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Sith in a Pretty Dress: Chronicles of Adwynyth


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Sorry...another Sith Warrior story, or at least fragments thereof. It's just that the characters are SO perfect.


I'm not sure where I'm going with this, and I'm not even sure there is a "there". But we'll see how it goes.


Starring, my latest Marauder, Adwynyth (not to be confused with my first Marauder on another server, also named Adwynyth). Probably a crapton of Sith Warrior story spoilers. You have been warned.


Timeline: Sometime during Tatooine...


"My lord, I feel I must point out yet again how inappropriate this is."


The voice of Malavai Quinn sounded vaguely offended, as it always did when he plumbed this particular subject. Apart from being a daily occurrence, his protests tended to lack imagination. Apparently, harping on the same subject for a year could do that to a person.


"Define 'this', Captain." Adwynyth knew full well what he was referring to, but wasn't about to give him the satisfaction of giving any ground.


"Your choice of attire, my lord." He indicated the rack of fine Dromund Kaas formal-wear hanging neatly along one wall of the airlock chamber, which the Sith had claimed as her personal wardrobe. "Such clothing does not meet Imperial or Sith standards for combat..."




"...nor does it appear to hold up under duress..."




"...and you are racking up quite the clothing purchases and tailoring bills..."




"...which is getting harder to hide from Darth Baras..."


The sound of two lightsabers igniting stopped the officer in his tracks. "You really should start listening to my voice during these discussions, Captain." The Sith deactivated both and skilfully returned them to her belt without looking. They both knew that practiced ease with weaponry was one of the things that pushed Quinn's "turned on" buttons, and in just the right order. "One of these days, I might accidentally cut something."


"I doubt that, my lord. With your level of skill--"


The young woman cut him off, "...I don't need to worry about what I'm wearing. I've told you before, Malavai, it puts people off their guard, and I like having that advantage going into a battle. Or a negotiaton," she added as an afterthought, knowing how rarely she went into any situation looking to do that. "You remember that Padawan back on Nar Shaddaa that actually dropped his lightsaber when I leaped through the window with both weapons drawn?"


"I'm baaaaack!" echoed throughout the ship cheerfully. Vette practically skipped into the room carrying three more of the elegant white dresses, protected in semi-transparent duraplast bags. "Here you go, sis...all mended and good as new."


Quinn cringed at the familiar tone and snapped, "You will address your master as 'My Lord'."


"No I won't, Captain Stuffypants. Ad freed me and said she thinks of me as a sister, so there." She stuck her tongue out at Quinn and turned to leave.


"Wait just a second, sis." Adwynyth was busy looking at some detail of one of the returned dresses and unzipped the bag to confirm her suspicions. "Silver? Silver filligree?! Vette..."


"I know, I know. But a backwater like Tatooine? I told you to buy a few more while we were someplace civilized like Nar Shaddaa. They don't have real 'fashion repair' here..."


"But it's supposed to be gold." Adwynyth was developing a definite pout, and Quinn threw up his hands and fled for the bridge.


"...and the Exchange raided all the Imperial and Republic gold stores last week, and there just isn't a whole lot of that on this dustball."


"Get your weapons. I just remembered a mission we have yet to perform." Adwynyth stopped fiddling with the newly returned dresses and began to put on one of the unmolested outfits off the rack.


Vette leaned on the doorframe and cocked and eyebrow. "We wouldn't be going after the Exchange, by chance, would we?"




Vette started for the engineering space that she called her room. "Do I have to wear the slavegirl outfit again?"


"You know how much I love the look on their faces. And you know it's just for effect." She finished suiting up, reattached the sabers to her belt, and called in the general direction of the bridge. "Don't wait up, sweety." Quinn hated when she called him that in front of Vette. "Looks like a good opportunity for some violence."


There it is. My first contribution. Hope it doesn't suck that badly. :p

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And here's a login screen screenshot to give you an idea... :p




(Yes, she's a human with yellow eyes. And that's with Sith corruption turned OFF. I hate what it does to one's skin.)

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Sorry...another Sith Warrior story, or at least fragments thereof. It's just that the characters are SO perfect.


I'm not sure where I'm going with this, and I'm not even sure there is a "there". But we'll see how it goes.


Starring, my latest Marauder, Adwynyth (not to be confused with my first Marauder on another server, also named Adwynyth). Probably a crapton of Sith Warrior story spoilers. You have been warned.


