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Imperial Agent Ending Meaning


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I'm curious about people's opinions on the ending for IA light side, and your interaction with your opponent.



Hunter: "Eventually, it's easier to make up someone new. By the time you came along, it was too late to change. But you understood. You knew I liked you."

You: "I knew. You weren't all-together subtle."

Hunter: "Hmm. I liked that about being him. Hunter and Cypher Nine, they're the tough ones. They play the game right."

You: "You were the best enemy I could ask for." *Kiss*

Hunter: "Good-bye love, never let them stop you."


Depicted here




How do you interpret this conversation? What do you believe the writers intended by it, and what did you take away from it?


I apologize if this is a duplicate thread, but I couldn't find another. Thanks.

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