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Romanced Companion Letters in Fallen Empire


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Has everyone been receiving letters from their romanced companions after your 5yr slumber? Maybe we can make a list of romanced companions who sent out letters and if possible a link beside it with the said letter.


List of Companion Romance Letters


Corso's Romanced Letter [told him to flee back to republic space]


Subject: Wait for me at Port Nowhere


I don't care what anyone else says. You can't be dead. Not like this. Not after everything we've gotten through together.


I flew back to where Marr's flagship went down. Escape pods have scattered all over the blasted sector. You've got to be in one of them, and I'll keep scanning until I see your beautiful face again.


If you make it back to Republic space before me, go to Port Nowhere and send me the signal. I'll come running-- but not before I stop off at the market on Coruscant that sells that thing from Naboo you like so much. I noticed you ran out of it.


Come home. I love you.



Theron's Romanced Letter


Subject: For when you wake up.


I've written this message twice now. Okay, more than twice. Kinda weird writing something that may never be read. Lana says you're locked in carbonite, but alive. (Yeah, we're in touch. Long story.) I like to think you're having one crazy dream. And maybe I'm in it. But I don't want to presume. We never declared what this--you and me--is... was... Have I mentioned I'm bad at relationships? Another reason I'm a workaholic.


I'm rambling. The point I'm trying to make is--whatever's between us, I want you to know that I care about you. A lot. The whole galaxy's lost its mind. The thing that keeps me going is the knowledge that you're out there, and we're putting together a plan to rescue you. I might not be there--we've all got our parts to play--but I haven't forgotten about you or our time together. I never will.



Iresso's romanced letter [told him to flee]


Subject: MIA


Don't know when you'll read this, but I'm certain someday you will. As far as I'm concerned, your status is "missing in action." Not "presumed dead." Definitely not "killed in action."


Whatever happened when that fleet attacked, you got out of it. You've made it through worse. I don't know where you are or why you've gone silent, but I monitor your holofrequency at all times. The moment you transmit a signal, I'll be on it.


If I hear you're behind enemy lines, I'll break through them. And if you're on a mission so secret you couldn't even tell me about it, I'll understand. You need the galaxy to think you're dead, I'll play along--but I know better.


I spent a lifetime waiting to find you. If I have to, I'll spend another waiting for you to come back. That's what love is.



Malavai Quinn sends a romanced letter [credit to Yermog] [told them to flee]


Subject: I remain your loyal servant.


My lord, it's likely I'm prattling to no one. Still, I had to sent something.


You're not one for minced words, so I'll be blunt: The Empire needs you. More than that-- I need you. Discord reigns in Drommund Kaas. Without your leadership, the crew disbanded, and I have received little assistance from the Dark Council or Imperial military. No one will grant me an audience, much less answer my inquiries.


I should have come with you aboard Darth Marr's ship-- stood in my rightful place by your side. I know I've made mistakes, but I thought I had a lifetime to make up for my betrayal. Now I'm faced with the possibility of never seeing you again... and it makes me ill. I cannot accept it.


The shame of my past actions and my love for you will fuel me for eternity. No matter what anyone says-- I know you're alive, and I will find you. Even if it kills me.


Kira sends a romanced letter [credit to TraxusAngel] [told them to flee]


Subject: "I know you're alive"


Happy anniversary. As of today, you've been missing for a whole year. You beat your old record from the Emperor's Fortress. Everyone's given you up for dead except me. Thing is, I'd feel it if you died. The connection we made is too strong to just break apart. I've spent hundreds of hours meditating - trying to find you. All I get is a great big nothing where you used to be. That can't be right.


Did you find him out there? Did you fall to him again? Sometimes, I dream that you're standing in my doorway, but you're not you anymore. You're him.


Everything's gone wrong since you left. The Republic is giving up to the invaders. Nobody can tell me what happened to Master Satele. The Jedi Order is dying, and I can't save it. I couldn't even keep our crew together.


You have to come back.



Ashara sends a romanced letter [credit to TraxusAngel] [told them to flee]


Subject: Farewell


Everyone says you're dead. I thought I'd feel the empy place in the Force that was your presence. I search, but I find nothing. It's like you were never there. What does it mean, that you could die and leave no trace?


