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BH Healing for PVE


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This is a Healing compendium for the Bounty Hunter Mercenary class, it can also be used for the Rebulic equivilant which is Trooper Commando. Much of my compilation is from napkin math and trial and error. All contributions are welcome as this will be kept up to date throughout the upcoming patches.






This is the recommended healing spec for the Mercenary BH. With this spec you will receive the following talented bonuses.


Talented Bonuses


Critical Healing bonus 15%

Alacrity 4%

Aim 9%

Increase Healing 2%

Tech critical 6%

Kolto missiles increase healing 20%

Rapid scan -.5s cast time, healing 6%

Healing scan -3s off the c/d, healing 6% [9 sec hot&10% armor]

Kolto missiles give 5% healing received for 15 sec


You can also drop the 2 points in System Calibrations (4% alacrity-reduced cast time) and pick up Powered Insulators which provides a static 4% damage reduction while combat cylinder is active. For Normal - Nightmare mode EV and KP the first spec without the damage reduction is preferable. We get a ridiculous amount of damage reduction from our armor compared to other healing classes that we shouldn't need the DR.


Gearing for Healing

Aim - Increases Healing and Tech Crit this is our strongest stat

Crit - Increases your chance to critically heal, I would recommend getting around 200 crit rating. This will put you at about 35% to crit heals(unbuffed) assuming that you are at 1800 aim (unbuffed).

Surge - Increses the bonus on your critical heals, The choice on all of our gear with modificications is to choose surge or alacrity.

Power and Tech Power - increases Healing, this is one of our strongest secondary stats.

Alacrity - Reduces your cast speed, experiment with the different amounts and see what feels good to you.



Note about alacrity, this reduction in cast time can push your casts below the 1.5 GCD and as long as it is a casted spell this allows you to begin a new cast as soon as the first is completed. This is why the talents that can equal 9% alacrity are a benefit to our overall healing output.



Cunning - you don't want to gain cunning through gear but you want to gather all the cunning datacrons. Cunning provides a small bonus to your crit chance.

Accuracy - only affects damage


Columi and Tionese tier pieces can be obtained through Hard mode flaspoints and normal and hardmode operations. Rakata is obtained in Hard mode and Nightmare mode Operations.


Tier Bonus:


2 pc - Increase the duration of supercharged gas by 3 seconds.

4 pc - Decrease the cooldown on Healing Scan by 1.5 seconds and the cooldown on Emergency Scan by 3 seconds.


You can mix and match between Tionese, Columi and Rakata to obtain your set bonuses. The pieces that grant bonuses are Chest, Head, Boots, Legs, and Gloves.


~*New Section Added*~


Spread Sheet with Gear Math


BIS Gear


Set Pieces - Need 4 out of 5 with an orange replacing the Helm, Gloves or Legs (I would recommend Helm if you normally hide yours so that your set appears complete)


Head: [Modifiable Helm] + [Advanced Reflex Armoring 25] + [Advanced Agile Mod 25] + [Advanced Adept Enhancement 25]

Chest: [Rakata Combat Medic's Body Armor] ---swap to---> [Advanced Adept Enhancement 25]

Gloves: [Rakata Combat Medic's Gauntlet]s ---swap to---> [Advanced Adept Enhancement 25]

Legs: [Rakata Combat Medic's Legplates] ---swap to---> [Advanced Adept Enhancement 25]

Boots: [Rakata Combat Medic's Boots] ---swap to---> [Advanced Adept Enhancement 25]


Ear: [Columi Combat Medic's Relay] + [Reflex Augment 22]

Implant 1:[Columi Combat Medic's Enhancer] + [Reflex Augment 22]

Implant 2:[Columi Combat Medic's System] + [Reflex Augment 22]


Wrist: Modifiable Bracers - List Here + [Advanced Reflex Armoring 25] + [Advanced Agile Mod 25]



-OR- Armormechs can use their BOP bracers as long as they have an augment this would be -9 aim and +26 power


Belt: Civilian Pilot Belt + [Advanced Reflex Armoring 25] + [Advanced Agile Mod 25]

The Pilot belt is purchase with Fleet commendations.