Timeline: Sometime during Tatooine... My first contribution. Hope it doesn't suck that badly. :p


Haaaahaha. This was great. Super super great. <3

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That's exactly what I was going for. :D Glad you enjoyed it. There's far more fashion-related hijinks coming up, much of which I'll have to actually research since *gasp* I'm a dude and have no idea about fashion, even for someone of my gender.


Quinn + Storming off to the bridge to pout = Awesome :D

I agree. Hence it's likely to happen again. And possibly again.


Your Sith Warrior is awesome.:D I subbed you so I can't wait to see more!:)

Woohoo! A sub. :eek: Might I actually be...a writer? *dramatic music*


I wouldn't say that.


Adwynyth? Who let you in here?


You did. You left the door open, genius.


*sigh* Just trying to make sure I didn't lock myself out.


Kinda like how you pat your pocket to feel for the keys twice before you shut the door in the morning?


Hey! Outta my head, you!


Not gonna happen.


Why do I feel as if I've just opened Pandora's Box?


That's what she said.


AWAY, foul demon!



Haaaahaha. This was great. Super super great. <3

Thanks! :p Posted that while I was composing my response.


Way to alienate one of your (very few) readers, idiot.


Do you want to end up in a huge garbage compactor, a bit like some Republic goof 1000 years in your future?




Nothing. :p

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Timeline: Just after Act 1, on the way to Taris



"So, you always wear the white dress, Master?"


"One of them. It's about keeping people off-guard, Jaesa." Adwynyth and her new apprentice were walking side-by-side down the hallway to the medbay. "The goal is misdirection, trying to gain the element of surprise."


"And that actually works?"


Vette stuck her head out of the conference room. "Not since Balmorra. Everybody expects it now. But she thinks she looks fabulous."


"Quiet, you!" Adwynyth threw her soiled and just-discarded gloves, just missing the Twi'lek's withdrawn head.


"She is the prettiest shade of red, Master. Where did you find her?"


"On Korriban. She was in jail for breaking into a Sith temple and trying to steal an artifact."


Jaesa looked enraptured. "Really? Why did you get her out of jail?"


"To break into the same Sith temple and steal the same artifact. Funny, that sounded better in my head."


"I bet," Jaesa murmured under her breath.


"What was that, apprentice?"


"I said 'how exciting', master." She beamed with a smile that had "whew, just covered" written all over it.


"Here we are, Jaesa. Your new home."


The former Jedi looked around. "A medbay?"


"Yes. What's wrong?"


"Well, I've noticed a lack of bedrooms on this ship."


"The medbay has a bed."


"Yes, with instruments and monitors and one of those paper things on it, like at the doctor's office." Jaesa froze at the sight of a small clothing rack by the far wall. "No."




"No. Master--"


"Yes, Jaesa. That's what you'll be wearing on missions." A full slave-girl outfit was hung up neatly, but with a dancer's top for some reason. Five more identical outfits hung beside it. "Sorry that's the only ones we have for now, but we'll get back to Nar Shaddaa at some point and hit Fredrick's of Corellia."


"But Master, how will I fight?"


"Probably a lot harder, so we can get done sooner and can come back and change. Right?"


The young woman recognized the terms of her defeat, not even needing to play this particular game of chess to see the "checkmate" move. "Yes, Master. Thank you, my lord." She waited until the Sith Lord was out of the room before muttering "She's insane" to herself.


"What was that, apprentice?" The voice made her freeze in her tracks, right before riotous laughter followed Vette, who fairly bounced into the room. "Relax, kid. I worked that one up to mess with Quinn. That's pretty much the sum total of entertainment on this ship. That and watching How the Sith Turns."


Jaesa was confused. "What do you mean?"


"Quinn likes Adwynyth, and she likes him, but neither has figured out that the other feels the same way yet."


"Really? How do you know?"


Vette beamed, finally having someone to share her secret with. "I sliced into both of their journals. I do every week or so, just to catch up." At Jaesa's shocked look, she indicated herself and continued. "Twi'lek who helps a Sith Lord break into stuff? Helloooo!"


"Wow. So, what other dirt to you have on her? I'd like to get out of wearing this for combat."


"Yeah, good luck with that one. At least she isn't making you wear the collar."




"Long story."



Why the dancer's top for Jaesa?


She's got more to flaunt there than Vette.


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Timeline: Shortly after arriving on Dromund Kaas

Minor Dromund Kaas mission spoilers



Adwynyth and Vette were strolling down one of the narrow streets of the Kaas City merchant district...the type that would never be disturbed by the sound of a speeder. It was just the right level of "busy": plenty of people for both to people-watch and yet not crowded enough to impede each person's own pace among the shops and plazas.