I close my eyes to see your face. I shut out everything to hear your voice. The secrets we told each other. The plans we made. The future we were building. I know now who took that from us. I saw the Eternal Empire's warships above Dromund Kaas. They tried to kill me, too. They almost did.


The Sith adn Jedi are helpless against this enemy. I've left them all behind. I never belonged to those failed orders, no more than you did. We were always something special. Now it's just me.


Something is drawing me to the darkness beyond the edge of Wild Space. Maybe there will be answers waiting for me. Maybe I won't be alone anymore. I wish you were going with me.



Nadia sends a romanced letter [credit to Raltar]


Subject: I will find you


I know you're still alive. I could feel your presence even after the destruction of Darth Marr's flagship. You were travelling away from me, deeper into Wild Space, faster and farther than I could follow. When I concentrate, I can still feel your pulse and hear your thoughts like distant whispers. You're in pain, and I can't stand knowing I'm powerless to help you.


They moved the Noetikons back to Coruscant after the attack on Tython. I've been consulting them, especially Bastila Shan's. She understands what this feels like. You've done so much for so many, and now it's time for your allies to honor you in return. The Esh-kha, Gaden-Ko, the Balmorrann resistance... I will rally these old friends and lead them to wherever you are. We will brave the dangers that await, my love.


Stay strong. We will come.



Risha sends a romanced letter [credit to Saberchic] [told them to flee]



Subject: You win


Don't know why I'm sending you this message after three years. You'll never see it. If you survived what happened to Marr's ship, everyone would know--and if you ran off to start over without me, I'd sure as stars have heard about it by now. You've never been any good at staying inconspicuous.


Want to hear something funny? I didn't give up on you until today. I searched all over Wild Space, even after Corso said it was time to face the truth. And then this morning I remembered the first time we kissed, and how I promised myself I'd never let you make a sucker out of me. I'm the one who was supposed to leave when things got bad.


Damn you for getting the last laugh, just like always.



Vector sends a romanced letter [credit to Isiltari] [told them to flee]


Subject: The Song has gone quiet


We do not know if this will reach you, but we had to try. We have meditated on the destruction of Darth Marr's frigate, replaying the events from all angles, but we cannot find clarity. The Song of the Universe crescendoed--its vibrations overtook the stars, then... silence. Your aura, normally so bright, dimmed, and the vessel we have made our home grew cold.


Your scent lingers, but your essence slips through our fingers. For the first time since the cave, we are afraid of what the next verse will bring. You have become part of us. We cherish our life together--the experiences we share and the sensations you evoke. We do not know what we will be like without you. We do not want to know.


Please come home.



Vette sends a romanced letter [credit to Evasmi]


Subject: Things I'll never know


It's been almost a year since I last saw you outside of a dream. Every day, I have the same question. How did it end ? Were there a hundred bad guys swarming you, like a bunch of killiks trying to take down a krayt dragon? I want to think you went down swinging and took most of them with you.


But other times I wonder if you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Some external bulkhead ripped open next to you. Hard Vacuum 1, Empire's Wrath 0. Maybe it was a reactor-core breach, and you never even had time to feel the heat ?


They say powerful Sith can come back from the dead and appear to the people they had strong connections to when they were alive. Will I wake up some day and see you ? Will you finally tell me what happened? Will i know if you had time to think about me before you died ?



Elara's Romance letter [credit to Lesaberisa]


Subject: Perseverance




We've lost the battle. Jorgan and I have pursued every available option, but our final appeal has failed. Legally, you've been declared killed in action.


I know it's not true. I'm sending you this message because I know that somewhere, someday, you'll read it. I will never give up on you. And if the Republic military won't help me find you, I will explore other options.


We first met on a search and rescue mission - I suppose it's only fitting that we reunite the same way.


Yours always,




Doc's Romanced Letter [Credit to Yermog] [told crew to stay and help fight]


Subject: Just tell me you're safe.


I don't believe you didn't make it to the escape pods. You've survived worse disasters without breaking a sweat. You're the best Jedi in the whole galaxy, and it'll take more than one lousy Sith battle cruiser going boom to kill you. I had to learn a lot of math in medical school, and I've run the numbers. You've gotta be alive.


There's only one explanation for you not answering my calls. You're on some secret mission, and you can't tell ol' Doc for his own safety. I get it, gorgeous-- but enough's enough. Give me a shout back because I'm pacing a groove in this deck waiting to hear from you.