-OR- Armormechs can use their BOP Belt as long as they have an augment this would be +9 aim the 11 crit could be swapped for 11 power if you use the fully modded belt, overall this would be superior to the fully modded belt.



Main Hand: Precision Strike ---swap to---> [Advanced Adept Enhancement 25]

Offhand: Overkill ---swap to---> [Advanced Adept Enhancement 25]


In 1.2 These will be the new BIS weapons with the new BIS Barrel

Main Hand: Modifiable Pistol (with augment) + [New BIS Barrel] +[Advanced Adept Enhancement 25] + [Advanced Agile Mod 25] + [Reflex Augment 22]

Offhand: Modifiable Pistol (with augment) + [New BIS Barrel] + [Advanced Agile Mod 25] + [Advanced Adept Enhancement 25] + [Reflex Augment 22]


- Alacrity with this set of gear is at 144, you can choose to leave some alacrity enhancements in your rakata gear based on your heat management and the rate at which you feel comfortable with.


Crew Skills


Each Crafting Crewskill has unique patterns that are only craftable for your own use, meaning that you must have the specific crew skill to make and use the item. The crewskills that benefit our class are


Biochem - Arguably the best crewskill for any class atm. You craft a reusable Stim that gives stats equal to the current exotech stims. Reusable adrenals which is a powerful cooldown (this is pretty huge if you don't want to buy the consume on use adrenals). The third item you make is a reusable BOP medpac that heals for about 4000 hps and also increases your total health by 15% acting as a additional 'last stand' c/d. BIS Implants that requires a BOP pattern to drop from hard mode operations these items are BOE and only BIS if with augment slot.

Cybertech - BIS Columi Earpieces that if an augment procs it becomes BIS, these are not BOP and Reusable Grenades that stun or do damage - nothing really healing oriented for these items.

Armormech - Head, Chest, Legs and boots 136 rating Most of these require patterns that are drops in flashpoints and Operations. You can make BIS Bracers and Belt you must crit a augment slot for these to be BIS.

Armstech - BIS BOP Barrels, not really a huge advantage to your toon in a PVE or PVP setting.




The following is a breakdown of the spells Mercenaries will use in a healing role


"Kolto Overload" | 0 Heat | Instant | 3 min C/D | Heals yourself for 15% of your health

"Vent Heat" | 0 Heat | Instant | 2 min C/D | Reduces your heat by 66 over 3 seconds

"Rapid Shots"| 0 Heat | Instant | no C/D | Heals for a small amount, between 500-1000 hps with heroic 4m gear

"Rapid Scan" | 25 Heat | 2 sec cast | no C/D | Heals 2300-2650 hps and crits for 4500-4700 with heroic 4m gear

"Energy Shield" | 0 Heat | Instant | 2 min C/D | Provides yourself with 25% damage reduction for 12 seconds

"Thermal Sensor Override" | 0 Heat | Instant | 2 min C/D | Makes your next ability generate 0 heat, should be used before a Rapid Scan when Critical Efficiency is not active

"Healing Scan" | 16 Heat | 1.5 sec cast | 9 sec C/D | Heals 1600-1900 hps and crits for 3200-3500 with heroic 4m gear

"Power Surge" | 0 Heat | Instant | 2 min C/D | Causes your next ability with a cast time to be instant, Normally use with Rapid Scan.

"Supercharged Gas" | 0 Heat | instant cast | no C/D | This is our main cooldown used to boost our healing and can be used frequently throughout encounters. I'll go into more detail about this skill later in this post.

"Kolto Missile" | 16 Heat | instant cast | 6 sec C/D | Heals 1000-1250 hps per person (3 total) and crits for 1850-2200 with heroic 4m gear.

