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Whoever is in charge of class changes and design, Fanged God Form needs small change


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It's VERY simple, it won't break pvp, won't break pve.


Fanged God Form

Using Massacre / Blade Rush adds Hyper stacks to you, increasing your critical chance by 10% and reducing the cost of your next Massacre / Blade Rush by 1 Rage / Focus per stack. Stacks up to 3 times. Lasts 10 seconds or until an ability other than Massacre / Blade Rush is used.


My suggestion:

Using Massacre / Blade Rush adds Hyper stacks to you, increasing your critical chance by 10% and reducing the cost of your next Massacre / Blade Rush by 1 Rage / Focus per stack. Stacks up to 3 times. Lasts 20 seconds or until Gore/Lance or Vicious Throw/Dispatch is used.

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  • 1 month later...
Second this. Could at the most allow for greater sweeping slash cleave, gore crit chance, and vicious throw crit chance. The spec is suppose to be bursty so i feel this change would be worth the devs experimenting with!


Second second. This is a great suggestion.

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