And if you decide to surprise me with a personal visit, that's fine, too. I'm easy.


Seriously though, everyone's worried. You've been gone too long.



Kaylio's Romanced Letter [credit to Ardim]


Subject: Don't come back


Got to hand it to you, agent--you've got style. When I'm done with a person, I sneak out in the middle of the night. leave a note, if they weren't a complete waste of time. Not you. You blow up a frigate to cover your escape. Always the clever one. Thought we had a good thing going. If you wanted out, you could've been upfront with me. I'm a big girl-- learned long ago men aren't worth crying over.


Thought about hijacking the Phantom, dropping the others planetside somewhere. But it's got your stink all over it. No, it's time to get back to me. Truth is, I'm grateful. Obviously, I was getting soft. Won't happen again.


Just remember--I was the best thing that ever happened to you.



Akaavi's romanced letter [credit to Sangiban]


Subject: Ret'urcye Mhi


These are the things I wish I had said. Don't go aboard Marr's flagship alone. I know you're not afraid of him. You're never afraid of anything. It's one of the reasons I fell in love with you. But I have a bad feeling about this. I can watch your back and make sure you get out alive. Let me come with you.


I never thought you'd be first into the Void. I hoped we'd go together, when we were both old--but not too old for one last glorious battle. Now I have to fight alone. So be it.


Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum. I can almost see the look on your face reading those words. You never did learn Mando'a worth a damn. I'll translate it one last time.


I'm still alive, but you are dead. I remember you, so you are eternal.



Raina's Romanced Letter [credit to Cindlehr]




The Intelligence training regimen taught me I must be ready for anything. Under your guidance, I prepared for the unexpected, but when Darth Marr’s frigate exploded… I hesitated, and now you’re missing. The truth is, I don’t know what to do. No one has answers. I thought about reaching out to Lana Beniko, but I can’t risk the Sith finding out about me. Especially not now, when I have no protection. Kaliyo thinks your disappearance is a scheme and I should forget about you. But I can’t do that. I’m not ready for a life without you, sir. It’s too dangerous for me to stay in Dromund Kaas. I’m going off the grid for a while, but I’ll be monitoring the HoloNet for any news concerning your whereabouts. I love you. Please come back to me.



Mako's Romanced Letter [credit to Cindlehr]


Subject: Closing Shop


People in our line of work never seem to retire. We all talk about it. Everyone plans to get so rich they can afford to buy themselves a nice little tropical planetoid in some remote system way off the main hyperlanes. That's the dream, right? Sit around drinking on a beach and enjoying old age? But I keep noticing how nobody actually does it.


Braden? Dead. Crysta? Dead. Most of the Great Hunt contestants from the last ten years? Three guesses what happebed to them, and the first two don't count. Now you're on that same terrible list because you couldn't resist going after the scariest boogeyman the galaxy's ever seen. Who could've predicted that would turn out badly? Oh, wait--it was ME.


Not sure why I'm even writing this. Closure? Just to say "I told you so"? It dosen't matter. The Galaxy's falling apart, and I don't need a front-row seat. I'm done with the buisness. All it's ever done is take away the people I cared about



Torian's Romanced Letter [credit to Cindlehr]


Subject: Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la


A Mando knows every mission could be the last. None of us can count on seeing the next sunrise. There's only now. Sometimes we get lucky, and we march together all our lives. Sometimes, we only get a single battle. You and I had a few years.


They were good years.


You honored me. You saved my life. You loved me better than anyone ever has. I'll repay those debts. I'll carry your memory with me on every hunt I take until the day I die.


The ones who killed you are invading Imperial space. They think we won't fight back. They're wrong. Mandalore is gathering the clans, and I'm answering his call. Ret'urcye mhi doesn't mean goodbye--it means "maybe we'll see each other again." If there's another life beyond this one, I hope we do.



DS Jaesa's Romanced Letter [credit to Cindlehr]


Subject: Everything ends


You were always going to leave me. I knew that. It was inevitable the moment you killed my old master. I pace the ship's corridors and eavesdrop on your acolytes. Some mourn you. Their grief makes me smile. Beyond that, I feel nothing.


I'm free. I'm alive. I'm more powerful than ever, and I don't fear death. Not mine, not yours. The worst happened. I'm still here. Someone already seeks to replace you as the dark center of my universe. Why should I cry that you're gone? Why write words to a dead man?