"Kolto Shell" | 0 Heat | instant cast | no C/D | Heals 400-900 hps per tick, it is supposed to only occur once every 3 seconds but is not fuctioning properly. You can get 2-3 charges used at once so this buff should be watched.

"Emergency Scan" | 0 Heat | instant cast | 21 sec C/D | Heals 1750-2250 hps and crits for 1850-2200 with heroic 4m gear.



In our arsenal of abilities there are those that generate heat and those that do not. Those that do not generate heat which are listed and is labeled as 'Free Ability' in a the following rotations.





Kolto Shell – Should be up on a tank at all times. The effect lasts 5 minutes but in a high damage fight the charges may last as little as ~15 seconds till the time that they fix the internal cooldown of the healing proc.




Emergency Scan – This spell is on a 21 second cool down and should be used on cool down in place of Rapid Shot and only when you have some heat build up. If you are at 0 heat you want to use your other abilities till you are at a point of at least 20 heat.




Rapid Shot – Heals target a small amount and can be used while moving. This also can proc
if it crits that increases your alacrity by 5% lasts 6 seconds. Critical Reaction can also proc off other crits




Heat dissipation is as follows –



lvl 1 = 10-39 - Heat dissipates at 5/sec


lvl 2 = 40-79 - Heat dissipates at 3/sec


lvl 3 = 80-100 - Heat dissipates at 2/sec


The GCD is 1.5 seconds.




Our basic single target rotation will consist of Healing Scan followed by a Rapid Scan which is not repeatable since Healing Scan is on a 9 second (talented) cooldown. It is followed by Rapid Scan since using Healing Scan reduces the cost of Rapid Scan to 9 heat. Ideally you would want to use Healing Scan on c/d if your heat is low and the tank is tanking something because it puts a 9 second hot on the target, at optimal heat dissipation (0-39 heat) Free ability - Kolto Shell, Rapid Shot, Emergency Scan. The heat conserving/heat reducing rotation would be as follows:





Healing Scan
Rapid Scan
Free ability
Free ability




Followed by this rotation






Kolto Missles
Free ability
Free ability



****The seemingly logical choice would be to follow the first rotation with one similar to this [Rapid Scan > Rapid Shot > Rapid Shot > Rapid Shot], but it is not very efficient and the Kolto Missile will net higher healing per point of heat. (70.9 hp/heat vs 60.2 hp/heat) If your target is taking an exceptional amount of damage then you could use Rapid Scan as it would provide more single target healing but just wouldn't be as efficient as using Kolto Missiles. In high damage tank fights you could weave kolto missiles on the tank to provide the extra 5% healing.


Higher Output but generates some heat:





Healing Scan
Rapid Scan
Free ability
Healing Scan
Free ability
Rapid Scan



AOE healing rotation will consist of Kolto Missiles. This will net you about .2 seconds of heat dissipation needed at some other point in your rotation (depending on your alacrity) but throwing in an extra rapid shot or other 0 heat ability will reduce that extra heat and can be used in every 5th rotation.





Kolto Missles
Healing Scan
Rapid Scan
Free ability
Free ability
and repeat




If you are at a higher heat level the amount of rapid shots or other 0 cost GCDs that are needed to create a net heat of 0 are listed next to “RS till 0 Heat”









Heavy Healing period


“Super Charged Gas” - Make sure this ability is usable, it can be used any time you have 30 charges in your power cell (using the Combat Support Cylinder) this increases healing by 10% for 10 seconds and removes the cool down of “Healing Scan” and adds a shield to targets healed with “Kolto Missles” that reduces damage taken by 10%. These are the rotations that you would use in conjunction to "Super Charged Gas"


For heavy Single Target healing:





Super Charged Gas
Healing Scan
Rapid Scan
Healing Scan
Rapid Scan
Healing Scan
Rapid Scan



For heavy group healing:





Super Charged Gas
Kolto Missles
Healing Scan
Rapid Scan
Healing Scan
Kolto Missles
Rapid Scan



This allows you to get two Kolto Missles with the shielding buff within the 10 second Super Charged period. The total heat you build up over this rotation is 82 but if you begin this rotation at 0 you should remain below the 39 heat mark and need 4 GCD’s after the rotation to bring you back to a net Heat of 0. If your heat becomes higher than 66 use “Vent Heat” and continue the rotation.



