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Please fix the Unranked PVP garbage


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Please return the scoring for dailes and weeklies to the old system. You have turned unranked PVP into an unpleasant grind. Bad timing for team making can cause a player to have numerous unpleasant teamings and no record of being there. At least if you lose under the old system it still counted as 1. This is absolutely ridiculous.
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Just need to revert back to the old system and tweak it a bit to get the out comes Bioware wanted from making this change to start with. Which was to make winning count more than people death matching and epeening on the scoreboard.


Ie, the old system gave you 2 points for a win and 1 point for a loss.


My proposal would be they give 3 points for a win and 1 point for a loss.


3 points = 1 win now (under the current system). So would need to play 3 losing matches to get the same points as 1 win for the daily and weekly missions.


If that turns out to not be a big enough incentive, then add better rewards for winning and also remove some of the scoreboard stats from public view. Ie, you can only see your own Dps, kills, healing. But keep the medals and objective points public.


If that still doesn’t work, I guess they could change the points to 4 for a win and 1 for a loss. Then you would need to play 4 losing matches to get the equivalent of 1 win. But losing wouldn’t be a total waste of your time.


I actually outlined most of it and other ideas in another few threads.





So where are Bioware coming from with a deserter lockout?


Here is my take on what they are doing or trying to achieve with the lock out timer for leaving matches.


1. Bioware want to make their match making system work (which it can’t with people leaving and back filling. But we also know it has not worked properly since they introduced it. So that’s something they need to fix)

2. Bioware are trying to keep player numbers on teams even so we don’t have teams with less players

3. Bioware are trying to stop people rage quitting when things get hard (this is supposed to make people stay and try)

4. Bioware want to stop some people from cherry picking teams

5. Bioware want to improve the quality of the pvp matches


Now, they are all lofty goals and on their own (in a vacuum). And they are reasonable reasons for having a lock out.


The problem is, the lockout doesn’t work in a vacuum and there are other changes they’ve made and others they haven’t made yet that make this lockout detrimental to their goals, to the players and to the overall pvp game.


One of the biggest changes in conjunction with the lockout is to the mission structure, so that a loss doesn’t count towards completing the mission. (This was another reason they added the lockout so that people wouldn’t rage quit as soon as it looked like they were going to lose).

The reason they made this change was to make people try and win more than just death matching. Which is also a lofty goal. But a big stick approach is too much when a smaller stick and better rewards would be more encouraging.


But there are things they haven’t done yet to make this work or considered other problems these combined changes have that make people want to leave pvp matches. They are putting road blocks in place instead of treating the problem. Which isn’t earning them any friends and it’s detrimental to queue numbers and player participation.


On top of that, these things need to be fixed for a system like this to work.


1. They haven’t added an option yet to have some choice on what maps you want to play (you need this if you are going to have a lock out timer)


2. They haven’t addressed unbalanced matchmaking or class stacking (this needs to be fixed urgently if they are going to change it so losses don’t count towards missions)


3. They haven’t taken into account premades vs pugs (especially in 4v4 is not fair and often a loss. They don’t put group ranked players against solo ranked players for this very reason). We don’t have enough players for seperate pug and premade reg queues (so that’s not an option anymore).


4. The system can’t tell if you disconnect or leave on purpose (So if you DC through no fault of your own, you get a deserter timer. Other games like WoW can tell the difference).


5. The system puts the deserter timer on you if you get vote kicked by trolls.


6. Matches often start with uneven teams.


7. When a lockout timer is applied, it essentially takes that person out of the queue for 15mins. This is a big problem during low pop times or in lowbies and Mids due to low pop numbers. Because if you only have 8 players for 4v4 and you take one out of the queue, it will keep popping 3v4 matches.


8. If a player is being abused or trolled, they may be forced to leave matches


9. Some teams don’t try to win and don’t care. So with losing not counting towards missions, you are basically wasting your time with these guys if you keep getting put on their teams each match. If you leave, you then find yourself with a lockout timer


Its my opinion if these things are not addressed or taken into consideration, then the lockout timer and changes to mission completion will ultimately have more of a negative effect on pvp participation than a positive effect on player enjoyment. This will lead to less people playing pvp and pops will slow as it snow balls into Primetime.