Neither had ever been to a city this big, or seen such a variety of stuff to buy; both were in "shopping overload" and honestly had no idea which shops to visit or what to buy. Vette, having just been freed, was effectively broke for all of five minutes. Adwynyth chose to ignore her faux clumsiness as they walked among the crowds in the main citadel, nor did she question how Vette suddenly had money with which to shop. She actually admired the Twi'lek's bravery at pickpocketing Imperial soldiers and the odd passing minor bureaucrat. She even hit up one distracted Sith who clearly had all the Force sensitivity of her left boot.


Oddly enough, Vette's sticky fingers didn't get her in trouble. Rather, it was the appearance of an uncollared Twi'lek, with a Republic accent no less, wandering the streets more or less freely. Unless she stayed within a meter or two of Adwynyth, she was accosted, jeered, and even threatened once or twice. It was quickly becoming intolerable to the point of the Sith drawing her lightsabers once.


Vette steered them down one of the smaller byways, leading them to the center of fashion for the masses. Sith of any stature didn't shop here, and Imperial officers, Moffs, and all manner of nobles and high-level government officials wouldn't be caught dead here. But a newly-christened apprentice like Adwynyth and her Twi'lek "slave" (most people's assumption) were right at home.


Vette spoke up after they wound through several streets' worth of shops. "So my lord, what are we looking for?"


"Hm?" replied the Sith a bit distractedly. "Who says we're looking for anything in particular?"


"Well, you keep turning up your nose at every shop after the first few seconds. Looks to me like you're looking for something specific."


Adwynyth craned her neck to get a look in another store window and seemed to lose interest after about ten seconds. She shifted her shoulders a bit uncomfortably in the new armor Baras had provided her. It was grey and red, just like every other bit of unimaginative clothing Sith wore, and it was stiffer than she was used to. "Perhaps," she said noncommittally.


"Like that! This just isn't the way shopping is done. We're supposed to be trying things on. What are you scheming?" A devilish gleam entered her eye. "Trying to find something that Baras will hate?"


But Adwynyth was no longer listening. She was gazing at a window across one of the many plazas in the area, and started walking briskly, waving the Twi'lek to come with. "Come on...I think I found it."


Vette tried to see what the Sith was looking at. "The bathing gear?"


"No, next to it."


"'Formal Wear by Gnosk?' What could you possibly...are you going to a Sith party or something?"


"Not quite. I'm thinking of something Baras told me in one of my first lessons with him: 'never show your true self, obfuscate, hide, mislead'...trickery is more of an Inquisitor's playbook, but it has its place in a warrior's arsenal, too." She entered the shop, Vette in tow, and headed straight for the rack that had caught her eye: one with a long slinky black floor-length gown.


"You're going to fight in that?" asked a shocked Vette.


"You'll see" was the only response.


* * *


"I told you so."


Adwynyth winced in pain again and limped back to her quarters with the Twi'lek's help. "No you didn't, you just asked rather incredulously."


"Close enough." She pulled out a medkit and applied kolto to some of the scratches along Adwynyth's legs and wrapped a compress around the ankle she'd turned after trying to Force leap in 5-inch heels. "What were you thinking anyway? Stilettos in combat?! Even I'm not crazy enough to try that."


Adwynyth surveyed the damage and Vette's efforts to mitigate it: not bad for a non-medic. "How'd you learn to patch up wounds like this?"


"Nar Shaddaa. Remember, I was on my own for a while." Adwynyth had forgotten that. No one would notice another dead Twi'lek in a ditch until it was time to clean up the body, so one either developed skills like that, as well as the skills needed to steal the supplies, or one perished quickly.


"Good job...it feels better already. Thank you." She leaned back a bit on the couch where they'd landed upon enter the small apartment. "I'm convinced I have the right idea, though. I just botched the execution."


"What idea? You never did tell me what you're trying to accomplish."


Adwynyth grinned like a shark. "Remember how surprised that Grathan guard was when I pulled out my lightsabers? The mortal fear, right up until I turned my ankle and fell on my arse?"




"That's what I'm going for. I don't want them to see me coming. I want 'Sith Lord' to be the last thing on their minds when they see me walking up to them."


Vette sat back and thought. "Let's go shopping again tomorrow. I think I saw something last time out that would do just that."


Adwynyth eyed the Twi'lek suspiciously. "Not the slave-girl costume."


"What? No! Just trust me, my lord."


