.


Acting on 'his' advice, she broke into the Intelligence archives, making Vector stand guard for her, and learned what had been done to her, who had authorized it at whose request, and discovered a possible way to undo it. It was also possible that it would destroy her instead of fixing her. She found she was more than willing to take the risk. Off to Quesh she went, it being the only reliable place to find all the ingredients she needed. She requisitioned what she could, struggling to ignore 'Watcher X's suggestion that she kill the worker at the chemical depot, and went off to find the last ingredient. Once it was acquired, she found a usable workstation, mixed her drug cocktail, and injected herself with it. The profound look of relief on her face after the injection caused Vector to ask her if she was alright, and she told him that quite possibly she was going to be, and that his was the first time in a while she had been able to feel that way. They headed back to the shuttle at the garrison.


While riding their speeders there, Livia started to slowly lean to one side, and then tumbled off into the mud, unconscious. When she came to, Vector asked her if she was OK, and she replied that she was fine, and then after a moment, asked him if she was lying in the mud. When he nodded at her, she said, "Oh, maybe slightly less OK than I thought."


After a few minutes, she was able to sit up, but was quite unable to stand without help - her legs kept giving out beneath her, and her sense of balance was shot. While waiting for her to recover enough to try and move, Vector began to read her the riot act, in his mild sort of way, telling her, "We know something has been very wrong with you, and you won't discuss it, and yet you expect us to stand by and not say anything while we acquire maker-knows-what kinds of chemicals which you then inject yourself with. What if it kills you?"


She was rather taken aback by this, and replied, "You're really angry, aren't you? That's unlike you."

And he answered, "Yes, we are... and yes it is." and then he fell silent for a bit before helping her up, and getting her on his back, piggy-back style, and starting the long walk back to the garrison.


On the way, he asked her if she would tell him what was going on. But of course, she couldn't, and said so, and that she was sorry, so very very sorry. She was glad he couldn't see her face, because that way he probably couldn't tell she was crying. As they started getting close to the garrison, they stopped, a bit out of sight of the guards. He asked her if she would at least consent to let Dr. Lokin examine her when they got back to the ship so that they could be sure she hadn't managed to kill herself on this expedition. She agreed, on the condition that no one would ask her any questions about it. Vector called the good doctor, and he came down and met them, and splashed some cheap alcohol on Livia, so that it appeared that she was just very drunk, which while embarrassing, was not anything suspicious, and the assisted her onto t he shuttle and back to the ship.


Dr. Lokin examined her, and prescribed bed rest for a week or two, because her equilibrium was likely to be considerably off for most of that time, and that she would probably be fine after that. Unless, of course, she wasn't. With Kaliyo's help, they got her clean and into her bed. After she was safely tucked away, Vector told the doctor what chemicals were in whatever she had injected herself with, although he didn't know in what proportions. The doctor recognized several of them, and being the man that he is, had an inkling of what they might have been used for. He told Vector in no uncertain terms that if she refused to talk about what was going on he needed to let it go and not push her about it - trying to force it out of her would only make things harder for her, maybe even disastrously so. And that no, he wouldn't tell him why, because he wasn't certain, and if he was right, it was better that Vector didn't know, in case something slipped out.


It was this incident - the fact that Livia's endangerment of herself here made him really angry with her - that caused Vector to realize how important she had become to him, and that he needed to examine his feelings about her and see what they signified. This self-examination is what led him to pull away from her over the next month or two while he concentrated on his own projects, both Killik and Diplomatic Corps related ones, as well as his work on 'repairing' his own mind - rediscovering and reconnecting parts of himself that hadn't been necessary to him since his joining, when he was primarily concerned with his bond with and duties to the colony, but might be so now that he was becoming more concerned with Livia and what she meant to him. Also at this time, he took to spending his nights meditating in the hallway outside her quarters instead of spending them in his bunk or in the cargo bay as he used to. He was afraid something might happen to her in her sleep, and no one would notice.