There are options I think Bioware can do to tweak what they’ve done and still work towards their goal of getting people to stop leaving matches and to try and win matches instead of death matching.


1. Bring back the points system for both wins and losses counting towards mission completion. But make it so a win gives you 3 points and a loss gives you 1 point. (The old system was 2 point for a win and 1 points for a loss. This was obviously too easy to achieve the mission with two losses for the daily and 10 losses for the weekly).


2. Reduce the premade size to two man (down from 4 man). It reduces the prospects of 4 man premades going up against 4 man pugs in arena. And if there are 4 players in premades, then you have 1 premade per side. (This is a compromise because we don’t have enough players to have 2 queue seperate queues).


3. Reduce the lockout timer to 10 mins during high pop times (when 8v8 is popping) and reduce it to 5 mins during low pop times (when 4v4 is popping). Because when you add a long lockout, it also affects legitimate people in the queue because they have to wait longer for pops too (this is especially problematic during low pop times).


4. Add more rewards for winning pvp matches (more than now). Losing should not get rewards besides health packs.


5. Games should not start until team numbers are even.


6. They can still start with less players, ie 3v3, but it should then lock it so it stays 3v3 with no back fills unless someone leaves. If someone declines a pop and teams aren’t even before the match is ready to start, it should add 30 secs to count down and if another player doesn’t join, it cancels the match and puts everyone back in the queue.


7. If the numbers in the queue aren’t even, then it takes the first even amount of players to make a match and one person waits till the next match. Then it rotates players through until there are an even number of players for both teams to have max players.


8. Remove the lockout from lowbies and Mids bracket because they are mostly a ghost town anyway. Which means most matches are already 4v4 and between the same 6-16 players. Adding a lockout only slows down the queue considerably or kills it completely. But if there has to be a lockout timer, it shouldn’t be longer than 5 mins.


9. Remove the vote kick feature. But make it easier to report iand police people doing the wrong thing. Ie, afking in the corner or abusing people. This could be as easy as right click report player and then a drop down list of reasons so the process is as automated as possible and players don’t have to stop and write a report during a match. It should record the reported player details and chat for the match. This would also make it easier to report cheaters too.


If Bioware decide to not make any tweaks soon, I believe the changes they’ve made will be detrimental to pvp and it will snowball fast till it starts to kill the queues in primetime (like its starting to outside of it). Their only option at that point would be to artificially prop up player numbers so the queues pop. And the way they’ve done that in the past is with server mergers. Which have improved numbers in the queue, but degraded the pvp quality because good players kept leaving. I don’t think anyone wants them to have to merge servers again when this can be averted if tweaks are made quickly enough.


Anyway, that’s my take on the lockout timer situation and some ideas for tweaks to achieve the goals they want, while also keeping pvp healthy.

I hope someone at Bioware reads this and other comments across the forums before it’s too late.




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Excellent points, all. I played 10 matches today and only won 2. If I was trying to finish the M14X quest and win 20 matches I'd have to lose 32. That is not conducive to keeping players engaged. At this point, unranked is not worth the effort and I won't be back in it until this stuff is addressed.
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Excellent points, all. I played 10 matches today and only won 2. If I was trying to finish the M14X quest and win 20 matches I'd have to lose 32. That is not conducive to keeping players engaged. At this point, unranked is not worth the effort and I won't be back in it until this stuff is addressed.


I ran into my first problems last night where some people were using the lockout timer + no rewards for a loss to semi troll us in a round about way. They weren’t breaking the TOS, but they were using the changes to grief players.

I was so mad that I wrote this in another thread.


Until they remove the lock out timers in lowbies and Mids, I won’t be queuing for them. It’s Complete bull**** that I can not leave matches and requeue when I get a premade on my team and all they want to do is farm dps the whole match and not try. It’s a complete waste of my time because I get nothing for losing and they don’t care.