Adwynyth grimaced. "I hate titles. When we're not around other Sith, just call me 'Ad'."


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Timeline: Right after arriving on Balmorra


Minor Sith Warrior Act 1 spoilers, as well as references to Sith Inquisitor Act 1 mission details



"Bombed-out mudball, huh? Sounds like a blast. You promised me a party planet!"


Vette strode alongside Adwynyth, matching her step-for-step. It was an almost unheard-of arrangement for a Sith Lord and someone who was "supposed" to be a slave, but nobody really noticed. The entire planet was at war, and soldiers had far more pressing concerns than an uncollared Twi'lek daring to walk beside a Sith apprentice as if she were an equal. No, their concerns lay more along the lines of Resistance spies, securing toxic waste-filled vaults, Republic assaults by air and ground...the things that add spice to life.


However, what was drawing more attention than all that was Adwynyth's choice of attire: a white formal dress with gold filigree detailing. Reactions varied from irritation to amusement, from jealousy to derision, and from shock to distraction. One soldier even walked right off a moderate platform, falling onto (thankfully) a nice soft pallet of grain supplies below. Adwynyth sensed all this through the Force, and drank it in. This was the reaction she was going for, albeit in battle and not simply walking through the streets of a run-down and war-ravaged capitol.


She also sensed the change in reactions that happened whenever someone happened to notice the twin lightsabers hanging from her belt: abject fear, sometimes tinged with guilt or embarrassment. It seemed that less than one in every ten people noticed, judging from the crowd. Adwynyth was very pleased with her, or rather Vette's choice. "I never promised you a party planet. I just said that the next planet had to be more fun than Dromund Kaas. I guess I was wrong."


Vette gasped in mock-horror. "Sith can be wrong? Oh no, the galaxy will cease turning!"


Both women laughed at that while the daintily-clad apprentice looked around. "Now where is this headquarters supposed to be. I'm supposed to meet someone named Quinn."


"Hello...Milord Oblivious..." Vette pointed over to her companion's left, at an Imperial Navy banner no more than ten meters away.


"Show-off. Come on, let's see who this--" Adwynyth was brought up short by someone roughly shoving past her. "Oaf!" she growled, loudly enough for him to hear.


A taller, dark-haired man in an impeccable Imperial uniform stopped and turned around. "You shouldn't be lingering in the street, Miss". He oozed disdain over the term, his blue eyes showing nothing but contempt. "Be grateful I have more pressing matters to attend to." He turned without another word and began to walk toward the door the Twi'lek had indicated a moment before.


"Lieutenant, eh?" Adwynyth whispered to Vette. "This could be fun."


Vette picked up on what she was thinking a moment later. "You think that's....oooh, I wouldn't miss this for the worlds." They both made for the door, a new spring in their step.


The dark-haired man was standing by a console when they walked in and looked around, admiring the complete lack of style common in Imperial military buildings. He was upbraiding some junior soldier over something. "If that's your best, you're useless to me. I can shoot you dead with a clear conscience. Is that what you want?"


After a frightened response by the youngster, the older man dismissed him and turned his attention to the Sith and her companion. "I thought I made it clear what I think of dandies and socialites bringing their slaves to gawk at the destruction as if they had a hand in it."


"Oh, I'll have a hand in it, all right," was Adwynyth's response, but Quinn (she was sure of it now) didn't seem to be listening.


"I suggest you leave this planet, milady, and find someplace else to derive your amusement. I would hate to be forced to confine you and impound your ship, then call your parents to come pick you up."


Adwynyth grinned like a shark. Vette was nearly giggling with delight. "That would be interesting. I'd like to see you try that, Lieutenant."


Three things happened simultaneously: Quinn frowned (more) and started to draw his blaster, Adwynyth drew and ignited both of her lightsabers, and the holocommunicator came to life with the image of Darth Baras. "Ah, I see you've convened with my apprentice. Knowing her predilections, you may survive your encounter with her if you withdraw now. Dismissed, Lieutenant."


Quinn was still recovering from the revelation that this "socialite" was in fact a Sith, and was wielding two lightsabers, and barely processed Baras' words. After a stunned silence, he didn't speak so much as stammer, and "uh--my lord" was the only thing to make it out unmutilated. He carefully took his hand off his blaster and fairly fled the room.


As Adwynyth sheathed her weapons and Vette giggled nearly silently in the background, Baras ignored it all and continued, "Quinn owes his career to me, but we should keep the details of your mission between the two of us..."


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Timeline: Balmorra. A few minutes after meeting Quinn for the first time.