Managing your buffs & cool downs


“Vent Heat” –Use this in conjunction with your heavy healing periods. Vent heat reduces your current heat by 66 (talented) over 3 seconds and should be used when your heat gets high.


“Super Charged Gas” - Make sure this ability is usable, it can be used any time you have 30 charges in your power cell (using the Combat Support Cylinder) this increases healing by 10% for 10 seconds and removes the cool down of “Healing Scan” and adds a shield to targets healed with “Kolto Missiles” and also vents 16 heat.

To recharge your Power Cell once the 10 second buff is over you need 5 Rapid Scans will or 10 Rapid Shots (since it provides 3 shots per gcd) or any combination of the two. In a fight you will find that the stack build pretty quickly




Combinations that build 30 charges


5 Rapid Scans, 0 Rapid Shots


4 Rapid Scans, 2 Rapid Shots


3 Rapid Scans, 4 Rapid Shots


2 Rapid Scans, 6 Rapid Shots


1 Rapid Scans, 8 Rapid Shots


0 Rapid Scans, 10 Rapid Shots



“Kolto Overload” – Self-heal that restores 15% of your health at no heat cost. Should be used any time your take damage or at times when you are taking damage and must move.


“Energy Shield” – Self shield that reduces incoming damage.


“Thermal Sensor Override” – the next ability used generates no heat (2 minute cooldown). This should be used on cooldown in conjunction with Rapid Scan when you are not affected by 'Critical Efficiency,' which is the buff you get after Healing Scan that reduces your Rapid Scan cost, and are at about 30+heat.



Before you start the fight:


Make sure Kolto Shell on your tank, you can only have one shell up at a time. Be sure to have your Power cell fully charged (this means 30 rapid shots or 5 rapid scans.) Ensure that you have the proper group buffs/ stims active and that you have medpacs handy (they use a GCD but don’t cost you any heat)




Special Thanks for your contributions: Gyromite

Edited by Chorusgirl
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checked out my kolto shell a bit more tonight and it seemed that the internal c/d was working correctly with only one mob hitting the tank but when mulitple mobs were hitting him it would tick down 2 at a time instead of the 1 every 3 seconds
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i have problem to manage my quickslot. too many skills and i've already re-map q,e,f,z,x,c. so far i have not enable left quickslot yet.


any1 kind enough to link screenshot of their ui?


another question.. if i train bodyguard up to critical efficiency, would i be able to heal hardmode flashpoint?


thx in advance.

Edited by rolotomasi
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i have problem to manage my quickslot. too many skills and i've already re-map q,e,f,z,x,c. so far i have not enable left quickslot yet.


any1 kind enough to link screenshot of their ui?


another question.. if i train bodyguard up to critical efficiency, would i be able to heal hardmode flashpoint?


thx in advance.


If you can afford it, I would highly recommend getting a Razer Naga mouse for Merc healing. Hell healing in any MMO (shoulda seen my disc priest in wow numrow + alt numrow binds completely filled with healing stuff) and they are also awesome for RTSs. Having the whole numrow accessible by one finger though is beautiful imo.

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If you can afford it, I would highly recommend getting a Razer Naga mouse for Merc healing. Hell healing in any MMO (shoulda seen my disc priest in wow numrow + alt numrow binds completely filled with healing stuff) and they are also awesome for RTSs. Having the whole numrow accessible by one finger though is beautiful imo.


I was thinking about picking up one of these myself. I'm currently using a G15 and macroing my adrenal and relic to my supercharged gas and Healing Scan.


