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Master flashpoint - not allowed queue

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Hello everybody,


First, English is not my native language, so, sorry for my poor english level.

Since this morning, when i want to queue in a MASTER FP, nothing happen. No error message, no sound, nothing ... just can't queue in a MASTER FP. All other activities are ok, but queue MASTER not.


Someone have an advice for me ? :rak_02:

I'm sub since 7 days, do at least 5 MASTERs FP since 7 days ... But now cannot do anithing ...

I'm level 70. On my two other char, level 68 and 65 i CAN go to MASTER FP.


It's a kind of limit on week or something strange like that ?


Thanks for the answer, i'm very sad ATM, il love my 70 operative and don't really want to play on the other 2.

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