Andronikos' Romanced Letter [credit to Cindlehr]


Subject: Blast it, where are you?


None of your Council friends will speak to me, and they grounded the Fury. Whole capital's in chaos. Rumors flying everywhere. Look, neither of us likes to be clingy, but you can't pull a disappearing act and not expect me to worry. We're a team.


I'm not a sentimental guy, you know that, but if something's happened to you... I don't think I can go back to my old life. Used to feel like relationships were nothing but dead weight. All I wanted was to fly free, no attachments. But what we have together--I wouldn't give that up for anything.


I know you're alive. It would take more than explosion to kill my girl. Even a really big one. If I don't hear from you, I'll commandeer a shuttle to find you myself.



Aric Jorgan's Romanced Letter [credit to TinaLovesHan] [told them to flee]


Subject: They just keep coming


I'm stuck in a trench with Forex and running low on ammo. Skytrooper dropships are inbound, probably two minutes out. Feels like the longer break I've had in weeks.


We've been fighting these things for two months now. We hunker down and shoot until our barrels melt, and more of them just keep showing up. Getting real tired of it. Might not be so bad if I just had my wife here with me like I'm used to.


I know you're still out there. No way you're dead.


Two months is long enough. Please come back to us.



Edited by Jilinna
Added Theron's Letter to original post. Will list all letters in main post as they get posted.
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I can't even read Corso's letter, but that's okay.


My SW romanced Quinn and Theron, and got letters from them both. I'll see if I can post them up here.


Is it bc the font is really small? I'll see if I can post a better picture.

I'll edit my original with this link.


That should be better. Sorry about that.



EDIT: Also I did get a letter because I romanced Theron as well on my Smuggler so here is mine


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Theron's letter was the same for my Sith Warrior.


Quinn's letter


I remain your loyal servant.


My lord, it's likely I'm prattling to no one. Still, I had to sent something.


You're not one for minced words, so I'll be blunt: The Empire needs you. More than that-- I need you. Discord reigns in Drommund Kaas. Without your leadership, the crew disbanded, and I have received little assistance from the Dark Council or Imperial military. No one will grant me an audience, much less answer my inquiries.


I should have come with you aboard Darth Marr's ship-- stood in my rightful place by your side. I know I've made mistakes, but I thought I had a lifetime to make up for my betrayal. Now I'm faced with the possibility of never seeing you again... and it makes me ill. I cannot accept it.


The shame of my past actions and my love for you will fuel me for eternity. No matter what anyone says-- I know you're alive, and I will find you. Even if it kills me.



So I'm guessing the letter changes slightly depending on if you send your ship away during the attack, or if you keep them with you. I guess we'll have to see what others say if they post their letters.

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Theron's letter was the same for my Sith Warrior.


Quinn's letter


I remain your loyal servant.


My lord, it's likely I'm prattling to no one. Still, I had to sent something.


You're not one for minced words, so I'll be blunt: The Empire needs you. More than that-- I need you. Discord reigns in Drommund Kaas. Without your leadership, the crew disbanded, and I have received little assistance from the Dark Council or Imperial military. No one will grant me an audience, much less answer my inquiries.


I should have come with you aboard Darth Marr's ship-- stood in my rightful place by your side. I know I've made mistakes, but I thought I had a lifetime to make up for my betrayal. Now I'm faced with the possibility of never seeing you again... and it makes me ill. I cannot accept it.


The shame of my past actions and my love for you will fuel me for eternity. No matter what anyone says-- I know you're alive, and I will find you. Even if it kills me.



So I'm guessing the letter changes slightly depending on if you send your ship away during the attack, or if you keep them with you. I guess we'll have to see what others say if they post their letters.


Hmm that is interesting! I never thought of that, if choosing to stay and fight does change anything! & wow Malavai's letter, I can't wait to go through it on my sith warrior now.


@TraxusAngel- Thanks!

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I told my crew to leave as well, if it matters.


Kira's Letter



Title: "I know you're alive"

Happy anniversary. As of today, you've been missing for a whole year. You beat your old record from the Emperor's Fortress. Everyone's given you up for dead except me. Thing is, I'd feel it if you died. The connection we made is too strong to just break apart. I've spent hundreds of hours meditating - trying to find you. All I get is a great big nothing where you used to be. That can't be right.