For my Keybinds besides that I have 1-6 with normal healing buttons, alt+1-5 with c/ds and survival buttons and F1-5 with CC, Aggro reduction and a couple more of my other c/ds

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i have problem to manage my quickslot. too many skills and i've already re-map q,e,f,z,x,c. so far i have not enable left quickslot yet.


any1 kind enough to link screenshot of their ui?


another question.. if i train bodyguard up to critical efficiency, would i be able to heal hardmode flashpoint?


thx in advance.


I don't heal but I did have issues with mapping. I currently use f,g,q,e,r,t,1,2,3,4,5,shift+(e,r,t,f,g) that takes care of a good load of spells and if there's no rush I would click certain buff spells on the right ui-panel of the screen.

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I don't know how much experience you have with other classes, but I was wondering how Bounty Hunter healing performance compares to that of the Sith Inquisitor, or Imperial Agent. I pugged Athis and ran with a whole group of Bounty Hunters, and had to heal. Despite being specced Arsenal I think I still did a pretty good job of it, and was thinking of respeccing to Bodyguard. But I always kind of thought the Sith Inquisitor would be the de facto healing class because of the combat res they get, and I hear Agents have really good buffs.
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To the OP:


I find Improved Heat Vents to be totally unnecessary; combined with Supercharged Gas, it's effectively a complete heat wipe without talenting into it. Most of the healers I've seen complaining about heat are remarkably inefficient and fail to make use of some of our basic tools-- Supercharged Gas -> Kolto Missile is an astonishingly efficient heal for 4-mans, both to prevent damage to the tank and to top off other players who have accidentally drawn aggro.


I'd swap to the damage reduction in CSC. It's much more valuable in typical PvE, helps a ton in instances when you have to spike heal and draw aggro, and it's invaluable in PvP. Ideally we shouldn't need it in PvE, but the reality is that threat is screwy and it's simply more valuable to bring survivability than a slightly-improved panic button that we shouldn't be using in anything but boss fights.

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Awesome post. Just what I was looking for all in one post. Was just trying to look up some info on the bh healer cause my buddy plays one, and here it all is. Even kinda makes me wanna respec to bodyguard...


Great job, thanks for putting the time and effort into this and look forward to seeing it stickied.

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To the OP:


I find Improved Heat Vents to be totally unnecessary; combined with Supercharged Gas, it's effectively a complete heat wipe without talenting into it. Most of the healers I've seen complaining about heat are remarkably inefficient and fail to make use of some of our basic tools-- Supercharged Gas -> Kolto Missile is an astonishingly efficient heal for 4-mans, both to prevent damage to the tank and to top off other players who have accidentally drawn aggro.


I'd swap to the damage reduction in CSC. It's much more valuable in typical PvE, helps a ton in instances when you have to spike heal and draw aggro, and it's invaluable in PvP. Ideally we shouldn't need it in PvE, but the reality is that threat is screwy and it's simply more valuable to bring survivability than a slightly-improved panic button that we shouldn't be using in anything but boss fights.


In all honesty I've never been in a fight where I 'need' the damage reduction. I suppose you can go either way but with the IHV you can do more healing while intentionally spiking your heat up. I guess if you're just doing flashpoints you can go with the damage reduction but for operations at least up till Nightmare Mode you want the IHV since you don't really get hit by anything besides normal raid damage.

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In all honesty I've never been in a fight where I 'need' the damage reduction. I suppose you can go either way but with the IHV you can do more healing while intentionally spiking your heat up. I guess if you're just doing flashpoints you can go with the damage reduction but for operations at least up till Nightmare Mode you want the IHV since you don't really get hit by anything besides normal raid damage.


I guess it's largely a moot point; I consider both bottom-tier talents in comparison to some of the real requirements (Healing Scan improvements, Cleanse improvement, etc), it's just that both are better than the trashy Shield buffs.

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