She recovered, time passed, and she was sent to Hoth, to work with Hunter. She quickly discovered what a sadist he was, and how much he enjoyed his control over her. Luckily she didn't have to check in with him often. Again she asked Vector to accompany her, even though she knew he was busy with other things. She didn't trust Dr. Lokin enough to bring him on such a sensitive mission, and her instincts about Kaliyo said it would be a bad idea to take her to a place largely run by pirates - they might make her a better offer than whatever she was getting from Intelligence. She was both pleased and somewhat dismayed to find that her contacts there were members of the CEDF - she hadn't been around any of her own people in so very long, and she was so lonely - Vector was shutting her down almost every time she tried to talk to him, telling her that he appreciated her professionalism.


Even so, she was frantic when he began to succumb to the cold on their long, forced march to Zero Station, where they were taken in by the Chiss, and their very hadsome, very kind Aristocra. Saganu found her lovely and brave, determined to succeed in her task, in such a forbidding place, working for her people by supporting their allies. Of course, he didn't know the reason why she ended up in the Empire, and would probably have been much less interested in her if he had, but his gallantry and attention were exactly what she needed in order to be able to keep going. And how she had needed them - she was still worried about her sanity - while she hadn't had another episode like the time she passed out on the ship, she was hearing 'Watcher X' almost constantly, and she kept seeing things out of the corner of her eye. On top of that she was all but alone on a hostile planet, her companion wouldn't talk to her and had almost died on her, the person she was sent to talk to had attempted to have her tortured and killed, And there was Hunter, as well. Hunter, who liked to use his control over her just to provoke her, making her tell him ridiculous things about how attractive she found him just to flatter himself and infuriate her. Hunter, who she only barely managed to talk out of making her kill Ensign Temple to keep her quiet. Instead she was saddled with another crew member whom she didn't really want. She was glad to be off of Hoth, even if she had to bring Miss sweetness and light along for the ride - especially if it meant she was done dealing with Hunter.


After some time, she got another assignment from Kothe - he was finally ready to move on his big plan, and boy was it a bad one, based on incredibly foolish, stupid Jedi thinking. She had to stop him, and she was rapidly losing her chance. With 'Watcher X's help, she broke her conditioning, choosing of course to never allow such a thing to happen again, and with Vector in tow, ran off to confront Kothe. She lied handily to Saber and Wheels to get past them - she had no ill will toward them, as far as she knew they didn't even know about the coercion, not having worked directly with her. She made it to Kothe, and she was thankfully in time to stop him. She explained to him, very calmly at first, what a stupid Jedi plan it was, and how even is she was defecting she would still have to stop him, because it would cause millions of deaths and solve nothing. The Sith didn't care enough about the citizens of the Empire for that kind of a deterrent to work, and even if they did, the would never believe the Republic would gave the guts to pull the trigger. Her voice rising in both pitch and volume, she told him that of course Intelligence sent her, and he would have been a fool to believe otherwise, but that she had been honest with him, and gone to him in good faith, and was considering defecting, the opportunity to do so having been dropped in her lap, as it were, but that his betrayal of her trust from the very beginning made her his enemy, and destroyed any hope that she had held that the Republic was any better than the Empire - in fact she now believed it to be far worse, because of its blatant hypocrisy. He told her that he knew that what he had done was unforgivable, and that he had done it knowing that. By the time they fought, she was shrieking at him like a mad thing, almost completely unintelligible. She killed him, and, had his body not been trapped behind a force field, she probably would have desecrated his corpse - she was completely beside herself with months of pent up rage and fear finally getting a chance to surface.


And then the holocom went off, and it was Hunter, who had been listening the entire time. She was so very angry that he wasn't there so she could kill him too. He told her he was getting tired of working with Kothe, but that it was a shame that she had broken her controls, because he had had such plans for her - he had been going to take her with him, but she was no use to him now, since he couldn't control her. The shock of the notion of being hauled off as Hunter's slave evaporated her rage and left her feeling shaky and ill, and in fact it was all she could do to keep from being sick. She hardly heard his warning that he had ordered the site to be bombed, and that if she wanted to live she should probably leave, or his farewell, in which he told her that if she was lucky their paths would never cross again. She probably would have just stood there and allowed herself to be killed in the bombing if Vector hadn't dragged her out.