"My lord, I must apologize for my earlier rudeness and inappropriate behavior. If I'd realized you were Darth Baras' apprentice, I would never--"


"...have acted like an arse? Never threatened me with a blaster, like when you thought I was simply a stupid rich teenager? Never shoved past me like I was irrelevant?" Adwynyth was clearly enjoying this, and so was Vette.


Quinn was immune to the sarcasm. "All of the above, my lord. I am guilty of all of the above. May I brief you on the situation on Balmorra?" And just like that, he wanted to get down to business. Amazing, the single-mindedness of this man. Although, he kept eyeing the dress as he filled in the young Sith on the war, the resistance, the Republic's positions, and the state of the mission she was taking care of for Darth Baras.


Once he was done, he paused for a moment. "My lord, may I ask a personal question?"


Adwynyth's amusement was paplable. "Certainly, Lieutenant. Ask away?"


"Do you always dress so...formally?"


"What do you mean, Quinn?" She clearly wasn't going to make this easy for him. He didn't deserve easy, after the rude introduction. "As opposed to a tank top and shorts?"


"No, my lord, allow me to be specific." He tried again. "In combat, is it wise to wear something so..." The officer fumbled for a word.


"...well-tailored?" Adwynyth volunteered.


"...stylish?" Vette helpfully supplied.


"Impractical." He glared at the Twi'lek, clearly intending to put her in what he thought was her place. Vette simply stuck her tongue out at him and continued to grin impishly. "It seems to be rather...flowing and...loose for use in melee combat."


"Why, Quinn," purred Adwynyth teasingly, "if I didn't know better, I'd swear you were concerned with my safety."


The Lieutenant blushed rather stiffly -- an accomplishment in itself -- and tried to explain. "Merely trying to preserve a valuable resource for the Empire, my lord. Your martial prowess is well-known."


"So, you acknowledge that I know what I'm doing with a lightsaber, but you're questioning my choice in attire anyway." Adwynyth was clearly still teasing, but allowed a bit of steel to enter her voice for that last bit, reminding the Imperial of the price that such questions could potentially carry. She felt like she still owed him a bit of stress after his boorish behavior earlier.


"I...didn't intend to convey that, my lord. I withdraw my entire line of questioning." Quinn was clearly sweating now. "Do you have any other questions for me about Balmorra, my lord?"


"I don't believe so, no. You're dismissed."


"Thank you, my lord." And he made the hastiest exit that dignity allowed, only realizing after he'd left the building that his barracks were inside.


Adwynyth and Vette let loose with uproarious laughter at his rushed departure. The Twi'lek spoke up first. "You think we should wait here until nightfall and see if he goes and gets a room somewhere else?"


"No...I'm hungry. Let's see if there's anything other than Imperial cafeterias around here." She peeked outside at Quinn trying to look nonchalant while waiting for them to leave. "After a few minutes." More giggling ensued.






I almost had her somersault over his head and put a lightsaber to his throat, just to demonstrate her dexterity in the "inappropriate" attire. I have another idea for later, though. :D


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Timeline: Just after landing on Taris


Sith Warrior Act 1 conclusion and minor Act 2 spoilers



"But, Master, is this really necessary? I feel so...exposed."


"That's the idea, Jaesa."


"But why? I thought the idea was for you to throw them off their guard so they'd be paying attention to you while I attack unnoticed."


"Let's say you wore your usual clothing." Adwynyth thought about how to make it click for the young former Jedi. "Consider what would happen if someone warned our next foe about my attire, and he or she was ready for it. What would happen?"


"The distraction wouldn't work. They would be ready for us, and we would lose the element of surprise."


"Correct. Now, consider what happens when they are ready for my pretty, stylish dress" -- an elaborate flourish made Jaesa giggle -- "but then they're hit between the eyes with you being more or less naked."


The light dawned for the younger woman. "They'll be so busy gawking at me that you'll be able to take them apart. I see, Master. Thank you for explaining it...Master Karr never explained; he just told me to trust in the Force."


"He was an imbecile. He didn't realize who he had for a Padawan, or the extent of your true power, Jaesa." The Sith Lord glanced sideways at her apprentice. "Or how incredibly hot you look in that outfit."


They checked in with a Captain in a makeshift tent in the Toxic Lake base, and then found their way into a room in the main bunker where a massive Imperial soldier and a rather puny-looking Moff were going over some report or another. The larger man looked up at Adwynyth's and Jaesa's approach. "Moff Hurdenn..." he paused, blinked, and didn't quite know what to say.