Then the next match I get 2 people on my team who don’t try in 4v4. And the one after that it’s the same two plus me vs the premade who just wants to farm dps from the other game. Then I queue for.third match and it another 3v4 against the same premade.


So to sum up.

I get a void Star with a premade on my team who doesn’t try to win and stretches it out as long as possible so they can farm dps.

Then I get two 2 guys on my team who say they don’t care about winning in a 4v4 and they don’t try. Plus it’s a 3v4 match, so not fair.

The next match is another 3v4 and it’s against the premade from the first game and they just stomp us till everyone’s dead but me and then they all stealth out and play silky buggers till the acid. Then purposely lose the second round so it goes to a third round and they do the same thing with the acid. Then kill me and laugh and spit on me.


Why the f*** should I have to cop a deserter timer in lowbies under any of those conditions. It’s a complete disgrace and the whole thing has put me off every pvping in this game again. I’m so goddam mad at the moment I nearly smash my mouse.


Remove the deserter timer in regs. Especially lowbies and Mids. Then make it so you get some points for a loss. If you don’t, then you’ll find more and more people leaving and more and more trolls doing what happened to me for kicks. Which mean more people get upset like me and don’t want to play and that leads to pvp failing totally as this rubbish snowballs.


Mark my words Bioware, if you don’t tweak this system you are doing more harm to pvp than if you’d left it the way it was.




The trolls don’t care and you can’t leave without being penalised. Bioware need to remove it from lowbies and Mids at least and make loses count or no one is going to play in those brackets. It’s bad enough that people are running 4 man premades in those brackets to troll people, but it’s worse that the game puts 3v4 and you can’t leave while they get their jollies.


And 15 min lock out during a low pop is why we end up in this situation too. At the most it should be 5 mins under low pop conditions, not 15 mins because that’s why we end up with 3v4 after someone gets sick of being trolled.


This is going to be worse than people leaving. At least if they leave, you can too and stop these idiot situations. But if you are locked into staying, you just don’t want to keep playing.


Edit: cooled off and requeued hoping those guys would be gone. But they’ve done the damage now and killed the queue and it’s not popping.

See this is exactly what I was afraid of and it proves my point that this system is going to do more harm than good.


I requeued for 50 mins and didn’t get another pop before I finally gave up and logged off. I do realise it was already a low pop time, but before these changes were put in place, I could still get pops every 10 mins, even though they were only arena.

And before these guys started messing around last night, we were getting 8v8. As soon as they appeared it dropped to arena format quickly and then they completely killed the queue because people couldn’t leave games to avoid 3v4 matches that had a 4 man premade on them who was trolling us.

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Yesterday I had 4 or 5 lost games in a row.


Out of 7 games, 5 were HB :rolleyes: and I had 4 HB's in a row, so much for "balancing pops".


People didn't care about winning, they were just farming DPS, so thanks BioWare, for making PVP missions a grind.

Seems to me that they need to address farming DPS rather than making leaving warzones without penalty again. The reason I say that is because leaving warzones is rather selfish towards other players and you leave them hanging.


And I think another thing is that it's possible to group in the queue. That leads to premades and agenda's as well. Take that out of below 75 and just allow people to q solo and see what that does.


Whatever the solution, I don't think allowing people to leave without punishment is the answer to the actual problem.

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Yesterday I had 4 or 5 lost games in a row.


Out of 7 games, 5 were HB :rolleyes: and I had 4 HB's in a row, so much for "balancing pops".


People didn't care about winning, they were just farming DPS, so thanks BioWare, for making PVP missions a grind.


I was sure the queue was broken earlier. Played 7 x Orbital Station arena’s in a row. Then 1 of each of the other arenas and back to multiple Orbital Station. It’s also not like there were a heap of other matches going cause it’s low pop for arena.

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Seems to me that they need to address farming DPS rather than making leaving warzones without penalty again. The reason I say that is because leaving warzones is rather selfish towards other players and you leave them hanging.