Did you find him out there? Did you fall to him again? Sometimes, I dream that you're standing in my doorway, but you're not you anymore. You're him.


Everything's gone wrong since you left. The Republic is giving up to the invaders. Nobody can tell me what happened to Master Satele. The Jedi Order is dying, and I can't save it. I couldn't even keep our crew together.


You have to come back.




Ashara's letter





Title: "Farewell"

Everyone says you're dead. I thought I'd feel the empy place in the Force that was your presence. I search, but I find nothing. It's like you were never there. What does it mean, that you could die and leave no trace?


I close my eyes to see your face. I shut out everything to hear your voice. The secrets we told each other. The plans we made. The future we were building. I know now who took that from us. I saw the Eternal Empire's warships above Dromund Kaas. They tried to kill me, too. They almost did.


The Sith adn Jedi are helpless against this enemy. I've left them all behind. I never belonged to those failed orders, no more than you did. We were always something special. Now it's just me.


Something is drawing me to the darkness beyond the edge of Wild Space. Maybe there will be answers waiting for me. Maybe I won't be alone anymore. I wish you were going with me.




Edited by TraxusAngel
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I told my crew to leave as well, if it matters.


Kira's Letter



Title: "I know you're alive"

Happy anniversary. As of today, you've been missing for a whole year. You beat your old record from the Emperor's Fortress. Everyone's given you up for dead except me. Thing is, I'd feel it if you died. The connection we made is too strong to just break apart. I've spent hundreds of hours meditating - trying to find you. All I get is a great big nothing where you used to be. That can't be right.


Did you find him out there? Did you fall to him again? Sometimes, I dream that you're standing in my doorway, but you're not you anymore. You're him.


Everything's gone wrong since you left. The Republic is giving up to the invaders. Nobody can tell me what happened to Master Satele. The Jedi Order is dying, and I can't save it. I couldn't even keep our crew together.


You have to come back.




Ashara's letter





Title: "Farewell"

Everyone says you're dead. I thought I'd feel the empy place in the Force that was your presence. I search, but I find nothing. It's like you were never there. What does it mean, that you could die and leave no trace?


I close my eyes to see your face. I shut out everything to hear your voice. The secrets we told each other. The plans we made. The future we were building. I know now who took that from us. I saw the Eternal Empire's warships above Dromund Kaas. They tried to kill me, too. They almost did.


The Sith adn Jedi are helpless against this enemy. I've left them all behind. I never belonged to those failed orders, no more than you did. We were always something special. Now it's just me.


Something is drawing me to the darkness beyond the edge of Wild Space. Maybe there will be answers waiting for me. Maybe I won't be alone anymore. I wish you were going with me.




Oh god, those hit me right in the feels. Especially Ashara's.

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Ashara's letter is really impressive. I'd say it could make total sence even for the inquisitors who didn't romance her.

I've only played the expansion with my agent so far, got a letter from Vector. Can't post it right now, but will do it a bit later if no one else does :)

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Hmmm, my SW romanced Vette but cheated with Lana. He got a letter from Vette but nothing from Lana. I suppose the latter could be made up for by the fact that she got him out of popsicle mode though. Edited by Evasmi
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Thanks everyone! These letters are really sweet. I just went through a F!Consular who romanced Iresso and he does send you a romance letter.


Here is Iresso's letter:



two part bc its long and cuts off.


Also is the companion who board's marr's ship with you always your LI? A friend of mine said she was romancing Malavai but Vette boarded Marr's ship with her instead. Is that a bug or intentional?

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Also is the companion who board's marr's ship with you always your LI? A friend of mine said she was romancing Malavai but Vette boarded Marr's ship with her instead. Is that a bug or intentional?


Not your LI - the same companion boards for each class regardless of relationship. Knights get Kira (mine romanced Doc), Inquisitors get Andronikos, etc.


Elara's letter (link to image)





Subject: Perseverance




We've lost the battle. Jorgan and I have pursued every available option, but our final appeal has failed. Legally, you've been declared killed in action.


I know it's not true. I'm sending you this message because I know that somewhere, someday, you'll read it. I will never give up on you. And if the Republic military won't help me find you, I will explore other options.


We first met on a search and rescue mission - I suppose it's only fitting that we reunite the same way.