Once they were a safe distance away, he let them stop to rest, and she sank down to the ground, which, was, of course, muddy, which made her laugh, because who in their right mind would spend any time sitting in the mud on Quesh, and here she was doing it again. She turned to Vector and told him, "Well, you heard everything I had to say to Kothe, so now you know what's been going on." He explained to her what Dr. Lokin had told him after their last visit to Quesh, and that how now that he knew what was going on, he understood why he wouldn't tell him anymore than he had done. She told him she would have to thank the doctor, because she was very grateful for his discretion and help. They went back to the ship.


She reported in, and Keeper was surprised by Livia's blatant hostility towards her - they had by this time become fairly good friends. When she expressed concern Livia cut her off with a simple and succinct report: Kothe was dead, his plan was foiled, she was coming in and would be there in a few days to debrief, and she needed to see the Minister - and he would very much want to hear what she had to tell him. She cut the channel.


They returned 'home'. She went in to HQ, and had her meeting with the Minister - after he had checked to make sure the office was free from surveillance. She called him to account for what he had allowed to be done to her. He told her to stuff it, because if he hadn't signed off on it she would have been killed, and that wouldn't have been better for anyone - she would be dead and he would be down one of his best operatives, and he couldn't afford that at the moment. He had not intention of apologizing because he wasn't wrong, and if she was still mad at him and wanted revenge or whatever, she could take a damned rain check because there was really too much work to do at the moment. He also told her that he knew she had raided the archives, and that she had managed to break the conditioning, and that he didn't really care about either of those things and that he certainly wasn't going to tell anyone that she was no longer leashed, strongly implying that he was very glad that she had managed it. Oh, and by the way, what was that about a Rogue SIS agent? And that they would look into how the SIS acquired the relevant information. Now go back to your ship, we'll call you when you're needed. And on your way out apologize to Keeper, she had nothing to do with this, and you've upset her. (It was at this meeting that he earned her absolute trust and respect. She didn't like him any more than she had before, but he had earned her trust.)


Chapter 3:

On the way back to the ship, she stopped at a cantina and took Kaliyo out drinking. Ensign Temple wanted to join them, and Livia left the decision up to Kaliyo, who told Temple, "Fine, but if you pass out I am taking all your money and dragging you back to the ship by your hair." The Ensign gave Livia a look, trying to determine if Kaliyo was being serious, and Livia just shrugged and told her to take it or leave it. The ensign chose to accompany them, but was very careful not to over-imbibe.


While they were there, Temple mentioned the way that Vector spent the nights outside her room. She said she found it somewhat disturbing, especially since she already found him off-putting. Livia raised an eyebrow at Kaliyo, who responded, "Yeah, he's been doing it since the two of you came back from Quesh that time. It's kinda sweet in that creepy bugboy way of his." Temple shuddered. Livia said she would take care of it.


When they got back to the ship Livia, slightly intoxicated, went to talk to Vector about it, but he surprised her by having something of his own that he wished to speak to her about. It was then that he told her why he had been so distant lately, how he had been dealing with his own issues, reconnecting bits of his mind that he hadn't been using that were suddenly important to him again, because of her, and that he realized now, having done this, that his pulling away must have hurt her, and that he was sorry, and that it wouldn't happen again. She replied with something mildly teasing, about his needing to convince her when he said he didn't want to be distant anymore, and he kissed her! She was so surprised - she had thought he was really uninterested in her by this point. She went to bed elated, lay down, started to fall asleep, and remembered her promise to Temple. Whoops.


She called his name, softly, and he responded. She told him to come in. She told him what Temple and Kaliyo had told her, and that it was bothering the Ensign. She said she didn't mind his watching over her in her sleep if he wanted to, but that he should probably do it here, in her room - he could sit in her chair and be comfortable if he wanted (or of course, he could use the bed - she had never rescinded her invitation, after all), and she told him that her door had been literally open to him all this time. He didn't seem altogether comfortable with the idea of spending the night in her room, but he agreed, as he didn't wan to distress the other crew members.