And I think another thing is that it's possible to group in the queue. That leads to premades and agenda's as well. Take that out of below 75 and just allow people to q solo and see what that does.


Whatever the solution, I don't think allowing people to leave without punishment is the answer to the actual problem.


Yeah, that’s what they need to fix and they think what they’re doing that by not rewarding anything to losing. And so that people won’t leave if they are losing, they put in the deserter timer.

But all they are really doing is making people play less and the trolls are around messing with people.


A better solution would be to make most of the scoreboard stats hidden so only you can see them and no one else can see yours. Then only show the medals and objective points.

They can keep the scoreboard as is for arena because that’s where those numbers are most useful.

This would remove an incentive to epeen on the scoreboard.


Then add better rewards and 3 points for winning. Losing gives you med/adrenals and 1 point towards your mission

At the same time reduce the lock out timer to 10 mins during high pop times and 5 mins when the queue reverts to arena .

They can compromise on the premades by reducing the number to two per group. That allows the system to match make easier and if there are 4 people in groups, it puts 2 on each team.

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Yeah, that’s what they need to fix and they think what they’re doing that by not rewarding anything to losing. And so that people won’t leave if they are losing, they put in the deserter timer.

But all they are really doing is making people play less and the trolls are around messing with people.


A better solution would be to make most of the scoreboard stats hidden so only you can see them and no one else can see yours. Then only show the medals and objective points.

They can keep the scoreboard as is for arena because that’s where those numbers are most useful.

This would remove an incentive to epeen on the scoreboard.


Then add better rewards and 3 points for winning. Losing gives you med/adrenals and 1 point towards your mission

At the same time reduce the lock out timer to 10 mins during high pop times and 5 mins when the queue reverts to arena .

They can compromise on the premades by reducing the number to two per group. That allows the system to match make easier and if there are 4 people in groups, it puts 2 on each team.

Yeah I really think that ranked/unranked/below 75 should be looked at entirely differently. You can make specific achievements for ranked that are hard to get for example to motivate hardcore PvPers to go more to ranked and add the 8v8 back into ranked. That way they are less motivated to grief unranked. There will still be a handful but if it doesn't gain them anything and there is something interesting to gain somewhere else then I think things will improve a lot.


BioWare has this tendency to treat everything in a one-size-fits-all type of solution because that's easier for them but it's detrimental for the player experience. One size just doesn't fit all and that goes for PvP as well. Ranked players and unranked players are essentially different groups of players. Sure there is some overlap but the target audience is different. So why not set things up differently between them?

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Iam forced to play Huttball - the gametype i hate. Players are forced to play with me.

If i exit match i got 15 minutes ban. 2 huttball in row (which happens often) = 30 minutes of useless waiting.


Before changes i could quit huttball and wait for different map. Change this! :mad:

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Please return the scoring for dailes and weeklies to the old system. You have turned unranked PVP into an unpleasant grind. Bad timing for team making can cause a player to have numerous unpleasant teamings and no record of being there. At least if you lose under the old system it still counted as 1. This is absolutely ridiculous.


They actually must bring it to team ranked in order to prevent new players or unskilled players not playing team ranked because of no rewards for playing it. New/bad players can't afford much wins to complete their quests which causes team ranked to remain dead

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Seems to me that they need to address farming DPS rather than making leaving warzones without penalty again. The reason I say that is because leaving warzones is rather selfish towards other players and you leave them hanging.


And I think another thing is that it's possible to group in the queue. That leads to premades and agenda's as well. Take that out of below 75 and just allow people to q solo and see what that does.


Whatever the solution, I don't think allowing people to leave without punishment is the answer to the actual problem.


They need to give us the option on which warzones we're gonna queue. People on DM are so sick of HB/Vandin ***** thats been going on for over a year, they don't care about scoring (including me) and they can't leave it (15 min ban), so they just farm numbers.


If I had one HB popping 4 times in a row for me, imagine how was it when there were two HB's and Vandin. Few times I just quit the game and played something else.


I didn't queue for Space Ball Crap, I can tolerate few of those, but having like 3 Vandin's, following with 2 HB's, 1 Odessen just to get Vanding after it, it's just too much.