Yours always,




Edited by Lesaberisa
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Not your LI - the same companion boards for each class regardless of relationship. Knights get Kira (mine romanced Doc), Inquisitors get Andronikos, etc.


Elara's letter (link to image)





Subject: Perseverance




We've lost the battle. Jorgan and I have pursued every available option, but our final appeal has failed. Legally, you've been declared killed in action.


I know it's not true. I'm sending you this message because I know that somewhere, someday, you'll read it. I will never give up on you. And if the Republic military won't help me find you, I will explore other options.


We first met on a search and rescue mission - I suppose it's only fitting that we reunite the same way.


Yours always,




I love Elara's romance, she was the only one i didn't cheat on lol. Thank you for posting it!


& Thank you for confirming who boards marr ship with you! Wanted to make sure it wasn't bugged. Since coincidentally all the people I have started the story on their LI has boarded with them.

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I haven't finished yet, I am in chapter V or VI. But I find myself wondering, why is my toon so stupid that he cant hit REPLY to Kira's email and say "Hey, I am alive. Where can we meet up?"


When I get through the initial chapters, I will really be disappointed in Bioware if I cannot continue things with Kira. I like the new story, but if it continues without advancing my marriage to her, I will consider the expansion a failure in story.

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Okay, I have Doc's letter. I had my crew stay and help fight.


Doc- Just tell me you're safe.


I don't believe you didn't make it to the escape pods. You've survived worse disasters without breaking a sweat. You're the best Jedi in the whole galaxy, and it'll take more than one lousy Sith battle cruiser going boom to kill you. I had to learn a lot of math in medical school, and I've run the numbers. You've gotta be alive.


There's only one explanation for you not answering my calls. You're on some secret mission, and you can't tell ol' Doc for his own safety. I get it, gorgeous-- but enough's enough. Give me a shout back because I'm pacing a groove in this deck waiting to hear from you.


And if you decide to surprise me with a personal visit, that's fine, too. I'm easy.


Seriously though, everyone's worried. You've been gone too long.




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So, do you only get their letters if you didn't flirt with either Lana or Theron during SoR and Ziost, or do you get them regardless?


Right now, I'm worried that flirting with either Theron or Lana might have quietly killed the old romance and may result in my characters not getting their letters...

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So, do you only get their letters if you didn't flirt with either Lana or Theron during SoR and Ziost, or do you get them regardless?


Right now, I'm worried that flirting with either Theron or Lana might have quietly killed the old romance and may result in my characters not getting their letters...


I got the letters and I flirted with Theron and Lana on almost all but one of my characters. Since I didn't think it would matter bc they haven't spoken in two years. So no you get the letter's regardless if you had flirted with Lana or Theron in SoR & Ziost. I know someone who's game didn't recognize their romance with iresso but she was loyal to Iresso and hadn't flirting specifically to avoid the romance being blocked out. So guess it can happen regardless.


In Fallen Empire you can flirt with them if you like up til the cantina scene in chapter 9 then just avoid the flirt option that warns you that if you continue you will start a romance with them. That will keep your previous relationships open.

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I got the letters and I flirted with Theron and Lana on almost all but one of my characters. Since I didn't think it would matter bc they haven't spoken in two years. So no you get the letter's regardless if you had flirted with Lana or Theron in SoR & Ziost. I know someone who's game didn't recognize their romance with iresso but she was loyal to Iresso and hadn't flirting specifically to avoid the romance being blocked out. So guess it can happen regardless.


In Fallen Empire you can flirt with them if you like up til the cantina scene in chapter 9 then just avoid the flirt option that warns you that if you continue you will start a romance with them. That will keep your previous relationships open.


Thank you!


I'm asking because my agent married Raina Temple and flirted with Lana in SoR. Now I've started KoFE and reached the Gravestone, but I still didn't get Raina's letter.


Not sure whether the romance is still considered active or if I should fully commit to romancing Lana instead.

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I love reading these! I can't wait to see Vectors! I about died from Theron's. I'm also curious to see Lana's. I've heard from people you cheated on you get a letter from both parties and I guess a demand to chose, or break up type thing? If anyone has those could you please post them? I'm just curious lol, all of my ch's have stayed faithful (Consular never romanced Iresso so she could go for Theron) (crazy sith lady dropped pirate guy for Lana so waiting to see what happens there).
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