She went to sleep, and had her old nightmare about Jadus, and woke up screaming. Nothing special about it, for her, except the novelty of seeing Vector, sitting slightly hunched over in her chair, blushing fiercely. She asked him if he was OK. He replied, "We knew that this would be difficult, because your distress would upset us, and we are not sure what is appropriate here. Our instinct is to comfort you, but we do not wish to disturb your sleep, or to impose our attentions on you. We didn't realize how difficult it might be though. You were having that dream you told us about long ago about Darth Jadus, weren't you?" She nodded at him and he continued, "We could tell, because of the things you were screaming, but also... You know our senses are what they are, and we... could smell your fear... and taste it... and other things mingled with it." He blushed even brighter than before.


She looked at him, puzzled for a a moment, and then realized what he meant, and laughed, with genuine happiness. He said, "We didn't realize that it would affect us quite this much. That you could affect us quite this much."




This is as far as I have gotten with the detailed bits.

The rest of Chapter 3 is as follows (with apologies for shrillness towards the end, I seem to have spent all afternoon, evening, and night working on this):


Isen 4 and Belsavis - happy funtime prison break in. Weird conversations with Hunter, something is different about him.


Voss - While flirting with Phi-ton, Vector disapproves in his mild way, Livia is brought up short because she is bothered by the fact that she is upsetting him. She doesn't know why she is, just that it's important, and that it is affecting her work.

- visit to the shrine of healing: She has to go through the ritual anyway, to get what she needs, she decides to take full advantage of it, and emerges, feeling maybe like a whole person for the first time in it seems like forever. She hadn't been 'right' since her visit to Darth Jadus' office, but now, it seems like so much of what she has been carrying has been lifted away, and so many of the cracks and fractures in her mind and soul have closed up. She no longer has nightmares every night. She will still never be able to forgive herself for some of the things she has done, but she is able to carry that burden now, instead of being ground into the dirt by it. She looks at Vector, and realizes that the reason it bothered her that he was put out by her flirting was probably because she has feelings for him - she might even love him. She doesn't know, how would she know? She's never felt anything like that before.

- wedding: Vector teases her about her taste in men, gentle and self deprecating as always. She reassures him that if this meant anything to her, he would know. She marries the kid, is not asked to consummate the marriage, because she stopped flirting with the kid because it bothered Vector.


~(This was where I noticed that I had been working on this all night, and that the sun was now up. No one should have to listen to anything I have to say when I am that tired, so, hopefully not many people have read this before this edit goes in. Yeah, that's actually a lot better.)~


Corellia - More weird conversations with Hunter Intelligence what? Lord jerkface? Noooo, my Kaliyo! Going to Corellia made Vector so sad, it really influenced the feel of the planet for me. Pleasantly surprised that Lord jerkface had the sense to treat his new toy with the care and respect she deserves instead of as something disposable, even if he does have insane ideas about how to celebrate a victory.

- Wait a minute, you want me to what you crazy woman? I am not OK with that! We have no choice? Eff me, fine. Vector, you'll come with me for moral support, right? Thanks. Oh, hey, hi, Hunter, long time no see! Wait, what is that? Ow! Ow! Ow! no, I have nothing to say to you. Ow! What? You are taking Vector away? OK I WILL TELL YOU ALL THE THINGS NOW. OH, MAKER, DON'T HURT HIM. OK, I told you all the things, can I go now? What? That worked? Really? Damn it Vector, don't you have anything nice to say to a girl who just took a hell of a beating? Ugh.

- Wait a minute, you want me to what this time, you crazy woman? Well, OK, this actually sounds better than your last crazy plan. BOOM!


Tenebrous - My woman is back! Yay! Oh hello, people! Let's go save the galaxy or whatever. Yeah, just me and Vector, it's cool, we've got this.


That other place where the guys are - Sneaky sneaky. Oh, hi guys!

Hunter: Wow! You are alive! I am really happy abut that, even though it means you are probably going to try to kill me, because I totally deserve it, even though I have been flirting with you for all this time, and haven't even done anything really awful to you lately except that whole torture thing - remember destroying your employer was my gift to you! You're kind of my only friend.