"Yes, Lieutenant?" The Moff glanced up as well and immediately dismissed the two women. "This is a restricted area, ladies. The cantina is over there, at the back of the base." Pierce, fully recovered by the time the Moff finished, bowed smartly to the Sith with a slight smirk on his face. Adwynyth winked and bowed back. Smart cookie, she thought to herself. He pays attention. He's probably kicking himself for being surprised.


Assuming they'd left without looking up, Hurdenn spoke up again after a few seconds. "Pierce, I thought the costume ball was next month on the orbital station?"


"Don't believe these ladies are here for the costume ball, sir." He indicated his superior officer and spoke to Adwynyth. "Milord, Moff Hurdenn. Moff, I believe this is the apprentice you were expecting."


Hurdenn looked up and nearly dropped his datapad. He opened and closed his mouth without saying anything once, twice, and nearly a third time before apologizing profusely and offering Adwynyth and Jaesa a seat.


"Thank you, no, Hurdenn. We'll need to be on our way shortly. If you could brief us?" Adwynyth was still amused by Hurdenn's complete lack of poise.


With the Moff still at a loss for words, Pierce piped up. "Lieutenant Pierce, milord. On loan from Black Ops."


"Well met, Lieutenant. Do you have a first name?"


"None that's on record, milord." His eyes sparkled with mischief, probably the only indicator that he approved of her catching them off-guard.


Hurdenn stammered to life, apparently having recovered some of his mental state. "Uh...Pierce is by far my finest officer. I give you exclusive reign over him while you're on Taris, which I trust will accommodate your every need."


Adwynyth was intrigued and tickled by his turn of phrase. "Are you ready to accommodate my every need, Pierce?"


"I'm steady and sure in all things, milord." His smirk got a bit more pronounced.


Hurdenn excused himself from the flirt-fest as Pierce begun to brief them on a lead he'd gotten from a Republic scout. Adwynyth asked a few questions and thanked the Lieutenant and arranged for him to run tech on the first of several infiltration missions.


Afterward, he seemed to finally notice Jaesa for the first time. He gawked, caught himself, looked a bit more appreciatively, then walked past Hurdenn as the Sith and her apprentice were leaving. "I'll be in my bunk."





I couldn't resist, even being a cross-universe no-no. It's such a good line! :D Yay Jayne!


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Now that they've been briefed, I bet Pierce can't wait for the debriefing....

You have no idea. I plan to torture him almost as much as somebody else we all love to torture. :rak_03:


What?! I have no intentions of torturing Pierce. Or, for that matter, Quinn.


Yes you do.


Yes I do. *shakes head* Now STOP that.


No. I'm having fun.


No you're not.


No I'm not. Wait...you can't do that to me! Sorry, folks...this might be a lengthy one while I reassert dominance. *closes door*

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Here's a short. Just keeping my creative juices flowing.


That's what she said.


Quiet, you.


Timeline: on the way to Taris


No spoilers that I can think of.



Quinn strode down the corridors of the Fury-class ship, preoccupied with the outrage he had just witnessed. So absorbed was the Captain that he overrode the lock and burst into Lord Adwynyth's quarters without knocking. "My lord, I beg to--" and then his brain registered what his eyes realized moments ago.


"Quinn?! What the hell?! Have you lost your mind?!"


Completely counter to all of his decorum, he simply stared at the lady Sith's completely bare rear-view. Despite her training on Korriban and over a year of combat under the most brutal conditions, she had flawless milky-white skin, and... "a tattoo, my lord?"




Still shocked beyond the capacity for common decency or embarrassment, he squinted and started to read the tiny but elegant script aloud: "The Emperor's B--"


Instantly, Adwynyth was behind him with one lightsaber at his throat and the other at his groin. "One. More. Syllable." She prodded the latter into his pants, causing a slight char-mark. "...and you either die or wish you would. Do you understand?"


He opened his mouth to respond and she tightened her grip. "Don't speak, just nod. Carefully." He nodded, swallowing whatever it was he was going to respond. "Good. Now get out."


He was outside the door before he heard the echo die, and didn't even quite remember opening the door and stepping out.


Adwynyth's voice rang out over the ship's intercom: "2V, come to my quarters immediately. And bring your tools!"


Quinn had no idea what grievous offense had driven him to seek her out, but he was quite sure of two things:


Baras could pull Quinn's lungs out before he'd find out about the tattoo from Quinn. With a rusty spoon.


And he very much wanted to see if the front matched the back.


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