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General Chat: The Boomy Show--A SWTOR Podcast

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My friends of the Galactic gaming family! My name is Boomy and I am the host of The Boomy Show: A weird and wacky show about swtor and other gaming things I do. I will be producing a new segment to the show called: General Chat. On this segment I will be answering questions from our community. These questions, from you fab peeps, can be anything from: Problems with other players and how to handle those social issues, dealing with trolls, how to over come the social anxiety of getting into group content and anything under the two suns that might be vexing you. I have a 10 year background in the MMO world and a degree in Psychology and Philosophy (which mean's I read and think a lot,) it also mean's I have a window into the mind of the human being! (It's a scary place to be sure.) So, let people know! If you have any questions or concerns about how to deal with social things in our community please don't hesitate to DM @BoomyNation (Twitter) or e-mail the show TheBoomyShow@gmail.com


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