Killy, killy, chase-y chase-y. There you are, Hunter, I have you cornered now. Screw you, I am going to kill you know like you deserve so very, very much.

Hunter: long story about how he was jealous of me and kind of loved me and wasn't this all so much fun?

Livia: Um, no. you brainwashed me and tortured me.

Hunter: You liar, you loved every minute of it.

Livia: *crashing sick feeling as her world falls apart on her again* thinks: Oh f**k me, I did. I love Hunter. That

is sick and wrong. And True. SO TRUE. Oh, Maker. Please don't ask me to run away with you, because I totally

will. Please ask me to run away with you because I totally will. I would leave Vector for you, right now if you

ask me to. Please don't ask. Please ask. *kind of paralyzed here*

Hunter: Oh, btw, I have never shown anyone this before - surprise!

Livia: You're a what? Oh. That's OK. I mean, this way you can just come with me, instead of us running away

together, and no one would know it was you. Vector wouldn't really approve though, he really kind of hates you.

So there's that. Wait! Don't die on me! NOOOOOOOO! *lots and lots of tears for Hunter* *more tears for

Hunter* *takes the codex, gives the Sith a holocom and hightails it out of there*


Tenebrous - Here, Minister. You can have this. I hate you all, for all of this, but I trust you, so yeah. You still have the worst job in the galaxy, even though you don't even have it anymore. I hope they don't hang you, I may not like you but you are a really good man. Please delete me and let me go off on my own. I will probably even answer when you guys call and ask me to do stuff. kthxbai.


Back to the ship - Has Livia slept with Vector yet? NO. How awful. SO AWFUL. Bad dialogue choices have ruined her mojo. Leaning more and more towards the freak-out option though, because what she says there is what she needs to say to him. And taking the 'What's happening to you' option for the first bedroom bit, because honestly, she would be a little upset about what he had done. She didn't know him as a non-joiner, and he has told her that he wouldn't go back even if he could. I would feel a lot better if she would grab him and kiss him forcefully after telling him that she loves him, because he deserves to know that she really does want him, as is, and that that is who she loves.

* The aunt mentioned here was the mother of my BH, Thanys. Thanys knows nothing about the Chiss side of her family, as her mother died while she was still very young. Livia saw her once, noticed the resemblance, did some research, and discovered who she was, but never contacted her.


Edit: Cleaned up some of the later bits in Ch. 3, expanded some things a bit.


wow you good lol <3

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Damn good. I have about this level of head canon too but thought I'd begin to bore people. I LOVE this head canon of yours!

She is really the only one who I have anything detailed for. I am not a writer, and this is the first time I have written most of this stuff down (except for a quick summary of the stuff on Quesh the first time, and some of the stuff about Hunter at the end, while I was talking to a friend who was at those points in her story). It really came about because I freaked the f**k out about chapter 2, and decided that the best thing for me to do would probably be to spend some time processing Livia's experiences, both because it would be (really) interesting to do so and to separate them out from things in my past from which they were bringing up unresolved feelings. It didn't hurt that I found both the story and her personality as it unfolded and changed over time to be completely fascinating. (And Vector, and his relationship with her also fascinating, oh, yes.)


I will probably post my BH's stuff at some point, once I have written it down, but it will be much, much shorter. My other ladies don't have much at all going on. My inquisitor has hardly anything to her, except her love for the poor, dead guy on Alderaan, and her almost pathological need for Khem's approval. She and my smuggler are mostly played as me (and in fact are both called Celacia), and so don't have a lot going on on their own. My trooper is my smuggler's much younger sister, from their father's second marriage, but they haven't even seen each other since she was a toddler, and aren't in contact. My consular has nothing to her at all - I don't really know anything about her. My SW is Livia's younger sister. She knows Livia is in the Empire somewhere, but not how to find her, or even what her name is, and Livia is very, very grateful for that - she was troubled when she heard rumors of a Chiss Sith apprentice surviving Korriban, and when she investigated and saw a picture, she was horrified. Livia is not a good person, by any measure (except LS/DS points I suppose, which really has more to do with her practicality and political sensibility than any sort of virtue), but Kesh is a terrible person. So far the defining features of her personality have been her extreme disappointment that Baras wouldn't let her help torture his prisoners, and how very much she is enjoying terrifying Quinn with her advances.