I can bet, when they bring back Vandin and 2nd HB, it's gonna be a ***** fest again. I'm really close on cancelling my sub and just give up on these hopeless Dev's who are unable to listen their own playerbase.

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I was sure the queue was broken earlier. Played 7 x Orbital Station arena’s in a row. Then 1 of each of the other arenas and back to multiple Orbital Station. It’s also not like there were a heap of other matches going cause it’s low pop for arena.


Looks to me like lowbies pops (low lvl warzones pop).


It is usually like that when there's not enough ppl in queue.

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They need to give us the option on which warzones we're gonna queue. People on DM are so sick of HB/Vandin ***** thats been going on for over a year, they don't care about scoring (including me) and they can't leave it (15 min ban), so they just farm numbers.


If I had one HB popping 4 times in a row for me, imagine how was it when there were two HB's and Vandin. Few times I just quit the game and played something else.


I didn't queue for Space Ball Crap, I can tolerate few of those, but having like 3 Vandin's, following with 2 HB's, 1 Odessen just to get Vanding after it, it's just too much.


I can bet, when they bring back Vandin and 2nd HB, it's gonna be a ***** fest again. I'm really close on cancelling my sub and just give up on these hopeless Dev's who are unable to listen their own playerbase.


Add to that the bad system that makes 3v4 matches and the doesn’t give you anything for the loss (that isn’t your fault for only getting 3 players). But to make matters worse, they put you against a 4 man premade over and over for an hour till you log out of the game in frustration. You can’t even leave those matches now.


The whole pvp game is going to go to ****. I’ve already got premades this week trolling low pop times and playing silly buggers to make you have to wait it out all 3 rounds because they know you can’t quit.

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Add to that the bad system that makes 3v4 matches and the doesn’t give you anything for the loss (that isn’t your fault for only getting 3 players). But to make matters worse, they put you against a 4 man premade over and over for an hour till you log out of the game in frustration. You can’t even leave those matches now.


The whole pvp game is going to go to ****. I’ve already got premades this week trolling low pop times and playing silly buggers to make you have to wait it out all 3 rounds because they know you can’t quit.


I agree. It sucks and BW made it worse than it was. I would like to say "let's hope they fix it" but hope and logic doesn't exist in BioWare's universe.

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I agree. It sucks and BW made it worse than it was. I would like to say "let's hope they fix it" but hope and logic doesn't exist in BioWare's universe.


The way our "community manager" has gone stealth on us again (as usual) I have to wonder, are they even aware of there being an "issue?"



rofl, I could see them all, happily sitting at the BW Representatives/MVP table after getting the Monday morning update from the community manager:



"Wow, so, PVPers are completely happy with balance? Rewards for PVP are viewed awesome now, in fact some even say maybe we gave too much?!?! haha! And the quitter debuff!? So, it's well-received, and players are loving how quitters are finally being punished for leaving games?!?!? WOOHOO!!!! We done it guys, we finally got the game going in the right direction! Well, let's see, how about conquest? Oh, smaller planets still love how they now can actually compete against the larger planets?! And, what about the changes we made to the...




Yeah, that's about how i see it going tbh.

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"Wow, so, PVPers are completely happy with balance? Rewards for PVP are viewed awesome now, in fact some even say maybe we gave too much?!?! haha! And the quitter debuff!? So, it's well-received, and players are loving how quitters are finally being punished for leaving games?!?!? WOOHOO!!!! We done it guys, we finally got the game going in the right direction! Well, let's see, how about conquest? Oh, smaller planets still love how they now can actually compete against the larger planets?! And, what about the changes we made to the...




Yeah, that's about how i see it going tbh.


That’s my worst nightmare

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I want decos and companions, so y'all are going to have to lose and lose and lose and lose.

Because I'm gonna keep grinding with my crap gear and no idea what I'm doing until I get them.

Direct any complaints to Bioware.