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My Chiss Jedi Knight was born into an Imperial family: mom, dad, older sister. When her parents realized she was a rare force sensitive they decided they would defect rather than risk their daughter being discovered by the Sith. So they contacted a smuggler to get the family to Republic space, but at the meeting point on Nar Shaddaa they were tracked down and bad stuff happened. The parents were killed, and the poor smuggler (who was just starting out in the business) could only find the baby.


Luckily, she was able to find a wonderful set of parents for the baby - the CO and XO of Havoc Squad. They raised their adopted daughter on ship with a plethora of interesting babysitters to teach her all kinds of useful abilities. It took a lot of string pulling to get her into the Jedi Academy, although once in, her potential has revealed itself. Jedi aren't supposed to keep emotional ties to their family, but mother and daughter send letters back and forth to each other, keeping up with what's going on in their lives (and asking Mom not to tell Dad that his daughter is constantly in danger). Their family loves each other fiercely.


The older sister got pulled into the underbelly of Imperial society and made a name for herself as a bounty hunter. She is not a fan of the Empire, but she's pragmatic. Along the way, she's developed contacts with people from the Republic, working in her own little way to undermine the Empire and keep cruelty from running rampant. One of these contacts was the CO of Havoc Squad and the two have developed something resembling a friendship.


In a recent letter, the trooper mentioned how much her adopted daughter resembled the bounty hunter (file courtesy of a certain contact at SIS), which has raised a number of questions for our intrepid bounty hunter....and our story continues :)


(And yes, I have to admit, my characters do send letters back and forth to each other. Sometimes they're just "could you send me this and this and this" and sometimes it's my Jedi Knight complaining that Coruscant really needs to put railings on around the Senate platform.)

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well okay... mines too scattered to start off any one point, but heres the family: ( also my spelling and grammar sucks..i didnt pass english in HS lol)

surname : DeChimera ( of the chimera, actually fits of Echidna better, because all exept Crezelle are named after Echidna's line of greek mythological monsters)


Crezelle: the family Matriarch. The agent. You lead the way; she brings the kolto. Once a cookie cutter, cold hearted, efficiently pragmatic chiss, the horrors of witnessing the war and the sith, as well as good influence from vector, has led her to become extremely soft hearted. She still believes in an empire made of a majority of non-sith, and in her own way, wishes to carry on the ideals of the certain, spoilerific entity she cracked down on in chapter 3. I.E she will do all she can to minimise the death-toll and suffering. Sith lightning merely tickles her now; once she knew she was too valuable for even the sith to see as disposable, she let her opinions of the sith be known openly. man did that backfire in chapter 2....

Before, she was a "no loose ends" person, but that quickly changed, after on encouragement from her better half, she saw the benefit of mercy as an example of the empire. Soon she amassed countless hoards that became loyal to the empire merely because she spared the life of thier leaders.

So far the family tree is looking like this:

2 daughters, half chiss

Euryale the BH and Teumessia the smuggler. Euryale is named after one of the 3 gorgon sisters, and Teumessia is named after the teumessian fox, a mythical being that was impossible to capture.

Both wanted a faction neuteral job, after hearing of the craziness thier mom went with. sadly Euryale ended up doing a lot of job for the empire, and due to quest line issues, is not very welcome on pub space. Teumessia ended up stranded on ord mantel, and one thing led to another, and she ended up working for the pubs, much to her distaste.

Theres phix, named after the greek sphynx, an adopted chiss of teumessia. Corso mananged to pass off his pro republic views on her, much to her adopted mother's distain, and she ended up a trooper.

On the side is Nemian, a pureblood warrior. He's named after the nemian lion : a beast who could not be injured by any weapon.

Edited by Crezelle
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