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I don't think that the wins or deserter changes are actually bad, but they have done nothing to fix the issues with unranked (which we all said before they even made the change)


Murderballing is not fixed.

Players leaving on a sure loss is not fixed.

Players trolling on for losses is not fixed.

Premade vs pug group disparity is not fixed.


We need to have PVP improved and advanced, not just make more punishment.


Unranked should have seperate checkboxes to choose from scenarios, Huttball, and arenas

There should be seperate queues for solo and groups

There should be strong consideration for 8v8 ranked to return (Huttball League)


We have a good population in this game, we have players who want to play PVP but the current queueing system does not adequately support the different goals of the players.

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The way our "community manager" has gone stealth on us again (as usual) I have to wonder, are they even aware of there being an "issue?"



rofl, I could see them all, happily sitting at the BW Representatives/MVP table after getting the Monday morning update from the community manager:



"Wow, so, PVPers are completely happy with balance? Rewards for PVP are viewed awesome now, in fact some even say maybe we gave too much?!?! haha! And the quitter debuff!? So, it's well-received, and players are loving how quitters are finally being punished for leaving games?!?!? WOOHOO!!!! We done it guys, we finally got the game going in the right direction! Well, let's see, how about conquest? Oh, smaller planets still love how they now can actually compete against the larger planets?! And, what about the changes we made to the...




Yeah, that's about how i see it going tbh.


I think you've summed up BW's mentality for everything they do, not just pvp. And yes, I caught the dig to Eric. Though you have to wonder how stupid the system must be if one guy is responsible for relaying all player opinions with apparently zero accountability. Actually, that reminds me a lot of public administration so on second thought, makes perfect sense.

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I think you've summed up BW's mentality for everything they do, not just pvp. And yes, I caught the dig to Eric. Though you have to wonder how stupid the system must be if one guy is responsible for relaying all player opinions with apparently zero accountability. Actually, that reminds me a lot of public administration so on second thought, makes perfect sense.

But to be honest if you can, how would you know that the majority of players are not ok with these changes. It feels a bit like because there's a handful of people complaining about it on the forums that suddenly that represents a majority.


As a general rule when you're happy with something you don't often post that on the forums and when unhappy the chance is much higher that you post here.


So as much as I question BioWare's decision making, I'm not convinced these changes are not well-received by most people.

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But to be honest if you can, how would you know that the majority of players are not ok with these changes. It feels a bit like because there's a handful of people complaining about it on the forums that suddenly that represents a majority.


As a general rule when you're happy with something you don't often post that on the forums and when unhappy the chance is much higher that you post here.


So as much as I question BioWare's decision making, I'm not convinced these changes are not well-received by most people.


I mean it's almost humorous, how badly they collect feedback, input, or whatever it is they do to make design changes to the game.


I'd not be one bit surprised if they seen the influx of new players from Steam and took that as meaning the PVP changes have been a huge success, so much so that a large influx of new players have come to the game recently to PVP.


The large influx of new players isn't because of Steam, it's because of the addition of the quitter debuff! :D

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I mean it's almost humorous, how badly they collect feedback, input, or whatever it is they do to make design changes to the game.


I'd not be one bit surprised if they seen the influx of new players from Steam and took that as meaning the PVP changes have been a huge success, so much so that a large influx of new players have come to the game recently to PVP.


The large influx of new players isn't because of Steam, it's because of the addition of the quitter debuff! :D


That’s called perception Bias. They want to believe their changes are correct, so they go looking for other metrics to try and support it.

If they really wanted to see how well this change was received, then they should have done it before the Steam release.


And if they really want to test how well it’s working against metrics, all they have to do is start looking at how many more 4v4 matches are popping close to the prime time bracket and is that time bracket shrinking for 8v8 matches.


They should look at the furthest times outside of prime time and see how long the pops are getting, how many matches have 3v4 at the start and how many people aren’t participating vs how many there were before they made these changes.


From my perspective, it feels like pops are longer at the times I play and more matches are 3v4 than before. It would seem to me that less players are queuing and those that are, stop faster when they run into 3v4 pops, especially against the same premade.

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